Chapter 304
He didn't think about anything, he walked with Houtu for a while, looked at the local conditions and customs of Luzhou in the north, and kept talking.Let Houtu let out bursts of charming laughter from time to time.Ye Guxin never thought of himself as a humorous person, but today he didn't know why, some of the jokes he had seen before were just casual.It was the first time he discovered that he could also be humorous, joking, and so relaxed.

This is a feeling he has never had for thousands of years. He smiled, looked at Houtu and said, "I am really happy today. I have never been so happy. Really. Since I was born, I have been I have never been looked down upon by others, and cold-eyed curses are my experience growing up. I have no friends, no brothers. My heart has always been very lonely." Although these words are very soft, they express the voice of the heart for many years, and they are also He would only speak in front of Houtu.

After hearing this, Houtu just looked at Ye Guxin tenderly, and said: "Guxin, with me here, from now on, you will not be alone. No matter where you are, you must remember that you are not alone, you still have Me, I will accompany you forever, until the end of life. I will share your happiness, and we will bear your pain together. I will always support you by your side." After speaking, she gently held Ye Guxin's hand.

Ye Guxin nodded and said: "Well, I always wanted to have a family before, and now my wish is finally coming true. In this family, there are you, me, Ling'er, and Tian Nan and the others. With you, I He is already the happiest person in the world." In these years, he has already possessed everything that others can't imagine, not only has the most lofty status in the world today, but also has a supreme cultivation base.Don't talk about picking the stars or the moon, even if it's changing the world, it's just a matter of raising one's hand.

Ye Guxin put his arms around Hou Tuqian's slender waist, and came to a mountain top. The mountain was also very strange. Turtles have the same head. Don't know if it was a turtle."

Ye Guxin was just talking casually at first, but Houtu looked at him in surprise and said, "Guxin, how do you know it was transformed by a tortoise? I don't seem to have told you about it." The words showed that it was indeed It was transformed by a tortoise, and that tortoise was the legendary Mysterious Ten Thousand Years Turtle.Back then, Empress Nuwa just chopped off the four legs of Xuangui and used it as a pillar to support the sky, but its head did not move.After being thrown into the North Fear of Luzhou, it turned into the current mountain.

Ye Guxin couldn't help being amused, but still said: "Hehe, I just said something casually just now, it's just a coincidence, could it be that it was transformed by the ten-thousand-year-old tortoise from before. The aura is also considered to be very sufficient." The aura here is indeed very abundant, and the aura seems to be liquid.It's just that it shouldn't be possible for such a place to be empty.

Although Ye Guxin belonged to North Afraid of Luzhou, Ye Guxin didn't take care of the affairs here. After all, he also had his own affairs, so he couldn't take care of so much. He just left it to Tian Nan and the others to take care of them.

Suddenly, a person flew out from the Guishan Mountain. The person was wearing a black Taoist robe, with a white cloud under his feet. He looked like a middle-aged person, and he also had an air of elegance on his body.That person quickly came to the front of Ye Guxin and Houtu and said: "Who is coming in front? I don't know what is the important thing to come to my Xuangui Mountain."His cultivation base is actually not weak.Later, I found such a place in Beibei Luzhou.Also settled down.I have been practicing here.The aura here is abundant and incomparably faster to practice.

When he was cultivating today, he had a sudden whim, so he came out to take a look. Unexpectedly, he saw a man and a woman standing in the air. The man was dressed in black.There is naturally an aura on him.And I can't feel any aura from him, and I don't know which one the person in front of me has cultivated. It's not that he didn't think that the person in front of him was an ordinary person, but you have seen an ordinary person standing in the void out of thin air .

Moreover, the woman herself couldn't feel any aura, which only showed that the person in front of her was too taller than him.So high that he couldn't perceive them at all.

Ye Guxin looked at Master Xuantian indifferently, and Master Xuantian only felt that with just this one glance, he seemed to be completely seen through by the person in front of him, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit of guard in his heart, knowing that if the two people in front of him wanted to rob him The words of his own cave.Then I really didn't have the ability to resist at all.

"It's nothing, just looking around, looking for something along the way." The tone was very flat.But there is an irresistible power in it.This is the aura that can only be produced by staying in the top position for a long time, it is the power of the strong.

Master Xuantian can be regarded as a true Taoist cultivator, so he didn't do much. Although he felt that the aura was extraordinary, he just thought he was a senior living in seclusion. He didn't think much of it, but said respectfully: "I don't know if the two seniors want to What are you looking for, if you go to the junior's place if it is useful, the junior will definitely not refuse." He was also thinking in his heart that what the two people in front of him were looking for would definitely not be an ordinary thing, if he followed the past, maybe he could get something benefit.

Ye Guxin glanced at him indifferently, shook his head and said, "Our affairs don't need others to intervene. If there is something that we can't solve, you won't have any solution." I don't know, but it's human nature, it's not a big deal.Ye Guxin would not have any contempt.Just flatly refused.After all, if he can't solve the matter, it is impossible for others to solve it.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Houtu again, and said, "Then this should be your former residence. Otherwise, this black turtle wouldn't have an incarnation here." This truth is known by people .Houtu also nodded and said: "Indeed, my former residence was suppressed by this turtle in the past. It is also because of the shell of the ten-thousand-year-old tortoise that it can gather such a strong aura. There probably aren't many places like this in the state yet."

Ten Thousand Years Mysterious Turtle?Turtle shell?Could it be that they were talking about Xuangui Mountain?Is there something down here?After hearing the conversation between Ye Guxin and Houtu, Master Xuantian immediately turned his head.Knowing that there must be something under Xuangui Mountain.It's a pity that when he came here, he found that Xuangui Mountain couldn't go down at all when it reached a certain time.It seemed to be blocked by something.Could it be that what blocked him was the legendary turtle shell.

That Master Xuantian turned his head again, and when he wanted to look at the two people in front of him, he found that there were still two people, and he couldn't help but said in frustration: "These two seniors are really unpredictable, and it is really a blessing not to be able to get to know each other." Divide." After speaking, he sighed and returned to his cave.Don't think about the matter of Ye Guxin and the two, after all, there are many high-level people in this world, and it is only right to practice by yourself.

At this time, Ye Guxinzhen and Houtu came to the bottom of Xuangui Mountain, and saw a hazy color below, and it was the top of Xuangui's ten-thousand-year-old tortoise shell.Ye Guxin stomped his foot casually, and only felt that the force he sent out did not cause any damage to the turtle shell below, and only then did he truly understand that this turtle shell is really amazing.Although he just released it casually just now, the strength is definitely not small.If it is ordinary, a mountain will turn into a recovery.But the turtle shell under his feet didn't move.It can be seen that its defense power is indeed very amazing.

Ye Guxin has already made up his mind, and after a while, he will refine this turtle shell into two pieces of clothing, one for himself and one for Houtu.Thinking in his heart, he said in his mouth: "This tortoise shell is really hard, it is indeed the shell of a black tortoise. Thinking about it, it seems that there are no more black tortoises in this world, and Xuanwu just got a trace of blood from the black tortoise. "

Houtu smiled and said: "This black tortoise is the only one since the creation of heaven and earth. The current Xuanwu is just some flesh and blood of the black tortoise that I ate back then, which transformed the blood in the body, and there is a black tortoise." It also enhances its defense a lot, but no matter how strong it is, it cannot compare to the real ten thousand-year black turtle shell. The black tortoise shell is not even one percent of that of the black turtle."

When Ye Guxin heard it, he also smiled and said: "Okay, let's go in too, let me see what it's like inside, but this is up to you, otherwise I'm afraid that I will accidentally leave this turtle shell It’s broken, although the defensive power of this tortoise shell is strong, but to me, it’s just relatively hard.”

Hou Tu rolled Ye Guxin's eyes, and said: "Okay, I'll break it open now. In fact, there used to be poisonous gas everywhere. Back then, my cultivation base was not enough, so I had to leave. I didn't expect you to absorb all the poisonous gas. .” After speaking, he suddenly made a gesture, and a hole appeared in front of him for a while.No matter how you look at the hole, it looks like the place where the **** sticks out.But he didn't say anything, and walked in with Houtu.

When I went in, I found that there was a space inside, as if it was another world, not only there were exotic flowers and plants everywhere, but also a strange scene.What's weird is that there aren't any creatures in it, but it's because the disaster of that year didn't stay.It can be regarded as a fly in the ointment.

As Hou Tu strolled among the flowers, he saw a palace appearing in front of him in a short while. The palace was not big, much smaller than Ye Guxin's Dihuang Palace.Moreover, there is not a trace of luxury on the palace, but there are bursts of simplicity and elegance.Hou Tu couldn't help but sighed when he saw it: "I don't even remember how many years I haven't been here. I don't know if there are any changes in it, and I don't know if the things I left in it before are still there."

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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