President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 118 The Battle of the Nighthawk 9

Chapter 118 The Battle of the Nighthawk 9
Thinking of this, Mu Qingkong felt a little uneasy. There was no reason for such uneasiness, and she didn't think too much about it.

Half an hour later, the meeting room of the Southern District Police Station.

When Shangguan Mu was the last to come in, all the people from the Falcon Action Team had arrived. None of the people here knew about the operation in advance, and they all rushed over after receiving a short message from Shangguan Mu.

Seeing Shangguan Mu coming in, everyone stood up neatly and saluted, then sat down, and then quietly listened to Shangguan Mu's deployment. The more everyone listened, the more incredulous surprise appeared on their faces.

"Whether we can completely destroy Nighthawk today depends on all colleagues..." Shangguan Mu's faint words drifted past everyone's eardrums, and fell on their hearts like a heavy hammer, "Now is the right time!"

Everyone got the time right according to the time Shangguan Mu said. Shangguan Mu glanced around, and then his eyes fell on Mu Qingkong: "Inspector Mu!"

"Sir!" Mu Qingkong stood up.

"Tonight's action is under your overall command!"

"Yes, sir!" Mu Qingkong's face was calm. For her, she might be a little excited about being promoted, but she definitely didn't have the excitement of destroying Nighthawk with her own hands. She glanced at Shangguan Mu gratefully, and immediately On the deployment of the operation that Shangguan Mu just said, he quickly divided the personnel into groups, "Does everyone understand?"

"yes, madam!"

A loud voice sounded in the Southern District Police Station in the middle of the night, and the police lights began to flash, and the red and blue light became strange in such a quiet night...

It's being fully loaded and deployed here, and Xing Tian is receiving goods from the other side in an orderly manner. He looked at the goods that had been half loaded, and couldn't help looking at the dark place, his face a little dignified.

He was very quiet here, he had to, it was all because the boss drew all the attention away, and because of this, it made him more restless than putting himself in danger.

"Brother Tian, ​​there is only one third left to install!"

Xing Tian looked back, nodded, and said, "Be careful!"


Xing Tianjiang glanced at the back of the younger brother who kept reporting the progress, and looked at the time. There was still an hour and a third of the appointment with the boss, and it should take less than half an hour.

Xing Tian was worried about Leng Jinghan, but he didn't seem to feel anything about the empty suburbs over Leng Jinghan's side. He looked indifferently at the car in front of him that had changed drivers and left, his eyes became deep, when the car disappeared in the ink At the end of the night, he said lightly: "You are still one step late!"

Xiao Chen came out from the dark, Mu Sen followed behind him, his eyes flickered faintly: "Then how do you know that there is no arrangement in front of me?"

Leng Jinghan didn't seem to care, and said to himself: " are the one who understands me best! However, there is someone who understands me better than you..."

Xiao Chen stood beside Leng Jinghan, leaning against the car like him, like two friends, "Who is it?"

"who is it?"

"Me!" Leng Jinghan's words were full of sarcasm, but he didn't know whether he was mocking himself or Xiao Chen. He slowly turned around and looked at Xiao Chen who was looking at the place where the car disappeared just now, and said lightly, "Eagle, this batch of goods How can I let the police find me?"

The tone of the rhetorical question revealed a hint of helplessness, Xiao Chen smiled, yes!How could the police find him at night?If he finds it... Needless to say his own safety, but wouldn't the members of the Digital Legion be wiped out?

A person who cares so much about his brother in the night, a person who would rather be injured than protect his brother...

Xiao Chen seemed to understand something suddenly, he slightly lowered his eyes and smiled self-deprecatingly, and said: "I still don't know you enough! And... I don't know myself enough!"

Leng Jinghan didn't answer, the cold night wind blew across his cheeks, revealing a icy chill, he just narrowed his eagle eyes to hide the heavy eyes, many things happened as they happened, even if he and Ying subconsciously I don't want to face it, but I still have to face it after all.

"I'm afraid... you have already sold that batch of goods, right?" Xiao Chen asked softly, but looked up at Leng Jinghan with certainty, "All this is just a smoke bomb for everyone!"

Leng Jinghan raised his thin lips lightly, turned around and went to the trunk, opened it, took two cans of beer, threw one to Xiao Chen, leaned on the car, opened it unhurriedly, took a sip, looked at the beer with deep eyes Ahead in the dark night... The night wind raised his black hair wantonly, imbuing his stern handsome face with a layer of arrogance. When he put down the beer, his thin lips parted slightly : "Yes, I sold that batch of goods three days ago!"

"I'm curious, under everyone's surveillance, how did you get rid of it?" Xiao Chen also leaned on the car and opened a beer, just like in the United States before, every time after fighting with others, he and Ye would always meet Have a beer together somewhere quiet.

Leng Jinghan turned his head to look at Xiao Chen, raised his hand, touched Xiao Chen's beer can, took a sip and said: "I have been deploying since before the police's 'Falcon' operation started... "

A trace of surprise flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes!
"When I knew that the grievances of the previous generation had begun, I had already started to prepare for the disbandment of Nighthawk. It was established by you and me. It is a place with affection, and it is better to destroy it in the hands of others... I would rather destroy it." In my own hands!" Leng Jinghan's words were very light, as if they would be blown away by the wind, but because of such a light feeling, there was a sense of helplessness and sourness that no one could ignore.

Xiao Chen took a big gulp of beer, his actions were wild and evil, his charming eyes contained complicated emotions, as if too many past events had been brought up in an instant, and such past events... made his heart skip a beat. The contraction, the blockage made it impossible to breathe.

"I single-handedly promoted the 'Falcon' operation. On the one hand, I was able to get promoted for the clear sky. On the other hand, I wanted to cover certain sights under such a big action. When the police searched for Nighthawk's operation extensively, I Send people to dig tunnels at the location where the goods are stored, divide them into ten groups, each group is responsible for a section, and finally gather at the end. I didn't give them a complete tunnel map for the ten groups, even if all these people got together , I may not be able to guess where the final destination is, but, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I have detained this batch of goods before they are shipped...even, in order for this batch of goods to be able to escape the sight of all parties smoothly , I didn’t even say anything about Ah Tian, ​​from the beginning to the end, Ah Tian thought he was leaving with goods today..."

Leng Jinghan spoke lightly as if he was just explaining something, his voice was already deep, but in this night, listening to his voice made people feel more depressed, he took a sip of beer, Continued: "Xiao Si and the others were arrested, even Shangguan Mu will use the FBI method to interrogate Xiao Si and they are all under my control. It can be said that I can predict even your concession..."

Leng Jinghan's words stopped, he didn't mention the person he suspected was hiding in the dark, and after a while, he said quietly: "From the beginning to the end, the only thing I can't control in the whole thing is the clear sky..."

With a soft "click", the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth raised a slight smile, but the beer can in his hand was pinched into a hole. He took a sip of beer and said lightly: "You have always been very accurate in guessing people's hearts..."

"No, I was still wrong!" Leng Jinghan narrowed his eagle eyes, "The thing about the clear sky was my accident, but it was within your expectation!"

He checked the matter of the yacht back then. On the surface, it seemed that Xing Tiandong had manipulated it, but in fact it was not... Although even if the boats at the dock were not tampered with, he would still have a relationship with Qingkong in the end, but... the meaning here is It's different.

Leng Jinghan lowered his eyes to look at the beer can in his hand, and asked indifferently: "Actually... I never understood, you obviously care so much about Qingkong, why did you push her to my side?"

The smile on the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth deepened, but the bottom of his eyes was icy cold, he only heard his long and slow voice say: "Maybe Sunflower has a new choice, maybe... the sun is not the sun anymore?"

Leng Jinghan frowned at the slightly surprised question, he turned his eyes to look at Xiao Chen, and when his temples moved slightly, a hint of doubt appeared in his obsidian-like eyes.

Leng Jinghan looked at Xiao Chen for a long time, the doubts in his heart became deeper and deeper, suddenly, he frowned, Feng looked at Xiao Chen and said: "Your goal today is A Tian!"

Xiao Chen smiled, with a treacherous and sinister smile, he turned his head to look at Leng Jinghan, and said slowly: "Ye, everyone has weaknesses... Your strength is that you can see through others, and you can also understand yourself, but , but you have a fatal weakness, especially the most undesirable for us who are in the dark...feelings!"

Leng Jinghan's hawk eyes narrowed slightly, and the ink pupils gradually became deep and bottomless, as if they were as cold as an ancient well, absorbing the darkness...

"Ye, sometimes, we have to be ruthless... Only then can we really not lose!" Xiao Chen said as if warning or persuading, he raised his head and poured the last beer in the jar into his mouth, then threw When I reached the beer can, I stood up, "Nighthawk is gone... There is no relationship between us anymore, from now on, goodbye... There is no past!"

After the words fell, Xiao Chen walked towards the place where he just appeared. He put his hands in his trouser pockets, his back was tall, but he looked very lonely in such a dark night. No one understood, when he really said that What kind of mood do you feel when you say "there is no past"?
Leng Jinghan frowned. At this moment, he didn't have time to think about anything. He opened the door and wanted to get in the car. At the same time, Xiao Chen's words sent by the night wind came from behind him...

"Hope you make it in time!"

Leng Jinghan's movements faltered, and then he got into the car without stopping, and the car quickly disappeared into the night...

Xiao Chen stopped, looked at the place where Leng Jinghan disappeared, his sword eyebrows frowned slightly, and a look of ruthlessness flashed across his eyes. The absence of Nighthawk meant that they had completely cut off the bond between them. At first...not so much that he I don't want Xiaosi and the others to have an accident, and I want Leng Jinghan to settle the matter of Yeying, or rather, I want to cut off the last contact cruelly!

Leng Jinghan didn't know Xiao Chen's thoughts. At this moment, his handsome face with sharp water chestnuts was terrified. He dialed Xing Tian's phone number, but he couldn't get through no matter what... The thought that the signal over there was interfered instantly disappeared. When it came to his mind, suddenly, a hostility filled his whole body.

Mo Tong was full of murderous intent, Leng Jinghan kept stepping on the gas pedal, even at the end, he seemed dissatisfied, and rushed towards the pier where Xing Tian was...

(End of this chapter)

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