Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 344 Gods and Demons Battlefield

Chapter 344 Gods and Demons Battlefield
The battlefield of Gods and Demons is a battlefield that only saints can perceive, and only saints can enter here, otherwise, even if you know that there is a battlefield of Gods and Demons, you will never want to enter it. This is the gap in strength.

Ye Guxin and the old man of the founding god also fought for a long time, but the old man is indeed amazing, he is worthy of being a figure of great success in the divine way, his whole body is enveloped by a strong sacred aura, without the slightest aura of fireworks, but in the end The surrounding perceptions are extremely powerful, no matter how tricky and weird Ye Guxin's jade flute is, and how powerful the power contained in it is, he will take it to the point, and, relying on the source of faith on the scepter, his divine way There is simply no end to it.Awesome.

But the more this happened, the more intense the fighting spirit in Ye Guxin's eyes became.At Ye Guxin's height, it is really difficult to find an opponent, but now there is one in front of him, moreover, he is a hostile character who can use his whole body cultivation at will, so he doesn't care about anything at all.No scruples.

What kind of Ye Guxin has no scruples? It can only be described as a horror. After Ye Guxin hit the founding god, he finally exuded a lonely aura that he had deliberately suppressed. The arrogance that came out showed on him, and since he had Houtu and Baisu, his loneliness has also been subdued.

But some people's character and breath will never change, this is a person's nature, and Ye Guxin is like this, if one day, he changes, then he will no longer be him.Who is Ye Guxin, how can he change.This is the nature of human beings, which cannot be changed.

"Okay, very good, today I also want to experience the power of your great achievement of the divine way, I hope you can make a move with all your strength, I will not hold back, because you are always a Westerner, and you have what I need in your hand. So no matter what happens today, the two of us, only one of us can leave, even if you have reached the peak of the divine way, I still want to say, although I don’t know if the saint has been destroyed, but today, I want to give it a try.” Ye Guxin He stared coldly at the still sacred creation in front of him.said proudly.Indeed, the founder has what he needs, and he naturally cannot let it go.

It used to be said that saints are invincible and indestructible, but now Ye Guxin wants to break this myth. There is no eternal invincibility in this world, and some are only relative. Ever since practicing the Lonely Divine Comedy, Ye Guxin's realm has reached An unimaginable realm, not only has a breakthrough in the Earth Emperor Art, but also his own cultivation has reached a peak, as long as he practices for a period of time, even reaching Hongjun's level is not difficult.

But now there is no time for him, but Ye Guxin believes that his Lonely Divine Comedy definitely has the power to kill the saint. Of course, he does not plan to use the Lonely Divine Comedy right now. How can he miss it when he finally meets an opponent.Besides, he is also very confident in his sword practice.

Founder was a little surprised, and he didn't know what Ye Guxin wanted in his hands. He also knew something about the person in front of him. After all, people at their level, although the barrier of heaven and earth can stop them, they will still feel it. .With a faint smile, he said: "Your Majesty, the founder really doesn't know what is worthy of your attention, but if you want to experience the power of the divine way, then the founder will not be stingy. I hope your majesty can enjoy it and return it."

The founder has the source of faith in his hands, and it complements his own Shinto, which can be described as a perfect harmony.One's own strength is also amplified without limit, so just now when he fought Ye Guxin, although the time was not short, he was still able to handle it with ease.I feel that although Ye Guxin's strength is strong, if he wants to beat himself, it is still only five or five.

After Ye Guxin finished speaking, she didn't say anything more, and the Guxin jade bamboo flute in her hand drew a strange trajectory and tapped it towards the center of Zenith's eyebrows.If this point is right, the founder will be seriously injured even if he is not dead.How could the founder not know, so when Ye Gu's heart was moving, the scepter in his hand greeted Ye Guxin without the slightest hesitation.

Although the battle between the two did not have the usual gunpowder smoke, the degree of danger was far more dangerous than those ordinary competitions. , It is bound to roll up a huge wave of terror around him.If someone else stood here, they would have been smashed to pieces by the terrifying power within.

Ye Guxin's jade flute uses sword moves, and the sword intent contained in each move has reached a terrifying state. I am afraid that there is no one in this world who can practice swords to such a terrifying state. Even if Ye Guxin touches it, he can clearly feel the sword intent transmitted from the opponent's body. The sword intent is like a needle piercing, running rampant in the body. If it is cleared away, I am afraid it will not be easy, but even so, the founder is still full of wariness towards Ye Guxin.

He has never seen anyone who can practice swords to such a level. Ye Guxin doesn't know what the founder thinks, and he doesn't want to know. What he knows now is that the founder must die, he must die.So the jade flute in his hand never stopped for a moment, just like the Milky Way is endless.

But the founding is not a vegetarian, the scepter in his hand swung left and right to block, although it couldn't do anything to Ye Guxin, but it still didn't let Ye Guxin go overboard. "Okay" Ye Guxin snorted coldly, a dark light flashed on the black jade flute, and once again pointed towards the position between the eyebrows of the founder, a sharp whistling sound came from the jade flute.

As soon as the sound came out, it naturally had a soul-stirring power. This sound was made by this lonely jade bamboo flute. Even a saint could not avoid the power contained in it, and the sound was even more powerful. Mystery, when the founder didn't pay attention, he was shocked by this voice, and his heart trembled. He wanted to block Ye Guxin's hand, but he also trembled inadvertently. The gap between the masters was only a line.

With this trembling, how could Ye Guxin not know, he had waited for so long, and there was only one opportunity, how could he be willing to miss it.The jade flute in his hand accelerated again in an instant, and appeared in the center of Zenith's eyebrows in a billionth of a second. As long as Ye Guxin exerted a little force and moved forward a little bit, he could severely injure Zenith. I don't know how many years of people, how rich their own experience is.Although he was distracted by the sound of the flute.

But he still woke up in the blink of an eye. Although the situation of failure could not be avoided, it is still possible to avoid it a little bit, so the founder's head shook in an instant, and an extremely terrifying power of faith fell from the sky. , slammed on the jade flute.

The power of that directly caused the direction of the jade flute to deviate a bit, coupled with the resistance of the founder, finally, although the jade flute still landed on the body of the founder, but the place where it landed was his shoulder, and the shoulder was being beaten After the jade flute touched it, it disappeared without a sound.As if it didn't exist in the first place.

The founder doesn't care about these at all. All he can do now is one word, retreat, the mission's retreat, and when he retreats, he keeps imposing various restrictions around him.It was just to stop Ye Guxin, and what the founder did was not in vain, the jade flute was finally taken back by Ye Guxin.

There was no carelessness on the founder's face, and the scepter in his hand suddenly emitted a white halo, in which an extremely huge power of faith was condensed, and it was transferred to the arm that had just disappeared in an instant, and then the already disappeared arm The arm that disappeared reappeared on the founder's body in the blink of an eye.Founder stood quietly at a place nearly a thousand meters away from Ye Guxin, his face was already so holy, and he said with a smile: "Emperor, you can't really hurt me, I have the principle of faith in my hand, as long as the principle of faith The original is still there, then no one in this world can kill me, even you. Faith is immortal, and I am eternal."

Ye Guxin looked at Chuangshi coldly, but in his heart he wanted to get the original belief even more, so he had to die.He said lightly: "Very well, as I said, you must die today, even if you don't die, even if you can be reborn with the power of faith, but even if you are reborn, you can only be reborn in the west, I Ye Guxin said You have never broken your promise, so you have to die. Since I practiced the Lonely Divine Comedy, you are the first to learn it, and you are already ready to die."

Ye Guxin is no longer willing to procrastinate with Chuangshi here, there is no need for it anymore, since he has the origin of faith in his hands, even if the situation just happened thousands of times, he will still have nothing to do.Now the only thing that can deal with him is the Lonely Divine Comedy in his hands.It is also time to let the world know the power of the Divine Comedy of Lonely.

After hearing the Lonely Divine Comedy, Chuangshi couldn't help jumping, a bad premonition appeared in his heart, but at this time he had no way out, and he didn't believe that Ye Guxin could really deal with him. After practicing, even if you really die this time, you can still rely on the power of faith to be reborn, without any fear.

So he still had a smile on his face.Did not say anything.But he didn't have the slightest carelessness in his heart, and he didn't know how many restrictions he had placed around him.Ye Guxin glanced at the founder lightly.Then gently raised the lonely jade bamboo flute in his hand.Slowly put it on the lips.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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