Immortal Journey

Chapter 106 The Mysterious Old Man

Chapter 106 The Mysterious Old Man

In the next day's audition, they won twice and lost once.

On the third day, no team is willing to sign up for the defending competition. After all, the defending team cannot rest, and must persist in the competition until it wins ten times to qualify, or loses ten times and leaves.

Under such circumstances, they had to draw lots to select the defending team. Ren Ling and his No.17 group, I don't know whether it was lucky or unlucky, they won the first lottery and became the defending team.

"We have a record of winning four times now," Mo Zhantian said, "We have to compete with at least six teams before we can complete the task of defending the ring. Our strength is above average. It may not be easy to win all the time, so everyone must be mentally prepared for a protracted battle."

"Yes," Mo Zhanyan continued, "The mental exhaustion after fighting for a long time may be more than the physical exhaustion. We must support and encourage each other, and persevere until we win."

"Okay!" Qin Lianyan's eyes sparkled, and his desire to fight was aroused, "Instead of procrastinating every day, it's better to go to the end at once! Fight refreshingly at once!"

"I, I will do my best," Mo Zhanyu raised his hands timidly, "I will try my best not to drag you down."

Ren Ling smiled slightly, "Zhanyu, you did a good job in yesterday's competition. As long as you try a few more times, you won't panic as you become more experienced."

After cheering each other on, the five stepped onto the ring with confidence.

After half a day, their team finally qualified with six wins and one loss, and successfully advanced to the top [-].

During the whole competition process, everyone gave full play to their fighting ability, even Mo Zhanyu won three rounds, and the delicate little girl began to desire to become stronger from then on.What she admired most was Ren Ling. Although she was at the foundation establishment stage at the same time, Ren Ling gave her the feeling that she was more powerful than any foundation establishment stage monk.She is like an impenetrable deep sea, always able to change waves that surprise you.

However, Ren Ling didn't know whether to smile wryly or be proud. As long as she came up to accept the challenge, the opponent would usually send monks from the middle stage of foundation establishment to fight.Almost no one thinks that she is just a small foundation-building early-stage cultivator, and they have never dared to underestimate her ability.That is to say, in the process of everyone waiting in full force, she encountered various fighting methods and learned a lot of experience in coping with it.

Early in the morning of the second day after the competition, Ren Ling left the inn and went to the Xinxin restaurant where they agreed to meet as agreed.After three consecutive days of hard work, everyone wanted to have fun and relax, so they decided to take a rest and visit the Fangshi in Danyue Town together.

Although most of the monks from other places gathered in the audition venue, the street market in Danyue Town was still bustling with crowds.

Ren Ling saw that it was still early to go out, so he was not in a hurry to hurry. He walked while watching, and sometimes he would stop to have a look when he came across something he liked.

"This fairy, please stay."

Ren Ling, who was about to move on, suddenly heard a word in her ear. She paused, looked left and right, then turned her head, and saw a thin old man calling her.

The old man was at the fourth level of Qi training. He set up a fortune-telling stall in an inconspicuous corner of the market, and was watching Ren Ling with a smile.

Those who practice the Tao originally cultivated the way against the heavens. Few people would believe in divination and destiny. If they believed in the so-called secrets of heaven, how could they have the will to practice hard to resist the heavens?The so-called fortune-telling, in the eyes of cultivators, is nothing more than a nonsensical thing for mortal beings to paralyze themselves.

Even though Ren Ling wouldn't look down on fortune-telling, she naturally didn't believe it, so she shook her head, "Thank you, fellow daoist, I don't need it."

"One hexagram only needs one spirit stone." Seeing that Ren Ling was not interested, the old man hurriedly said, "It doesn't cost much, the old man has set up a stall here all morning, and there is no business yet, so the fairy will count it Shall I go to the next hexagram?"

Ren Ling hesitated, thought for a moment and took out a spirit stone from his bosom and put it on the booth, "Fellow Daoist, let me do the math."

Seeing Ren Ling like this, the old man asked, "Could it be that the fairy doesn't believe in the old man's fortune-telling ability?"

"Not really, just"

"It's just that cultivators don't believe in divination?" The old man smiled calmly, but Ren Ling didn't know how to deal with it for a while, "Why did so many monks scramble to snatch the Infinity Flower from the night before yesterday? Isn't this a contradiction? "

"It's up to people, not heaven," Ren Ling said, "Not every monk believes in the Infinity Flower."

"Oh?" The old man stroked his beard, "but does the fairy know that the prophecy of the Tianji fruit in the infinite flower has never made a mistake? The so-called prophecy is actually the same as fortune-telling. The prophecy is credible, but why is fortune-telling not credible?"

If the prophecy has never been wrong, then how can she explain that half of her secret results are defeated and half are black?Ren Ling shook his head, not wanting to continue talking with the old man, so he smiled and apologized and turned to leave.

"Wait, Fairy, don't you want to know what it means that the half-black and half-white Tianji Fruit means?"

Ren Ling's back stiffened, and his heart trembled slightly. How did the old man know the color of the secret fruit she got?

The voice of the old man continued, "Tianji fruit is born either black or white. It is said that half black and half white fruit will appear only after ten thousand years. Fairy, have you ever heard of it?"

Turning around violently, Ren Ling returned to the old man and looked at him in confusion, "If it's half black and half white, why?"

The old man turned his beard and smiled straight, "Since the fairy paid a piece of spirit stone and doesn't like divination, the old man will answer your question as a reward."

"The half-black and half-white Tianji Fruit contains far-reaching and extraordinary meanings. In fact, the old man has no way of guessing what it is. Maybe it's a step back!"

"Take a step back?" Ren Ling murmured, thinking about it but then smiled, "But going further may not be the end of the road, and there may be another world if you go further, why do you have to retreat?"

"Good! Good! Good!" The old man called out three times and sighed, "It's good to go one step further, but it may not be the end of the road, and there may be another world if you go further! A person who cultivates the Tao is the Dao against the sky, and it requires such insight to be enough." For right!"

As soon as the words fell, the old man suddenly disappeared in front of Ren Ling. Ren Ling was horrified, and turned his head to look around, where was the figure of the old man?
"Could it be that this is an instant teleportation?" She bit her lip and thought, "Only the powerful people of the Nascent Soul can perform this technique, and the old man is actually at the Nascent Soul stage! Why on earth did he tell me that? talk?"

Ren Ling left with doubts, and when he came to the Xinxin Restaurant, he found that due to his delay, everyone had already arrived and he was missing.

"Sister Ling," Mo Zhanyu smiled and raised his hand to beckon her over, "Come here and try the dim sum here, it's delicious!"

The group chatted, laughed and had a meal, then left the restaurant and went to Fangshi.

"Ling'er, why do you seem to be preoccupied?" Qin Lianyan asked curiously while pulling Ren Ling to walk slowly.

Ren Ling smiled, a flash of thought flashed in his black eyes, and asked softly, "Liangyan, did you see the color of your Tianji fruit that night?"

Qin Lianyan suddenly opened her eyes wide, glanced at the brothers and sisters of the Mo family who were picking at the stalls not far ahead, covered her mouth and answered in a low voice, "Mine is black," and raised her chin towards Mo Zhantian. Dian Dian, "He's also black, I saw it. It's just that he was afraid that Zhanyu would be sad, so he threw it away."

Ren Ling lowered his eyes, if what the old man just said is true, then Lian Yan and Mo Zhantian among the five of them should become the inner disciples.And what is going on with my half black and half white?
"What?" Seeing that Ren Ling was silent, Qin Lianyan pushed her, "What color is yours?"

"Lianyan, to tell you the truth," Ren Ling pursed her lips, "My fruit is half black and half white."

"Ah?" Qin Lianyan opened her mouth wide, "Is there something like this? Ling'er, are you worried about this matter?"

Ren Ling tugged at her long hair and nodded.

"Fool!" Qin Lianyan laughed, "What's the trouble with this kind of thing? Don't care if it's black or white. During the competition, you will fight hard, and you won't regret whether you succeed or not in the end. Isn't that all right?! "

Silently looking at Qin Lianyan's hearty smile, Ren Ling pursed her lips, "Yes, what Lianyan said is, it doesn't matter if it's black or white, it will never be soft when it's time to fight! By the way, I still want to buy something , let's go shopping!"

The square market in Danyue Town is not small, and you can definitely buy all kinds of things as long as you want it here.

The group went shopping all the way and bought a lot of things. Ren Ling purchased a lot of animal skins, high-grade cinnabar, and even bought a high-grade talisman pen.Unlike other people who buy all kinds of talismans directly, she is quite interested in making talismans. Now that she has successfully built her foundation, she is planning to find time to study how to make more powerful mid-level talismans.

The "Spells in the Clouds" she obtained from Yinlingmen recorded many complex and advanced methods of making talismans. Because of the lack of various materials, she has been unable to try to make them. She did not expect to find many suitable ones in Fangshi easily. The animal skin and cinnabar made her happy for a long time.

"Sister Lianyan, Sister Ling," they said goodbye at the street corner after visiting Fangshi. Mo Zhanyu looked at Ren Ling and Qin Lianyan eagerly, and took out two Qinghua jade hairpins. That's great, Zhanyu specially picked this for my sister, it's just an ordinary jade hairpin, I hope my sisters like it."

Qin Lianyan and Ren Ling looked at each other, and at the same time smiled and nodded to take the jade hairpin, "Thank you, Zhanyu."

"This is for you," Qin Lianyan took out a peony knot flower long hair rope that she just bought, "Don't thank me, thank you, an acquaintance is fate."

Ren Ling also took out a pair of silk flowers and handed them to Mo Zhanyu, "Zhanyu, put them away quickly."

Mo Zhanyu blinked his eyes that suddenly turned red, "Sister Lianyan, Sister Ling!"

"Zhanyu, it's not that we don't see each other anymore," Qin Lianyan smiled and rubbed her hair, "Although we have to face the competition alone after entering the top [-], we can also take care of each other and cheer each other up! Inner disciples, you can continue to communicate, don't cry, be good."

Mo Zhanyu nodded and said in a low voice, "Zhanyu knows his own level, and it is definitely impossible to become an inner disciple. However, after returning, Zhanyu will definitely work hard to practice, and come to participate in the selection competition next time, sisters have to wait for me .”

Ren Ling nodded with a smile, her eyes were as pale as Yuandai, and she was looking forward to and worried about the unknown trials.I don't know, is she also lucky enough to become an inner disciple?

(End of this chapter)

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