President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 110 Bringing out the Nighthawk 19

Chapter 110 Bringing out the Nighthawk 19
Mu Qingkong had a smile on her face, with the brilliance of being a woman nourished by love. She looked at the stains on Shen Yueran's body and face due to the fight, and said with a smile: "Go and clean it up, I'll clean it up first. ..."

As she said that, Mu Qingkong looked at the water in the kitchen and curled her lips.

Shen Yueran responded and went to change clothes and wash her face. When she came back, the kitchen had already been cleaned up by Mu Qingkong. Shen Yueran frowned and asked suddenly: "Qingkong, do you feel that there will always be days when you look at the kitchen? Will I look ugly in the mirror?"

Mu Qingkong looked back at Shen Yueran, although Shen Yueran was not the kind of woman who was very alluring at first glance, but she was also beautiful, and she completely inherited the advantages of her mother and father.

Mu Qingkong looked at Shen Yueran who was holding a small mirror and curled her lips, and asked: "Then do you feel... every time you take a bath, you will become more beautiful?"

When Shen Yueran heard this, her eyes immediately lit up, she raised her gaze on the small mirror and looked at Mu Qingkong, then nodded in response hastily: "Mmmmmm, I also made the same decision, then...why is that? "

"That's because your brain is flooded!" Mu Qingkong said calmly and seriously.

Shen Yueran had a feeling that her face was petrified in an instant, she grinned her teeth, and came to Mu Qingkong's side angrily... Immediately, there was another burst of laughter from the kitchen, and when Leng Jinghan and Xing Tian came in, there were many Frowning and looking in the direction of the kitchen, there was a sound of "thunderbolt bang bang" mixed with laughter and cursing...

The two of them walked to the door of the kitchen, but the people inside didn't notice, they were still making a fuss on their own, it was funny and funny...

Leng Jinghan stared deeply at the inside, his eyes fell tightly on Mu Qingkong's face, her face exuded a different smile, such a smile, for some reason, made him feel inexplicable Familiarity, as if... She used to always smile like this?
Leng Jinghan's eyes fell lightly, and there was a trace of doubt in his ink pupils. Although such a sense of familiarity rushed in suddenly, it only disappeared in an instant. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey, you guys are back?" Shen Yueran was the first to spot them, and she wasn't shy, she rolled her eyes and looked at herself, Mu Qingkong, and the mess in the entire kitchen, with an apologetic expression on her face.

On the other hand, Mu Qingkong blushed a little, after all, she rarely played around like this, plus... this is Xingtian's home.

"It seems... there is no food today!" Xing Tian swept around the kitchen, not only not angry, but also very happy, "Let's not cook today, let's go out to eat!"

"Why? It will be packed in a while?" Shen Yueran held a celery in her hand, with a dazed expression on her face.

Xing Tian grinned secretly in his heart, as his wife, sometimes she was so smart that people were surprised, and sometimes she was so confused that she wanted to knock her on the head!

If Leng Jinghan glanced at Xing Tian meaningfully, he could understand his meaning with just one glance, and his thin lips parted slightly, and he said coldly: "Then go out and eat!"

Mu Qingkong frowned slightly, looked at so many vegetables bought on the counter, felt a little bit reluctant, and then said: "I made it with Xiaoran, and I could eat something in half an should be faster than outside !"

"Yes, yes!" Shen Yueran nodded hurriedly with a smile.

The corners of Leng Jinghan's cold and thin lips slightly raised an arc that seemed to be absent, and his Motong glanced at Xing Tian lightly, and said lightly: "In this case, let's eat at home!"

Xing Tian slandered Shen Yueran in his heart, but he responded with a smile on his face, feeling bitter and indescribable.

Leng Jinghan and Xing Tian left the kitchen to Shen Yueran and Mu Qingkong, and the two went to Xing Tian's study alone. Such small episodes are just entertainment in life, but when it comes to business, neither of them has the same small details as before. thought.

"How's everything going?" Leng Jinghan asked casually while lighting a cigarette.

Xing Tian poured two glasses of wine, handed one to Leng Jinghan, and said, "It's all been redeployed. Brother Xiao has been a little quiet recently, and he doesn't seem to interfere too much with Sun. Looking at the situation... it's his intention to clear up the situation." It’s true on the surface, and it’s all hidden in the dark.”

Leng Jinghan took a breath of smoke, lowered his eyes slightly and exhaled the smoke, his sword eyebrows frowned lightly, a little bit of strange emotion crossed his eyes: "He forced Qing Kong to be with me, just because he wanted me to protect her. Instead of confronting him head-on, this's not so much that he wants to make a result for the previous things, it's better to say...he wants to really compete with me..."

However, no matter what the result was, he didn't want to see it.

Leng Jinghan thought in his heart, at the beginning, he didn't want to be with Qingkong, a large part of the reason was that he needed to lose himself, but now... he can't think like this, and the rest of the result is either Eagle's failure, he doesn't want to Seeing such a result, either... he lost, but he didn't want to see Qingkong sad.

Under the dilemma, Leng Jinghan frowned suddenly, but relaxed again in an instant.

After all, Xing Tian is someone who has been with Leng Jinghan for a long time, and he is also a person who is very familiar with Leng Jinghan. He can roughly guess his worries at the moment, and it is precisely because of this that he hopes that Mu Qingkong and the boss will have something to do. In this way, the result of the boss will not only have an option of failure, at least... there is still half of it that can succeed.

The two seemed to be chatting in the study room. Half an hour later, the meal was ready, and Shen Yueran came to knock on the door. Shen Yueran was already used to the unexplainable "ambiguous" relationship between her husband and his president. It's very rotten and all kinds of YY.

The dishes on the dinner table are all home-cooked dishes, not luxurious, but they look simple but appetizing. For people like Leng Jinghan and Xing Tian who go in and out of high-end places every day and hardly enjoy what is called home-cooked food, it is really Very tempting.

However, Xing Tian is better than Leng Jinghan. Ever since he got together with Shen Yueran, this is his benefit...Of course, after bringing together Leng Jinghan and Mu Qingkong, the benefits of two people become four!
At the dinner table, everyone was enjoying themselves, and Leng Jinghan seldom spoke. No matter what time he ate, his behavior revealed an air of aloof elegance. Although the dishes were ordinary, he seemed to be able to taste like a famous chef.

And the remaining three people are a little more turbulent, especially Shen Yueran and Xing Tian.

When everyone was playing and chatting while eating, Mu Qingkong's phone rang, she shrugged her shoulders to answer the phone, and when she listened to what the people inside were talking about, she kept answering.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yueran seemed to be quite accustomed to asking, "Did you come from the police station?"

"Yeah!" Looking at the crowd, Mu Qingkong finally looked at Leng Jinghan apologetically, "I want to go back to the police station, I have action tonight!"

"En!" Leng Jinghan put down the bowls and chopsticks as he responded softly, "I'll take you there."

"No need...I'll live by myself..."

"I'll see you off!" Leng Jinghan interrupted Mu Qingkong's words, with a domineering voice that could not be refused.

"That's right, Leng Shao send Leng Shao send!" Shen Yueran said with a smile in a hurry, looking at Mu Qingkong narrowly in her eyes, suddenly, Mu Qingkong blushed in embarrassment.

Xing Tian was turning the bowl in his hand, stuffed meat with chopsticks into his mouth, swayed his body and said quietly: "Oh, the CEO drives... but never takes women. At that time, I had an idea, and I understand it today.”

After hearing this, Mu Qingkong blushed even more. In order to cover up, she purposely said viciously: "Eat your meal, the whole table can't be eaten, be careful Xiaoran won't let you go to bed!"

"Of course my family is not so domineering, she is very gentle!" Xing Tian applauded appropriately, and gave Shen Yueran a look, and Shen Yueran immediately nodded understandingly, expressing her approval of Xing Tian's compliment.

"Starting today, Qingkong and I will be very busy. In the next month... I will pay your account for the food expenses of the two of us..." Leng Jinghan said indifferently while putting on his coat, and said lightly. Ni rolled his eyes at Xing Tianhou who was twitching at the corner of his mouth, and pulled Mu Qingkong away.

Looking at the closed door, Xing Tian gritted his teeth a little bit, but couldn't express his pain, and said directly: It's hard to be a good person.

On the way to the police station, I passed by a dessert shop. Puzzled by Mu Qingkong, I went down and bought a few boxes of egg tarts and porridge for her...

"Why buy this? There are so many?" Mu Qingkong looked at the tall stack, sweating.

"I haven't finished dinner yet, so I'll fill up some time..." Leng Jinghan started the car, "You can also invite your colleagues to eat."

His words were very indifferent, and even his expression was very indifferent, but there was a smile on the corner of Mu Qingkong's mouth...

She doesn't know how other people's love is. When she was with Shangguan Mu, Shangguan Mu was very kind to her, but she didn't seem to have much happiness, only guilt, but... Leng Jinghan like this The inadvertent concern and awkward desire to do something made her heart inexplicably warm...

Mu Qingkong lowered her head and pursed her lips and smiled. She is very happy at the moment, and when she is happy, she will feel that everything that follows will be beautiful, but she has forgotten that there is a kind of jealousy called "extreme joy begets sorrow"!
Leng Jinghan sent Mu Qingkong to the police station. After watching her go in, his eagle eyes inadvertently lifted up and landed on the window of an office. The smile, that kind of smile, has a trace of treachery.

After Mu Qingkong entered the office area, after putting down the food on the table beside her, she hurriedly hung up her police ID and headed for the conference room...

In the meeting room, more than half of the people have already arrived, and the rest are rushing to the police station. After sitting down next to He Jun, Mu Qingkong asked softly, "Is there any temporary action?"

He Jun shook his head, shrugged and said, "I don't know, probably not?"

Mu Qingkong looked at the empty table in front of him and said, "It shouldn't be 'Falcon' either?"

She was a little hesitant in her words. After all, the action has only rested for more than a week. According to the routine or the movement of the action, it will not be now, but...

Mu Qingkong looked at the people who filled up one after another, and became even more puzzled. After all, the people who came this time were all from the "Falcon" operation.

He Jun kept staring at the position of the door, even turned slightly sideways to Mu Qingkong, and said in a low voice: "I heard that the big head is here too!"

Mu Qingkong was completely surprised this time, and she also vaguely felt that the matter was serious.

There were only two or three minutes left before the meeting was announced, and the meeting room was quiet. Although everyone was speculating about something in their hearts, no one was whispering at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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