President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 109 Bringing out the Nighthawk 18

Chapter 109 Bringing out the Nighthawk 18
Shangguan Mu's eyes narrowed even more, almost forming a slit, but even so, there was no way to stop the cruelty in his eyes: "Conditions!"

"What if I say no?" Mr. R's voice was full of laziness.

Shangguan Mu frowned. There is no such thing as a free lunch. He doesn't care who this Mr. R is, or if he just wants to use the police to get rid of Nighthawk. He doesn't care. As long as the purpose is right,'s right !
"Mu sir, we have cooperated many times, although they were not very pleasant, but... I did not spare any effort to cooperate with the police!" Mr. R said quietly.

"Then how do I know if you dug a hole for me to jump this time?" Shangguan Mu sneered coldly, his eyes became deep and bottomless.

There was another laugh on the phone, which was very uncomfortable to hear: "It depends on...Whether Mu Sir has the guts! This is the end of the conversation, Mu Sir should rectify the staff and wait for a hard blow All right."

After Mr. R finished speaking, before Shangguan Mu could say anything, he hung up the phone.

"Sir, do you think Shangguan Mu will believe you?"

"He will!" Mr. R didn't look at the person behind him, but curled his lips, "Not only will he, but he will work even harder..."

"I don't know if it can achieve the expected effect this time?"

The corner of Mr. R's mouth opened into a smile. Unlike the superficial smile just now, he smiled sincerely at this moment. However, this kind of smile reveals excitement and more coldness: "How can it not be achieved? Leng Jinghan Every step with Xiao Chen is according to my expectation, even God is helping me..."

One side of Mr. R's mouth curled into a strange arc, his face hidden under the mask became more twitching and ferocious, and the sight in front of him was even more ruthlessly cold. At that moment, his heart was full of thoughts, It seemed as if many things rushed into his mind at once, and then turned into countless blood of grief and anger, stimulating all his nerves.

The man standing behind Mr. R felt the ruthlessness emanating from him, like the coldness in hell, he couldn't help but took half a step back, twitched his mouth, and said, "I hope Mr. can achieve his wish this time." !"

Mr. R smiled coldly, took the cane on one side to support himself and stood up slowly. When he turned around, the expression on his face had become calm: "I'm going out for a while, you don't have to follow..."


Mr. R leaned on a cane and walked out. The man looked at his body that had been overwhelmed by the years, and felt indescribable.

When Mr. R left the villa, the driver Li Hai was already waiting there. Seeing him coming out, he hurriedly opened the car door. After he got in, he got into the car himself and asked, "Master, is there a nursing home?"

"En!" Mr. R responded, and at the same time, he seemed to be a little tired and took off his mask, revealing his face. Potholes, looks very scary.

He seemed to be used to it. He glanced in the rearview mirror and didn't have too many mood swings. He just started the car and headed to the nursing home...

When he arrived at the nursing home, Mr. R took one side of his hat and put it on, and then got out of the car after putting on a mask. Li Hai looked at his back, not only sighed helplessly, but also had indescribable melancholy in his eyes.

Mr. R walks through the corridors of the nursing home at a leisurely pace. The medical staff here have long been used to it. Everyone is familiar with the fact that he used to come here once a month and was unwilling to talk to people. Yes, but recently, he rarely came to this matter. Everyone was a little surprised, but no one bothered to ask.

Mr. R didn't stop until he walked to Xiao Xin's ward. He first looked inside through the viewing window, and then opened the door and walked in...

Looking at Xiao Xin who was still on the bed as quiet as a Sleeping Beauty, Mr. R sat down on a chair beside him. He glanced up and down at Xiao Xin indifferently, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, that smile came from his heart: " Xiao Chen took good care of you..."

Mr. R put the cane on one side of the hospital bed, and took Xiao Xin's hand. Her hand was very soft, as if she had no bones. She was like a living dead, surviving in this world with expensive medicines, because she had never moved However, her growth is not like that of normal people.

Mr. R gently kneaded Xiao Xin's hand with his fingertips, and every time he touched it, his eyes were full of sadness and hatred. Such a feeling seemed to be willing to destroy the world and destroy the place.

Mr. R stayed in Xiao Xin's ward for a long time, and it took three or four hours before he left. Just like he came, he walked very quietly, keeping his eyes down, and left under the watchful eyes of the medical staff.

Li Hai drove the car, glanced at Mr. R from the rearview mirror, and said nothing.

"Little sea……"

"Yes, master!" Li Hai was already fifty years old, but he was very used to Mr. R calling him that, and he didn't find it abrupt.

"It's been so many years..." Mr. R leaned back on the seat and looked forward, "...seeing that the net is about to be collected, suddenly it's a little empty again."

Li Hai looked at Mr. R again from the rearview mirror, and said calmly just now: "Master, this also shows...your patience for so many years has finally paid off."

"That's right!" Mr. R's eyes were a little dazed. Perhaps, at this moment, he felt that it was over like this, and his life was about to lose its support.

The deployment for so many years, the humiliation of that year, everything hit him, every night, he was haunted by nightmares, that scene made him sleepless and restless at night!
Xingtian apartment.

Shen Yueran and Mu Qingkong sorted and put away the things they just bought from the supermarket. Mu Qingkong took the vegetables and went to the kitchen to pick and wash them, with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing that her friend finally sorted out her feelings and was with Leng Jinghan, Shen Yueran felt happy for Mu Qingkong from the bottom of her heart, and admired her husband even more. Complain a few words, why didn't the plan be implemented earlier?
Every time Xing Tian just hugs Shen Yueran into his arms dotingly, and just pretends to be haha, he can't say the real reason, after all, it involves too much.

If it wasn't because he knew what happened back then, and he was afraid that the boss would back down again and again, how could he come up with such a strategy?
But now, Xing Tian still remembers Leng Jinghan's gloomy face when he went back that morning...

Xing Tian was distracted and glanced at Leng Jinghan who was focused. Now that Lin Group and Sun Empire have officially started a confrontation, each has won or lost in the past few days. After all, the two leaders are familiar with each other, and they want to think about it first. It is very difficult to prevent the other party from following closely.

At the moment, Tang Lan is making a report on next month's plan. It is undeniable that Tang Lan is definitely the elite among the elites, making many men feel inferior. It's a's impossible for such a strong woman to stand by Leng Jinghan's side.

Let me ask: How can two equally powerful people be harmonious?
Xing Tian was completely distracted, and he didn't react until everyone's eyes were on him. In order to cover up the embarrassment, he coughed lightly, pushed the frame of the mirror, and made his own remarks on the important points of this meeting. view.

Originally, he was just the president's secretary, but he has a pivotal position in Tianlin Group, even if Leng Jinghan is not around, he can make decisions for Leng Jinghan with full authority.

At first, everyone was very dissatisfied with this, especially the old shareholders, who felt that Leng Jinghan trusted this person too much, but later, due to practice, Xing Tian's deployment was completely fine, and even exceeded expectations. If it's uncomfortable, don't stop it.

The meeting was long, and it was not adjourned until the sky darkened.

After Tang Lan packed up the materials, he followed Leng Jinghan upstairs. There were several documents that required his signature...

Leng Jinghan briefly glanced at the document, took a pen to sign the document and handed it to Tang Lan, Tang Lan took it, looked at Leng Jinghan who was about to get up, and asked, "It's late, wait Have dinner together next time?"

"I have something to do at night!" Leng Jinghan replied coldly, then took his coat and stood up, completely ignoring Tang Lan's request to leave the office, and left with Xing Tian.

Tang Lan stayed where she was, with the corners of her mouth twitching non-stop. She is a woman, and she has the most sensitive feeling of a woman. She feels... Leng Jinghan has changed recently, although his stern face is still indifferent and devoid of any emotion However, his eyes always showed a faint smile inadvertently, she had never seen such a smile before, it was a kind of radiant smile...

"Boss, have you noticed that you and Qingkong have always come to my place for dinner recently?" Xing Tian was driving the car and asked, a little disgusted that they always disturbed the world between him and Shen Yueran.

"En!" Leng Jinghan responded, and just when Xing Tian thought that Leng Jinghan understood what he meant, he said quietly, "From today onwards, I will pay the food expenses!"


Xing Tian choked on his own saliva, and he was speechless for a long time.

He can guarantee that the boss did it on purpose. The boss felt that he had framed him, so he took Mu Qingkong to his house every day... The boss has a strong desire for revenge!
With a bitter face on Xing Tian's face, he secretly slandered: "I don't even think about it, it's not me. Can your awkward view of love get together with Mu Qingkong?"Are you two happy now?Can you enjoy the occasional text message?
The more Xing Tian thought about it, the more angry he became, he gritted his teeth and the corners of his mouth twitched non-stop.

Leng Jinghan glanced at him indifferently, and said calmly: "I plan to renovate the villa, and I will live in your place for a few days..."

Leng Jinghan glanced at him indifferently, and said calmly: "I plan to renovate the villa, and I will live in your place for a few days..."


The car was stopped suddenly, Xing Tian turned his head and looked at Leng Jinghan with wide eyes: "Boss, you can't tell the truth, right? You don't just have that suite..."

Xing Tian suddenly stopped talking, seeing the playful smile on the corner of Leng Jinghan's mouth, his face collapsed immediately, he held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, as if he was going to break the steering wheel before he was willing, because at this moment, he had a feeling The urge to kill.

The atmosphere in the car here is strange, stiff and full of anger, but in the apartment there is harmony, and laughter fills the whole room...

"Okay, don't play anymore, you will suffer every time!" Shen Yueran begged for mercy, panting, she is most afraid of tickling, and compared with Mu Qingkong, she is really powerless, where is it? Mu Qingkong's opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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