President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 116 The Battle of the Nighthawk 7

Chapter 116 The Battle of the Nighthawk 7
"Tell me when you're done checking!"

"Understood, butler!" Shen Yueran smiled and raised her eyebrows coquettishly, hung up the phone, a happy expression fell into Qiao Qiao's eyes, and she gave her a teasing look.

Shen Yueran went directly to the hospital under Tianlin, and after registering, she sat there and waited thoughtfully. Her mind was a little empty, as if she wanted to think about something, but couldn't think of anything.

"Empty rejoicing... I thought that the chicken that couldn't lay eggs finally got news, but it turned out that it was gluttony that ruined my stomach!"

"Mom, you didn't let her hear..."

"I just want her to hear, what can a woman do if she can't have children..."


"I'm going to say, hum, I tell you, you divorce her for me!"

"I won't divorce her..."

"If you have the ability, you can turn her into a chicken that can lay eggs!"


The sound of quarreling came indistinctly, and Shen Yueran looked reflexively, and saw a woman in her 50s pointing her nose at the man beside her with her face horizontally in front of her, and without a few words, a woman slowly Slowly approaching, the head could not be lowered any lower.

Their quarrel attracted the attention of many people, but, after all, it was a hospital, and after a while, they were persuaded to leave by the nurse.

The people next to him were whispering, Shen Yueran curled her lips and sighed, she looked back, and when her eyes fell on her flat belly, a bold speculation flashed into her mind...

Will it be...

Shen Yueran's eyes suddenly lit up, with anticipation and excitement... She stroked her stomach lightly, looked at the outpatient registration form in her hand, and couldn't help pinching it, feeling inexplicably nervous.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down, and then, she calculated the date of her menstrual leave, but after a long time of calculation, she couldn't figure out the reason. All along, her menstruation was not on time, and she was careless. , I also forgot what day I visited last time, but I can't tell the time right now.

"No. 374, Shen Yueran!"

At this time, there was a voice calling, Shen Yueran raised her head in a daze, and then she reacted and hurried into the outpatient room...

Time, as the time of auscultation slowly passed, after Shen Yueran did a series of examinations, she held the list in her hand and looked at it, and the corners of her mouth gradually began to smile.

After leaving the hospital, Shen Yueran was sitting in the car, still unable to wake up from the joy of the examination report. She looked at the picture on the B-ultrasound sheet, and there was a small dot that was barely visible, and she felt indescribably happy .

"Miss Shen, you have been pregnant for more than 40 days..."

More than 40 days...

Shen Yueran gently touched the picture with her fingertips. This is her and Xing Tian's child. She is going to be a mother, and Xing Tian is going to be a father...

Joy filled all her thoughts, and Shen Yueran couldn't contain the ecstasy in her heart. She picked up the phone and wanted to call Xing Tian, ​​and wanted to tell him...

"Have you checked? What's wrong?" Xing Tian was obviously waiting for her call.

"I..." Shen Yueran was about to blurt out just now, but she held back what she said, and rolled her eyes slyly, "The doctor said it's all right, it's just that the food was spoiled."


"Really!" Shen Yueran said solemnly, "I said that I can't eat cold and irritating things recently..."

"Well, I remember!" After hearing this, Xing Tian didn't suspect anything, and just wanted to hang up the phone after explaining a few words.

"Wait..." Shen Yueran called out hastily, "You... When will you be back at night?"

Xing Tian frowned slightly and said, "It's probably going to be late today, so you go to bed first, huh?"

Shen Yueran was a little disappointed, but she didn't want to show it, she just said, "I'll wait for you!"

"Sleep first!"

"No, I want to wait for you!" Shen Yueran insisted, "I haven't seen you for several days..."

Hearing what she said, Xing Tian felt more and more guilty, and finally said: "Okay, I will try to come back as soon as possible!"

Xing Tian hung up the phone and didn't think much about it. He has been preparing for the shipment for the past two days, and the delivery will be made tonight. If there is no accident, after today... no one will be able to catch the boss. They, the boss, have already arranged everything... just wait for the rain to clear after today!
Thinking about it, Xing Tian couldn't help looking at Leng Jinghan's office. Leng Jinghan is holding an administrative video conference in Asia at the moment. In the past few days, the war without gunpowder between Tianlin Group and Sun Empire is in full swing. , no one can say who won, and no one can say who lost. The losses between the two are very serious. The shareholders of both groups have jumped one by one. However, in the face of the strong Leng Jinghan and Xiao Chen, but helpless.

Xing Tian sighed deeply, with a touch of sadness on his bookish face, success or failure... depends on tonight!

Time passed by little by little, and the video conference did not end until it was close to four o'clock in the afternoon, and the conclusion was that Tianlin Group had lost nearly one billion yuan in the fight against the Sun Empire these days, although the money was worthless to Tianlin Group It's a drop in the bucket, but if things go on like this, even an elephant can't stand the ants slowly nibbling at it.

Xing Tian sent him to Leng Jinghan's office and said, "The police haven't taken any action yet."

"En!" Leng Jinghan responded, eating indifferently, but his mind was running fast. Suddenly, he paused slightly while eating, and looked up at Xing Tian, ​​"It's too quiet!"

Xing Tian frowned, thinking the same way: "It's a bit unusual, logically... Even if the people behind the scenes don't know the exact time, they shouldn't be completely inactive... Now it's not just that the South District didn't respond, The headquarters is also unusually quiet..."

After hearing this, Leng Jinghan suddenly raised his thin lips with a faint smile, and continued to eat with his eyes downcast. He is not a person who pursues material comforts, and he used to lick blood on the edge of a knife for a few days There is no food, and now, even if the status is different, but, it has not been rigid about the material situation.

In fact, this takeaway has been reheated several times by Xing Tian back and forth, and the taste has already become messy, but Leng Jinghan still eats it elegantly and calmly. For him, food is sometimes just to fill his stomach s things.

While thinking about it, the movements of Leng Jinghan's hands froze slightly, and he couldn't help but uttered the sound of having dinner with Mu Qingkong, her careless, "rude" look that was almost the same as Shen Yueran, couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Sure enough, whether the food is delicious or not is not the food itself, but the person who eats with you... If you eat with someone you care about, no matter how unpalatable the food is, it may become delicious in the world. If you don’t like it People who eat it together, even if it is delicacies from mountains and seas, I am afraid that it will be chewy after entering the mouth.

"Madam, happy-time today... huh?" He Jun winked at Mu Qingkong, who had just returned from the General Administration with Shangguan Mu, with a happy tease in his words.

"Yes, yes, clear sky... oh no!" Kili changed his words seriously, "madam, since there is nothing to do today, and you have such a big happy event, I must invite you!"

After a pair of live treasures yelled, many people immediately echoed. Mu Qingkong smiled and said, "Okay, I invite you! But it's not because of my promotion, but..." His eyes were on the faces of He Jun and Kili After turning around, he continued, "...because the underground romance between certain two people has finally blossomed!"

When He Jun heard this, he just raised his eyebrows and smiled "hehe", but Kili squirmed and blushed. She stomped her feet and said coquettishly, "Qing Kong, what are you talking about? Who has an underground love affair with him? ?”

"Huh?" Mu Qingkong raised her eyebrows, "Did I tell you who it was you with?"

As soon as Mu Qingkong's words fell, everyone laughed "haha" immediately, and Kili's face became more and more red. In the end, everyone discussed that today is Mu Qingkong's promotion and invite everyone. Turn around, everyone joins in to invite everyone together. Happy friends.

"Mu sir, are you okay, let's go together?" Li Yue made the invitation on behalf of everyone. Ever since the relationship between Mu Qingkong and Shangguan Mu became awkward, Shangguan Mu wanted to keep everyone from having fun, and their small party has been very busy. Participated less.

Shangguan Mu looked calmly at Mu Qingkong, nodded, and said, "Okay!"

Everyone immediately cheered at his promise, after all, no one wanted the people who were originally on good terms to become cautious.

After Shangguan Mu went upstairs, everyone went to do their own things. Mu Qingkong returned to her seat and took out her mobile phone. She wanted to make a call, but she was afraid of disturbing Leng Jinghan's busy schedule.

She slid her finger across the screen, and a text message was sent out...

When Leng Jinghan was really talking to Xing Tian, ​​a "ding" slid past, he paused, took out his phone and opened the text message...

[Today's promotion is completed, and I will have dinner with the people in the bureau tonight, don't be too busy, I made soup at home, heat it up when you go back! 】

The thin lips slightly raised an arc, not because of anything else, but because of Mu Qingkong's word "home", it seems...she has already made his villa her home...

Looking at Leng Jinghan's appearance, Xing Tian glanced at the mobile phone in his hand, smiled knowingly, and teased, "Boss, do you want to go back and have dinner with sister-in-law first?"

Leng Jinghan raised his head indifferently, and didn't take Xing Tian's ridicule to heart, but said quietly: "Qingkong has finished his promotion, and he will have dinner with the people from the Southern Bureau tonight, what do you think?"

"Huh?" Xing Tian didn't understand, "It's normal to invite me to dinner for a's normal!"

Leng Jinghan frowned slightly, but Xing Tian seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and hurriedly said: "No, they went to eat, which means that they didn't do anything tonight... This is also a proof that the police station is really quiet for the time being."

If this message was sent by someone else, Xing Tian would doubt it, but he wouldn't doubt it if it was Mu Qingkong. After all, Mu Qingkong didn't know their identities, and with this relationship with the boss...

"En!" Leng Jinghan just responded indifferently, and did not make any comments on Xing Tian's guess. In fact, what Xing Tian thought was exactly what he thought. He didn't like Mu Qingkong telling him about the police station. , I just don't want her to be involved in anything, but this time, it seems that things are not simple.

Leng Jinghan lowered his eyes, flipped his slender fingers on the screen of the phone for a moment, and said [Hmm!Go back early after dinner... Tomorrow morning I will pick you up for breakfast! 】The message was sent out.

(End of this chapter)

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