President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 117 The Battle of the Nighthawk 8

Chapter 117 The Battle of the Nighthawk 8
Mu Qingkong looked at the text message and smiled faintly, feeling sweet in her heart. When she was smiling sweetly, Mu Qingkong felt that there were many pairs of eyes looking at her. She slowly raised her head and saw many people winking at her. looking at her.

After work, many people in the southern area left in a mighty way. Mu Qingkong made Shangguan Mu's car, but the rest of the people intentionally or unintentionally gave way to the two of them.

The car was slow along the way. On the road that was a bit sluggish in winter, the car was very quiet. Shangguan Mu drove the car seriously, and Mu Qingkong didn't say a word. The small space became a little depressing after a while.

"That," Mu Qingkong broke the silence, and asked awkwardly, "It seems to be very quiet in the bureau recently?"

"Yeah!" Shangguan Mu nodded, "I'm rectifying some things... get ready to go."

"Oh..." Mu Qingkong replied resentfully. She has been writing promotion reports for the past few days, and there is no action in the police station. Closed, "Nighthawk's people are waiting for trial... I don't know what kind of situation it is."

"Walking too much at always meet ghosts!" Shangguan Mu said indifferently, "Although someone framed this operation, everyone knows what Yeying has done over the years, so, Even if the bureau understands, they don't want to go any further, these people... will eventually have to pay for what they did before."

Mu Qingkong didn't refute this. She had followed Nighthawk for so many years, and in the summer, such a large amount of goods ran away under her nose, and she didn't even catch a single person.

Shangguan Mu Qingni glanced at Mu Qingkong who was slightly drooping, a strange light flashed in his eyes, but it was only fleeting, and he quickly ignored it.

Winter nights always come earlier, Leng Jinghan and Xing Tian left the Tianlin Group, the two were inseparable, but they didn't attract too many people's attention.

"Proceed according to the plan!" Leng Jinghan said calmly while sitting in the car.

Xing Tian nodded, started the car and left Tianlin, driving into the night.

At the same time, Xiao Chen stood in the courtyard of the villa, slightly raised his head to look at the night, the weather today is fine, the dark sky is full of stars, and the not-so-round moon shines faintly.

"This night is really quiet!" Xiao Chen expressed his feelings, "It's really suitable for drinking beer and chatting with friends!"

Mu Sen stood not far behind Xiao Chen, heard him talking to himself and didn't respond, he also raised his head and looked at the sky, except for the moon and stars, he didn't think there was anything particularly suitable for people to express their emotions .

Xiao Chen sighed lightly, then murmured to himself: "Such a quiet night...suitable for many things, don't you think?"

Mu Sen frowned slightly, and said, "Brother Xiao, the action has already started over there... When are we going to leave?"

"What are you in a hurry for?" Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows, "Ye is such a careful person, if you can't match his patience... then you have already lost half."

Of course Mu Sen understands, but he just can't do the same grief as Xiao Chen in such a tense time.

Time passed slowly while Xiao Chen was looking up at the starry sky, until the night was very dark, he pulled back his slightly sour eyes, and said lightly: "The grievances...let's end tonight!"

The night is too quiet, this kind of quiet makes people feel like they are holding their breath, heavy...and nervous!

Leng Jinghan and Xing Tian both looked calm. Between the two, whether it was Nighthawk or Tianlin, after so many years of cooperation, there was already a tacit understanding without words.

In the mountainside of City A, the goods hidden inside are being taken out in an orderly manner. Leng Jinghan leans on the car, with some wicked arrogance emanating from his bones. He takes out a cigarette and smokes it indifferently. , the slightest bit of fire is particularly attractive in the night.

Seeing that the goods had been loaded, Xing Tian turned to Leng Jinghan and said, "Boss, I'm leaving!"

Leng Jinghan's eagle eyes were indifferent, like a windless sea in a dark night. It seemed calm and serene, but in fact, there were turbulent waves deep in the depths that could not be ignored. He nodded slightly: "Be careful!"

Xing Tian was silent for a while, before he said: "Boss, let me lure the other party away..."

"No!" Leng Jinghan interrupted Xing Tian's words without thinking, "Whether it's Ying or the people behind, they seem to know me very well. They clearly know my identity, but why don't they expose it in front of Shangguan Mu?"

Xing Tian fell silent. Of course he understood what Leng Jinghan said, but it was one thing to understand, but another thing to really ask him to distract him!

His life was given by the boss, and no one in his life is more important than the boss... Although he has Ranran now, but Ranran is different from the boss after all, no matter who they are, he is willing to protect with his life !

"Needless to say..." Leng Jinghan's voice was still indifferent, it was obviously a tense and suffocating night, but he didn't seem to care at all, "Go!"

Xing Tian endured it, opened his lower lip slightly, but finally nodded without saying anything, and left the mountain belly with the goods.

After Xing Tian left, Leng Jinghan didn't move, but stayed where he was until he finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, then he slowly got up, threw away the cigarette butt, and then smashed it out with his feet wantonly, then went to wait quietly. After the car on the way nodded slightly, he turned around and got on the car, and drove away from the mountainside, and the car he signaled just now was not far behind his car...

"Sir, it's already ten o'clock!"

R first looked at the clock on the wall reflexively, and sure enough, the pointer was already pointing at the ten o'clock position: "What's going on at Xiao Chen's side?"

"No action yet!"

Mr. R smiled slightly, as if muttering to himself: "He still understands Leng Jinghan...knows that patience is the most important thing at this time!"

"Yes!" The man responded, and then asked again, "Shangguan Mu..."

Mr. R was silent, with a strange light in his eyes, and he said quietly: "Shangguan Mu is not a fool. If you give him too much information, he will be confused instead. I have already analyzed the background of Nighthawk for him before. The temperament of the main brain... As for whether he can figure it out, it is his own ability."

"If he guessed wrong..." The man hesitated for a while, a little puzzled, "Wouldn't it be impossible to achieve the effect you want?"

Xiao Chen thought that Mu Qingkong would be able to witness with his own eyes that Leng Jinghan was the person behind Nighthawk's backstage, and then catch him, but now, sir, he wants Shangguan Mu to guess for himself, wouldn't that be...

Mr. R smiled, with a cold breath in his smile, and he said slowly, "Leng Jinghan actually doesn't have any weaknesses, if you insist on saying he has weaknesses, then it's too emotional... ..." After a pause, Mr. R seemed to have thought of something, and his voice became distant, "Just like Ah Yuan back then!"

The man obviously didn't agree with Mr. R's words. He frowned slightly and wanted to defend himself, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Mr. R rolled his eyes lightly, with a sneer at the bottom of his eyes: "His ruthlessness is nothing more than treating insignificant people. Once he thinks you are worth it...even if it is for the sake of the other party, he is willing." .”

The man only felt the cold coming from his back, and suddenly, he was covered in cold sweat. He didn't expect Mr. R to know his thoughts without even looking at him. The fear of being penetrated into his heart made him I couldn't help but tremble at the tip of my heart!
Mr. R withdrew his gaze, his eyes were full of coldness, and said slowly: "The deployment was arranged by Leng Jinghan himself, no matter which side Shangguan Mu guessed on, I will not suffer, and for Leng Jinghan, It's a blow... perhaps, there are unexpected gains!"

Speaking of this, Mr. R's voice became more and more cold.

The man stood quietly behind Mr. R, not daring to say anything, but looked at Mr. R with deep fear in his eyes, which was accumulated for a long time and could not go away...

The space suddenly became quiet, except for the sound of light breathing, there was no sound at all... It was completely silent here, even Xiao Chen's side was also there, but there was a strong contrast between the people celebrating in the Southern District Police Station and their place .

"Mu sir, let's sing K together later, please!" He Jun patted his chest and said.

"You please?" Li Yue teased, "Is the iron rooster going to pluck today?"

As soon as He Jun heard this, he raised his hand and wanted to wave at Li Yue, but Li Yue seemed to have known it a long time ago, and at the same time he easily dodged it, He Jun said indifferently: "I am saving my wife! Now that my wife is in my hands, there is no need to save..."

"He Jun, who is your wife?" Kili stared like a little hag.

He Jun listened, and smiled: "Who else is there besides you?"

"I'm not your wife..."

"Oh, don't be shy, everyone knows... ouch..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed. Seeing He Jun sitting on the ground in some embarrassment, they teased: "He Jun, I advise you to think about it and get Kili back. I'm afraid you'll have to sleep on the floor every day!"

He Jun got up, not angry, but raised his eyebrows and said, "It's okay, if she asks me to sleep, I'll sleep as long as a man can bend and stretch!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing again: "After a long time, He Jun is a strict wife who fears guilt!"

"What's so bad about having a strict wife? A man who is afraid of his wife can get promoted and get rich!" He Jun said, looking at Kili, "Are you right, wife?"

Kili blushed suddenly, spit, and said arrogantly: "Go away, who is your wife..."

Seeing the appearance of Kili and He Jun, everyone couldn't stop laughing. When they asked the question about going to sing K, they looked at Shangguan Mu's watch and said slowly: "There is an operation tonight, all go back to the police station!"

"Ah?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Shangguan Mu stood up, without too many emotional fluctuations, but said indifferently: "Half an hour later, gather in the southern district!"

"Yes, sir!" Everyone replied reflexively, and then, one by one, they left the hot pot restaurant with Shangguan Mu and headed for the southern district.

Mu Qingkong was still in Shangguan Mu's car, but she didn't ask anything. He Jun proposed to drink some beer for dinner at night, but Shangguan Mu objected, saying that the recent situation is special and there will be actions at any time. I thought so, so I gave up. It seems... the action tonight may have been decided long ago, but Shangguan Mu didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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