Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 345 Lonely World

Chapter 345 Lonely World (End)
When the jade flute appeared on Ye Guxin's lips, an unprecedentedly powerful aura of loneliness erupted from Ye Guxin's body, and that aura of loneliness seemed to completely invade and envelop the entire world.Not only him, but at the same time, the jade flute in his hand also showed an incomparably huge loneliness.

Since the Divine Comedy of Loneliness is called loneliness, the minimum prerequisite for comprehending it is your own resonance.It is precisely because of this that Ye Guxin was able to obtain this treasure.The Divine Comedy of Lonely has three chapters, which are Lonely Heart, Lonely Soul and Last Loneliness.Each chapter has the power to regret the sky and the ability to slaughter the saint.But it is not so easy to comprehend it. Even with Ye Guxin's talent, he still only comprehend Chapter 2 Lonely Soul, and the strongest loneliness still has not made much progress.

Of course, there is no time to do this cultivation, as long as the time comes, it will naturally achieve something, even if it is Chapter 2 now, it is enough to run rampant in the world, in all directions.

The sound of the flute is light, but it makes the world feel like a needle. As the sound of the flute goes, boundless loneliness sweeps across Kyushu. As long as it is all the things in it, there is an unspeakable loneliness, as if this world It's like being alone in the world, so lonely, so helpless, this lonely heart.

As long as all the things within the sound of the flute, whether they are people, objects, or birds and beasts, they all stand still, as if they are in an illusion, without the slightest movement.It's just a kind of nameless loneliness slowly spreading from my heart, as if this world no longer exists.

This Lonely Divine Comedy is not only the battlefield of gods and demons, even the east and west sides of the war are completely affected by it.All of them also stopped fighting, and stood still in a daze, but what they didn't know was that a lonely breath had begun to appear slowly on their bodies.This is what they didn't have before.This is entirely triggered by the Divine Comedy of Solitude.

Everything in the world no longer grows, and withers in loneliness one after another, the river is no longer flowing, like a pool of stagnant water, the whole world no longer has the slightest vitality.Ye Guxin has never wanted to use the Lonely Divine Comedy, because the power of this Divine Comedy is indeed too powerful. Even if it is controlled by the power of a saint, it can only ensure that the East will not be too much affected, and the West is not in his consideration. scope.Of course, it doesn't have no effect on the East, but it won't be fatal.

Chuangshi already had the intention to guard against Ye Guxin, but he never thought that the sound of the flute came from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't restrain it no matter what. What's more frightening is that the power of his own faith is also slowly stopping to fluctuate, and it will be like a pool of stagnant water. The founder couldn't help being shocked.

You know, even if the rest is nothing, but if your power of faith is not circulating, and you can't absorb the power of faith around you, maybe what is waiting for you may really be destruction, even if it is not destruction, then in the end you must Was beaten back to its original shape.This is how he can not allow.

Thinking about it, wanting to get rid of the current situation, but now Ye Guxin's main target is facing him, how could he escape, as long as the loneliness in his heart is induced by the Lonely Divine Comedy, then he will never think about it again. escaped, life and death at this time are beyond his control.Chuangshi also discovered this situation in an instant, and his face turned pale, but he had no choice but to watch his body being eroded inch by inch by the unknown air of loneliness emerging from his heart.

He said in his mouth: "Earth Emperor, what kind of evil method are you doing? You are so evil. This time I admit defeat. As long as you let me go, as long as there is your Emperor in the East, I will never step into the East. If I violate this oath, my soul will fly away. I will die badly. What do you think?" Founding has nothing to do now, otherwise, wait a minute, it will be too late.He also didn't know why the emperor wanted to keep fighting with him. There didn't seem to be much hatred between them.

When Ye Guxin heard it, he was unmoved at all. What he wants now is his life. Now that he has the faith in his hands, there is no need to cause future troubles. If you use the Divine Comedy of Lonely, the ending is already doomed. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for getting the origin of belief." Ye Guxin's voice directly pronounced the final result.But when speaking, the flute did not pause at all.Still kept uttering a lonely tone.

This is the movement of the lonely heart. The power of this chapter is to arouse the purest loneliness in the heart, and directly stop everything in oneself, all life is gone, nothing is born, and the aura does not move.As long as he is completely infected by the loneliness in his heart, his mind will also disappear at this moment. This disappearance is not entering reincarnation, but a complete disappearance.

Even a saint can't guard against this chapter, but it's not enough to destroy a saint.After all, the ability of the saint is no better than others.So this Chapter 1 can only restrict saints, but not kill saints, but this Chapter 1 wants to kill people other than saints, there is no problem at all.

Now, on the battlefield between the East and the West, because of Ye Guxin’s care, the East is not a big deal, it’s just that it can’t move, but this is not the case in the West. Westerners, Ye Guxin doesn’t need any care, boundless The loneliness has long since completely invaded them.The mind was also destroyed invisibly by the loneliness.All of a sudden, hundreds of millions or billions of Westerners died, which can be described as a great miracle.But even if those Westerners die, they will still be the same as before, they are standing, they are still standing, and those who are lying are still lying down, so now the Easterners are not aware of the fact that the enemy in front of them is dead.

This is just a trace of breath that Ye Guxin unintentionally leaked while playing the Lonely Divine Comedy. The main force is still to limit the creation, otherwise, not only people, but even the earth will be wiped out.The West does not want to have anything.

Ye Guxin doesn't want to let the originality go at all now, seeing that Chapter 1 has no way to solve the originality, the sound of the flute turns, the flute sound that was jerky just now suddenly becomes jerky, but there is infinite loneliness in the jerky.After the lonely heart, there is the lonely soul.Everything disappears in the lonely soul.

As soon as the movement of the lonely soul came out, before the founder had time to react, he found that his body was annihilated inch by inch, but because of the seal of the power of faith, he couldn't get replenished at all, and he had nothing to believe in, but he was still about to fall This is how it ended.Founder has long lost the sacred aura on his body, gritted his teeth, glanced at Ye Guxin and said: "Earth Emperor, you won this time, but today you treated me like this, I will never let you go, I am a great god, even if you are now There is no way to destroy me, and I will come back." After speaking, the power of faith in his body expanded instantly, and traces of sacred aura erupted from his body.

Then there was a loud bang.The creation was actually at the last moment, with the last trace of original strength, he blew himself away.The power generated by his self-explosion swept across the entire battlefield of gods and demons in an instant.Even Ye Guxin wouldn't dare to take advantage of that terrifying power.Gently put down the jade flute.

The Lonely Divine Comedy also stopped at the same time, and then Ye Guxin waved his hand casually, and a huge crack appeared in front of those energies, and under Ye Guxin's deliberate guidance, the energy entered the space crack.A white scepter kept emitting white light in the air.With a casual move by Ye Guxin, the scepter was sucked into Ye Guxin's hand, and he smiled faintly.This scepter is really not a mortal thing, and coupled with the origin of belief, it was not damaged at all in this kind of explosion.

At this time, the three rays of light also flew back to the west in an instant, and Chi You's voice came out: "These gods, who are so ungrateful, run away at this time, it is a shame to the west! .” After speaking, he came to Ye Guxin’s side in one step.Seeing the scepter in Ye Guxin's hand, he also knew that the founder must have suffered a big loss.He smiled and said, "Earth Emperor, I didn't expect that you have gained a lot this time. You even took the scepter from the founder's hand. It's really amazing." After speaking, he laughed a few times.

He knew about the Four Gods of the West. In fact, they and Chi You didn't decide the outcome just now. Although they had the upper hand, it would not take a short time to decide the outcome.But when they felt that the aura of founding disappeared suddenly, and when it reappeared in the west, and when the aura was still very weak, they already knew that something happened to the founding, so they didn't want to fight. We went back to the West together.

Ye Guxin nodded and said, "It's just luck." Chi You couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard that, lucky?Is there any luck in this world without strength?And it's not that he didn't hear the soul-stirring sound of the flute just now, if Ye Guxin hadn't sent it to the founder, even they would have been affected.But this also let them know that Ye Guxin definitely has a supernatural power that can restrain a saint.He is also wary of Ye Guxin, and he absolutely cannot have any hostility towards Ye Guxin in his heart, otherwise, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

Chi You didn't bother with this issue too much, seeing that both Tongtian and Tongtian also came to his side.He smiled and said: "Earth Emperor, Tongtian, and Ghost Emperor, this time we in the east can be regarded as a big victory. Since the god of bullshit in the west has left, I will go back to the demon world first. Fellow Taoists, take care."

Ye Guxin just nodded.Tongtian and the others also said a few polite words.In the end, because the battle was over and there was no need to stay, they all left.

The loneliness in Tian Nan and the others slowly dissipated after Ye Guxin's divine comedy of loneliness stopped. They saw that the surrounding trees were withering one after another, and the river had stopped flowing. , it can be seen that the power of the Divine Comedy is powerful.

Sun Wukong looked at Michael who was opposite him suspiciously, and found that Michael was dead for some reason, so he couldn't help saying strangely: "Brother, what's going on here? Why are all Westerners dead? Yes, it’s really strange why I couldn’t move at all just now.”

Tian Nan shook his head and said: "I don't know about it either, I seem to hear a flute sound, and then I'm the same as you, but I think the flute sound is very familiar, as if I've heard it somewhere. But But I can’t remember anything.” After thinking about it, I didn’t think about it anymore, anyway, it’s not their business, but the West’s business now, so naturally it’s not an enemy.

"Junior brother, lead everyone to enter the west. Now that the west has suffered heavy losses this time, we must make it difficult for the west to recover next time. Kill!" After finishing speaking, he led the land of the mountain god to the west to kill.And the people from all walks of life, after understanding the current situation, did not hesitate in the slightest, and all of them also killed to the west.

This time, it was as if locusts had passed through the mirror, and the East had completely robbed the West. It can be guaranteed that if the West wants to restore its strength, it may not be so easy.

Time quietly passed 500 years.More than 400 years have passed since Ragnarok.The West has also been seriously injured this time, and there is hardly any great fortune.And in these years, several major events have also happened. One is that after Ye Guxin won the origin of faith, with the support of incomparable power of faith, he successfully survived the divine calamity.Shinto master.Since then, his strength has been no less than that of a saint.There are also several supernatural powers.

On the day when he achieved the divine way, he deliberately lowered the skylight, and the believers below were bathed in the skylight. No matter what it was, their own strengths had all increased by a full level.It can be said that the benefits are endless.

But the Tathagata of the Western religion finally came out of the customs 200 years ago, and he was already a saint when he left the customs.Since then, Western religion has added another saint.But even so, Zhunti and the others dared not make Dongfang's idea on the bright side, and Ye Guxin's Dihuangjiao alone was not inferior to them in strength.The world is also considered peaceful.

But the only one who is not peaceful is Ye Guxin.

At this moment, Ye Guxin was lying on the bed with his two beautiful wives in his arms, whispering some sweet words to himself.very comfortable.Suddenly Zhang Cong's panicked voice came in from outside.

"Master, it's not good. Uncle Zijing emptied all your wine cellar, and now there is nothing in the wine cellar. I heard that she is going to give it away. If you don't go, the wine will be gone." gone."

When Ye Guxin heard this, he was startled and quickly sat up. "What, that little witch actually moved my wine, it's too much, Zi Jing, I swear I won't let you go." He quickly got up from the bed and said, "Houtu, Bai Su, You guys rest first, if I don't clean up that little witch today, then I won't have to drink from now on. Humph" After that, Ye Guxin walked out and didn't come back until very late. No one knows what happened , but the last thing I know is that the little witch finally stopped making trouble.

(Phew! This book has finally come to an end. I feel relieved a lot. After more than half a year, it is really not easy to persevere, ha ha. Originally, I still have a lot to write in this book, but some things are hard to say. The main reason is that the front is very unsatisfactory, and now it is over. In short, I am also very dissatisfied with this book. If it is possible, maybe I will write a sequel. But that is all for the future. My new book : Rebirth of the Skeleton Life. I hope everyone can support it if they have time. Thank you, brother!!)
(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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