President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 104 Bringing out the Nighthawk 10

Chapter 104 Bringing out the Nighthawk 10
Leng Jinghan leaned lightly on the seat, his eyes fell on the opposite side... inadvertently, his thin lips raised lightly, revealing a blank fantasy arc, and in his mind... Mu Qingkong's expression at that time was looming.

Obviously every time was inadvertent, but every expression and every movement of her broke into her mind in such an inadvertent situation!

The sound of "Dingling, Dingling" comes from time to time, it is so pleasant, as if... the fast food truck of Nimora and Singer in the story is right in front of you, and Little Sun will always hold Xiao Qingtian's hand to eat Xiao Qingtian ate very little food, but he liked to eat a little of everything, especially those curry fish balls.

The Singers are very good people. Every time they see Xiao Qingtian passing by, they will put on a skewer in several different styles, so that Xiao Qingtian can eat everything!
Leng Jinghan lowered his eyelids, a hint of self-mockery slid across his familiar ink pupils, it was clearly a story, but he seemed to be able to completely outline such a picture, can imagine Xiao Qingtian's appearance at that time!

"You, are you coming to eat too?"

Suddenly, a soft and hesitant voice sounded from the side, Leng Jinghan raised his head while secretly frowning, looked at Mu Qingkong with an indifferent and calm expression, nodded, and said, "You're here too?!"

Mu Qingkong also nodded.

Immediately, the two felt awkward, the dialogue between each other was so unfamiliar, even the words in the scene were so stiff.

"Let's sit together!" Leng Jinghan's voice was still calm.

Mu Qingkong sat down across from her, in the same position, in the same environment... But things are different, people are in different moods now.

Nimoola was very busy, when she saw that Mu Qingkong was also coming, she smiled mysteriously and prepared food for her, plus a bunch of curry skewers with several kinds of meatballs as a gift.

Leng Jinghan was silent at first, Mu Qingkong didn't know what to say, they both ate in silence, the atmosphere was extraordinarily weird...

"Not on duty today?" Leng Jinghan finally broke the silence and asked.

Mu Qingkong nodded, and said: "It's been too frequent recently, Nighthawk is just a dispensable person, Shangguan..." After a pause, Mu Qingkong continued, "Mu sir said that after two days of rectification, I will be in the office. start!"

"You can tell me all of this?" Leng Jinghan raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that I will reveal your actions?"

"Will you do it?" Mu Qingkong asked calmly, looking at Leng Jinghan seriously, she didn't know why she told him, maybe... always have extravagant hopes in her heart?

Mu Qingkong secretly laughed at herself.

"It's very possible!" Leng Jinghan said casually, "The associations in city A are so rampant, if a company wants to don't think it's really clean, do you?"

Mu Qingkong frowned, of course she knew this, but just because she knew it, it didn't mean she didn't feel anything when she heard what Leng Jinghan said at this moment!
"No matter what... I believe you won't harm me!" Mu Qingkong said seriously, she didn't know why she was so sure, but she just knew that Leng Jinghan would not harm her, it had nothing to do with her feelings towards him!
Leng Jinghan raised his thin lips in a sarcastic arc, took a sip from the water glass, slowly raised his eyes to look at Mu Qingkong, and said coldly: "In front of can't say anything!"

Mu Qingkong frowned slightly. After Leng Jinghan's words fell, she was the first to think of the relationship between him and Xiao Chen...

"Do you still remember the question I asked you?" Leng Jinghan put down his water glass, glanced at Mu Qingkong who was puzzled, and said quietly, "I asked you before... What would you do if I did something I shouldn't do? Do? Now? What's your answer?"

"I asked you once... what would you do if I did something I shouldn't? Now? What's your answer?"

Mu Qingkong fluttered her lower eyelashes, and looked at Leng Jinghan lightly, with such an expression... There was scrutiny, seriousness, and bewilderment... But in the end, it all turned into a firm determination: "No one can offend you. law!"

Leng Jinghan slightly raised the corners of his thin lips, that smile was faint, but it made people feel very comfortable, and he said leisurely: "Well, stick to yourself... this is you!"

"Huh?" Mu Qingkong looked at Leng Jinghan lightly, not understanding what he meant. Although the literal meaning of this sentence was very clear, but for some reason, she always felt that Leng Jinghan seemed to have something else in his heart. The underlying meaning, what does that meaning hide? !

"It's nothing, eat quickly..." Leng Jinghan said softly, "Don't you like cold food?"

Mu Qingkong's heart skipped a beat, this feeling, such a faint smile, always gave her the same throbbing as when she was a child...

Although the "Falcon" operation is in the integration period, the small-scale raids have not stopped. Such continuous actions have finally annoyed the clubs in City A. The sluggish income made the members of the association start to get anxious.

However, even so, no one would dare to make a mistake, after all... there are too many people who have suffered from Shangguan Mu.

Shangguan's villa.

This is the rare time for Shangguan Mu to go home for dinner after being hospitalized and discharged.

As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he encountered the "Falcon" operation. As the commander-in-chief of the entire operation, he had almost made the police station his home, which made Chi Wanru extremely unhappy.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere was a little bad. Chi Wanru felt sorry for his son who didn't take a good rest after he was discharged from the hospital, and was annoyed that he didn't take his body seriously.

Shangguan Mu always had a smile on his face. While talking about current affairs with Shangguan Di, he didn't forget to bring food to Chi Wanru, and coaxed her from time to time. Only in this way, Chi Wanru became happy.

After eating, the servant cleared the dining table. Chi Wanru was going to drag Shangguan Mu to talk about Lan Rou, but before he could speak, Shangguan Di got up and called Shangguan Mu into the study, leaving Chi Wanru staring at her. Eyes closed, but helpless.

"If Dad doesn't ask me to come up...I'm afraid I won't be able to calm my nerves tonight!" Shangguan Mu shrugged and said with a smile, a little helpless and a little heavy.

"You know what your mother is thinking, so don't blame her..." Shangguan Di took a sip from the teacup handed over by the servant, as if feeling a little helpless.

He frowned at Chi Wanru's behavior of ignoring his intentions and insisting on pushing Lan Rou into A Mu's side... Now, he doesn't want these emotional matters to affect A Mu's career, "Is the recent action going well? "

"It's okay!" As for work matters, Shangguan Mu knew how to be careful, and also understood that his father was just asking casually. If he wanted to know the details of his identity, he didn't need to ask him.

"En!" Shangguan Di responded, put down the teacup in his hand, and asked casually, "I heard that this operation... Mu Qingkong did well?!"

Shangguan Mu roughly guessed that Shangguan Di would ask him this, and he was not surprised: "She is always very hardworking when she acts, and this time she also caught a lot of Nighthawks. The General Administration has treated her very well."

"Is there any hope of promotion this time?"

"It's hard to say..." Although Shangguan Mu got the internal information, it doesn't mean that it will really be successful. If Qingkong can really make a big difference in this operation, then the promotion is also reasonable for her. The reason why he did most of his actions with their five groups.

"It's always good to be promoted..." Shangguan Di pointed out that although he was not optimistic about Mu Qingkong, but at present, if Amu could make a career in career with peace of mind, who would be by Amu's side? ,not important.

After the meal, Mu Qingkong and Leng Jinghan didn't know if they were deliberately delaying the time, or because they were "unable to swallow" because of each other's presence. In short, the meal that could be finished in less than an hour, the two of them were stunned I ate for two hours.

After being sent off by Nimora and Singer, the night was already dark when the two of them left the Smile Restaurant. Standing outside, the cold wind hit their faces, making people shiver uncontrollably.

"What's the matter tonight?" Leng Jinghan asked indifferently, even if he was asking someone, his tone always made people feel an indescribable sense of calm.

Mu Qingkong shook her head, shrugged and said, "No, I will rest tomorrow, and then I will start the integration operation!"

"Then accompany me to a place?!" It was obviously a question, but it was clear that Leng Jinghan had already made a decision.

Mu Qingkong pursed her lips, telling herself in her heart to refuse, but...the footsteps had already followed Leng Jinghan into the car...

Leng Jinghan has always been very casual when driving, with an indifferent but arrogant expression, always revealing a wildness, which is a little different from his usual impression... Mu Qingkong thought so.

However, what Mu Qingkong didn't know was that no one had seen Leng Jinghan's expression before. He never drove a woman!
Mu Qingkong suddenly thought of what he said when he was in Leng Jinghan's car for the first time, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly raised. That kind of smile just reached his eyes inadvertently, and he didn't know if it was because the two of them didn't confront each other at night, or it was her. Subconsciously, she didn't want to destroy such a rare peace, but at this moment, her mood was not as heavy as before.

"You drive... really don't let women get in the car?" Mu Qingkong looked curiously at Leng Jinghan's stern profile like a sculpture.

Leng Jinghan glanced sideways at her slightly, Mo Tong flashed a trace of complicated emotions, and said a muffled "hmm".

"But... I really want to..." Mu Qingkong curled her lips, "...I've sat down quite a few times!"

Leng Jinghan's face did not change, he just said "hmm".

With black lines on Mu Qingkong's face, she gritted her teeth and looked at Leng Jinghan, secretly cursing: You don't see me as a woman, do you?
"You are a woman, I know it very well!" Leng Jinghan seemed to hear Mu Qingkong's stomach slander, and said indifferently, he narrowed his eyes to Mu Qingkong again, pulled his eyes back to the front and said leisurely, "I Driving, you are the only woman who has ever gotten into the car!"

Mu Qingkong was slightly startled, and then, the happy thoughts in her heart suddenly filled her heart, and then, like an explosion, it quickly permeated all the nerves, that feeling was unprecedented happiness, as if, a kind of Let people hold it in the palm of their hand...the feeling of caring with life.

Mu Qingkong pursed her lips and lowered her eyes. She didn't want to show the joy in her heart. Maybe... Leng Jinghan didn't mean much, even if they did, it's impossible for them now...

The small carriage suddenly fell into silence, and Leng Jinghan drove smoothly through the streets of City A all the way until the Royal Wharf.

(End of this chapter)

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