Inside and Outside the Siege: A Woman's Battle for Marriage

Chapter 20 Starting the Marriage Defense War

Chapter 20 Starting the Marriage Defense War (1)
Five ways to teach you how to deal with cheating men
Du Mengyuan saw an article written by Yang Hong on the emotional page of "Haitian Morning Post", entitled "Five Tips to Teach You to Deal with Men Cheating".

Many female compatriots that the reporter met during the interview, when it comes to men cheating, they all ask the reporter to provide tips, such as how to judge the signs of a man cheating, how to deal with a man cheating and so on.

In fact, there will be many changes in the details of a man's cheating. Female compatriots only need to pay attention to the details, and they will see the clues in the details.For example, when answering the phone at home, his expression suddenly became mysterious, and he even pressed the volume button on the phone while answering, and sometimes went to other rooms to answer some calls. He even just said, "I will call later." You" hang up immediately, and the expression will of course be unnatural; for example, he always says that he has entertainment outside, business trips, overtime, etc.; for example, the sex life between him and you suddenly decreases or becomes powerless; for example, he suddenly compares I used to pay attention to clothing and grooming; for example, he always looks preoccupied, sometimes you call him a few times without even hearing... etc. These details prove that he may have something to do outside.

So, how to deal with men's cheating behavior?According to the interview, the reporter summed up the following experience for the reference of female compatriots.

[-]. Find out the reason and compete secretly.

If you find that your man is cheating outside, and it is still an early behavior, I suggest you not to make a scene, but calm down and think about countermeasures, because making a scene is not good for you.While you are looking for the reason in him, you must also find the reason in yourself.Analyze why he cheated, is your charm weakened?You are not as gentle as before?Or less concern for him?Less common language?You have to think about these things.If you have these problems, I suggest that you correct them immediately; if not, I also suggest that you do better than before, and at the same time keep renovating the patterns.For example, keep improving your cooking skills, cook delicious food in different ways, and control his stomach; for example, take the initiative to understand his interests and hobbies, take the initiative to integrate into them, and share his happiness with him; for example, give him more than before More private space, let him feel your full trust in him, and so on, can make him who cheated in the early stage stop because of his conscience.

Remember, if the mistress strikes, you must not panic. Calmness is the basis for overcoming all difficulties, including the mistress.One thing you must believe is that mistress is human, not a god, and she is not necessarily younger and more beautiful than you.From my interviews, I know that many mistresses are not even as good as the original partner in a man's family.You must never raise the white flag and lose confidence in front of that woman you haven't met yet.I remind again: Confidence is the prerequisite for you to deal with cheating men and defeat the mistress.

Second, control financial power and impose economic sanctions.

If you have always controlled the financial power of your family, it is recommended that you grasp the financial power more tightly, calculate the various budgets more accurately, and try to keep the funds in his hands as small as possible.You must believe that in today's market economy, cheating requires economic conditions. Even if a homeless man on the street looks like a celebrity, he can't cheat.Today's society doesn't even have a free lunch, let alone women?If he is the boss and you cannot control his financial power, then this trick may not work for you, please see other tricks.

Three, play the family card, family affection.

If your man is not a cold-blooded animal, affectionate affection will also work for him.If the secret rivalry fails, you can try this trick.As the name suggests, family affection is to activate the family resources around him and you to influence him, make him realize the seriousness of cheating, and finally rein in the precipice.

The first family card you have to play is your children. You have to get closer to your children than before, increase the relationship between mother and child (daughter), and let your children become your close comrades in fighting against the mistress.Of course, you can’t say in front of your child that his (her) father cheated on you. How to play the child’s card artistically depends on the specific situation.In many cases of remarried couples or attempted divorces I have dealt with, it is because of the children in the end.Children are often a man's weakness. A man may not care about you, but he usually cares about children. For the sake of children, he will often use a mouse in cheating.

In addition, your relatives, his relatives, are all your family cards, if you play these family cards skillfully, you will get twice the result with half the effort.If he just cheated in the early stage, I suggest you don't bring the matter to his relatives or even his parents, save enough face for him.But if he insists on flying moths to the flame, you can start this set of family affection procedures, and ask relatives or even his parents to persuade him to think twice before acting.He may not listen to you, but generally he respects his parents' opinions, because in his eyes that is also a kind of filial piety.Of course, if he insists on killing relatives righteously, that's another matter.

Fourth, face the mistress directly and strike at its vital points.

When necessary, you might as well go to meet the legendary mistress alone for a while.Don't be afraid of her, she should be the one to be afraid of.Don't hold your head back, you should go to see her with your head held high.After seeing her Lushan true face, you will feel more confident about yourself.First of all, don't get angry at her, lest she beat your man upside down, turn black and white, increase the quarrel between your husband and wife, and make her a villain.You just need to talk to her calmly, tell her all the disadvantages of doing so and how it hurts you; tell her that you are angry and the consequences are serious;You have to believe that, as women, many women will generally retreat or restrain themselves after the conversation with their original wife, unless they are infatuated or emotionally lunatic.

Of course, some mistresses are also aggressive, even aggressive towards you.Don't be afraid of this kind of mistress whose skin is thicker than a city wall, it's still her who should be afraid.Her aggressiveness is sometimes to embolden herself, but in fact she is full of fear.You have to show your majesty and arrogance, and you have to believe that this is a society where evil does not suppress righteousness, and thieves will always have a guilty conscience; even thieves are brandishing knives and shouting to kill.You have to tell her sternly: if she doesn't know how to flatter her, you will take other tough measures, such as reporting to her unit, reporting to her leader, tarnishing her reputation, and so on.If she's still going her own way, you might as well do as you're told.You'd better not fight alone, and get the strong support of your mother's family when necessary, such as your brothers and sisters, everyone gathers firewood like a flame, and everyone fights against the mistress, of course, the strength is also great.But don't do radical things, such as throwing acid, kidnapping, etc. These illegal and criminal behaviors will put you in a more passive situation and affect your relatives.

Five, the legal weapon, repel the mistress.

If all this is in vain, I suggest that the last resort you take is to take up legal weapons to protect your legal rights.You can go to the Women's Federation, where there is a department dedicated to safeguarding women's legal rights, and the cadres of the Women's Federation will also tell you some effective methods and provide you with the necessary assistance.If your man gave the mistress a lot of money, you can still go to court to sue your husband and mistress to recover your money.Remember, it is the joint property between you and your husband, and your husband has no right to unilaterally dispose of it.Regarding legal issues in this area, you can consult an experienced marriage lawyer, they have more experience than me...

After reading this article, Du Mengyuan admired Yang Hong more and more in her heart.She compared the signs of man cheating introduced in the article with Zhang Zhonghou, and found that Zhang Zhonghou was just like this?Sometimes he has to go to the study to answer a phone call at home, and sometimes he simply hangs up or shuts down the phone immediately.In particular, the cheating men mentioned in the article often "entertainment, travel, and work overtime", it is almost as if it was written specifically for Zhang Zhonghou.

Du Mengyuan thought in her heart: one day she must visit reporter Yang.

Before Du Mengyuan visited Yang Hong, Li Yao had already started to act for her marriage.

One word awakened the dreamer, and what Du Mengyuan said that day reminded Li Yao.Li Yao did what she said. She checked the information of several private detective agencies in Haitian City on the Internet, compared them, and finally chose the "007 Marriage Investigation Agency" in Haitian City.What attracted her was the slogan on the agency's website: "We are the most professional marriage survey agency, and it is our tireless pursuit to maintain legal, legitimate and harmonious marriages. All you have to do is provide the interviewee's Name, what we have to do is to tell you the truth behind it through clues..."

Li Yao called the "007 Marriage Investigation Agency": "How do you charge?"

There is a man's voice: "Different service items have different charging standards. May I ask what service do you want?"

"I want to investigate whether my husband is cheating."

"This is easy to handle. With our work efficiency here, the results will be available within 10 days."

"I still want to find out who that woman is."

"That's no problem, we can take pictures for you. You pay a deposit of 2000 yuan first, and then pay 3000 yuan after the matter is completed. We can provide you with photos and relevant real information for a total of 5000 yuan."

Li Yao was still a little worried, there are so many liars in the society now, they can't be cheating, right?

The other party seemed to have guessed what Li Yao was thinking, so he quickly reassured her: "Miss, don't worry, we are currently the most professional marriage investigation agency in Haitian City. We only accept marriage investigation cases, and we have to accept several orders every day. Many There are our advertisements posted on the back of taxis, and you must have seen them. You can rest assured of our service level and integrity.”

Only then did Li Yao say: "Okay then, I'll come over and pay the deposit."

Li Yao came to the office of the "007 Marriage Investigation Agency" and found that they had several large offices. In one of the offices, there were three or four young men, each of whom was busy answering the phone.This shows how rampant mistresses and mistresses are in modern cities!

A young man wearing a tie received Li Yao. Li Yao provided Zeng Deyi's photo, but she was still a little worried: "You should have no problem keeping it secret, right?"

The young man smiled and said, "Don't worry about that, it's our duty to keep clients confidential, and we have a very strict confidentiality system."

Li Yao asked again: "Are you sure you can take pictures?"

The young man said confidently: "This can definitely be photographed. It is too easy for us to take pictures. Don't worry, we are a professional marriage survey agency. We have been specializing in marriage surveys for more than 5 years. In Haitian The city has a very good reputation. If your husband is indeed cheating, we will definitely find useful evidence for you."

Li Yao paid the deposit.

In the evening, when Zeng Deyi returned home, he was still smiling as usual, and his wife called long and short.During this period of time, their sex life is quite harmonious, basically once a week, not once a month like Du Mengyuan said.Thinking of this, Li Yao's heart immediately softened again, and she even wanted to get rid of the private detective.I thought that my husband is actually kind to her, he rarely gets angry with her, and often buys her clothes, but she secretly asks a private detective to investigate him, isn't that too much?
But when she thought about it again, she still couldn't be soft-hearted. Even Zhang Zhonghou, who seemed so stable and upright, had a mistress outside.Would there be someone like Zeng Deyi?I guess it was faked.

Thinking of Zhang Zhonghou, the scene of Zhang Zhonghou taking a woman shopping in the mall appeared in Li Yao's mind again.I thought to myself, Zeng Deyi, Zeng Deyi, I hope you are not that kind of person, if you are also the same kind, let me see how I deal with you!
Be calm when negotiating
Du Mengyuan called Zhang Zhonghou's cell phone, wanting to ask where he was, but the cell phone connected, but he didn't answer it.It made the fire in her heart go straight to her forehead, and now she only wants to do one thing: smash things.

Just when Du Mengyuan was furious, Zhang Zhonghou and Xu Qiuying were in the room of a five-star hotel in Guilin City.After some ups and downs, Zhang Zhonghou called home, and Du Mengyuan asked, "Zhang Zhonghou, where are you? What are you doing?"

Zhang Zhonghou held his breath and said skillfully, "Are you in the hotel? What's the matter?"

Du Mengyuan said sharply, "Then why didn't you answer the phone?"

Zhang Zhonghou said calmly, "I didn't hear that, I just went to the bathroom."

Du Mengyuan thought for a while and said, "Then you can call from the hotel's landline."

Zhang Zhonghou smiled and said, "Just say what you want, why do you need to use a landline?"

Du Mengyuan took Zhang Zhonghou into the army: "Don't you dare? I knew you had a ghost in your heart! Zhang Zhonghou, you have a ghost in your heart! Hmph!"

"It's fine if you don't believe it, you can think whatever you want." Zhang Zhonghou hung up the phone after finishing speaking.He didn't want to talk too much with Du Mengyuan, the more he talked, the easier it would be to reveal his secrets.

Xu Qiuying listened to the phone quietly, feeling sore, hot, jealous, and uncomfortable.She didn't expect Zhang Zhonghou to be so afraid of his wife, every time he answered his wife's phone call he was so obedient.If he yelled at the phone twice, even if it was just to show her, she would feel better.

(End of this chapter)

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