President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 111 Bringing out the Nighthawk 20

Chapter 111 Bringing out the Nighthawk 20
A few people walked in at the door, the leader was Zhang Muyang, who was nearly fifty but in good condition, followed by Shangguan Mu and several inspectors from other districts.

Everyone stood up and sat down after saluting. Zhang Muyang just said a few words lightly. Afterwards, Shangguan Mu made arrangements for the next action with a solemn face. no sound whatsoever...


Xiaosi and the others looked at Leng Jinghan, none of them thought that he would be the one who came to the base of the Digital Legion, or was it at such a time? !

"Boss..." Xiao Si frowned, the situation is tense now, and with the status of the boss, it is inappropriate to appear here.

"Let me see how your preparations are going?" Leng Jinghan's words were very calm, and his true emotions could not be heard.

Xiao Si looked at the crowd, with some heavy eyes, he pulled his eyes back and said: "Everything is ready according to what Brother Tian said...just..."

Xiao Si didn't continue, looking very hesitant.

When Leng Jinghan lit the cigarette, his eyes lightly fell on his face, and he asked, "Just what?"

"It's nothing..." Xiao Si endured it, and finally didn't ask.

Xiao Wu took a look at Xiao Si, as if he hated iron and steel: "Boss, we just want to know... Is Nighthawk really going to disband?"

"Must!" Leng Jinghan said briefly, his eyes glanced sharply at everyone's faces, and he said coldly, "I don't want to hear this question again!"

Everyone was startled by Leng Jinghan's eyes and lowered their eyes again and again, with extremely complicated emotions.

"I know you guys are not willing to part with Nighthawk..." Leng Jinghan's tone did not soften a little, "You really want to stay here forever? You are young now, but what if you marry a wife and have children?"

Everyone became even more silent, yes, what are you most afraid of in the underworld?Don't you have a wife and child and worry about being kidnapped all day long?

Leng Jinghan took a deep breath of the cigarette and exhaled the smoke. The gray-white smoke gradually filled in front of his stern and handsome face, and then disappeared, leaving only the smell of smoke in the air.

"There will be a big move over there in the next few days. I don't want anything to go wrong, and I don't want Ah Tian to come and clean up the mess for you..." Mu Qingkong said indifferently, and his eyes swept over several people again, "Do you understand? ?”

Everyone raised their heads, and nodded in embarrassment: "Yes!"

Leng Jinghan stubbed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray and got up to leave. He didn't let Xing Tian come, one was because of Shen Yueran, and the other was that he had to let the people in the digital group know his thoughts...

The car drove away from the base area under the night, and walked on the main road after going around the small village. Pass the car and disappear into the night.

"Brother Xiao, I lost my follow..." After receiving the call, Mu Sen said to Xiao Chen who was leisurely making coffee.

Xiao Chen responded casually, and continued to be busy with his movements: "It would be strange if I could keep up."

Ye is thoughtful and has a good understanding of the anti-tracking technique. Most people can't follow him, even if he...

The movements of Xiao Chen's hands froze, and a thought-provoking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He looked up at Mu Sen, and asked lightly, "What's the news over there?"

"The second operation is about to begin..." Mu Sen said calmly, "If nothing unexpected happens, Leng Jinghan will take this opportunity to disband Nighthawk."

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the rolling coffee, and he became thoughtful. After a while, when Mu Sen didn't hear him, he slowly said: "The grievances between me and him...I don't want to get involved Xiaosi and the others, let him finish this matter!"

"But," Mu Sen frowned, "If you let go of this opportunity, it will be hard to find next time..."

"How could it be?" Xiao Chen raised his eyes, his eyes were full of confidence, "Nighthawk still has such a large amount of goods in his hands, if he says stop, he will stop... How can it be so easy?"

Of course Mu Sen knew this, but he didn't think that such an opportunity would be better than the present one. Leng Jinghan is a deep person, and no one can really see through him. Maybe, he just calculated that Brother Xiao would soften his heart to Xiaosi and the others. Woolen cloth?

The room fell into silence for a moment, Xiao Chen was still concentrating on making his coffee, while Mu Sen had something to say but under Xiao Chen's cold light, he didn't dare to say it.

Xiao Chen's eyes were deep, of course he knew what Ye was thinking, and he also knew that Ye was sure that he would not destroy this time.

While thinking about it, Xiao Chen's eyes fell outside, looking at the already dim sky outside, there were deep thoughts deep in his eyes...

At night, City A once again ushered in unrest. The actions that had just stopped for a few days, started again after the meeting of the Southern District Police Station tonight...

Shangguan Mu looked sternly at Xiao Xiao, who was trying to do something in the vacuum of the past few days, with a cold expression on his face.

The police lights flashed wildly at night, and the whistling and shouting merged into a fretful reminder... The entire police district attached great importance to and insisted on the "Falcon" operation this time, which also made people on the road People were dumbfounded.

Mr. R stood on the viewing platform of a mountain in City A. Standing there, he could almost have a panoramic view of the entire city A. The night wind was blowing, causing the corners of his clothes to turn up slightly. His gloomy gaze was slightly covered, revealing the coldness on his body that was a little bit colder than Night Breeze.

"What do you say over there?" Suddenly, Mr. R asked.

Li Hai looked calmly, and said: "Leng Xiaotian made an appointment with some people. Although everyone is still on Xiao Chen's side, but...some people still care about Brother Yuan and Sister-in-law, and they are somewhat shaken."

"Oh?" Mr. R heard, disdain flashed in his eyes, "Ling Siyuan hurt them so badly back then...they still worry about their old relationship?"

Li Hai's eyes darkened, as if he was trying his best to hold back something, then he paused and said, "However, everyone came out with Brother Yuan, so it's normal to be worried, let alone... and Ning Ning this relationship."

When Mr. R heard this, his eyes narrowed suddenly, as if he had thought of something. For a moment, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but it was only for a moment before he hid it: "If they really still think about Ningning, why would they say so?" Will you help Xiao Chen deal with Leng Jinghan?"

The voice of the rhetorical question was stiff and cold, for a moment, Li Hai was speechless.

However, he knew that although everyone was angry at what happened back then, if Gao Leng Xiaotian talked about what happened back then, wouldn't everyone really be shaken?
After all, it was thanks to Brother Yuan that everyone had such a day, although in the end...

In the end...but it's all about profit and harm!
The empty place fell into silence, except for the sound of the wind, there was nothing. Unlike the noisy noise below, this place seemed to be isolated from the world.

Mr. R and Li Hai stood in front of each other like that, one looked down at the city, and the other looked down slightly. They were thinking about the same thing, but not the same thing.

"It seems...Xiao Chen wants to let him go this time..." Mr. R's cold voice came mixed in the night wind, full of sarcasm and disappointment.

Li Hai didn't respond, and for some reason, he was actually a little secretly happy. On the one hand, he hoped that the master would fulfill his wish, but... on the other hand, he didn't like any relationship between Xiao Chen and Leng Jinghan. Something happened to one person.

This kind of heart is contradictory, and I can't let the master know... Thinking about it, Li Hai couldn't help but glance at Mr. R. He was once a high-spirited man with a lot of support. Because of the fire, he not only suffered extensive burns all over his body, but also His originally arrogant figure became cold and full of hatred.

Li Hai secretly sighed, who is right and who is wrong... He can't say, it's just what happened back then, maybe he can't tell who is right and who is wrong, maybe it is Brother Yuan, maybe... It's the boss, but things always have causes and effects. If it didn't happen before, how could there be things after?
Thinking about it, Li Hai couldn't help but frown very tightly. For many years, he didn't want to remember that night of duel, that night was doomed for today's events.

Sometimes he even wondered, if everyone could calm down, would the situation be different today?
Li Hai's face became more and more serious. He was one of the few people who knew what happened back then, and because he knew, he couldn't tell who was right...

"Xiao Hai, should I give Leng Jinghan a gift?"

Suddenly, a cold and treacherous voice interrupted Li Hai's thoughts. Li Hai suddenly looked up at Mr. R, with an inexplicable fear spreading in his heart: "Master means..."

Li Hai soon found out what Mr. R's so-called gift to Leng Jinghan was. He watched the report on the TV news, but couldn't tell what he felt at that time, only that his chest was blocked by something, and he was stuffy. Yes, breathless.

At the same time, Xiao Chen was also watching the news, with a rare look of astonishment on his face. According to his understanding of Ye, things would never develop to such a point...

"Brother Xiao, look..." Mu Sen also frowned.

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes lightly, and after a while, he said sinisterly: "What exactly is he thinking?"

Mu Sen was stunned. It turned out that not only he couldn't understand Leng Jinghan, but even Brother Xiao couldn't understand.

Inside the police station, there was a solemn scene. Shangguan Mu stood in the monitoring room, watching the situation in several interrogation rooms, his eyes were cold, and there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

There was a knock on the door, and immediately, someone opened the door and walked in. Shangguan Mu turned around and saw He Hai.

"Mu sir," He Hai handed over the information in his hand to Shangguan Mu, "Nighthawk's population is very tight, and valuable information cannot be obtained."

Shangguan Mu lowered his eyes and glanced at the documents he had just received. There was a strange aura around his pretty diamond-shaped lips. He casually flipped through a few pages and said indifferently, "Tight mouth? Hey, there is always a mouth to loosen." when……"

He Hai didn't answer the question, the police station is not as open and aboveboard as the outside, and in many cases, extraordinary means are used, and such extraordinary means, generally speaking... what they want can naturally be obtained.

Shangguan Mu lowered his hand holding the documents, turned around and glanced at the surveillance cameras in several interrogation rooms. At just the right time, his phone rang, and he frowned slightly while taking out the phone, explaining that he left the surveillance room behind him.

On the rooftop, the cold wind gently caressed his cheeks, passing over his skin like a small knife blade. Shangguan Mu's eyes were cold, listening to the voice from the voice changer inside, his stern face did not show much expression, except that it gradually diffused haze.

(End of this chapter)

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