Chapter 303
It is true that there is no one in this world who can compare with Weaver Girl in weaving and scissors. Unfortunately, the current Weaver Girl has already descended to earth and married a man named Cowherd in the world.At this time, it is really not a simple matter to invite Zhinu.After all, Tianting still doesn't know what role to play in it.

If it is developed according to the process, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are destined to be separated, separated by a Milky Way.Only see you once a year.It's a pity that it's hard for lovers to get married.This Ye Guxin has already counted.When he read the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl when he was a child, he couldn't help sighing that if he had the opportunity, he must help them.

Thinking about the rules of heaven formulated by the Queen Mother is really problematic, the love between men and women is a natural law.Don't talk about the things between immortals without lust, even saints can't completely cut it off.Let alone a fairy.This day's rule is the biggest failure. Originally, immortals cannot fall in love with mortals, which is also understandable, after all, immortals and mortals are separated.But it is very unreasonable for a fairy not to fall in love with a fairy.It's a pity that although it is unreasonable, it is also a matter of heaven.Ye Guxin still can't take care of it.

This time the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl need to help a group, otherwise even if the Weaver Girl is invited, it is really a question of whether the Weaver Girl can sincerely make a dress. What he wants is the most beautiful dress in the world, not just one Pieces defective.So this time I went to invite them to settle the matter of the two of them by the way.

"Weaver girl?" Tian Nan and the others couldn't help but suddenly realized when they heard it. They had also heard about the reputation of Weaver Girl. The best clothes in the world were made by Weaver Girl. It takes a lot of time.Hastily said: "Master, I heard that the Weaver Girl has descended to the world and came to the world. She seems to have fallen in love with someone. If I want to find someone, I'm afraid it will take a while. And there may be more people in the heaven. Intervene."

Ye Guxin looked at the sky indifferently and said: "You take my warrant to invite Zhinu, the Queen Mother should still give me some face, by the way, this time I will take two Miejie Pills. Give one of them to Yu It can be regarded as helping him, but I didn't expect that the Jade Emperor is really amazing. He hides it so deeply. It's ridiculous, I really thought he was a stupid person before."
With a wave of his hand, a jade bottle appeared in front of him, and inside it were two pills of extermination.Although the Miejie Pill is precious, Ye Guxin doesn't value it very much, isn't it just a pill, if it's gone, then just collect some Tianjie Pill, anyway, there are quite a few people going through the Tribulation now.Those who survived the calamity in Luzhou in the north, after the tribulation, the calamity cloud will be absorbed into it by the Tianjing Longding in an instant, and stored. If they want to make alchemy in the future, they don't need to go to Jieyun.

This is also a matter of one life and one life, so this Mie Jie Pill is very precious in the eyes of others, but in Ye Guxin's eyes, it is the same as Lao Tzu's Nine Turns Golden Pill.There is no color of cherishing it, of course it is Miejie Pill, if it is Nitian Pill, Ye Guxin will not take it out easily.There is only one Heaven-Defying Pill in this world.

It's not that it can't be refined anymore, although the scourge of heaven can't cause any harm to him, but for a pill like Nitian Pill, it is already a great fortune to leave one, and Ye Guxin still understands the truth of Ning Que Wu Lan.Besides, God's Scourge is not something to mess with. Last time, he felt the breath of life from above.When he didn't know what the Scourge was, he didn't want to provoke it anymore.

Tian Nan and the others don't care about anything now, they are master's apprentices, so there is no benefit for them, they ran outside one by one, and started to make invitations and so on.And Tian Nan and Sun Wukong went to the Heavenly Court to send invitations and invite Weaver Girl.This is also the most important.

All of a sudden, this matter spread in Beidou Luzhou, and in an instant, Beidao Luzhou seemed to be at the time of the Chinese New Year, and everyone's faces were filled with joyful expressions.What else can compare to the fact that one's own god wants to get married.So not only countless people went to the Emperor's Temple to pray for blessings.The wish was fulfilled, and there was a wave of marriage upsurge.After all, getting married together when Ye Guxin got married, the commemorative significance is really too great.But they also respectfully started getting married before Ye Guxin got married.Otherwise, wouldn't that be disrespectful to Ye Guxin?

Everyone was going crazy, but Ye Guxin took a slight look at Houtu and said, "They all have something to do, should we go for a walk? Think about how many years we haven't taken a walk together." Sighed The tone, that is, when I was at the end of the sky, I went for a walk with that leisurely mind.

Houtu nodded and said: "Guxin, I used to live in Beiluzhou, but I was accidentally smashed by Nuwa sister with the black turtle that was hundreds of millions of years old, and sank to the bottom of the ground, but now I I can still feel the breath of that place, I want to go there and see it again. I think Xiao Zi and Xiao Yun must really want to see the former residence again."

The blow of the ten-thousand-year-old tortoise was indeed extremely heavy. The cultivation of the tortoise was not very high, but the tortoise shell on its body was the hardest thing in the world.The defensive power is really terrifying.The current Xuanwu among the four spirit beasts is nothing more than the great-great-grandson of the Xuangui.The strength is not known how much lower than Xuangui's.The defense is even more incomparable.

It's just that the tortoise's shell of the mysterious tortoise went to nowhere.I don't know if it was taken away by Nuwa or someone else, otherwise it would be amazing to refine a piece of clothing.

Ye Guxin smiled and said: "Houtu, why didn't I see the shell of the ten thousand year black tortoise when I came to Beiwei Luzhou before, if the shell is used to refine magic weapons, it must be very amazing, what a pity." When Houtu heard this, he smiled submissively and said, "No way, the tortoise shell was actually in my former residence. Although my former residence was smashed into the ground, I put away the tortoise shell. It happens to be used to protect my former residence, so that even if it takes another 1 years, nothing will happen to my former residence. If you want to be lonely, you can take it after you move out the former residence. It's of no use anyway."

Ye Guxin nodded, suddenly heard that she was talking about giving something, and thought of something, that is, an item that was selected for Houtu at the end of the sky, and it was originally intended to be given to her, but what happened later, it never happened. If it can be sent out, it is the blood jade dragon and phoenix match.The blood jade dragon and phoenix match is also a magical spiritual treasure.Back then when he was dueling with Henli, the blood jade dragon and phoenix partner was the last one to block him.

This blood jade dragon and phoenix match is also extremely miraculous, one piece of jade match can be divided into two pieces, one dragon and one phoenix, and what is even more amazing is that the phoenix match can be divided again.It corresponds to the saying that one dragon and nine phoenixes.After this jade accessory is worn, the two people who wear it can feel it no matter where they are.And it can defend.Although it is nothing compared to Lingbao, it is the best gift now.I've always wanted to give it away but never did.This time Ye Guxin has decided to personally put it on for Houtu at the wedding.This has always been his wish.

"Okay, let's go to your former residence to have a look. I really haven't seen your home before. Hehe" After speaking, he gently took Houtu's hand and walked away casually. When he reappeared, he was already in The north is afraid of Luzhou.It's just that even if they appear, they are still invisible, otherwise the believer would be enough to keep him from leaving.As he walked, he looked at the happy smiles on the faces of the mortals below.Houtu couldn't help but smiled and said: "Guxin, the people who can live in Luzhou in the north are really happy. The people I saw in the places where I used to be, except for the better ones in Datang, the rest of the places are very happy. It’s miserable. In the eyes of those people, this North Fear Luzhou already exists like a fairyland, and it has always been a piece of pure land in their hearts.”

Ye Guxin also smiled and said nothing when he heard it, Houtu's words were not exaggerated, if it hadn't been expressly forbidden in the mortal world to enter Beidao Luzhou, then the number of people here would increase.After all, the life here now is something that no one else can think of in a lifetime. There is no oppression or exploitation here.Even so, Ye Guxin also knows that ease makes people fall.This is the same truth, so he founded the martial arts competition.Use competition to stimulate people's blood.So that people will not be addicted.

"Actually, this kind of life is what I want too. Having a family and someone who loves me is enough. Unfortunately, the current me is not so easy to stay. Now the catastrophe is about to start , If I don’t move, maybe the sect will suffer, and the arrival of Ragnarok, all things make it difficult for me to escape. Only after these things pass, can we have a peaceful life.” Ye Guxin doesn't want to ignore the world, but the trend of the situation, until the real end, even a saint can't escape.

It's like Hong Jun, if he hadn't joined the Tao in the end, abandoned all emotions, and reached the final destination, he would not have achieved what he is today, and he would not have the independence he is now.This is the way of heaven.The current Hongjun has also reached the point where it is difficult for Sanqing and the others to match.

But Ye Guxin knows that sooner or later, he will reach his destination, and at that time, he will represent the way against the heavens, and I will say it in my heart.And there is Shinto.Now Ye Guxin has discovered that Shinto is not that simple, and the cultivation of Shinto is only the power of faith.But it is a pity that although he is a saint now, it is difficult for him to see clearly what this divine way represents until the end.It's just that it's not easy.After all, he can be regarded as the only person in the world who can cultivate the divine way to the present state.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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