Chapter 124
"If it's cloudy, will Sunflower be downcast?" The little girl asked with her head tilted, blinking her eyes.

"No!" The little boy replied calmly.

"But, Sunflower has lost the sun..."

The little boy raised the corners of his lips, and said lightly: "That's just a superficial loss. Sunflower still lives in the sun, so naturally, it will still follow the sun!"

"Then... what if the sun in my heart disappears?" The little girl frowned and asked with a pout.

The little boy was silent for a moment, before he slowly said: "If it really disappears, it is the helpless act of the sun to protect the sun flower. The sun hopes that the sun flower can be strong even in the face of adversity..."


The morning sunlight shone into the room through the clean glass windows, and gently fell on the edge of the sofa. Mu Qingkong curled up on the sofa, her whole face was twisted together, and her cheeks were even redder.

"Little Sun... Leng Jinghan..."

Mu Qingkong frowned tightly, and kept calling Little Sun and Leng Jinghan non-stop because of the nightmare. As the two names blurted out, her breathing became heavy, and she curled up even tighter uneasily.

"Daddy, Mommy... don't leave me... little sun, little sun... don't go... Han..."

With a soft call, a drop of crystal overflowed from the closed eyes, and hot tears slid down the blushing cheeks, revealing a sad loneliness...

Mu Qingkong shook her head slightly, as if there was a shot ball rolling back and forth in her heavy head, she dared not move even if she moved slightly, due to the pain.

She frowned slightly, and slowly opened her heavy eyes, the pink and white space she entered... Mu Qingkong fluttered her eyelids in doubt, she was stunned for a moment by the unfamiliar environment, and disinfected with her breath The smell of water made her in a trance in the hospital.

"Why am I here?" She muttered to herself, Mu Qingkong looked around, she was the only one in the separate ward, and she still had an IV in her hand.

"you're awake?!"

The gentle voice came over as the door was pushed open, Mu Qingkong looked towards the door, and saw Shangguan Mu walking in with a lunch box in his hand...

"Do you feel better?" Shangguan Mu put down the porridge in his hand, stepped forward to touch Mu Qingkong's forehead, and saw that the fever had receded, and the seriousness on his face was slightly reduced, "You have been in a coma for more than a day, Get up and eat something, eh?"

"More than one day?" Mu Qingkong asked, seeing Shangguan Mu nodding, frowning tightly, "Why am I here?"

Shangguan Mu paused when he heard Mu Qingkong's question, and asked in puzzlement, "You don't know why you are in the hospital?"

Mu Qingkong shook her head blankly.

"I received a call from the hospital." Shangguan Mu was full of doubts. "You didn't go to work yesterday, and the people in the bureau have not answered your calls. Not long after that, I received a call from the hospital. It said that you were hospitalized with a high fever... I thought it was you who told the nurse to call me..."

In the ward, the two fell into confusion. When the nurse came to look for a room, Mu Qingkong asked who sent her to the hospital, but the nurse didn't know anything, saying that she was not on duty yesterday.

Shangguan Mu felt that something was a little strange, so he went to ask the nurse on duty, but the nurse on duty also looked blank, saying that he was transferred from the emergency room. I left a note saying to call the person above to come over to take care of the patient.

Shangguan Mu held the piece of paper in his hand, on which was nothing more than a set of phone numbers and his name, judging from the style of writing, it was strong and powerful, it should be a man's handwriting.

"Who sent me here?" Mu Qingkong asked when she saw Shangguan Mu coming in.

Shangguan Mu paused for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Everyone didn't pay attention at the time. At that time, that person left my phone number for the nurse to call me, and there was no other message."

Mu Qingkong was silent for a while, and then began to think secretly... Besides her, only Xiaoran has the key to the house. Could it be... Xiaoran?

Thinking that it might be Shen Yueran, Mu Qingkong's nose suddenly became sour...


flower shop.

Shen Yueran was wrapping orange calla lilies for a guest, she stared blankly at the bouquet in her hand, slightly pursed her lips, and froze there for a long time...

The guest waited for quite a while and saw that she had no next move, so she couldn't help but ask aloud, Shen Yueran came back to her senses, and hurriedly wrapped the bouquet in her hand and handed it to the guest, pulling the corners of her mouth, and said lightly: "I wish you Happiness with your lover."

"Thank you!" The customer took it, and after paying the money, he happily left the flower shop with the calla lily in his arms.

"Sister Ran, your complexion is not very good, do you want to go back and have a rest?" Qiao Qiao brought out the flower tube, looked at Shen Yueran who was sitting blankly on the chair, and asked with concern.

Shen Yueran forced a self-deprecating smile, shook her head and said: "I'll think about things when I'm alone at home, which is not good for the baby's development. Here, I can always divert my attention."

Hearing what she said, Qiao Qiao felt extremely sour in her heart. Shen Yueran is such a person, with a clear distinction between love and hate, never hiding happiness and sadness, and always expressing it so generously.

When the wind chimes of "Dinglingling" came, Qiaoqiao instinctively shouted "Welcome" and then looked back, seeing that it was Leng Jinghan with a strange expression on his pure face: "Young Master Leng!"

Leng Jinghan nodded slightly indifferently, and put the nutritious meal in his hand in front of Shen Yueran.

"You are so busy, you don't need to come here to deliver meals to me, Qiao Qiao and I can eat at the fast food restaurant nearby." Shen Yueran said with a slight twitch of her mouth.

"Now that you have Ah Tian's child, you should eat less of those things..." Leng Jinghan's deep voice came indifferently, and the concern in his words could not be heard.

Shen Yueran smiled, although she was sour, she was still trying to be happy, she understood what Leng Jinghan meant, although she worked hard to support herself these days, how could a smart person like Leng Jinghan not know that she was By force?When I came to deliver food to her, I was probably afraid that she would not have an appetite, so she would not eat.

"Shall we eat together?" Shen Yueran asked without refusing.

Leng Jinghan shook his head: "I still have things to do, I will send a driver to pick you up at night."

Shen Yueran nodded, and did not refuse Leng Jinghan's kindness. She knew in her heart what this indifferent and lonely man was doing for Xing Tian. If he thought it would make him feel better, then she would accept this kindness instead of Xing Tian.

After Leng Jinghan left, Qiao Qiao just said, "Master Leng is rumored to be cold and cruel, but he is very warm-hearted."

Shen Yueran glanced at Qiao Qiao, knowing that the girl in Huaichun was being cautious, she didn't say anything, but let Qiao Qiao take the plate and get the food out...

She looked at the meals on the table that Leng Jinghan specially invited a nutritionist to make in the villa, lightly pursed her lower lip, and ate in silence. He didn't know how long it would take him to get over Xing Tian's sadness, but she knew that this For the rest of her life, she can't escape everything that Xing Tian brought her, so it's good, having a vigorous memory is better than spending a normal life... Besides, she is not alone, Xing Tian left her the best gift .

After Leng Jinghan left the flower shop, he went straight to the Southern District Police Station. Under soft threats, the government agreed to release Nighthawk's digital team, but they had to be re-identified... and the rest of them had to be legally punished. Sanctions, depending on the situation, imposed different degrees of punishment. Since Leng Jinghan let go of everyone's promise to take care of the young and old, those people didn't have much reaction to such consequences. Some people even looked indifferent, after all , Those who are on the road will reach this day sooner or later, and they may be better than others, but they have no worries.

Leng Jinghan went to the southern area to pick up Xiaosi and the others. After more than ten days of physical and mental torture, everyone no longer had the demeanor they had before, and all of them were so thin that they lost their human shapes.

Xiao Si and the others got into the commercial vehicle, all of them looked unhappy, and seeing that Leng Jinghan drove here in person, grief and indignation suddenly surged in their hearts.


"En!" Leng Jinghan responded lightly, started the car and left the police station. His arrogance fell into the eyes of the people in the police station. Some people disdain, but most people can't help sighing: In this society, there are The money is the father!

"Boss, we want to go see Brother Tian first!" Xiao Si said on behalf of everyone.

Leng Jinghan was silent, and said just now: "Go back and wash up first, Ah Tian won't want to see you like this."

Xiaosi nodded silently, and everyone went back to Leng Jinghan's villa...

As for Leng Jinghan and the others, they had just left the police station when Mr. R got the news. Mr. R was playing golf in the yard. After swinging a club, he said indifferently: "I really look forward to them leaving Leng Jinghan's place one by one. It's time..."

The setting sun slanted, and the whole cemetery was covered with a layer of afterglow. The light of such a setting sun was particularly bleak in winter.The breeze swept by, sweeping off the old leaves on the trees and falling around them, pushing the sadness of depression to the peak...

Leng Jinghan put his hands in his trouser pockets, stood there quietly watching Xiaosi and the others worship Xingtian, all expressions were immersed in grief, especially Xiaoliu.

Several members of the Digital Legion, everyone has their own characteristics, but Xiao Liu is not very prominent among the crowd, and because of this, Xing Tian takes extra care of him on weekdays, and in many missions, Xing Tian takes his own life It's dangerous, but I don't want to leave Xiao Liu alone.

Xiao Liu turned his head, his eyes were red, even though he was locked up in the police station, he suffered all kinds of physical and mental torture, even if he licked blood from the knife edge on weekdays, he never hummed, but at this moment, he was muffled by tears Eye.

"It's getting late, and you guys just came out, go back and rest early!" Leng Jinghan's cold and indifferent voice came, and everyone glanced at him, feeling extremely heavy.

Xiao Si's face was heavy and covered with haze, he stepped forward, put an apple in his hand in front of Xing Tian, ​​and said lightly: "Brother Tian, ​​I will remember every word you say!"

Bashing his mouth, the corners of Xiaosi's lips twitched slightly and took a deep breath, retreated into the team, several people bowed to Xing Tian at the same time, and then followed Leng Jinghan's footsteps to leave.

Time, with the unstoppable pace of people moving forward, the matter of Nighthawk was gradually forgotten by the people's sight due to another large-scale sweep of City A, and settled in the long river of history...

Tianlin Group and the government reached an agreement to transport the materials to country F again, and even Tianlin Group advanced the huge liquidated damages. The government chose not to delve into it.

(End of this chapter)

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