Inside and Outside the Siege: A Woman's Battle for Marriage

Chapter 19 "Flags fluttering" is just a fallacy

Chapter 19 "Flags fluttering" is just a fallacy (3)
I can tell you without any concealment that I am the legendary mistress.In the eyes of some people, we live an abnormal life. We don’t see the sun, we hide in dark corners all day long, sneaking, lonely, and lonely, dividing up other people’s men and other people’s property.But you may not know that our life is still colorful and interesting.We live in villas, drive famous cars, French clothing and perfumes, Italian leather goods, American cosmetics, Swiss watches... These things decorate our lives noble and elegant.In men's minds, we are even more important than their big wives - this is a fact, men give big wives titles and give us love, although our love is based on money, but it is love after all .Just like me, I drive a BMW, and his wife is an old Toyota.What does this mean?At least it means he cares about me, right?
Except for a so-called status, we have everything we should have, and we even have things that big women don't have.Actually, what is a shit name?How much is the name worth?Does the so-called status refer to the marriage certificate?If that piece of paper is the status, those poor old women have to wait pitifully for their husbands to come home in order to hold on to that worthless piece of paper?Is it like the ancient maids waiting for the emperor's favor?What a poor, sad old woman!
Many people in society think that our mistresses have moral problems and despise us in their hearts.I don't see it that way.What happened to Mistress?What is morality?How much is morality worth?As long as there is love between the two parties, emotional matters cannot be measured by moral standards...

"Sister Du, did it open your eyes?" Li Yao turned off the computer and said.

"It's so shameless! These vixens are so shameless! Not only are people shameless, but even the articles they write are so shameless! She said that emotional matters cannot be measured by moral standards, so why doesn't she engage in incest?" Du Mengyuan looked excited, It seems that the mistress on the Internet is Zhang Zhonghou's mistress.

Du Mengyuan was indeed eye-opening, and she couldn't help but sigh.I thought to myself, what kind of world is this?Stealing other people's husbands, poaching other people's corners, and showing the face everywhere, lest others don't know.How can a person be so shameless?
It's normal to think about it.This is a society where values ​​are seriously reversed, a society where money is paramount.In this money society, crooked ways are prevalent, and money has become the standard by which everything is measured.No matter what you do, you need money to clear the way, and unhealthy trends are everywhere.When doing business or running a company, you need to give money to various interested departments; if your child wants to go to a better school, you need to give money to the school; To be reused, promoted, and even evaluated for a job title, you have to give money to the leader... A few days ago, she saw a thief stealing things openly on the street. She wanted to shout, but seeing that everyone was afraid to make a sound, she didn't dare Shout out.Therefore, the thief casually touched other people's bags, and the onlookers walked their own way as if nothing had happened. Both thieves and onlookers are used to it.The scene at that time made her suddenly think of Dante's poem "Go your own way, let others say it." Thinking about it, this is really a tragedy for society.

Let's talk about the rampant mistresses. It seems that young women nowadays are eager to be mistresses and lovers. They are not ashamed and proud of it. In this way, you can be well-clothed and well-fed, and you can reach the sky in one step.God!What kind of society is this?

Li Yao smiled and said, "Miss Du, have you heard of the 'Mistress Club'?"

"'Second Wife Club'? What is this?"

"It's a club where mistresses exchange experiences, discuss how to set up men's money, and how to deal with grandma. I heard that there is a club in our Haitian City." Li Yao knows quite a lot of information in this regard.

Du Mengyuan shook her head and said, "I've only heard of the 'Celebrity Club', but I didn't expect there to be a 'Mistress Club'."

"The mistresses of the 'Second Wife Club' often gather together, and I heard that they have a special website. But they call it to defend their rights—the mistresses also defend their rights, haven't you heard of it? Isn't it funny?" Li Yao She smiled and said, "I heard that some mistresses openly challenged and negotiated with the old lady, asking the old lady to abdicate on her own initiative."

Du Mengyuan said with a wry smile: "The current society is really out of order!"

Li Yao shook her head and said, "Why are mistresses so popular? In fact, it is also related to the current social environment. There are problems with the integrity, morality, and value system of the entire society. This is a society that laughs at the poor but not at the prostitutes." Wealth dies, birds die for food', 'people do not serve themselves, heaven and earth perish' have become the motto of most people, 'a gentleman loves money, get it by the way' is no longer followed and admired by most people. Everyone looks at money, Everyone is only thinking about money, as long as you can make money, no matter how you earn it, whether you steal it or snatch it, get it from greed or prostitution, as long as you have money, you are Hero, people respect you, the whole society is like this. For money, dignity, personality, morality, and even the law are all not worth mentioning. Only money is the most important, and other things are not important... "Li Yao's expression at this time is completely like a philosopher.As expected of someone who was born as a teacher, the questions she thought about were so profound.But how did she know that her husband Zeng Deyi was the kind of person she was so emotional about.

Du Mengyuan's expression was as if she was facing a formidable enemy, she said nervously: "Li Yao, it seems that we all have to be careful. I originally wanted to save some face for Zhang Zhonghou, and didn't want to tear things apart. Looking at the situation now, don’t say no, it’s him who forced me to tear my face apart.”

Li Yao nodded in agreement: "If Mr. Zhang did find a mistress and raise a woman outside, you really can't take advantage of him, Sister Du. Men nowadays, if you don't talk about them, you think you are easy to bully. For example, let's have a mistress, I think this is men and wild women outside to bully us women! If we don't say anything, it means we are weak and acquiescing, and they are even more arrogant. Even those mistresses are still laughing at us behind our backs." Li Yao paused After a while, his gaze was like a torch, and he said word by word, "If Zeng Deyi really has a mistress outside, and I catch the evidence, I will definitely not let them go!"

Du Mengyuan stood up, walked to the middle of the living room, waved her hands and said, "Yes! They thought we were easy to bully when we kept silent. We must not be weak, we must fight the mistress to the end!"

Li Yao stretched out her hand, held Du Mengyuan's hand tightly and said, "Sister Du is right, we must unite and fight the mistress to the end!"

When Du Mengyuan went home and passed a street, she saw many people gathered around the door of a clothing store. A middle-aged woman blocked a young girl and yelled at her.She simply parked the car on the side of the road and came down to watch the excitement.After listening to the onlookers, I found out: it turned out that an old woman followed a mistress, who was a waiter in this clothing store, and the mistress came to her door.

The two scolded each other for a while, which was unbearable, and finally the mistress pointed at the middle-aged woman and said provocatively: "Your husband doesn't want you to blame? Why don't you buy a masturbation device if you don't like cucumbers! What are you doing here? The saddest woman in the world is You old woman! You deserve it right for being a widow! No one will pity you!"

Du Mengyuan's heart seemed to be pulled by something, and she felt a dull pain.Xiao San's words seemed to be aimed at her.It's really sad to say, she is a woman who often uses a masturbation device!

This was the first time Du Mengyuan saw such a scene. Although she had seen women fighting on the street before, she didn't care or pay much attention.Ever since she knew that Zhang Zhonghou had raised a woman outside, she was particularly sensitive to such matters, and naturally she was also particularly interested.At this moment, looking at the figure of the bloated old woman swaying away, sympathy welled up in her heart. She seemed to see her future self, and she had a taste of "the same people who have fallen in the end of the world".She imagined: one day in the future, will she also block Zhang Zhonghou's mistress in a certain place, and yell like this angry old woman?No, she will never do that.Although this relieved the hatred, it was also embarrassing!What the mistress said made sense: We are not capable of managing our husbands, who is to blame?We have only ourselves to blame.

Du Mengyuan drove the car slowly towards home, feeling filled with emotion: The city is full of mistresses and mistresses!Today, when everyone is striving to be a mistress, it seems that fighting against mistresses is not a problem that Du Mengyuan faces alone, but a problem that all wives face.Stopping the mistress is not a war of one person, but a war of the whole people!
Thinking of the scene she saw just now, Du Mengyuan recalled the news she read in the newspaper that day: a migrant worker at a construction site actually had a mistress—a female migrant worker who worked with him on the construction site, was raped by a rural worker The wife found out and chased him into the city, beat Xiaosan until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was admitted to the hospital...

Thinking of this, Du Mengyuan couldn't help pursing her lips and laughing, but she immediately realized that her smile was uglier than crying.

(End of this chapter)

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