Chapter 104
After Ren Ling said a word, the two fell into silence for a long time.They were all attentively watching the match between Qin Lianyan and Fat Toutuo on the field.

Qin Lianyan's fighting style is as direct and hot as her temperament, she is as sharp as an invincible long sword, she is as hot as a flaming copper hammer, she is bold, agile, brave, neat, Every movement made the two of them feel tight but couldn't help admiring.

And that Fat Toutuo is not a fuel-efficient lamp, all kinds of vicious tricks emerge one after another, and the spiritual weapons and talismans dance alternately, full of murderous aura, often forcing Qin Lianyan to dodge around, with little power to parry.

But how could Qin Lianyan have the temperament to admit defeat easily?What's more, the defeat in the first two games made her more confident that she would never let this chubby guy win easily.So he used all his unique skills, and after a desperate fight, he not only survived the desperate situation, but even became more and more fierce, and miraculously began to gain the upper hand after half an hour of hard fighting!
After finally gaining the upper hand, Qin Lianyan was naturally impolite, and even slapped her hard. That already extremely beautiful little face shone with a bright light that people couldn't look directly at, just like the fierce slap in the summer. Like the scorching sun, the beauty is gorgeous!
"I won!"

Qin Lianyan supported his scratched arm, ran over with a heartless smile, first waved his fist at Ren Ling, then turned around and looked at Mo Zhantian coquettishly, "Mo Zhantian, I'm so sorry Not bad right?"

Ren Ling stood aside with a shallow smile, knowing that what Mo Zhantian said at this time must be more important to Qin Lianyan than anything else.

Mo Zhantian looked at Qin Lianyan with deep eyes, nodded and said, "Friend Daoist Qin is doing very well."

"Of course!" Qin Lianyan first smiled brightly, then wrinkled her face, pursed her mouth, raised her bleeding arm high and stretched it out in front of Mo Zhantian, "I'm injured, please help me bandage it ?"

Mo Zhantian looked at the jade arm in front of him in embarrassment, covered his mouth with his fist and coughed lightly, turned his eyes away and said, "Fellow Daoist Qin, whether men and women can kiss or not, this is Huixiang Pill, just apply it on the wound."

Qin Lianyan looked at the jade bottle handed over by Mo Zhantian, laughed crisply, and took the Huixiang pill with a wave, "Okay, I'll apply it myself!"

"Ling'er, shall we go there?"

"Okay," Ren Ling smiled and held Qin Lianyan's arm, "Let me help you take a look."

Mo Zhantian looked back at the backs of the two with complicated eyes, and slightly pursed his mouth.

He has had a problem since he was a child, and his memory of women's faces is extremely poor. After living for so many years, he can hardly remember any women's faces except his mother and younger sister.But this Qin Lianyan is a bit special, this woman is very bold, it can be said to be extremely bold, a type he has never met in his life.As the eldest son of one of the top ten families, he has never lacked the favors of women from all walks of life, but because he can't remember the appearance of women, everyone gradually retreats and disappears over time.

He wasn't sure if Qin Lianyan would do the same, but at least he was the first to meet a woman like her who openly expressed her affection to him.However, his old problems have not changed because of her, what he can remember now is Qin Lianyan's passionate eyes.As for Ren Ling, in his mind was a figure as clear as water.

Turning around slowly, Mo Zhantian walked towards the test line. If it wasn't for taking care of Zhanyu, he should have been the one to deal with the male cultivator in Tsing Yi just now. If he played, he might win, after all, his cultivation level among the five The deepest and the richest battle experience.Now that they have lost two games, even if he wins this time, their group is basically destined to lose.

However, since he wants to fight, he will go all out.

Mo Zhantian is a steady and steady type. Every attack of his is fierce and solid, without too many fancy moves, one after another attack is like a mountain pressing down on the top, without hesitation.The female cultivator who fought against him was indeed inferior to him in terms of Taoism, but her methods were weird and unpredictable, and all kinds of secret tricks were endless.

The two fought each other for about three quarters of an hour, and the nun ended up losing and quit the competition line.

"Fellow Daoist Ren." Mo Zhantian's overall condition is not bad. This battle did not consume much of his spiritual power. On the other hand, Qin Lianyan and the other three were still adjusting their breathing. He walked towards Ren Ling, "There is still one more battle. Do you want to compete or just quit?"

"I'm going to fight," Ren Ling smiled faintly. The last person on the other side was a purple-clothed female cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment. It seemed that her strength was comparable to that of the black-clothed female cultivator who lost just now. "I will try my best."

"It doesn't matter if you lose," Mo Zhantian frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Don't try to retreat after being seriously injured like Zhan Yu, as long as you judge that you can't win, just come back."

Slightly raised eyebrows, Ren Ling looked at Mo Zhantian, and suddenly felt that he was like a big brother, dedicated to taking care of the safety of everyone in the team, so he curled up his mouth and smiled deeply, "Thank you, I will have Proper."

Seeing Ren Ling playing, the purple-clothed female cultivator not only didn't have any intention of underestimating him, but instead had bright eyes and was ready to fight.After all, Ren Ling defeated the monks at the early stage of foundation establishment by cleverness, and she had witnessed that battle with her own eyes, and she never missed every detail, so she admired Ren Ling in her heart.

Ren Ling's eyes were light, and under the referee's order, he first put on the pearl shell armor, then summoned 49 black ice needles, and directly deployed the first attack array to shoot at the purple-clothed female cultivator.

The purple-clothed female cultivator did not move slowly, and launched an attack at the same time as she put on the defensive spiritual weapon. She used a middle-grade spiritual weapon, the Purple Jade Double Knife. go up.

The two exchanged in the air, the blue light and the purple light reflected each other, and the sound of the clear collision was endless.The pair of knives dexterously rotated and slashed at the Xuanbing needle, and the light at the junction suddenly swelled. After a "clang", the two knives bounced back a few feet, but the Xuanbing needle was not damaged at all, and gathered into a group Chase away.

Seeing this, the purple-clothed female cultivator's complexion sank, and she pushed her hands to inject a few minutes of spiritual energy. The purple jade swords instantly became longer, and they grew into two giant swords. .

Ren Ling hooked the corners of her lips, and the aura in her hand became even stronger. She turned the black ice needle into the size of a dagger to block it head-on. After meeting each other, both of them retreated a few feet. Violently exerted, the Xuanbing Needle suddenly spun and changed like a shadow, and rushed towards Ziyu's twin sabers.

"Huo Chi, come on!" The purple-clothed nun yelled lightly, and slapped the spirit beast bag to release a small red beast. The little red beast raised its head to the sky and screamed, then flew towards Ren Ling with a hush, and sprayed a mouthful of fire on her body.

Fire Chi Beast!
Ren Ling skillfully avoided the flames, squinted his eyes for a moment, and thought to himself, this fire chinchilla was just a juvenile beast, a second-order spirit beast, known for its speed and fire breathing.If it wasn't for Xiao Bao who was sleeping and advancing, he would definitely be able to deal with this fire chi beast easily.After all, with Little Treasure's temperament of all kinds of fire and joy, I am afraid that it is possible to chase the fire chi beast to beg for fire.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile, and turned around again to avoid the flames sprayed by the fire chi beast again and again.

Ren Ling flipped his wrist and threw several ice cones at the Huo Chi Beast to knock it back slightly, while tightening his control over the first attack formation of the Xuanbing Needle in his hands, he confronted the Purple Jade Swords in mid-air.

The female cultivator in purple smiled coldly, and took out another spiritual weapon with a pat on the storage bag - red skein yarn. The main material of the red skein yarn came from the snake gall of the second-level monster, the scorpion snake, which can eject bloody liquid Drop, that drop is as sharp as a hidden weapon, has a corrosive effect, and is highly poisonous.If you are accidentally sprayed with bloody droplets, you will be poisoned instantly.

Ren Ling looked at the rain of blood pouring down from the sky, and even though he didn't know its nature, he knew that being involved in it was never a good thing.So she quickly took out the shield and injected spiritual power to resist the red skein.The sky-shrouding shield is indestructible and hard to rust, and when it is fully aroused, it can spray a violent airflow to bounce back the opponent's droplets.

Seeing that every round of attacks was received by Ren Ling in an orderly manner, the purple-clothed female cultivator did not panic. Instead, she increased her control over the spiritual weapon, and at the same time summoned the fire beast to attack bravely, intending to use the word "drag" to consume it. Use up Ren Ling's spiritual power.

There is nothing wrong with her idea. Ren Ling's cultivation base is lower than hers. If he fights for a long time, it is obvious that he will eventually lose with all his strength.

However, Ren Ling naturally wouldn't do what she wanted.Judging from the overall situation of the battle, even though the two sides are in a stalemate, Ren Ling is actually at a disadvantage.Not only does she have to control the two spiritual weapons to fight against the opponent, but she also has to dodge the fire-breathing and counterattack of the fire dragon from time to time. It is not easy to turn the situation around and win.

While attacking and defending with all his strength, Ren Ling observed carefully to find the entry point.

The female cultivator in purple is very skillful in controlling the spirit weapon. The Xuanbing Needle and the middle-grade spirit weapon are in a difficult match for a while, and the same is true for the red skein and the sky-shrouding shield. It is not easy to get rid of the two thing.Moved a few feet to the left to avoid the fire-breathing beast, Ren Ling waved his palm and released several ice cones to force the fire beast back, suddenly a plan came into his mind.

Quickly throwing a few pills to replenish spiritual power into her mouth, she took out several mid-level Thunderbolt Talismans, turned around and used traceless footwork to chase the fire dragon head-on!

After all, the Huochi beast hadn't opened its mind. Seeing that Ren Ling, who used to dodge, suddenly rushed towards it, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was confused by the figures surrounding it that changed from one to two, from two to four, and more and more. Dazzled, even forgetting to attack.When it remembered to breathe fire, the figure in front of it suddenly disappeared for no reason, and it was greeted by dozens of thunderbolts crashing down on its head!

At this moment, Ren Ling had already turned around and returned to the original position. She retracted the Xuanbing needle violently, gave a low shout, gestured chaotically and swiftly changed the formation of the Xuanbing formation, and immediately deployed the third offensive formation of the Xuanbing formation— -pole!

As soon as this set of formations came out, everyone opened their mouths wide and opened their eyes without blinking, because everyone remembered clearly that this was the set that Ren Ling used to fool the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment to a tie Formation!

(End of this chapter)

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