President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 105 Bringing out the Nighthawk 11

Chapter 105 Bringing out the Nighthawk 11
There is a huge luxury cruise ship parked at the Royal Wharf. At this moment, the papty is driving on it. While Mu Qingkong frowned slightly, she followed Leng Jinghan out of the car and silently followed his steps...

Just when Mu Qingkong was about to ask, Leng Jinghan turned his footsteps towards the small cruise ship docked on the shore. The location of the parking lot is a little far from the shore, and that luxurious large tanker is too attractive Mu Qingkong didn't see clearly that there were several small cruise ships here just now.

When Leng Jinghan got on the cruise ship, he turned around and passed his hand. At the moment, his expression was indifferent and gentle. In Mu Qingkong's eyes, he seemed to be the other side of him. He was as gentle as a gentleman...


"I dare not go up!" The little girl frowned and pouted as she looked at the low wall that was already higher than her.

The little boy sat on the top of the wall and said lightly: "You can see a lot of roses here, very beautiful!"

"I won't go up!" the little girl said stubbornly.

"Don't be afraid, I'll hold you..." The little boy smiled slightly and stretched out his little hand.

The little girl looked at the little boy. In fact, she was still scared, but when she saw the little boy's hand, she couldn't help but take her own little hand. At that moment... She didn't seem to realize that the one was just bigger than herself. How old is a little boy, can he really pull her up?
But in the end, when the little girl happily sat on the wall looking at those roses, the smile on her face was as dazzling as the sun in the sky, "Little sun, little sun... There are so many roses, look so good..."


Mu Qingkong gently put her hand into Leng Jinghan's palm. In this night, her hand was a bit cold, while his palm was very warm. She knew that Leng Jinghan and Little Sun should not be mixed together at this moment. However, this feeling, this touch...all made her remember everything from her childhood so clearly.

Over the years, when Daddy's company closed down, when Daddy and Mommy left...everything was so unexpected that she couldn't bear it, she didn't know, if it wasn't for the memories of Little Sunny when she was a child, and taught her Be strong, can she survive those days?

No matter what difficulties you encounter, you have to believe that as long as you take one more step, there will be a different scenery waiting for you... Remember, wait for me to come back to find you!

Such serious words... After so many years of baptism, they have changed beyond recognition.

Whether it's Xiao Chen or Leng Jinghan, maybe they are her little sun, maybe... they are not his little sun anymore!
Mu Qingkong pursed her lips, stepped onto the yacht, watched Leng Jinghan busy there, her eyes just followed him lightly... Now she doesn't need his support at all, with such a small distance from the shore, It's nothing to her at all.

Leng Jinghan controlled the yacht and slowly left the Royal Wharf. Mu Qingkong never asked him where he was going. Even if there were many conflicts with Leng Jinghan, he felt at ease. It feels like... for no reason.

The yacht gradually disappeared under the lights of the pier. When the yacht merged with the black sky and the sea, a figure stepped out of the darkness, looked at the place where the yacht disappeared, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth...

Leng Jinghan hasn't gone out to sea for a long time, since Xiao Chen "leaved", he doesn't like to go out to sea, at most he just sits by the seaside, he is a person who likes the sea very much, he feels that the sea is wide enough and deep enough, just like a human being In life, there are always many seemingly peaceful, but in fact many accidents...

The weather is already cold, especially on the sea, when the sea breeze blows, it is always icy cold, but Leng Jinghan is still standing on the deck, with his hands in his trouser pockets, just standing there as if nothing happened, letting The swaying of the yacht, the sea wind blows his deep and prey hair into an arrogant mess.

Mu Qingkong was a little cold, but she didn't interrupt the peace. She looked at Leng Jinghan seriously, and suddenly found that his figure was unusually lonely and desolate!
At this moment, he is wearing a black suit. Except for the time in the United States, she seems to wear formal clothes every time she sees him. Moreover, most of them are in black. Now, against the black sky and black sea, he looks like a suit. It's like the black lonely Satan who spread his black wings, clearly looking down on the world, arrogant and arrogant, but he is alone in the darkness, gnawing his own loneliness... Such a him made Mu Qingkong frowned, Even my heart tightened up.

Yes, she loves him!

I feel sorry for him like this...

Mu Qingkong walked forward, the sea breeze was really cold, so cold that she couldn't help shivering.

Leng Jinghan, who was obviously immersed in his own thoughts, turned his gaze back when Mu Qingkong shuddered, first glanced at her, took off his coat and wrapped it around her body, and said lightly: "I want to stay here In a while..."

With the thin smell of tobacco on Leng Jinghan's body and the faint salty smell of sea water, along with the jacket, it rushed into Mu Qingkong's nose, and the warm breath also tightly surrounded her, she nodded silently. She nodded, and she insisted on returning the jacket without being hypocritical, because she knew that if that was the case... Leng Jinghan would definitely enter the cabin because she was afraid of her being cold.

Mu Qingkong sneaked Ni Xiangleng Jinghan, even if he took off his coat, as if he didn't know the cold, he still stood straight, his deep eyes fell on the sea, gently, but indulgingly, as if he was going to drown this dark night absorb everything.

He's not as indifferent as he appears, is he?
Mu Qingkong thought about it, and turned her eyes to look at the wind-blown sea. She was standing beside Leng Jinghan, obviously he was so indifferent as if he wanted to blend in with the surrounding darkness, but why did she But can feel his fiery heart?

These days... when people can't sleep in the dead of night, she always thinks of him. Although she knows that this is unfair to Shangguan, but love is love, even if they can't be together, but there is no way to control her heart.

A person who can do so much for his friends... his heart must be as hot as fire.

After a long time, it was so long that the two of them seemed to have forgotten the time, the sky was already dark without a trace of starlight, and the sea ahead and the black sky were also mixed together. The weather was obviously good, but at this moment it seemed to be so gloomy. Devour them all.

Leng Jinghan looked back, and said indifferently: "It's too late, let's go back!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked into the cabin without stopping. Mu Qingkong pursed his lips and followed him in. The air conditioner in the cabin was always on, and the person just came in from the outside. Mu Qingkong felt warm all over.

Leng Jinghan started the yacht on his own, but within a minute of starting, the alarm sounded for lack of fuel...

Frowning slightly, Leng Jinghan looked at the flashing lights on the instrument, his eyes were dark and bottomless.

"What's wrong?" Mu Qingkong asked suspiciously.

"Forgot to cheer up!" Leng Jinghan said calmly, as if it was a very common thing.

Mu Qingkong frowned. Although she never owned a private yacht, she knew that the yacht would be inspected before going out to sea, and the fuel must be filled up. Even if Leng Jinghan didn't go out to sea often, according to him In order to prevent whim, someone will check every day, so how could you forget to refuel?

While thinking about it, Leng Jinghan quickly dialed the phone...

"The yacht is out of fuel!" Leng Jinghan waited for the call to be connected, and said it very calmly, as if this was really not a big deal.

Mu Qingkong frowned, this is not refueling, what if someone deliberately destroys the yacht?

Thinking of this question, Mu Qingkong's complexion was a bit uneasy, but in her heart, the first reaction was actually Xiao Chen's doing... She didn't know why she thought this way, but, it was just this thought that came to her.

Just when Mu Qingkong frowned, Leng Jinghan had already hung up the phone. Looking at Mu Qingkong's appearance, his eagle eyes became darker, and he said lightly, "It's just that there is no oil..."

"Ah?" Mu Qingkong looked at Leng Jinghan in a daze.

"En!" Leng Jinghan responded indifferently. This yacht will be inspected by someone every day, and there will be a special person in charge. There will be no problems, and now there is no oil... and he will be afraid if he can count his thoughts. Mu Qing was cold and kept turning on the air conditioner, only Xing Tian.

It's not that he doesn't know what Ah Tian is thinking, but there are some things that he can't just think about... In the current situation, he only hopes that everyone can get through it safely...

Thinking about it, Leng Jinghan's indifferent eyes fell on Mu Qingkong's face, and said: "Xing Tian will send it over later..."

After saying that, he went to the wine cabinet and took out two cups, and opened the wine that had been preserved for a long time. When the scarlet liquid was slowly poured into the cup that reflected the faint light under the light, it seemed to inject a wave of stability. .

When Mu Qingkong took the wine glass, she wished that Xing Tian would come later...

Yes, since she really said those words to Leng Jinghan, she has no way to shut her feelings away, even if she really hates herself like this.

Thinking, Mu Qingkong slowly raised the wine glass, the aroma of the wine stimulated the senses on the taste buds, mellow and rich, she raised her eyes to look at Leng Jinghan who was sitting there drinking quietly, and asked: "You and him What happened in between?"

"Xiao Chen?" Leng Jinghan gasped softly, Mo pupil froze, and said just now, "Maybe it's an irreversible thing..."

Hearing his calmness, Mu Qingkong's heart tightened. She walked to Leng Jinghan's side and sat down, resting her wrist on the table, twisting the cup intentionally or unintentionally, and asked softly, "Aren't you good friends?"

Leng Jinghan raised his thin lips lightly, and said lightly: "It's still the same, it's just...the position is different!"

Is the eagle really heartless?

If it was... a lot of opportunities, why didn't he seize them?
Mu Qingkong looked at Leng Jinghan quietly, her stern face showed no emotion at all, as if nothing could really make him fluctuate, but she had a feeling that such a him would more heartbroken than others...

Thinking about it, Mu Qingkong picked up the wine glass and took a sip, her heart was very blocked, she wanted to ignore their affairs, but she had no choice, after all... even if she didn't want to pay attention to these two characters, then The overwhelming reports left her nowhere to escape!
The two fell silent again, and no one spoke anymore. The quiet space made people feel a little depressing...

Gradually, Mu Qingkong felt a little hot, as if her face was burning, she ignored it at first, thinking it was because of the cold wind blowing outside for too long, and drinking another glass of wine, but the hotness gradually became stronger , making her feel sad...

(End of this chapter)

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