President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 106 Bringing out the Nighthawk 13

Chapter 106 Bringing out the Nighthawk 13
With a sound of "snap", the phone fell to the ground, and the sudden intrusion of the feminine breath caused Leng Jinghan's last will to endure it to disintegrate and collapse in an instant as the phone fell...

Leng Jinghan gritted his teeth secretly, because he knew the medicinal properties of "love Gu", he became more and more uneasy. If he took possession of the situation under such circumstances, then what are the things he arranged before?
" hot..." Mu Qingkong's coquettish voice came uneasy, she gasped for breath, her pretty face was flushed, she kept swallowing, and her hands were tearing at herself restlessly. He Leng Jinghan's clothes, and the intermittent moaning sound overflowed from her restless mouth, which was both delicate and helpless.

At this moment, Mu Qingkong has been completely controlled by the drugs and has lost the slightest consciousness. She just felt a heat flow in her body, which was sending waves of heat outward, and that heat wave made her feel as if she was about to explode. Similarly, she urgently needs to be relieved, and she subconsciously knows that the person in front of her can help her, but this person doesn't seem to be very willing...

Mu Qingkong is very uncomfortable at the moment, and Leng Jinghan is not much better. Even if he has strong endurance and great self-control, but under the control of "love Gu", those things have been disintegrated little by little, especially At this moment, Mu Qingkong's actions accelerated the speed of disintegration.

He looked at Mu Qingkong's blushing cheeks, because the drug controlled her already tender lips, like a lotus flower in a lotus pond waiting to be picked... At this moment, there was only one strong possessive desire left in his mind. Thinking about it, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, and stroked her face to her neck, which was also stained red. The touch of his hand seemed to be a deeper invitation, making him want to take this woman fiercely...

The night bears not only the embrace of love, but also too many things that make people sleepless...

Xiao Chen was sitting on the sofa in the villa, pouring over a dozen beer cans in front of him in disarray, his face was slightly drunk, in fact, he had a lot of alcohol, he used to be in the United States, it was very difficult to be with Ye Crazy, especially when he was depressed during the night, his company was wine!
"Brother Xiao, you've already drank too much..." Mu Sen finally reminded Xiao Chen when Xiao Chen opened the beer can again, "You treat your body like this..."

"A Sen, you know, this kind of drinking is nothing to me!" Xiao Chen said faintly, lying on the sofa in a somewhat decadent manner, "A Sen, do you still remember going to Nighthawk at that time?"

"Yes!" Mu Sen said very quietly. In such a silent night, there was no light, and his sharp but indifferent eyes were full of burning breath. "At that time, when night was drinking and making trouble, Eagle accompanied him Crazy together, and then... provoked me!"

Of course, everyone now understands that it was just that he approached on purpose...

Xiao Chen seemed to be thinking of that fight, and the corner of his mouth smiled, different from the usual Shen Li, at this moment he was arrogant and unruly: "Yes, that time was really the most wanton time in life..."

In his eyes, night is always night, not Leng Jinghan who was adopted by Leng Xiaotian, but him, the most important brother in his heart, Eagle!Not Xiao Chen either...

Mu Sen watched Xiao Chen raise his head and drank another can of beer in one breath, frowned slightly, and said, "Brother Xiao, some things are in the past..."

"But, there are some things that can't be passed!" Xiao Chen's expression was extremely painful, he couldn't imagine what the things were like back then, but Xiao Xin's situation reminded him every day, let him He had to tell himself that he couldn't escape his responsibilities, even if... he forcibly killed the things he cherished since he was a child!

There was a faint bloodthirsty smile on the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth, that kind of smile felt a bit like ruining the world, if he had to fall into hell to get super-elevated, then let him go to hell...


The black sky is gradually dispelled by the whiteness of the east. When a ray of dawn shines on the east and spreads on the earth through the silent clouds at night, it spreads a layer of sparkling light on the sea...

The yacht rocked gently on the sea, like a cradle, gently and softly, not wanting to wake up the two sleeping people.

Mu Qingkong slept extremely deeply, the blush on her face gradually receded, nestling in Leng Jinghan's strong arms like a kitten, breathing evenly, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, although it was very light, light almost imperceptible...

Leng Jinghan woke up a long time ago. It should be said that his level of traditional Chinese medicine is not as light as that of Mu Qingkong. When he took possession for the first time, he was already more than half awake. However, Mu Qingkong only woke up for a moment, followed by What came was a more serious drug attack...

"Love Gu" used to be used underground in City A for some disobedient chicks. In today's society, there are many people who like this feeling. They like the chicks to remember them when they are in pain, but they hope that they can be enthusiastic. Cater to them like a fire!
In the beginning, it was just for giving gifts to some high-ranking officials. Later, it gradually became a gimmick for giving gifts, and it became out of control. But unexpectedly, one day, Ah Tian set him up...

While frowning slightly, Leng Jinghan glanced at the person in his arms. She was too tired last night. He didn't know how many times he asked her for her medicine to gradually wear off. From the beginning, he was also because of the medicine's effect. , in the end, it was to alleviate her pain, and in the end...he couldn't stop her, he had always understood that as long as he stepped through this line of defense, then...he would be infected with her drug/addiction, and never I can't quit, but, this... is it really good for her?
Leng Jinghan frowned even tighter, his stern handsome face was full of pain, he wanted to protect her, but... he couldn't protect her after all, if... he really couldn't escape her...

With a secret sigh, Leng Jinghan gently pulled out his arms, then got up, took the spare clothes on the yacht from the closet, put them on, and left the cabin...

Xing Tian was already waiting outside in another yacht. Leng Jinghan looked at him, first he saw Xing Tian holding back a smile, and then he stood there in a serious manner, obviously wanting to continue laughing, but he was receiving the When Leng Jinghan looked at him, he forcibly held back.

Shen Yueran was also beside him, when she saw Leng Jinghan, she didn't care, she smiled "hehe" and said hello: "Young Master Leng, good morning!"

"It's really hard work for you!" Leng Jing said indifferently, and jumped onto Xing Tian's yacht.

"It's okay..." Shen Yueran raised her eyebrows and said, "I just woke up a little earlier than usual, and ran out to sea with a little nervousness! But, who made me a person who puts a knife in my ribs for my friends? , Young Master Leng, don’t be too grateful, um, that’s it!”

What Shen Yueran said was true, Leng Jinghan's face became more and more serious, while Xing Tian grinned secretly at the side, tugged at Shen Yueran's sleeve, and said in a low voice through gritted teeth: "Hurry up and take the clothes, you Do you want your husband and I to die without a whole body?"

"So scary?" Shen Yueran stared, looked at Leng Jinghan's gloomy face, and said to Xing Tian mysteriously, "Honey, why do I feel that Young Master Leng was dissatisfied with his desires last night?!"

Now, Xing Tian was completely petrified. He suddenly discovered that Shen Yueran was the evil Hong Taro in the skin of a beautiful sheep: "Honey, you are ruthless!"

"Well, each other!" Shen Yueran shrugged and said with a smile. She took the clothes she had prepared for Mu Qingkong and said seriously to Leng Jinghan, "Well, Young Master Leng, don't stress too much. I will appease you, alas... Who did this good thing? Let our noble Leng Shao sacrifice so much to save the good people?!"

With that said, Shen Yueran headed for that yacht...

But at this moment, Xing Tian had the urge to throw Shen Yueran's foot into the sea, did she really want to kill him?Isn't it just that she didn't let her sleep peacefully last night, so she took revenge on her husband?

Xing Tian kept slandering him, he didn't dare to look at Leng Jinghan, if his eyes could kill, he guessed that Leng Jinghan had already executed him Ling Chi...

"Well,, were you okay last night?" Xing Tian only felt his scalp go numb, he pushed the frame of the mirror and looked at Leng Jinghan, grinning secretly, "That... well, things have already happened ...Besides, if the boss doesn't touch that wine glass, it will be fine...hehe..."

Leng Jinghan's hawk eyes were cold, he looked at Xing Tian coldly, then withdrew his eyes and walked into the bed cabin: "Go back to the pier!"

"Don't wait for them?" Xing Tian asked deliberately.

Leng Jinghan stopped in his tracks, glanced back slightly, and said coldly: "You didn't tell Shen Yueran... Will someone come to pick them up later?"

"Hey, Boss is wise!" Xing Tian bared his teeth and laughed, followed Leng Jinghan into the cabin, then started the yacht and headed for the pier.

After Mu Qingkong passed by last night, she definitely couldn't face Leng Jinghan all at once. They knew this, so how could Leng Jinghan not be clear?

Xing Tian was driving the yacht, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Now that Mu Qingkong is joining in, even if the boss wants to give up... He won't hurt Mu Qingkong, so he won't allow himself to be hurt!
Time passed day by day, and the police station's "Falcon" operation was still going on. With the thoughts of all parties and Leng Jinghan's deployment, although the raid led by Shangguan Mu had not yet seen great results, but , the gradually obvious effect has come out.

The media paid great attention to this matter, and this time, what attracted everyone's attention was Mu Qingkong!
As long as there is Mu Qingkong leading the team, they will definitely catch some Yeying people. Regarding this, there are rumors outside that Mu Qingkong is the nemesis of Yeying!
"Tired?" A cup of coffee was delivered to Mu Qingkong with a soft voice.

Mu Qingkong looked at Shangguan Mu, and the corners of her mouth twitched unnaturally. Ever since the incident on the yacht that night, she didn't dare to face Shangguan Mu, nor Leng Jinghan, except that there was no way to avoid it at work. If he touches him, she will avoid him.

It's not clear that Mu Qingkong deliberately avoided Shangguan Mu in the past two days. He didn't know what happened, but he also knew in his heart that it must have something to do with Leng Jinghan. He wanted to find an opportunity to ask, but he was afraid to ask.

Mu Qingkong took the coffee and said "thank you" at the same time. She took a sip, looked at the person in front of who was putting the results of tonight's raid into the police car, pursed her lips, looked at Shangguan Mu, and said, "You, you wait Is there anything else to do next?"

(End of this chapter)

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