Chapter 343 Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens
Sun Wukong finally collided with Michael at the level of Seraphim, and Sun Wukong's stick is Yipi.The powerful force directly shattered the surrounding space. When Michael saw it, he couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart: Is it necessary? How come there are so many masters in the east? Judging by this great power, I'm afraid the strength is not inferior to his own .Coupled with the magic weapon in his hands, this time I am afraid it will not be an easy battle.

Even if it is difficult to fight, there is no way to do it. A huge sword in his hand emits a strong holy light, and the holy power will not condense on the sword body.This sword is also extraordinary, it is a piece of unnamed god iron he obtained in the last Ragnarok, it is extremely hard, and finally with the help of tens of millions of angels, he finally made the current huge sword, The name of this sword is Holy Flame Sword.Because of the smelting of the holy power of countless angels inside, every inch of the sword body contains incomparable holy power, which is what the East calls the power of faith.The power of this Holy Flame Sword is also ranked among the top three in heaven, and Michael later polished it for an unknown amount of time.Has become one with him.

At some point, a layer of white flame appeared on the holy flame sword in Michael's hand. The flame completely enveloped the whole sword, but it did not cause any harm to the sword and Michael. This is the holy flame sword. The unique ability - holy flame.Without thinking about it, Mijiale swung the holy flame sword in his hand, and blocked the golden cudgel above his head.

With a loud sound of "Dang", Michael is worthy of being a seraphim, his strength has reached a very high level, and in this moment, he blocked the golden cudgel three inches above his head, but even That's it, but the surrounding space was shattered inch by inch, and the berserk energy swept across the surrounding area of ​​a hundred miles in an instant.If the people in this range are not prepared, they will all be crushed by its terrifying power, and even the dross will not exist.

This is the horror of war. If you don't pay attention, you will be in danger of personal injury. However, there are still some masters who felt the terrifying power at the last moment and hid in time. Most of them are Easterners, with Eastern strength. It is indeed much stronger than the West.

But at this time, Sun Wukong and Michael could no longer care about the affairs outside of them. Sun Wukong gently put back the golden cudgel, looked at the bird man with nine pairs of wings on the opposite side, and said: "The bird on the other side Man, what's your name, you can survive under my golden cudgel, it seems that you are also a character, you can fight with me." Sun Wukong didn't care about anything, and directly called the opposite person Birdman.

When Michael heard this, his nose was almost crooked in anger. He didn't expect that the person opposite him was so powerful, but his self-cultivation was indeed so unbearable.In heaven they angels have always been representatives of holiness, symbols of light.The embodiment of justice.Where would anyone dare to call them birdmen? Not only did they exist now, but his strength was not inferior to his own.Although angry in my heart, I still said: "Hmph, is this the etiquette of the East? We are angels, not birdmen. In the name of an angel, I, Michael, please take back what you just said. Otherwise, we can only Immortal."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong couldn't help being amused, and laughed even more: "Angel?? Haha, my grandson doesn't care if you are an angel or not. Master once said that all angels are birdmen. You Although the bird man has a little more wings, my old grandson has never been afraid of you. If you don’t take off your bird man’s wings today, my old grandson will not be named Sun. The bird man will take a stick from Grandpa Nian.” Said Don't talk about it, it's already been beaten with a stick.

When Michael heard Sun Wukong's words, his lungs almost exploded, and he shouted angrily: "You damn monkey, today I will let your body be incinerated by the holy flame, and then I will burn you Make soy milk with your monkey brain to atone for your sins. Let me, Michael, judge you today."

After speaking, the nine pairs of wings behind him flapped violently, and their speed increased instantly, and they fought with Monkey King, but this time they met their opponents and met their talents.Loud noises came from the battle between the two, bursts of berserk energy erupted from time to time, some were sacred, some were from Monkey King, and in addition, the destructive aura of constantly shattering space made the surrounding people People began to consciously avoid the battlefield between the two.If you go inside, you are looking for death, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.So for a while, the battle location between the two also became a mysterious vacuum.

In fact, there are still many vacuum zones like this on the battlefield, and these are all contested by people of the same level.These are the best of the best.Of course, the battle between them is not so easy to determine the outcome. Besides, there is no distinction between victory and defeat here, there is only a distinction between life and death. The winner lives and the loser dies. This is the law of heaven and earth.the laws of nature.No one can defy.

The winner is the prince, the loser is the bandit.There is no affection, no favor, no kindness on the battlefield. The battlefield is a battlefield, and it will never be a contest field. There is only life and death here, and there is no victory or defeat.

The fighting here is non-stop, but a huge battle broke out in the sea area. It was the most direct contact between the Eastern Dragon Clan and the Western Sea Area. When the barrier between heaven and earth opened, here, like other places, an extremely intense battle broke out. In this sea area, there are countless bloods in every inch of sea water. There are Eastern Sea Clans and Western Sea Clans, but most of them are Western Sea Clans.

The four dragon palaces joined hands at the same time, coupled with the rapid improvement of their own strength over the years, the strength of the Dongfang Sea Clan has never been stronger.Four golden dragons criss-crossed the entire battlefield non-stop, and the sound of dragon chants proclaimed the future of the dragon clan.Even so, it is a pity that the strength of the Western Sea Region this time is indeed unimaginably strong, with many masters. Although the four dragon kings are fighting fires everywhere, it is a pity that the balance of victory is still slowly tilting towards the West.

Ao Shun casually tore a young Western general in half, looked around the battlefield with a little worry, and had to admit that although the Eastern Dragon Clan had developed tremendously, it was a pity that God gave them too little time Now, it is too late to develop your own power.The strength of the Sea Clan is basically the same as that of the West, and it is also much inferior to the West in terms of numbers. It is already very remarkable to be able to support it until now.

Ao Shun is now the golden body of the dragon.The total length is a few thousand meters, and a random swing of the dragon tail behind him can cause Xixi a lot of damage. Unfortunately, the strength of his whole body is almost exhausted, but the surrounding enemies have not decreased in the slightest.Is it true that the Dragon Clan will never regain its glory? No, I will never allow it. Our Dragon Clan has been silent for too long. If we continue to be silent, maybe the world will soon forget us.

A strong sense of unyielding, a strong desire to rise.The Nine Transformations of the Dragon, which he had not made much progress in, suddenly changed, and in this battlefield, golden light burst out from Ao Shun's body.The incomparably tyrannical Longwei erupted from him. This incomparably powerful Longwei was the aura of a strong man that the Dragon Clan had never exuded for tens of millions of years. This aura instantly swept across the entire sea area.

Ao Guang, who was on the battlefield, felt his heart tremble, and couldn't help but uttered a sky-shattering dragon chant, but the dragon chant was full of joy. From this breath, they could already feel that a peerless Dragon Clan had also appeared. The strong, the Dragon Clan is finally qualified to stand in the arena of this world.From that aura, Ao Guang was almost certain that his third younger brother had finally made a breakthrough, and perhaps the important task of restoring the majesty of the Dragon Clan would fall in the hands of his third younger brother.

And after Ao Guang, there were several dragon chant sounds one after another, and the sound of dragon chant was endless on the battlefield for a while.The golden light on Ao Shun's body lasted for a cup of tea. During this time, because the Dongfang Haizu consciously guarded him, no one in the West could disturb his breakthrough. At this time, the golden light on Ao Shun's body It finally reached a climax, the whole body was covered by this golden light, and no one outside could see clearly what was going on inside.

But then, amidst the roar of the Nine Heavens Dragon that shook the entire battlefield, a huge golden dragon suddenly flew up to the Nine Heavens Clouds from the golden light. The golden dragon body was faintly visible in the clouds, but if you look carefully, You can find that there are seven golden dragon claws appearing under his body, and the incomparably tyrannical dragon prestige covers the whole world at this moment.

This is Ao Shun, he has just finally broken through his own boundaries at the last moment and made a big breakthrough.It has truly become a dragon that can soar to the nine heavens.Ao Shun suppressed the joy in his heart, and with a thought, he pulled out countless afterimages in the air, and rushed into the battlefield. This time, the powerful destructive power of the seven-clawed golden dragon finally appeared. It's all bloody.Everywhere on his body is a sharp weapon for killing.

After the Dongfang Sea Clan saw how brave their Dragon King was, each one of them also erupted with unprecedented power. The lost advantage was slowly regained, and the battlefield was full of shouts.

At this time, on a corner of the battlefield, a huge team was hiding inside. This was the water army of the Heavenly Court. Tianpeng originally rushed here to fight the western water tribe, but unexpectedly, the dragon tribe, which had always been weak before, , This time he even participated in the battle, and it was so unexpected.Tianpeng smiled lightly and said: "Okay, I didn't expect the dragon clan to have such a spirit. Okay, brothers, it's time for us to help our heroes. Do you think so?"

After speaking, he waved the nine-tooth rake in his hand, and looked at the tens of thousands of sailors behind him, and those sailors had already been excited by the battlefield in front of them, and at the same time they shouted in unison: "Kill, kill, kill!"

"Okay..." Tianpeng didn't say anything superfluous, and with a wave of the rake, he created a waterway and led the water army behind him into the battlefield.

"Dragon King of the Four Seas, I, Tianpeng, are here. Today, we will kill all the Western Sea Clans. After I go back, I will come to drink with you." Tianpeng's voice directly penetrated the battlefield and reached the ears of the Dragon King of the Four Seas. The Dragon King of the Four Seas couldn't help but be overjoyed. With Tianpeng's participation, it goes without saying that this time the battle is over. After Ao Guang uttered a dragon chant, he said: "Thank you, Marshal Tianpeng, Ao Guang. After the battle, we must Have a drink, and you won’t go home until you’re drunk.”

"Old Dragon King, don't worry, I haven't finished mixing the jasper wine in your Dragon Palace, so how could I not go, but let's settle here first, and the rest of the battlefield is not very optimistic. We will settle here and go to other places." Going to help on the battlefield, this kind of battle is rarely encountered in a lifetime. If you don’t hurry up, you can’t do it.” Since Tianpeng took charge of the navy, although he has fought many times, it is the first time that he has fought like this today. How can you not be excited.As he spoke, the rake in his hand flew up and down, shining brightly.The sky is dim and the earth is dark, and the sun and the moon are dark.

After Tianpeng's arrival, the western sea area was completely captured by the east, but the battle scene was extremely fierce, directly dyed the sea water below red, and it still didn't disperse for a long time. It can be seen that the battle was fierce. The clan also suffered heavy casualties this time, but none of them regretted it at all. As for the blood of the brothers, the only way to repay it was with the blood of Westerners.This is blood debt blood taste.

It has achieved a lot of victory in the sea area, but it has become inseparable from the rest of the battlefield. Everyone has nothing to say to the front, as long as they are not their own people. There is only one word, Kill, kill kill.If you don't kill people, others will kill you.It's not you who die, it's me who dies.The war has lasted for more than a year now, but there is no sign of subsiding.

But at this time, it is not so peaceful on the battlefield of gods and demons. The east and west sides, four people each, caught and killed each other. Ye Guxin's opponent is the God of Creation, and Tongtian is the God of Destruction. They are fighting in the Great Formation of Immortal Execution under Tongtian. As for the result, no one knows now. The opponent of the Ghost Emperor is the Void God, while Chi You is facing the Dark God. When they fight, although it seems that there is no outsider. The battlefield is fierce.

But with every gesture, the power contained in it is enough to destroy the earth fairy world countless times, and this is also on this mysterious battlefield of gods and demons. Otherwise, the battle between them does not know how many things will be destroyed.The Guxin jade bamboo flute in Ye Guxin's hand tapped lightly on the scepter in the hand of the Founding God, and strange halos swept the space around the two of them, but the strange thing is that those energies , It didn't damage the surrounding things at all, the battlefield of gods and demons is worthy of being the battlefield of gods and demons.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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