Immortal Journey

Chapter 103 Let go and fly to become stronger

Chapter 103 Let go and fly to become stronger
The Xuandao Sect Inner Disciple Selection Competition lasted about ten days. Each participating group would qualify directly if they won ten times. If they lost a total of ten times, they would be eliminated directly.

Ren Ling and the others won the first battle. Since the defending team had only had three matches, they could only wait.Waiting for the defending first team to win or be eliminated, judging by the strength of the defending first team, it is only a matter of time before winning.

Sure enough, at the end of the game, the defending team led the qualifying with a record of winning ten games and losing two games.

Soon another team voluntarily guarded the ring. The strength of the second guard team was slightly weaker than that of the first guard team. They consisted of a late-stage foundation-establishment monk and four early-stage foundation-establishment monks.

"Big Brother, Second Brother," the five of them stood watching not far from the ring, Mo Zhanyu gently tugged at the sleeves of the two brothers, "Are we going to challenge this team?"

"Zhanyu," Mo Zhanyan glanced at Mo Zhantian, smiled and teased Mo Zhanyu, "Do you want to go up? Tell the second brother which guy you see is uncomfortable. The second brother will go up and fix him for you."

"No way," Mo Zhanyu pouted coquettishly, and blinked obediently at everyone, "I just want to say, if we go up to compete, let me deal with that late-stage foundation-building monk this time, right? "

"Zhanyu, how can I do that?" Qin Lianyan shook her head. She was at ease with Ren Ling, because Ren Ling was calm and calm, knew how to measure, and knew how to advance and retreat. A feeling of peace of mind.But Mo Zhanyu is different. She is also at the early stage of foundation establishment, but she looks too delicate. In addition to making people unconsciously feel protected, it is basically the case that even if she goes out alone, she is worried that she will be killed. The kind of kidnapping, "I'd better let Sister Lianyan go."

"No," Mo Zhanyu hurriedly pulled Qin Lianyan, "Sister Lianyan, let Zhanyu go to practice? You and the eldest brother and the second brother are the main force. Sister Ling has already fought a battle just now. What are you talking about this time?" You have to let me try it too. Brother, tell me something!"

"Zhanyu," Mo Zhantian, who had been silent all this time, frowned slightly, "We have little chance of winning this team. Although the team just now was strong in general, their three mid-stage foundation-building monks were only at the lowest level. It is ordinary, so we won by luck. But this team, my brother has observed carefully, the level of the four foundation-building mid-stage monks in the team is quite good, stronger than the strength of the defending first team. Let us first discuss whether to Go up and have a try?"

Mo Zhantian's words made everyone quiet, and all eyes turned to the field.

"Fight! Why don't you fight?" Qin Lianyan's eyes sparkled with crystal light, like shooting stars passing by the sky, "Let me deal with that fat Toutuo! Qin Lianyan's hands itch when he looks so arrogant. This kind of person is obviously in need of repair!"

"Haha, well said!" Mo Zhanyan laughed, "I'm going to challenge that old witch! Looking at her black and dirty face, I really want to add some color to it! And her unique style The tactic is just right for me!"

"Brother," Mo Zhanyu raised his hands timidly, "Didn't you say that it's okay to lose? You can also improve your experience against the enemy if you lose? Zhanyu agrees to go up and try."

Ren Ling slightly raised the corners of his lips, nodded and said, "I agree."

"Okay," Mo Zhantian said with a serious face, "Then let's go challenge. That male cultivator in green seems to have the highest cultivation level among the mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivators, so I will deal with it. Zhanyan challenged the female cultivator in black, Fellow Daoist Qin Deal with the fat male Xiu, Zhan Yu and Fellow Daoist Ren will take care of the rest."

"Sister Ling, I'm going to deal with that cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment," Mo Zhanyu said eagerly, "Brother, second brother, as long as you lose to me, you will come down immediately. Give me a chance, okay?"

Mo Zhantian lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, then Zhanyu will challenge the male cultivator in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and the rest of the purple-clothed female cultivator will be handed over to Fellow Daoist Ren."

When everyone finished discussing, the arena was empty, and the second guard team had just won the third group and was waiting for a new round of challenges.So they went straight to the arena, and the many monks watching the battle under the arena whispered to each other when they saw the five of them challenging again.And the second guarding team did not dare to underestimate them, after all, their strength in the first battle had been affirmed by the cultivators.

The first one to play was the late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Even though Mo Zhanyu had made all kinds of psychological preparations before the battle, it was only when she actually fought the opponent that she realized that all her previous preparations were far from enough.The strong coercion of the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, and the wave after wave of fierce offensives, made her frantic and unable to fight back except to receive the moves.And this was just a situation where the battle was less than a stick of incense. As time went by, Mo Zhanyu felt more and more that he was too far behind. He dodged from left to right and struggled to resist, even throwing out the talisman bestowed by the elders of the family. It didn't make his situation much better.

And the other party didn't feel soft-hearted because Mo Zhanyu's cultivation was two levels lower than his own. Instead, he chased Mo Zhanyu fiercely in order to gain momentum, and didn't even give her the chance to jump off the test line. He was vicious. Ladi almost wanted to put Mo Zhanyu to death!

"Ah!" The embarrassingly dodging body managed to grab a hard blow, and countless arrow feathers flashed in front of him. Mo Zhanyu couldn't dodge for a while, and let one of the sharp arrows hit his arm.Quickly slapping several defensive talismans on his body, Mo Zhanyu gritted his teeth and glanced at the pierced defensive spiritual weapon, took out nearly ten middle-level attack talismans and threw them at the opponent in one go!

In an instant, there were countless loud noises accompanied by dazzling white lights. Mo Zhanyu took advantage of the chaos and tried to roll to the side of the competition line, but was quickly pulled into his arms by the red-eyed Mo family brothers who were so anxious.

"Zhanyu, how are you, Zhanyu?"

Mo Zhantian, who has always been calm, hugged his younger sister with trembling hands, his forehead was dripping with sweat from anxiety.Mo Zhanyan also changed from his usual cheerfulness, and supported Mo Zhanyu with a gloomy face, "Second brother will help you take the arrow down, it will hurt a little, bear with it first."

"I, I'm fine..." Mo Zhanyu was trembling with pain, and breathed out hurriedly, "Second brother, Zhanyu is not afraid of pain, just do it."

Mo Zhanyan knew that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, so he gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrow decisively. In an instant, a column of blood spurted out. Mo Zhantian quickly bandaged Mo Zhanyu's wound with his hands and feet, and carefully comforted the cold sweat on his face. The younger sister who is everywhere, "It's okay, Zhanyu, the eldest brother is here, don't be afraid."

Qin Lianyan and Ren Ling looked at the Mo family brothers and sisters anxiously, but the other party began to urge the next competition.

The second competition was played by a male cultivator in Tsing Yi. Mo Zhanyan looked at his younger sister who was holding Mo Zhantian tightly with both hands, stood up quickly and said, "Brother, take care of Zhanyu, I will challenge this one!"

I don't know if it was because he was worried about Mo Zhanyu's injury, or because the opponent was really too strong, but Mo Zhanyan's battle was much more difficult than the previous one.

The two sides fought fiercely for nearly half an hour, and Mo Zhanyan was always at a disadvantage. Even if he tried his best, he didn't get any benefit.After struggling for another quarter of an hour, Mo Zhanyan finally had to withdraw from the competition in defeat.

"Second brother..." Mo Zhanyu's eyes were red, and Mo Zhanyan's sleeves, whispered guiltily, "It's all Zhanyu's fault, which made second brother worry, and second brother will blame me for losing this competition. Zhanyu," she said, tears streaming down her face, "Zhanyu, woo, Zhanyu is so useless."

"Fool," Mo Zhanyan's face turned slightly pale, but he smiled brightly, "Which is Zhanyu's problem? It's the second brother who can't practice well and can't beat others. Stop crying, your swollen eyes are not beautiful oh."

"Ling'er, I'm on the stage." Qin Lianyan and Ren Ling stood up beside them, and they walked to the front of the competition line in unison, "That fat Toutuo, wait for me to fix him! Don't think that it's just because they won two games. It’s amazing, even if we lose, we have to lose openly! Hmph! That male cultivator in Tsing Yi is really hateful, what kind of skill is it to bully a girl who has just established a foundation? It looks like a group of insidious guys. I, Qin Lianyan, will show them today Look how good I am!"

Ren Ling nodded, looked at Qin Lianyan seriously and encouraged, "Lianyan, deal with it calmly, you will definitely win."

Seeing Qin Lianyan walking onto the stage, Ren Ling took a few steps back, turned to look at the Mo family brothers and sisters, his thoughts were a little confused.It seems that Mo Zhanyu should have been protected by his family very carefully and thoughtfully since he was a child. I am afraid that he has never had a trial with live ammunition, so he was confused from the beginning of the competition just now, and was suppressed by the opponent without any resistance. He couldn't even find a chance to escape and admit defeat.From Ren Ling's point of view, his strength is really weak. If he wants to improve his fighting experience, he needs to participate in more competitions.It's no wonder that the brothers and sisters of the Mo family took the initiative to find them to form a team, and they might not want to be other monks.Fortunately, the cultivation base and strength of the Mo family brothers are not bad, so it is not too difficult for them to stand out in the audition.

Gently exhaling, Ren Ling turned his eyes back to the field. Qin Lianyan and Fat Toutuo were in full swing.

"I made you laugh."

Mo Zhantian's faint voice came from next to his ear, Ren Ling curled his lips, turned to look at him and said, "Friend Mo, is Zhanyu's injury better?"

"It's all right now, she and Zhanyan are both adjusting their breath," Mo Zhantian narrowed his eyes, he has never understood this woman Ren Ling, she is cold and calm, as if she doesn't care about anything, and she seems to be able to do anything See through like see through.It's just a cultivation level in the early stage of foundation establishment, but when fighting against monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, he is calm and sophisticated, and even able to win by cleverness, which is really commendable.From today's Mo Zhanyu's battle against the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, we can see that the difference of two levels is actually very big. Mo Zhanyu's situation is normal, and it seems that Ren Ling's ability is better than he initially expected. The estimate is much higher, "Zhanyu has never been out of the house, maybe he is overprotective, so he has no experience."

Ren Ling smiled slightly, "Only by letting the baby eagle fly, it will grow up, become stronger, and not be bullied."

(End of this chapter)

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