Chapter 125 Let go?

With the disbandment of Nighthawk, with the secret permission of the government, the members of the Digital Legion changed their identities again. However, due to the long time in the dark, they suddenly showed their face, and they still need time to adapt , and during this time of adaptation, there have always been a lot of people who used to be in the underworld looking for trouble, but...the troublemakers always have accidents to varying degrees afterwards. Of course, such accidents are not life or death, but the place they are in Any transaction, no matter how secret, will be seized by the police.

This back and forth, gradually spread on the Tao, and no one dared to touch the people of the digital army...

In addition, in addition to the big event of another big raid by the underworld in City A, the shopping malls have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Tianlin Group, which has always acted its own way, suddenly wins over the Qin Group and the Fengyun Group, and uses all means to attack the Sun Empire in various parts of Asia... Such a move makes the industry and financial experts frantically speculate and speculate every day What's next.

Because, as the rich and powerful Tianlin Group, everyone can still figure out a reckless fight with the Sun Empire, but the participation of the Qin Group and the Fengyun Group seems a bit strange, and just when everyone feels that the Qin Group and the Fengyun Group When the two groups were overwhelmed, their uncharacteristically capital chain not only didn't break, but showed a growing trend.

With such a demerit, people in the industry have also understood the purpose of Tianlin's actions, which is to die with the Sun Empire regardless of the cost!

"Brother Xiao, going on like this is not an option!" Mu Sen's expression was not good. For half a month, the Sun Empire was almost cornered. If this continues, sooner or later it will be forced to go bankrupt.

Xiao Chen was smoking a cigarette, with a deep smile on the corner of his mouth, and said slowly: "Annoying usually doesn't end well."

Mu Sen knew that Xiao Chen was referring to him as Leng Jinghan, and because he knew that, he frowned tightly and said, "Brother Xiao, if the sun falls, I'm afraid the Middle East will not let it go..." Others looked at sun Guanghui, however, a few people know that this is just an illusion, and there are people behind Sun who are secretly supporting him.

Seeing that Xiao Chen didn't respond, Mu Sen continued, "Besides, if sun falls, Xiao Xin's medical expenses..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, raised his hand to stop Mu Sen from continuing, and after a while, he said quietly: "A Sen, do you think Xiaoxin's life like this is good for her or not?"

"Brother Xiao..."

Xiao Chen turned to look at Mu Sen, and said slowly: "Sometimes I think, will it be very hard for Xiao Xin to live like this, we just want to keep her, but first, what about her?"

"Xiaoxin hasn't had time to enjoy the beauty of life, how could she be willing to leave?" Mu Sen frowned.

"Maybe." Xiao Chen lowered his eyes, covering up the deep thought in the bottom of his eyes, he sighed lightly, and then asked, "According to your opinion, who will win in the end, Sun or Tianlin?"

"According to the current situation, although Tianlin has a deep foundation, but some time ago, he accompanied the government to give country F [-] million US dollars, plus such a desperate way of playing, I am afraid... the interior is already empty?"

"You think so too?" Xiao Chen sighed lightly.

Mu Sen looked at Xiao Chen in confusion, and asked, "Isn't it?"

Xiao Chen laughed softly, turned around and looked out the window, he lowered his eyes slightly to look at the noisy market, and said indifferently: "Why did he bring in the Qin Group and the Fengyun Group? Why did he use such a desperate game? Asen, you underestimate Ye...I don't know how much wealth Nighthawk has hoarded over the years, but, according to the purity of Nighthawk's goods and the ability of ammunition, plus the sure-fire delivery rate, these things alone It is conceivable that it is an astronomical figure. So much money, where is it all these years?"

"Tianlin has developed very fast these years, I'm afraid Leng Jinghan is using Tianlin to launder money?" Mu Sen replied without thinking.

"Hey!" Xiao Chen sneered coldly, "Even I don't know how deep Ye's ability is, but I can give you one thing for sure, that is... Tianlin's development over the years , there is no trace of hypocrisy, it is completely Ye's talent for the business world."

"Then..." Mu Sen was at a loss. With so much money, it is impossible to store it in a Swiss bank. It is definitely an astronomical figure.

"Over the years, he has made a lot of investments, including Shen Yueran's Ye Yi. Sometimes I have to admire Ye Dui's business acumen. He can use the most inconspicuous way to clean up the money..." Xiao Chen said He was extremely calm, "But even so, how could such a large sum of money be washed?"

Speaking of this, Mu Sen completely understood, his eyes widened, and he said in astonishment: "Is Leng Jinghan using this time to launder money?"

"It's, it's not!" Xiao Chen's eyes dimmed, "The money belongs to Yeying, and his affection for me is still there all the time, and that is our money. Now that Yeying is disbanded, he Don't worry, everything that should be arranged has been arranged, and he is venting Xing Tian's death while laundering money, and he is also using the money to completely beat me back to the original point!"

Mu Sen frowned tightly, looking at Xiao Chen with surprise in his eyes.

Xiao Chen didn't speak anymore, but there was a bitter taste on his lips, and sadness was spreading in his heart. In the beginning, they had nothing but each other. Only when they returned to the original point, could they have a complete confrontation... Ye, You are too naive, so what if you go back to the original point?After all, we are no longer brothers in this life.


Southern District Police Department.

Mu Qingkong had just finished writing a thick report, she rubbed her shoulders tiredly, her eyes fell on the cards on the table, this is already the No. Then when I saw it again, I was filled with disappointment in my heart.

Mu Qingkong reached forward, took the No. 20 card that was returned, opened the drawer and put it inside...Suddenly, she noticed something in her eyes, she suddenly stopped the movement of her hand, and then hurriedly took it. When I came back, I opened my eyes with nervousness and can't wait...

clear sky:

Don't send any more cards, I don't care whether I forgive you or not in this life... I know that you didn't fire the fatal shot, but that doesn't matter anymore, Xing Tian left in the end... You have yours Stand, I have nothing to say, I know your love for the police profession better than anyone else, but that doesn't mean I can accept what you did to Xing Tian in such a situation.

You are my best friend. We have been together for so many years. I have always understood you, and I know that you understand me...Maybe one day I can let go of Xing Tian's death, but at least not now, your interruption , always reminds me of deep pain, so even if I beg you, don't disturb my life, and my only thank you to you is to take good care of yourself and your baby!
Mu Qingkong's hand holding the card trembled slightly, and mist filled her eye sockets instantly, and just in time, when there was a knock on the door, Mu Qingkong wiped away the tears overflowing from her eyes in a panic, and hurriedly brushed it away when the door opened. head.

Shangguan Mu looked at her with a heavy heart, but deliberately pretended not to see and said, "Have you finished tidying up? Li Yue and the others shouted to make a pot together!"

"I'm a little tired..." Mu Qingkong took a deep breath, lowered her eyes and put the card in the drawer.

"Then I'll let everyone go!"

"Don't," Mu Qingkong hurriedly called Shangguan Muyu to turn around, "Let's go together!"

Shangguan Mu nodded and said, "Then pack up, we'll wait for you downstairs!"


Shangguan Mu took a deep look at Mu Qingkong, turned around and left her office, and the moment the door closed, he looked at Mu Qingkong with deep eyes, and a bitterness slipped from the corner of his mouth.

These days, Mu Qingkong has been paralyzing herself with work, she ignored the outside world's struggle between Tianlin Group and the Sun Empire, and ignored the occasional bouquets that Xiao Chen would send, she sealed herself in darkness In the corner, Li Yue and the others were extremely worried about her like this, so there was a pot for tonight.

Shangguan Mu sighed lightly, feeling heavy in his heart. Being used by Mr. R was always because he was too aggressive...

With the passage of time, the struggle in the shopping malls is in full swing, and with the long-term struggle, the problems that have not been hidden at the beginning are gradually revealed. After all, Tianlin Group is an established enterprise, while Sun Empire is just a new star group. After a month of continuous suppression, the Sun Empire is already on the verge of collapse when Tianlin Group is in deficit.

Xiao Chen frowned, but faced the group's board of directors with a calm expression, and amidst everyone's complaints, the Middle East, which was controlled by the Sun Empire behind the scenes, was no longer injecting funds into this vicious struggle. Undoubtedly, for the Sun Empire, It's making things worse... But even so, Xiao Chen's reaction was not too intense.

"Brother Xiao..."

Xiao Chen raised his hand to interrupt Mu Sen's words, his eyes turned to Mu Sen lightly, there was an emotion in the bottom of his eyes that others couldn't see clearly, it was a kind of excitement, a kind of relief and a kind of melancholy.

"Notify the bank to liquidate!" Xiao Chen's words were extremely indifferent, even calm.

Mu Sen opened his mouth slightly, looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief, his lips twitched uncontrollably, and asked, "Brother Xiao..."

"Don't say anything!" Xiao Chen's face darkened slightly, "I've already made up my mind."

Mu Sen gritted his teeth secretly, responded, turned around and left the office, the moment he closed the door, he frowned and looked at Xiao Chen again, before closing the door and leaving...

Xiao Chen sat on the chair and slowly opened the drawer. At the top of the drawer was a photo of two big boys wearing T-shirts and jeans, squatting on the curb... One was smiling naughtily, the other was indifferent A look of disgust, as if extremely dissatisfied with the photo taking.

The corners of Xiao Chen's lips raised, his eyes darkened, as if a pool of death was about to freeze the air.

After watching for a long time, Xiao Chen just pulled back his thoughts. He closed the drawer, got up, got out of the parking lot, drove away... and just as his car turned the corner, a figure came out from behind the pillar, looking After driving to the place where the car disappeared for a while, he turned and left.

Xiao Chen drove all the way to the nursing home. When the medical staff saw him, they greeted him one after another. Immediately, they all whispered, the most indispensable thing in this world is gossip. Sun's "violent battle", and Xiao Chen's younger sister, who is the president of the Sun Empire, is in the nursing home, so many nurses will naturally pay special attention.

"Mr. Xiao!"

Just when Xiao Chen was about to open Xiao Xin's door, he was stopped by a nurse...

(End of this chapter)

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