Immortal Journey

Chapter 105 The Heavenly Secret Fruit of Infinite Flower

Chapter 105 The Heavenly Secret Fruit of Infinite Flower

This formation is so powerful and ferocious, and when it reappears in front of everyone, people still dare not easily conclude that it will really be like that paper tiger, which will fall down as soon as it is pushed.It's no wonder that the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment were deceived by it, so that they missed it for a while.

Isn't that what the purple-clothed nun thinks?
On the one hand, she felt distressed that her spirit beast was unable to dodge from the seemingly endless lightning strikes, but on the other hand, she was hesitant about how to stop this killing array?With the violent and fierce state of this formation, it takes all her strength to fight against it. If she puts all her eggs in one basket, she will not be able to distract the dying fire chi beast!

Is it Gu Zuo or Gu You?

This struggle in her heart flashed like lightning, and the purple-clothed female cultivator looked up at Ren Ling's indistinct eyes, thinking of the male cultivator in the late foundation establishment period who had been cheated, and gritted her teeth, saying, "With this woman's cultivation base As far as I am concerned, how can I lay down such a huge killing array under my various attacks?He must want to play tricks again and win by cleverness! '

As her thoughts fell, the purple-clothed female cultivator waved her long sleeves to increase her spiritual power by a few points, allowing the purple jade swords to face the attack, while she turned around and flew diagonally towards the fire dragon beast to save it.

'boom!boom!boom! '

Three loud bangs shook the arena violently, and the third offensive formation of the most murderous "extreme" in the mysterious ice formation not only knocked down the purple jade swords, but also pierced through the red skein in one fell swoop. Its minced!

As soon as the female cultivator in purple with a fluke mentality caught the fire dragon beast with both hands, before she landed, she was blown back ten feet by the violent air current, far away from the competition line!
The referee appeared out of thin air again, and looked at Ren Ling silently with his faint eyes, "The seventh team won!"

After Ren Ling bowed to the referee, he slowly turned and retreated.Her face was pale, with traces of blood oozing from her pink lips. The third attack of the mysterious ice formation almost consumed all of her aura, but it was worth it!

The night wind blows slowly, the water surface is sparkling, and there is a faint fragrance in the air.

"After winning two games in a row, I can finally rest."

After the five people left the competition field, they did not return to the inn individually, but followed the crowd to the most prosperous area in the center of the town.

"I heard that the night of the inner disciple selection competition is the most lively every year," Mo Zhanyan continued, "Xuan Dao Sect not only provides various free places to eat and play, but also many prizes and unexpected mysterious gifts for people from all over the world. The monks who came to participate in the competition."

"Second brother," Mo Zhanyu tilted his head coquettishly, "Cultivators are not very interested in eating and having fun, but the prizes and mysterious gifts you mentioned. What are they? It sounds very interesting."

"Prizes." Mo Zhanyan pointed to several big shops opened along the river, all of which had small arenas set up at the entrances, "The winners of those small arenas will get various prizes provided by the shops. For example, the big brother won The Rose Traceless Boat is also one of the prizes. Speaking of mysterious gifts, the rumors are different every year."

"Why is it different?"

Mo Zhanyan smiled, "Look, Zhanyu, this river is called Danyue River, and you can go boating in the river. When the time comes, it is rumored that there will be a mysterious gift falling from the sky. As for the second brother, I can't guess what it is. How about we?" Go on a boat, and when the time comes, you will know for yourself?"

"Okay, okay!" Mo Zhanyu's eyes lit up in the night, and he hurriedly asked Ren Ling and the others for their opinions. Everyone was exhausted from fighting for a day, so they naturally agreed with this leisurely and expressive activity.

The old man who handed out the boats by the river accepted the two spirit stones with a smile on his face, "The mysterious gift tonight has not appeared for many years, I wish you all good luck."

"Oh?" Mo Zhanyan raised his eyebrows, and asked the old man with a smile, "I wonder if senior can tell me what the mysterious gift is?"

The old man laughed straight, shook his head and said, "I don't dare to reveal it easily, but I can remind you young talents. I wonder if you have heard of infinite flowers?"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, he pushed along with the situation, and the boat sailed away from the river along the current.

"Infinity Flower?" Mo Zhanyu blinked, "Big Brother, Second Brother, have you ever heard of it?"

Mo Zhantian and Mo Zhanyan looked at each other and shook their heads, "I've never heard of this."

"That..." Qin Lianyan stood in the middle of the boat, and took out the white jade snow dress and handed it to Mo Zhantian. She wanted to do this when they mentioned the Rose Wuhen Boat on the shore just now, but it was a pity that they kept discussing the mysterious gift, which made it difficult She had no chance to interject. "Mo Zhantian, can I exchange this prize with you?"

"Ah! Bai Yuxuefu dress!" Mo Zhanyu exclaimed, and immediately tilted her head to get between Qin Lianyan and Mo Zhantian, blinking her eyes at Mo Zhantian, hoping that he would quickly agree to take her away. In exchange for the long-awaited white jade snow dress.

Mo Zhantian stared at Qin Lianyan, and asked, "This spirit weapon was chosen first by Daoist Qin, why do you suddenly want to exchange it with us now?"

"You!" Qin Lianyan blushed, "There are so many problems, so hurry up and change with you! Doesn't Zhanyu like this!"

Stared at so shyly by Qin Lianyan, Mo Zhantian rubbed his nose, took out the rose Wuhen Zhou from the storage bag and handed it over, while Mo Zhanyu quickly took the white jade dress, and put it on himself happily. He gestured, "Sister Lianyan, you are so kind! Thank you!"

"Zhanyu, you're welcome," Qin Lianyan glanced at Ren Ling awkwardly, scratched his head and thought for a while, and said, "I seem to have heard of the infinite flower."

One sentence aroused everyone's interest. They sat cross-legged on the boat and looked at Qin Lianyan with great interest.

This boat is driven by spirit stones, it will automatically move forward slowly with the current, no need for monks to paddle to control, and there will be enough distance between the boats and the boats will not affect each other's conversation.There are also monks who set up defensive magic circles after boarding the boat, so that they can better isolate the detection of foreign spiritual senses.

"Infinity flower is said to be a kind of flower with the power of prophecy," Qin Lianyan reached out to fiddle with the cool river water, "That's all I know."

"Ah?" Mo Zhanyu, who was full of excitement, pouted in disappointment, and muttered, "It seems that we have to wait until midnight to find out. Hey," she looked at Qin Lianyan and then at Mo Zhantian, He suddenly smiled and said, "Brother, on such a beautiful day, why don't you play a song to cheer everyone up?

Mo Zhantian smiled slightly, stepped to the front of the boat and stood facing the wind, holding a flute in his hand, his long hair fluttering like silk.

The melodious sound of the flute is like the peach petals falling in the March sky, spinning and fluttering with the wind, spreading little by little.

Qin Lianyan caressed the long black braid on her chest, her big bright eyes curved like crescent moons, her red lips were slightly parted, and she sang along to the melody of the flute.

Presumably he didn't expect Qin Lianyan to sing together, Mo Zhantian turned around and looked back, seeing the encouraging eyes of the crowd, he raised the corners of his lips and continued to play.

The night is spread out like black silk and satin, the sky is dotted with starlight, and the music from the sky and the earth is long, and it seems that everything is intoxicated at that moment, and I don’t know how to wake up.

"Ah! What is that?!"

The people who were intoxicated by the music were suddenly awakened by an exclamation not far away. They followed the man's hand and saw a rain of petals falling at some point!
"Could it be that this is the Infinity Flower?" Mo Zhanyan stood up abruptly, stretched out his flat palm, and a white petal fell on his palm. , but, what kind of mysterious gift is this?"

As if in order to answer his question, Kong Yuan's long voice suddenly came, "Welcome to Xuan Dao Sect to participate in the inner sect disciple selection competition. The mysterious gift to welcome you this year is the Tianji fruit in Infinity Flower. Infinity Flower is limited, It is enough to get one infinite flower, and getting more is the same. This rain of infinite flowers is only for a cup of tea, I wish you all good luck!"

As soon as the words fell, countless figures were seen flying across the river, and everyone scrambled to grab the Infinity Flower in the sky.

Ren Ling raised her head, and suddenly felt a coolness on her face. She stretched out her hand and touched it. It was a small five-petaled flower. On, very attractive.

"I got it too!" Qin Lianyan lightly jumped and grabbed an infinite flower, raised her hand with a smile and said, "Zhanyu, Mo Zhantian, hurry up, don't miss it!"

"Okay!" Mo Zhanyu jumped up, the whole body flew several feet high, twisted and spun in mid-air, and the long skirt spread all around, which was very beautiful, "I got it too!"

She smiled and showed the flowers in her hands, and urged, "Brother, why don't you hurry up?"

Mo Zhantian smiled slightly, and opened his palm behind his back, "Look, what is this?"

"Brother!" Mo Zhanyu jumped over lightly, "When did you get it? Don't tell Zhanyu, I'll make Zhanyu worry!"

"Brother, he got it earlier than me." Mo Zhanyan approached with a smile, and the three brothers and sisters burst into laughter.

Ren Ling tilted her head and looked at Qin Lianyan beside her, "Liangyan, what do you think these endless flowers and Tianji fruit are? It sounds really mysterious."

"I've only heard that the Infinity Flower has the ability to prophesy." Qin Lianyan glanced at the Mo brothers and sisters enviously, turned her head and smiled at Ren Ling, "As for Tianjiguo, I haven't heard of it yet."

Soon the time for half a cup of tea passed, and many monks who had not obtained the Infinity Flower could not help but return to their respective boats with regret.

The empty and long voice sounded again, "The time has come, I would like to congratulate the lucky fellow daoists who got the infinite flower first, and those who have not got the infinite flower don't need to be disappointed, those who are destined to know, hahaha!"

"Now the old man reveals the mystery of the secret fruit in the infinite flower." The voice paused, "The infinite flower is the flower of prophecy, and the source of its prophecy lies in the secret fruit in the flower. The prophecy of the secret fruit this time will be to obtain Can everyone from Infinity Flower successfully enter the inner sect of my Xuan Dao Sect?"

"Fellow daoist, you can take out the secret fruit from the infinite flower. If the fruit is black, it means that you are prophesying that fellow daoist will become an inner disciple of my Xuan Dao sect. Congratulations. If it is white, then... hahaha, the prophecy may be true , maybe it will be false, but in the end it depends on the hard work of fellow Taoists! Hahaha!"

The sound died away, but the river was still silent.

Ren Ling and the others looked at each other for a moment, then lowered their heads and took out the Tianji Fruit from the Infinite Flower in their hands.

"Mine is...white." Mo Zhanyu was the first to take out the fruit, looked at the small round Tianji fruit in his palm, and sat down slumped, "It's not surprising that I have a low cultivation level... "

"I'm also white, haha," Mo Zhanyan jumped to sit next to his sister, and handed her his Tianjiguo, "If you can't enter the inner sect, then the second brother will accompany you, Zhanyu."

"Second brother," Mo Zhanyu wrinkled his face, "How can second brother not be an inner disciple with his strength?"

"So, Zhanyu, don't worry too much," Mo Zhanyan said with a smile, "Maybe it's a trick, and that person also said 'maybe it's true, maybe it's not', and you still have to do your best in the end. You won't regret it."

"En!" Mo Zhanyu nodded vigorously, leaning his head on Mo Zhanyan's shoulder.

"Brother, what color is yours?" Mo Zhanyan patted his younger sister and raised his head to ask.

Mo Zhantian threw the infinite flower into the middle of the river, "I didn't see it, no matter what color it is, what we have to do is try our best."

"That's right," Qin Lianyan also raised her hand vigorously, "It doesn't matter if it's black or white, if I, Qin Lianyan, fail to enter the inner door after all my efforts, I'll admit it myself!"

Ren Ling smiled faintly, looked down at the secret fruit in his palm, half black and half white, his eyes darkened slightly, thinking to himself, 'Black is true, white is false.Am I half-truths?It's really funny. '

(End of this chapter)

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