President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 108 Bringing out the Nighthawk 17

Chapter 108 Bringing out the Nighthawk 17
"Is there nothing I can't pick you up from get off work?" Leng Jinghan asked back, his face was so indifferent from the beginning to the end, he was completely unaware of his words and his indifferent appearance, which made people feel schizophrenic.

The melodious sound of the piano came from the elegant dining room. Until now, Mu Qingkong didn't know how to face such a situation. She sat there, looking at Leng Jinghan who was ordering indifferently there, slightly embarrassed. pursed his lips.

The waiter stepped back after Leng Jinghan finished ordering, and Leng Jinghan's hawk eyes fell on Mu Qingkong lightly. The relationship between the two should have been awkward because of that night, but, from his face, you didn't see it. Embarrassing situation.



The two spoke at the same time, Mu Qingkong frowned secretly, looking at Leng Jinghan with a little embarrassment.

Leng Jinghan's eyes were always clear, he looked at Mu Qingkong lightly, and said leisurely: "You wonder why I suddenly looked for you today?"

Mu Qingkong looked at Leng Jinghan slightly in astonishment, his eyes were as deep as the vast ocean, so that you couldn't see the inner thoughts at all, while pursing his lips, Mu Qingkong nodded, the corners of his mouth twitched and said: "Yes……"

Leng Jinghan didn't answer, the waiter brought up the wine in due time, while Leng Jinghan twisted the wine glass, his eyes lighted up at the scarlet liquid in the glass, and said: "I will be responsible for you!"

Just six words made Mu Qingkong's heart tighten suddenly, instead of being happy, some were desolate: "I can't blame you that night, besides, everyone is an adult, saying that you are responsible... is too childish."

When Mu Qingkong said this, she felt that she couldn't breathe anymore. Even though it was a traditional Chinese medicine, didn't she have a little bit of joy?

Self-mockery slipped through the heart and spread in the nerves, Mu Qingkong lowered her eyes, twisting her two hands on her knees.

Her small movements did not escape Leng Jinghan's sharp eyes, when he looked at Mu Qingkong's flustered drooping eyes just now, the sadness that flashed in his eyes pierced into his heart like a thin needle.

"What if I said that I want to be with you?" Leng Jinghan's words came out of his thin lips lightly, still indifferent, without too many emotional ups and downs.

Mu Qingkong raised her head suddenly, her pupils dilated slightly, she looked at Leng Jinghan as if looking at a monster, with deep doubts in her eyes, she blurted out and asked, "Why?"

"Do you need a reason to want to be with someone?"

Mu Qingkong frowned: "If it's because of what happened that night..."

"That night was just a spark!" Leng Jinghan interrupted Mu Qingkong, "Although I started taking care of you because of Xiao Chen, it is undeniable that I have moved my mind on you."

Mu Qingkong was silent, she still looked at Leng Jinghan suspiciously, for that day, when she just knew that Xiao Chen was the little sun, she went to Tianlin Group to question him, she confessed that his indifferent look is still in her memory You Xin, he was so ruthless in mocking, but now he said that he had already moved his mind on her?
Mu Qingkong frowned even tighter, bit her lip and said, "The reason is hard to convince."

Leng Jinghan's thin lips raised a slight arc, his eagle eyes fixed on Mu Qingkong, and said, "If it's possible... I still don't want to be with you!"

Mu Qingkong's heart suddenly became empty, and her complexion changed badly. Although she didn't believe Leng Jinghan's words, it didn't mean that her heart wouldn't hurt when he said that.

Leng Jinghan knew that Mu Qingkong had misunderstood him, he didn't seem to mind, he just said lightly: "We are people from different worlds, it has nothing to do with wealth status..."

I'm afraid that one day, because I'm powerless, I won't be able to protect you, and I'm also afraid that Xiao Chen will eventually hurt you because of me!

In such a case, Leng Jinghan would never say anything, he just said indifferently: "I don't want to hurt you, so naturally I don't want to have anything to do with you! But now things are out of control...I must keep you by my side , to protect you!"

The clearly calm words seemed to be not about her own affairs, but at this moment, Mu Qingkong's heart suddenly became heavy. She didn't know Leng Jinghan's hidden meaning, but somehow felt that what he said was true : "You... what do you mean by that?"

"I want to protect you!" Leng Jinghan Xu didn't say any love words, and he should say something touching, but he said it very stiffly and domineeringly, "Although there are not many women who sleep with me, but... Less! Do you think I'm going to do something to you just because you slept in my bed?"

Mu Qingkong twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, feeling uncomfortable when she spoke so bluntly about Leng Jinghan: "I, I have a boyfriend..."

"Didn't we break up?" Leng Jinghan asked back.

"How do you know?" Mu Qingkong blurted out, feeling even more embarrassed.

Leng Jinghan didn't answer, the waiter was setting the plate, after the waiter stepped back, he said slowly: "What happened that night, your character... even if you won't be with me, you can't be with Shangguan." Mu is together. didn't want to be with him from the beginning to the end, just your reason for leaving him. "

The sharp words still didn't have too many ups and downs, Leng Jinghan would have guessed that it was the same thing, but every police station has his people, after staying in the dark night for a long time, if there is no one on the bright side, so what? May be long?

Mu Qingkong bit her lip and stared at Leng Jinghan, a little annoyed at being told that she had broken her mind: "Leng you really like to see others through?"

"It's okay!" Leng Jinghan picked up his wine glass and took a sip, then looked up indifferently, "I only bother with people I care about."

At the same time as the words fell, the light in Leng Jinghan's eyes suddenly became deep, and he just looked at Mu Qingkong naked/naked/naked like that, with that kind of eyes, just one glance would make people fall.

Mu Qingkong forgot to react. At this moment, she said to herself: If everything is false, then let her sink into this illusion, even if... the short time is only a meal, even if, the next moment She was about to wake up, and she was willing.

Yes, she has always been an evasive person in her relationship, but at this moment, she wants to think that what Leng Jinghan said is true, it has nothing to do with that night, and only thinks that he is sincerely saying these words to her at this moment ...

However, it is clear that Mu Qingkong's worries were superfluous. In the days that followed, Mu Qingkong lived a bit like a dream. She even thought that she was really dreaming, and all of this was an illusion created by her own imagination. .

The people in the Southern District clearly felt the difference in Mu Qingkong. In the past, she was relatively indifferent in everything she did, but recently, she always had an unconscious smile on her lips. Even when she was working, she would occasionally lose her mind. Although, She was still sharp when she acted, but everyone could still see the difference in her.

Shangguan Mu didn't show too much concern, maybe it was because he was really busy with the deployment of the operation, obviously in a police station, except for the operation and meetings, he and Mu Qingkong had less and less interaction, and recently Chi Wanru even put him The important things in his life are very tight, as long as he sees that he is free, he will drag him to the so-called reception in the upper class.

"Oh, it feels weird!" He Jun shook his head and sighed infinitely.

Kili also frowned, curled his lips and said, "I saw Qingkong eating with Leng Shao, and I saw Mu Sir and Lanrou from Lan's Group attending a reception together, and even appeared in a magazine..."

He Jun glanced at Kili, and sighed heavily again, a little confused, two people who were obviously good, separated as soon as they said it, and there was no warning.

"Huh? You said..." He Jun looked at Mu Qingkong mysteriously, "Could it be the need for this 'Falcon' operation?"

Hearing this, Kili rolled his eyes immediately, and said through gritted teeth, "You idiot, the falcon is for Nighthawk, what does it have to do with Tianlin Group and Lan Group?"

"Aren't I sorry?!" He Jun curled his lips a little bored.

"Emotional matters are really amazing..." Kili turned his face while glaring at He Jun, "Mu sir likes Qingkong so much, and Qingkong finally agreed to get along with him. I feel...the things in the operating room are still so clear." , and suddenly went their separate ways.”

A touch of heaviness dissipated between the two of them. They were outsiders after all, and what they saw between Mu Qingkong and Shangguan Mu was only superficial. No one knew exactly what was going on between the two of them. Naturally, everyone was very concerned. Tacitly kept silent and refused to ask face to face.

Shangguan Mu was standing on the rooftop with a cup of coffee. He leaned lazily on the fence, looking ahead with deep eyes. The afternoon sun in winter was very comfortable. It was warm when it fell on people.

The coffee in his hand was already a little cold, Shangguan Mu put the cup on the table, and turned around to look at the yard of the police station. The sounds of passing police officers and shouting ruffians are the most common in the police station recently, although " The "Falcon" operation was put on hold for the time being, but some young people wanted to take advantage of the vacuum to make a fortune. Naturally, their wishful thinking was also wrong.

Shangguan Mu looked at it for a while, and when he was about to turn around and go down, the phone rang... He took out the phone and answered it...

There was silence on the phone for a while, Shangguan Mu's eyes were slightly cold, and he said coldly: "You really dare to call at any time now!"

A "hehe" laughter came from the phone, and it was a bit weird through the voice changer: "Mu sir can always guess my phone number..."

Shangguan Mu was already in a gloomy mood, but when he heard the ridicule from the person on the phone, his face turned dark immediately, and he asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

"Looking for Mu sir... of course there is something to do!"

Shangguan Mu did not answer, waiting for the other party to continue.

"I want to know... the next step of Operation 'Falcon'!"

The corner of Shangguan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he said coldly, "What? When... are you so concerned about the actions of the police station?"

"Hahahaha..." The sudden laughter came again, which made people panic, "I'm not interested in the actions of your police station, I'm only interested in your actions."

"I don't need your guidance on my actions yet!" Shangguan Mu's expression became gloomy.

"What if... I let you carry the Nighthawk at once this time?"

"What if... I let you carry the Nighthawk at once this time?"

Shangguan Mu narrowed his eyes suddenly, and the light in his eyes became sharp and sharp in an instant: "Mr. R, big words...don't come out of it."

"Hahahaha..." Mr. R's laughter through the voice changer on the other end became more and more weird, "Is it a lie, why didn't Mu sir practice it?"

(End of this chapter)

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