President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 107 Bringing out the Nighthawk 15

Chapter 107 Bringing out the Nighthawk 15
Looking at Shangguan Mu's back, Mu Qingkong tightened her hand holding the cup even more. She thought it would be easy if she said it, but why did she seem to be in a heavier mood?

When Shangguan Mu stepped into the entrance of the rooftop, his footsteps were slightly stagnant, and his head was slightly tilted back, but he pulled back before he saw Mu Qingkong, and he lifted his feet and walked downstairs. For a moment, a trace of incomprehensible depth flashed in his eyes.

Clear sky, I am waiting for you, come back to me...

The next day in City A was an excellent weather. Early in the morning, the rising sun broke through the clouds and shone on every corner of City A, reflecting on everyone who was rushing to work.

Since Xing Tian was married, Leng Jinghan would not let him pick him up. Normally, he would drive by himself. The sun was shining today, so he didn't go to the company, but went to the farm with a large field of sunflowers.

Of course, now that it’s winter, the sunflowers are no longer there, leaving only a large piece of withered branches standing there...

Standing in the sluggish sun flower field under the sun, Leng Jinghan was dazed for a moment. Since that night, he has not looked for the clear sky, not because he didn't want to, but...some things, he needs to rearrange.


Xing Tian's voice came from behind, Leng Jinghan turned his head, unexpectedly, he saw not only Xing Tian, ​​but also Xiao Chen.

Leng Jinghan's eyes suddenly became deep, his Mo pupils stared at Xiao Chen with the sharpness of scrutiny and indifference, and said, "Don't let anyone come near."

The words were addressed to Xing Tian, ​​and after Xing Tian responded, he glanced at Xiao Chen before leaving.

Xiao Chen smiled charmingly, his whole body exudes an arrogance that cannot be ignored, his hands are in his trouser pockets, it is not like the glamorous body in front of the TV, but a casual set of casual clothes, just like the It was the same as in Leng Jinghan's memory, wanton and unruly.

Xiao Chen walked forward, his eyes swept across the bleak sun flower field, and a slightly naughty smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "When it's in full must be very beautiful!"

Leng Jinghan's eyes also fell on the sun flower field, and after answering, he asked, "Why did you think of coming here?"

"It's nothing, I met Ah Tian on the way, and we came here together..." Xiao Chen said casually, but Leng Jinghan knew that he came here following Xing Tian.

Xing Tian is the strongest among Nighthawks in anti-stalking, but he and Xiao Chen are both aware of A Tian's first move, so naturally, they are familiar with it if they want to follow it.

The most dangerous person is never an enemy, but a friend who knows himself well!

It's as if the eagle knows his actions and plans very well, and he is the same. The only thing that can determine the outcome is who moves faster and who can think of it first...

"Giving back the one you love to someone else...isn't it uncomfortable?" Xiao Chen asked suddenly.

Leng Jinghan withdrew his eyes and looked at Xiao Chen, and asked, "What about you? Are you comfortable using the person you love to achieve your goals?"

Xiao Chen smiled wildly and evilly, but Leng Jinghan still saw the pain in his eyes.

"There are some things that I have to do. Even I can sacrifice myself. What's the matter with feelings?" Xiao Chen's words revealed deep sadness.

Leng Jinghan lowered his eyes, and asked coldly: "Let me fall in love with Qingkong, make Qingkong inseparable from me...even, after calculating Ah Tian's thoughts, let me occupy Qingkong under such circumstances... just to make Qingkong inseparable from me... Am I lingering in your and her pain? Eagle, you underestimate Qingkong, so what if I feel guilty towards you, I fell in love with her, maybe, you told me the story from the beginning At that time, you had already peeped into my heart, so, all this time, while cultivating your own power in the dark, you waited quietly for my encounter with her, and then fell!"

Xiao Chen's smile became more and more sinister, and he also looked back at Leng Jinghan: "Ye, I have always understood you and you understand me. Sometimes, I can't even tell whether I am you or you are me." !"

Leng Jinghan didn't answer, but his eagle eyes sank.

"When something is in front of me and I have to do it, I have to make a choice after all..." Xiao Chen's words were somewhat sinister.

"Do we have to solve the problems of the previous generation?!" Leng Jinghan didn't know whether he was asking himself or Xiao Chen.

"Yes!" Xiao Chen replied without any hesitation.

Leng Jinghan frowned slightly, his eyes fell on the front, and the sparrow was picking up food on the ground: "You know, I will protect myself to protect her!"

Xiao Chen twitched his lips and said, " have to deal with me properly!"

"Is this really what you want?" Leng Jinghan asked somewhat ethereally.

"Ye, there is no way to be brothers in this life, so... let's have a good fight!" Xiao Chen's voice was full of unspeakable excitement, "I knew you always let me go, now, just take Let us resolve the grievances and grievances of the previous generation with your ability, no matter who wins or loses in the end, we will give an explanation to our parents, you and me!"

After saying that, Xiao Chen glanced at Leng Jinghan, then turned around and left...

When he crossed Xing Tian, ​​he paused, his eyes looked forward, as if reminding and warning: "You can't guess Ye's thoughts, if you don't want to harm him in the future...don't make decisions on your own!"

Xing Tianyin's eyes under the lens were suddenly sharp, and there was an unresolved anger on his bookish face.

Leng Jinghan stood there without moving for more than an hour, until a phone call interrupted his thoughts.

He picked up the phone and listened to the reports from the people inside, until finally, after saying "I see" coldly, he hung up the phone.

He turned around and walked out of the farm with steady steps, Xing Tian followed silently.

"Stop the plan first!" Leng Jinghan said suddenly when he opened the car door.

Xing Tian stagnated slightly, looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Is it because of Brother Xiao?"

"He will definitely formulate corresponding countermeasures for our deployment this time. I will think about it..." After Leng Jinghan finished speaking, he got into the car, started the car and left the farm.

It is already necessary to promote Qingkong, but he can't let Xiaosi and the others have an accident, he must do it at the same time while ensuring their safety.


For two or three days in a row, City A was peaceful. Due to the continuous raids for several days, all associations became silent. Even the raids that the police station had planned originally found nothing that day. It seemed that everyone was scared. They all started closing their doors.

However, such calm did not make the community and the police station feel at ease, as if, after this moment of calm, there will be a bigger storm.

The "Falcon" operation was temporarily stranded, but the personnel transferred from the police station did not disband, and were still under the integration of Shangguan Mu...

The atmosphere in the Southern District Police Station these days has been a bit condensed. Although Shangguan Mu and Mu Qingkong cooperated seamlessly in their actions as always, people with discerning eyes and acquaintances felt the strange atmosphere between them.

"Hey, are Qingkong and Mu sir..." He Jun leaned on Kili's side with some gossip, glanced at Mu Qingkong who was writing the report, and asked in a low voice.

Kili also glanced at Mu Qingkong, curled his lips and shrugged: "I don't know, but there must be something wrong."

"The two of you won't break up, right?" He Jun said suddenly, startled.

Kili frowned after hearing this, although he didn't want to admit it, but it felt like, after all, Qingkong is a rational person, and Mu sir loves Qingkong very much, if it's a quarrel, it doesn't feel like it!
The two looked at each other, sighed one after another, and He Jun wailed in a low voice: "The weather in the southern district is about to change..."

With a "bang", the file folder flew onto He Jun's head, and immediately, the drama of happy friends that had to be staged every day came again as scheduled.

In a blink of an eye, it was already time to get off work under the frolic. Due to the temporary suspension of the "Falcon" operation, the operation team is currently in a state of renovation. Naturally, when there is no case, there is nothing busy. When it is time to get off work, they will discuss in twos and threes Whether you want to go out and relax.

"Qingkong, let's go to happytime later, are you going?" Li Yue turned to Mu Qingkong and asked Mu Qingkong. Everyone has felt the strange atmosphere between her and Mu Sir recently. Thinking about the rare relaxation, why don't you join us and have a look? Can you coordinate it.

"I still have something to do, so I won't go..." Mu Qingkong understood everyone's thoughts, but in order to avoid embarrassment, she still shied away.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, He Jun shrugged his shoulders, expressing his helplessness, in the end, due to the absence of the protagonist, everyone's nature was also lacking, and they simply went back to their respective homes.

When Mu Qingkong left the police station, she was caught by a steady Mercedes car. With just one glance, she recognized that it was Leng Jinghan's car. While she was frowning and thinking about something, the glass window of the driver's seat caught her sight. After being put down, Leng Jinghan's stern and handsome face was revealed.

"Get in the car!" The domineering words could not be refused.

Mu Qingkong frowned, wondering why Leng Jinghan suddenly appeared at the police station.

It's the off-duty time right now, people came out of the police station one after another, and looked at Mu Qingkong curiously, everyone's eyes were scrutinizing...

"If you don't want to be the focus of everyone, get in the car!" The indifferent and cold voice came again, Mu Qingkong suddenly came back to his senses, looked around, twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, walked around the front of the car and got in the car.

The luxurious Mercedes left everyone's sight with indifference and arrogance. Shangguan Mu was standing in front of the window of the office at the moment. Just in time to see this scene, his eyes darkened, and there was an unconcealable sadness in his eyes...

The atmosphere in the car was a little stiff, Leng Jinghan didn't speak, and Mu Qingkong didn't know what to say because it was the first time he saw Leng Jinghan since that night, but in an instant, the small space in the car was filled with overwhelming emotions. People can't breathe dignified.

"Why did you come?"

Xu Shi couldn't stand such pressure, Mu Qingkong pursed her lips and broke the silence softly.

"Pick you up from get off work!" Leng Jinghan said quite naturally, it was obviously weird to say these four words from his mouth, but he looked indifferent, as if he didn't know it at all.

Mu Qingkong slightly opened her mouth and looked at Leng Jinghan, because these four words made her so tender on the outside that she couldn't respond. After a while, she pulled back her thoughts, and the corners of her mouth twitched, and she asked back: "Go on." I left work?"

"En!" Leng Jinghan responded.

Mu Qingkong seemed to suddenly see a group of crows flying by in front of her eyes, the corner of her mouth twitched again, and asked: "Then, please, Mr. Leng, you are such a busy person, come and pick me up... um, pick me up from get off work... is there a way?" What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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