Inside and Outside the Siege: A Woman's Battle for Marriage

Chapter 27 Be Your Own "Marriage Clinic"

Chapter 27 Be Your Own "Marriage Clinic" (1)
Don't tie pregnancy to a man's leg
Zhang Lina called Zeng Deyi, but he didn't answer.It took a long time to come back and ask, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Lina was upset when she heard this, and said angrily, "Can I call you if I have nothing to do?"

Zeng Deyi said flatly: "I'm busy now."

Zhang Lina yelled: "Busy all day long! Don't you want to see me? Avoid me? Why did you call me every day before! You pestered me with shamelessness!"

Zeng Deyi was taken aback, and quickly explained: "Nana, what are you thinking about, I'm really busy."

"Hmph! You know if you're busy or not!" Zhang Lina put down the phone angrily.

After the incident of Li Yao taking sleeping pills, Zhang Lina clearly felt that Zeng Deyi was not as good to her as before, and rarely took the initiative to call. I only come here once a week for a night, and usually come and go.Every time I have sex, it's like completing a task, and I seldom chat with her.

Women are the most sensitive and care about these things.Zeng Deyi's changes made Zhang Lina very depressed and uncomfortable.Do you think all men are so irresponsible?Once something goes wrong, do you want to snub the woman and escape?Your wife scared you like this after taking a sleeping pill?She's a victim, what about me?
Zhang Lina who hung up the phone was still out of breath, feeling that her chest was congested and she couldn't breathe out.She turned on her computer and logged into QQ, and sent a message to Chen Jing, Zhang Ting, and Xu Qiuying each, seeking their comfort.Xu Qiuying was not online, and Chen Jing and Zhang Ting immediately sent a smiley face and a handshake.

Zhang Lina complained: "Zeng Deyi is becoming more and more indifferent to me now, so depressed!"

Chen Jing said, "Oh, that's what men are like."

Zhang Ting said: "Could it be that he has another woman?"

"He was scared by his wife, and he probably wanted to keep a distance from me." Zhang Lina said with a tearful expression, "Grandma, men are irresponsible liars. It is unrealistic to hope for them. After all, we still need to get more money from them."

Chen Jing said: "That's right, I think so too. Don't think too much about it. Earn more money while you're young. When you get old, no one will want it. At least you still have money."

Zhang Ting sent a sad expression and said: "Oh! You are all better than me, my man doesn't have much money, and he always loses money in business. He is not responsible, and sometimes he doesn't want to pay for living expenses. I will not be with him for long gone."

Zhang Lina said: "No one will last long."

Chen Jing sent the same message to Zhang Lina and Zhang Ting, saying: "Hey, let's not think so much, let's just live."

Zhang Lina felt that maybe only pregnancy can tie Zeng Deyi.After much deliberation, she decided to have a child.Thinking of this, she immediately called Xu Qiuying and said, "Qiuying, I've been thinking about it for a long time and plan to have a child. I suggest you want one too."

Xu Qiuying said, "Do you want a child at such a young age?"

"They're in their twenties, so it's okay to have them. Men are unreliable after all, and a child will also have someone to rely on in the future. Besides, mothers are more valuable than children, and having children is the thread, and maybe they can hold them back a little bit." Zhang Lina was disappointed. Said, "Anyway, from now on, I won't take contraceptive measures anymore, and I will deliberately have sex with him during the ovulation period. I must have a baby, otherwise it will be too bad for him to kick me one day."

Of course Xu Qiuying did not believe that Zhang Lina gave birth to a child at a young age so that she could rely on her when she was old. She suspected that she wanted to consolidate her status by having a child, so she smiled and said, "Do you want to have a child to divide up his property?"

"It's not a matter of dividing up the family property, but at least you should use your children to fight for your own interests. I'm just fighting for the interests I deserve." Zhang Lina said, "Qiu Ying, I think you should hurry up and have a child." Okay, while he still cares about you, he has to give birth quickly."

With such an important issue, Xu Qiuying couldn't make up her mind for a while, so she said, "Let me think about it carefully."

"What else are you thinking about? We must have a child. Our status will be different when we have a child. I always feel that Zeng Deyi is always avoiding me. If things go on like this, he won't even know when he will kick me out." It will be different if you have children. No matter how much you hate me, the children will always be yours, right? Only after having children can we really have a relationship with them, otherwise everything is fake and just playing on the spot. Like As you said, there is no marriage, no family, no status, but at least we have to have a child." Zhang Lina said with emotion, "Qiu Ying, during this period of time, I have suffered from insomnia every night, thinking about problems all the time. Think about it, we must take the initiative to fight for our own interests, don’t be too reserved, this is not a reserved society, this is a straightforward and realistic society.” Zhang Lina paused, suddenly remembered something, and said, “By the way, I heard A friend said that there is a "Second Wife Club" in Haitian City. All members are mistresses. We often get together to exchange experiences with each other, and hold regular lectures to teach everyone how to resist big wives and how to get along with their own men and in-laws. One day I and Take a look, and if it’s appropriate, we’ll join the club.”

Xu Qiuying exclaimed: "My God! There is such a club?"

Zhang Lina said: "I'll go with you someday. I heard that there are special teachers who give lectures. Some teachers are senior mistresses, and there are special legal consultants who teach us how to protect our rights... Anyway, I heard that it is very formal. , is operated by a specialized company.”

Zhang Lina's words made Xu Qiuying sigh with emotion.It seems that I am indeed ignorant and ignorant. In this regard, I still need to learn more from Zhang Lina.It's ridiculous to think about myself, I am a mistress, but I still have a bit of nobility in my heart, I always want to make excuses for myself in the name of love, even hearing the word "mistress" feels a bit harsh.Alas, it seems that I am still not mature enough!Zhang Lina is right. This is not a reserved society. Since you have chosen the path of mistresses, you must be straightforward and realistic, and you must actively and boldly fight for your own interests.

After experiencing so much, Xu Qiuying's values ​​have completely changed.She told herself silently in her heart: on this road of mistress, she will go forward bravely and never back down.

Zeng Deyi was both surprised and happy when he learned that Zhang Lina was pregnant. After all, he had another chance to be a new father.But when he thought of Li Yao, he felt scared again.Li Yao is such a strong woman, if she gets to know the news, what earth-shattering event will happen again.It would be terrible if there were any troubles with her.

Thinking of Li Yao, he felt a little guilty.She used to be a teacher in an elementary school in Haitian City, and he was just a punk at the time, but the glorious people's teacher fell in love with the punk, and married him without hesitation despite his parents' obstruction.Later, he fiddled here and there, starting from a small contractor, and slowly fiddled with his own company, and it was considered popular, so she resigned and took care of her husband and children at home.He has only lived a good life for a few years, and now he is looking for flowers and women outside, and has a mistress. Thinking about it, he is indeed a little sorry for her.

Sometimes, he often even thinks about such a question: Why do men think of having mistresses and raising women once they have money and status?This has been the case throughout the ages and for thousands of years.Is it just to satisfy physical desires?Definitely yes, but not quite.If it's just to satisfy desires, in the current society, as long as you have money in your pocket, where can't you solve it?Why do you need to spend more money to support women, not to mention spending money and effort, and you have to worry about playing a game of police and thieves with your wife.So what else?He suddenly thought of the word "conquer".Yes, men treat women, in the final analysis, to conquer, not just physically, but also spiritually, especially for successful men.It is a kind of physical conquest to put the woman one likes under one's body, and it is a kind of psychological and spiritual conquest to raise a woman and belong to oneself alone.When Genghis Khan fought in Eurasia and brought back foreign women, he must have this kind of mentality, right?
He is most worried about Li Yao now, worried that she will go to extremes again, afraid that she will hurt the child in Zhang Lina's stomach.But after experiencing life and death, Li Yao told Du Mengyuan several times, don't be too serious, take everything apart, live well and enjoy yourself.When he said these words, his eyes were empty, his face was expressionless, and he looked disillusioned.

Near vermilion, near ink black

On Saturday afternoon, Zhang Lina called Xu Qiuying and said that her friend told her that there was an event held by the "Second Wife Club" in the bar "Home Outside the Home" in the afternoon and asked her to attend.Xu Qiuying promised to go right away, and agreed to meet at the door of the bar.

Xu Qiuying, who arrived first, stood at the entrance of the bar and waited for Zhang Lina. Seeing that all the women were filing in, they must be members of the "Second Wives Club".

Zhang Lina took Xu Qiuying's hand into the bar, found her friend Zhong Haixin in a corner, pointed to Xu Qiuying and introduced: "This is my friend Xu Qiuying." Then pointed to Zhong Haixin and said, "This is Zhong Haixin, and also my friend .”

Zhong Haixin and Xu Qiuying shook hands and said, "We are all friends, and the sisters here are all on the same front."

Zhang Lina said: "Haixin, you have more experience than us, please teach us more. The wife of our man took sleeping pills once, and almost died, scaring my husband to death. Now he is ignoring me, thinking You distance yourself from me. It's annoying."

Zhong Haixin smiled and said: "It's okay, let's talk to each other, and I'll hear what they say later. They are all facing the same problem. My husband's old woman is the tough one. She follows me all day, she is even more powerful than a spy." I have to move almost every few months, and now I don’t even dare to buy a house, because I’m afraid she will come and make trouble.” As he spoke, he pointed to the stage and said, “Someone will teach anti-grandmother later. Skills, see what people say, let's listen carefully."

Xu Qiuying said in surprise, "Is this still taught here?"

Zhong Haixin nodded: "Hehe, I teach a lot of things. In addition to dealing with grandmas, there are also teachings on how to enhance femininity, how to beautify and make up, and how to educate children. This club is called 'Rose Women's Club'. It is the 'Second Wife Club', which only accepts mistress members and only provides services for mistresses." Zhong Haixin said familiarly, "By the way, there is also a QQ group called 'Second Wife Defending Rights', you can also join. And a Help the sisters communicate with each other about the skills of fighting big women. There is also a special website."

The three people were chatting, and a hostess had already started to speak on the stage: "Good afternoon, all the beauties and sisters here! I am very glad to host today's event. Let me introduce myself first, My name is Chen Yan, Er Dong Chen, and Yan Zi’s Yan. Our activity today is divided into three parts. First, we invite an experienced guest to give a lecture, and then we invite several members to come on stage to share their experiences, and finally It means that everyone can communicate freely...Okay, first of all, let us invite today's guest, Ms. Lin Fang, to teach you how to deal with grandma, everyone applauds please..."

Lin Fang twisted her graceful waist and walked onto the stage, nodding and waving frequently to the audience with a star-like demeanor, and said with a smile: "Thank you, thank you."

Lin Fang walked to the middle and said: "All of you here are our sisters. I will tell you the truth. In fact, I am the same as everyone here. I have never come here. The difference lies in my unremitting efforts. With hard work, I succeeded in repelling my husband's aunt, and I finally got a title."

There was an uproar in the audience, everyone was very excited and applauded desperately, and some mistresses even shouted loudly: "Hurry up and share how you fight the old woman."

Lin Fang cleared her throat and said, "I'm just a family's opinion. I'm here today to share with you. I always think that the principle of Dou Da Po is to be outsmarted, not reckless. Some friends around me openly go to Da Po to challenge them. It is not advisable to quarrel or even fight with others, and finally be beaten up by their relatives. Mother-in-law, although they are your men's legal wives, you should also regard them as women who compete fairly with you psychologically, and cannot be overwhelmed by the other party in terms of psychological momentum. Everyone knows that when doing something, the mentality is It is very important that being a mistress is the same. If you feel psychologically that you are wronged and possessive, you will always be at a disadvantage. Believe it or not, some things are so mysterious. You should start from Psychologically, I feel that I am justified, that I am fighting for what belongs to you, and it is justified. With such a mentality, it is actually very easy to compete with the old lady. Everyone is compared with the old lady in age It is absolutely dominant, and it is beyond the reach of old women. Many old women may be a few rounds older than you. Women are afraid of getting old, and men are afraid of old women. In the eyes of men, women are meaningless when they are old. There is no love other than family affection. , This is your advantage. So everyone must remember: the first rule of fighting against the big woman is the spiritual victory method, you can’t lose to the big woman psychologically. The second rule is to hold men. What do you mean? It’s to coax you well Men, let them not only like you, but also miss you, think you are better than grandma, and let them always feel that your place is the most worthy of their nostalgia. Many second wives have a big temper, and they always talk to their men Losing your temper, this needs to be changed. Think about it, why does your man seek you? You are looking for tenderness and comfort, but you are fine, and you still find him out all day, using him as a punching bag, then you and What's the difference between the old lady? So, the mistress who has a bad temper has to change. Even if she loses her temper occasionally, she can't lose her temper. If she loses her temper all the time, she will suffer..."

There were bursts of applause from the audience.Xu Qiuying's heart twitched, as if Lin Fang on the stage was talking about her.

With a smile on Lin Fang's face all the time, she continued: "The third rule of Mrs. Dou is to give full play to the functions of the kitchen and the bed, and it is best to give full play to the functions of these two places. What does this mean? I I don’t know if you have read such an article, saying that in order to control men, you must first control their stomachs. Now many old women are doing this, trying to make delicious food for their men to eat, and doing all kinds of things in different ways. Let them miss the food you cook and remember to go home. In fact, this is only half of the truth. To control men, you must not only control their stomachs, but also control their guns... Don’t laugh, I I'm telling the truth. This is what I just said about giving full play to the role of the kitchen and the bed. As mistresses, everyone should have an advantage over the old woman in this respect. It's not complicated to control a man's stomach. You can go to Buy some books on catering and food and read them back. Just follow the example, and there are various cooking methods on it. I don’t need to say more about controlling men’s guns. Everyone is a woman. I believe everyone understands it better than me. In a word, it’s just one sentence: There are thousands of charms and charms..."

After Lin Fang finished teaching the experience, the host asked the two mistresses to come on stage to share their feelings.One still shared how to fight the old woman. She said: "I will share with you how to deal with the in-laws. I use the in-laws to fight the old woman. My husband's old woman gave birth to two daughters, and I gave birth to a son. My parents-in-law are very happy, and they often come to my house to take care of their grandchildren. I use this opportunity to build a good relationship with my parents-in-law, and I often give them some money to spend, and I also buy health care products and clothes to honor them. In short, I treat them like my own. They treat them like their parents. They are very happy, and they talk about it all day long, and tell their sons that I treat them better than the eldest daughter-in-law. I think everyone can work hard on the in-laws if they have the opportunity. This is also a fight The old woman's devious tactics. If you can win over your father-in-law and mother-in-law, then you don't have to be afraid of the old woman. In fact, many parents turn a blind eye to their son looking for a second child. They have many children As long as there is no trouble, they don’t bother to interfere. Especially those like me who helped them give birth to grandchildren, they are too happy, so how can they have any objection to me? They have long regarded me as a member of their family Officially a member..."

(End of this chapter)

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