President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 112 Bringing out the Nighthawk 21

Chapter 112 Bringing out the Nighthawk 21
"Such a simple way to set blame... Are you a fool when you are a policeman?" Shangguan Mu's voice was cold, "Is this the so-called gift you gave me?"

"What? Mu sir thinks it's not enough?" Mr. R's voice was filled with a smile, and that kind of smile made people feel creepy.

Shangguan Mu narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "If they were the masterminds of Nighthawk...for so many years, they wouldn't play around with the police..."

Mr. R smiled, with admiration in his eyes. Shangguan Mu is young and energetic. The most important thing is...he is definitely not a person who is very successful. He knows what he wants, and he knows what kind of path to take.

"I want real people behind the scenes!" Shangguan Mu's voice was a little cold.

"This... depends on Mu sir's ability!" Mr. R's voice had a thought-provoking emotion. While he slightly curled the corners of his lips, he also knew that Shangguan Mu would definitely understand what he meant. He helped Shangguan Mu, it's not for him to catch Leng Jinghan, but...

When Mr. R's eyes flickered, a strange light flashed, and he said slowly: "I called, just to remind Mu Sir, I'm here...don't let anyone run away."

Shangguan Mu frowned suddenly. Although he didn't like Mr. R very much, he also knew that this person would never be bored enough to remind him of this matter: "The matter of the police station... is not old. You care."

Mr. R smiled "hehe" and hung up the phone. His eyes fell on the uninterrupted scrolling news, and his eyes were shining with excitement.

Office of the President of Tianlin Group.

Leng Jinghan sat lazily on the chair, watching the news scrolling on the monitor with eagle eyes indifferently, his stern face showed no emotional fluctuations at all, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

There was a "dong dong" knock on the door, and while he turned his gaze back to answer the sound, he turned off the monitor, and at the right time, Xing Tian walked in with a heavy face.

"The situation is very troublesome!" Xing Tian said before he even had time to sit down. There was some uneasiness in his voice, and the deployment was obviously very clean. He just waited for the police to "carry" Nighthawk, and then, after handling it in a special way, Get Xiaosi and the others out, but in the current situation, they have unknowingly got such a large amount of goods...

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is a frame, but this is not important. What is important is that this time Nighthawk will not only disperse, but also Xiaosi and the others will not be able to get out. What's more, it will cause some unnecessary troubles.

"The current situation is very pessimistic, I'm afraid..." Xing Tian looked at Leng Jinghan, he was not worried about himself, but if the boss was involved in this matter, it would be very troublesome, the most important thing is that they were right Xiao Chen can't act, but why...

"Trust them!" Leng Jinghan said lightly, without any anxiety on Xing Tian's face, as if he had a plan in his chest.

However, no matter how indifferent his appearance was, he was only deceiving others. He couldn't deceive himself. When the news came back, his mind was completely blank for a moment that he had never had before. He knew that this time would definitely not be the same as the eagle. It will push Xiao Si and the others into a desperate situation.

Even if he wanted to take revenge on himself, he would not do so. Instead of hurting Xiaosi and the others, Ying would know that hurting Qingkong would be more effective for him.

If it's not an eagle...then there are only two possibilities.

One is Shangguan Mu himself, and the other... is that there are still people behind the scenes controlling the whole situation, or...

Leng Jinghan narrowed his eyes slightly, and two long and narrow rays of light shot out of his eyelids.

Or, Shangguan Mu and the people behind the scenes have joined together to get what they need.

Just as he was thinking, the phone rang. Leng Jinghan indifferently withdrew his thoughts and took out the phone. Qing Ni glanced at the incoming call and picked it up: "Are you off work?"

His voice is faint, but it's not difficult to hear a touch of pampering in it.

Mu Qingkong looked at the busy police station, and said apologetically, "Well... I probably won't be able to accompany you to dinner..."

"Is the bureau very busy?" Leng Jinghan asked knowingly.

"Yeah!" Mu Qingkong sighed secretly, never knew that there was a moment in herself, when she wished to be free, "You have to eat by yourself..."

As she said that, Mu Qingkong's voice gradually became weaker, and she became a little embarrassed.

Leng Jinghan raised the corners of his lips lightly, and if there was a faint smile, he didn't seem to be in a low-pressure atmosphere at all. He just responded softly and asked, "Do you need me to order you takeaway?"

"No..." Mu Qingkong felt sweet in her heart, "I can just eat at the Juli tea restaurant."

"En!" Leng Jinghan responded, "Call me when you're done, and I'll pick you up!"

"I don't know what time it will be? I can just go back by myself..."

"I'll pick you up!" The domineering words cannot be refused.

Mu Qingkong finally agreed, the feeling of being pampered made her immerse herself in the past, no matter whether Leng Jinghan was her little sun, but she felt that the little sun was by his side.

Mu Qingkong was happy on his own, but he didn't know what Leng Jinghan really meant. Xing Tian felt a little heavy, but now he regretted letting the boss and Mu Qingkong be together...

Sometimes people are contradictory, just like Xing Tian at this moment.

If Mu Qingkong is not allowed to wade through this muddy water, the boss will only give in blindly, and there will be only one result in the end; but if Mu Qingkong is allowed to enter the game, the boss will be distracted by her, and there will be an additional weakness that cannot be ignored... …

Xing Tian sighed secretly, and asked, "Boss, what should we do next?"

"Look at the situation first!" Leng Jinghan said indifferently, "Whatever you do now, not only won't be able to save Xiaosi and the others, I'm afraid, no one will be able to escape..."

Xing Tian frowned tightly, and stopped talking, with deep worry on his bookish face.

Leng Jinghan explained a few more words and left Tianlin Group. He needs to meet someone, maybe...the other person can tell him something!
Southern District Police Department.

Thanks to the nighthawk, the "Falcon" operation has finally come to an end, at least, this is how it looks to the outside world...

In the next few days, the entire police station took turns to bombard the people captured by Nighthawk. Some people gradually lost their strength and have already revealed their words. However, they are not the leaders, and they don't know many things. Even most of them They didn't know that besides the digital group, Nighthawk actually had people behind the scenes manipulating it!

"Qingkong, how is your side?" Li Yue frowned, with tiredness on his face.

Mu Qingkong shook her head, a little discouraged: "I can't ask anything at all."

"Separate them into the sealed room!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came, everyone looked back, and Shangguan Mu walked in with a stern face.

"Mu sir!" Everyone saluted.

Shangguan Mu just nodded slightly, his eyes swept across the crowd, and after pausing for a while on Mu Qingkong's face, he said coldly, "I want to see how tight their mouths are!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, secretly thinking that Shangguan Mu's patience had been worn out by the past few days, and it was strange to say that no one let go, no matter whether it was using dark punishment or coercion, there was even a kind of robbery. Saying that he is the person in charge...

At one time, they thought it was just a matter of time, but the current situation was not the case at all, which also made them understand why the Nighthawk had not fallen for so many years, and even made it difficult for people to find a loose corner.

However, it is strange to say, why were they caught so easily this time, and even such a batch was found?
Although everyone knew it was a blame game, it's just that everyone is now guessing who has such a great ability.

Thinking, everyone inadvertently looked at Mu Qingkong again. Mu Qingkong, who has been devoting herself to attacking Nighthawks, has made a great contribution this time. The entire den was brought out by her. This time... I am afraid that what awaits her is promotion up.

Just as everyone's thoughts were turning, Mu Qingkong frowned and asked, "Mu sir, is it not good to do this...?"

Mu Qingkong frowned and asked: "Mu sir, is it not good to do this...?"

When she asked her words, everyone's hearts were terrified. In fact, everyone thought so, but no one spoke up, and no one was surprised that Mu Qingkong would say this. After all, the former Qingkong is like this, otherwise, she has cracked so many cases, why has she always been a police officer, not even a sheriff?

Now that Shangguan Mu is in charge of the Southern District, the report will naturally be well written, as can be seen from the meaning of the above several times... However, it is very subtle that Mu Qingkong is so openly contradicting at this moment, not only Because of her relationship with Shangguan Mu...

Sure enough, when everyone looked, Shangguan Mu was looking at Mu Qingkong. Apart from the sharpness in his eyes just now, there was not much emotion in his eyes, so everyone couldn't guess what he was thinking at the moment.

"Put those people in a claustrophobic space!" Shangguan Mu's voice was devoid of emotion, and only Ling Ao, who was his boss, said in Shangguan Mu's voice, "Mu Qingkong, come with me!"

"Yes, sir!" After everyone responded, they watched Shangguan Mu turn around and then looked at Mu Qingkong...

Mu Qingkong pursed her lips, gave everyone a comforting look, and walked out with Shangguan Mu.

Shangguan Mu didn't go to the office, but went to the rooftop. It seems that he likes it very much recently, because he is always here, and Mu Qingkong seldom comes up. After all, the two of them are more or less awkward now. Yes, especially once when Shangguan Mu accompanied Chi Wanru to a restaurant for dinner, after meeting her and Leng Jinghan...

Mu Qingkong was silent, she followed the steps up to the rooftop step by step, every step she took was heavy, and her heart gradually became tense.

Shangguan Mu stood still on the fence of the rooftop, with his hands in his trouser pockets, his gaze slightly downcast as he looked downstairs, a kind of arrogance and arrogance that looked down upon the world gradually emerged.

Mu Qingkong stood five steps behind him, not casually, she just stared at Shangguan Mu's back and didn't speak. After all, the boss didn't speak, and she had no right to say anything.

"Do you know how much the 'Falcon' operation cost?" Shangguan Mu asked suddenly.

Mu Qingkong frowned slightly, how could she, a police officer, know such a thing?However, with such a long operation cycle this time, and the integration of people from the four districts, the cost will definitely not be small.

Shangguan Mu didn't want Mu Qingkong to answer his question, he turned around and looked at Mu Qingkong, he just said calmly: "These people are just people on Yeying's face, if you can't find out the people behind, sooner or later The second Nighthawk will appear! Is this... what you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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