Chapter 107
Mo Yujian.
Ren Ling sat on the grass, with piles of various animal skins, high-grade cinnabar and talisman brushes laid out in front of him.Holding a jade slip in her hand, she was reading it carefully.
That is "Spells in the Clouds". "Spells in the Clouds" is the reward in the door that Ren Ling got in the end-of-year assessment of the first year of the Yinling Sect because of his excellent performance. It records 99 kinds of spells and spells. The more complex the mantra is.Before the foundation was established, Ren Ling could at most make the first two hundred kinds of talismans. In addition to the limitation of his cultivation, he could not try to make more advanced talismans because of the lack of materials.
Speaking of the charms recorded in the jade slips, although there are many types, the attacking charms that can be used in combat are limited.It also records various auxiliary spells in a large space, such as flying, escaping, invisibility and so on.
After carefully reading the follow-up mantras, Ren Ling picked out three kinds of attack talisman mantras, and was going to try to make them into intermediate talismans.
They are the Dense Fog Rocket Curse, the Stellar Wind Curse, and the Lightning Slashing Curse.
Fog Rocket Charm, as the name suggests, this talisman can release thick fog that makes it hard to see, and it will spray rockets to attack the opponent.
The Stellar Wind Curse, releases the Stellar Wind to slow down the opponent's movements, making it impossible to deal with it neatly.
The Lightning Slashing Curse is an advanced version of the middle-level Thunder Stabbing Talisman. The lightning it releases is extremely powerful like a sword slashing down.
'Making talismans with monster skins is different from making talismans with talisman paper. It is said that different monster skins hide different attributes of demon power.As for how to domesticate and turn it into my own use, I don't know either!There is no need to think about the cultivation without the foundation period!How many years after that! '
Taking up a piece of monster skin casually, his fingers brushed lightly over the smooth surface, Ren Ling's eyes were darkened, and the clear and hearty voice seemed to come from his ears.
Those were the words of Meng Feifei who taught her the basics of talisman making at the beginning, and the words are still in her ears but Yiren has passed away.
"Senior Sister Meng, I will make the best mid-level talisman, and I will definitely live up to your expectations."
After reading this sentence softly, Ren Ling suddenly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, it was completely clear.
"These three kinds of charms must be made of powerful middle-level talismans with monster skins," Ren Ling held up the talisman pen and practiced the drawing of the spells on the paper, "If you want to tame the monster power on the monster skin and use it as your own Use, in fact, different spells already contain this ability. Like these three spells, it looks very complicated, but after division, it can be found that they are all composed of three parts."
"The first one is called 'pressing'. 'pressing' means to suppress, and its function is to suppress the demon power and domesticate it."
"The second is called 'introduction'. 'Introduction' is to use the demon power for one's own use. In this process, one must be dexterous and subtle in order to maximize the use of the demon power."
While recalling the narration in "Tales in the Clouds", Ren Ling drew the spells as he wished.From drawing one stroke at a time at the beginning, to finishing the outline after getting familiar with it, and then moving faster and faster later, I can almost master the three complicated and difficult spells.
"The third part is called 'curse', which is the most important part of the talisman. Only when the 'curse' is drawn successfully can the production of a talisman be considered complete."
Easier said than done.
Even with full preparations, Ren Ling still spent nearly half a day to no avail.It is not easy to successfully complete the two actions of "pressing" and "drawing". It is naturally not as easy as imagined for the depth of the demon power to adjust the spiritual power to suppress and pull.
"Fortunately, I bought a lot of monster skins." After another failure, Ren Ling put down the talisman pen, stood up and stretched his waist, stretching his waist, "If not enough, I can go to Fangshi to buy some more tomorrow. I must make at least one piece today." Zhang Caixing!"
Ren Ling spent the next six days in Mo Yujian, besides practicing, he was making talismans.After two days of continuous practice, she has been able to successfully make the three middle-level talismans.
On the morning of the eighth day, she left Mo Yujian and went to the competition venue for the five hundred strong fighters.
A total of 5000 disciples will be recruited in this year's Xuandao Sect Inner Sect Disciple Selection Competition. From more than 50 people, only [-] will stand out in the end, which is truly one in a million.
The [-] promoted disciples were divided into ten groups by lottery, and the top five disciples in each group could become inner disciples.
The rules of the competition are also a double-elimination elimination system. Due to the number of people, there will be lucky draws in each round of elimination, and those who are drawn can directly skip this competition to advance.
After the lottery, Qin Lianyan and Mo Zhanyan belonged to the same group, and the remaining three belonged to different groups.
It is not an exaggeration to say that the competition of the top five hundred was bloody and bloody. In every round of elimination, monks were seriously injured or even disabled.In order to enter the inner gate, everyone did their best in the game, basically fighting to the death.
In the first round of elimination, Ren Ling faced a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of foundation establishment. He fought hard for an hour in the opponent's merciless slashing and fierce attack, but ended in defeat, and was directly eliminated into the failure group.
According to the competition rules of double elimination and elimination, as long as she loses one more game, she will not be eligible for this year's quota of inner disciples.
However, how easy is it to insist on winning?
In the group she belongs to, there are ten monks in the late stage of foundation establishment alone, 36 monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and only four monks in the early stage of foundation establishment.
From this we can know how fierce the competition is.
Fortunately, Ren Ling, who entered the losing group, first eliminated an early foundation-building monk with a landslide victory, and then won three mid-foundation-building monks.After that, she was lucky enough to draw the lucky lottery three times in a row, avoiding the red-eye three competitions, and directly advancing to the final four-in-three event.
The rule of the four-in-three competition is to fight against each other first, and the two losers will have another competition, and one will be eliminated in the end, and the remaining three will be promoted together with the two in the winning group to become the inner disciples of the Xuandao Sect this year.
After Ren Ling came to the stage, when he saw his opponent, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It's not that the enemy didn't get together, but the opponent happened to be the eagle-nosed old man who competed on the first day of the audition!
The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. When the eagle-nosed old man saw Ren Ling, his eyes glowed blue, and he looked like he wanted to beat her to the ground immediately. In his opinion, he was beaten by Ren Ling before. tie.That would be a great shame to him!
The main reason why the eagle-nosed old man suffered from Ren Ling last time was because of his contempt for her, which later allowed Ren Ling to take advantage of her.
With the experience of last time, he put all his energy into playing this time, and he didn't care about the face problem that high-ranking monks should be courteous to low-ranking monks. He couldn't wait to trample Ren Ling under his feet former shame.
How can the all-out fighting of monks in the late foundation establishment period be reconciled?In the beginning, Ren Ling had no way to fight back except to fight hard, but how could she easily admit defeat in this decisive battle?Gritting his teeth and insisting on withstood every wave of lore attack, patiently gaining a foothold little by little, from the initial embarrassment gradually becoming accustomed to nature, the next step is to wait for the opportunity to provoke a counterattack.
From the very beginning, she tried her best to fight back, and used all her spiritual power. The 49 black ice needles, like psychics, resisted the fierce attack of the eagle-nosed old man with the most solid defense under her command.At the same time, Moyu's group of butterflies were also flying around the field under her spiritual control. At first glance, the dozens of spirit butterflies seemed to be powerless to attack. As the formation gradually evolved, the eagle-nosed old man began to realize that everything was unexpectedly Gradually derailed under his control!
Ren Ling deployed Moyu Qundie to set up the Lingering Formation in the Enchanting Formation. Because of the disparity in strength between the two sides, and the opponent's fight to the death, it was difficult for her to arrange a strong enough attacking formation when it was difficult to defend. .After thinking about it for a while, Ren Ling chose a winding formation that seemed weak in the early stage, but would gradually attack with force in the later stage, and set it up.
At first, the eagle-nosed old man dismissed the fluttering spirit butterfly. In his opinion, it was just a woman's plaything with embroidered fists and legs. What kind of moth could there be?However, it was the contempt and negligence this time that made the moyu group of butterflies successfully set up the entanglement formation. As time went by, when Ren Ling stabilized the situation, he ordered an attack. The power of the entanglement formation was almost like a storm Generally sweeping the entire competition venue!
From the eyes of the spectators, the turn of the situation was extremely abrupt, but to Ren Ling, it had exhausted her enormous energy.Suddenly pouring a drop of Wannian Lingrui, the meridians that were almost empty in an instant were filled with explosive and fierce spiritual energy. She pursed her lips and stared at her eyes, ignoring the irritable spiritual energy in her body, and controlled the moyu group of butterflies to attack the eagle-nosed old man for the first time. Wave Jedi offensive!
The eagle-nosed old man was even more furious when he saw that Ren Ling, who had been suppressed so hard, turned his defense into an offense.And the Po Dies flying all over the sky suddenly disappeared for no reason, and after that, bursts of strong air currents pressed towards him from all directions.The spiritual weapon in his hand also started to shrink back because the Xuanbing Needle changed from a defensive formation to an offensive formation. He was so angry that his eyes were red, he took out a palm-sized iron plate, bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on it, In an instant, the iron plate turned into a large shield, and slammed into the black ice formation.
I don't know what kind of treasure that big shield is. It looks very evil. The fangs of ghosts are depicted on the shield. When it slammed into the black ice formation, it suddenly revealed blood-colored giant teeth, and opened its mouth to swallow two pieces of black ice. Needle.
All the 49 Xuanbing needles contained Ren Ling's spiritual consciousness to control the formation. After the Xuanbing needle was swallowed, Ren Ling felt a pain in his head. Biting, tearing and shredding, she was terrified, and decisively cut off the connection with those two strands of spiritual consciousness.
The big shield opened its mouth wide, and the two dull black ice needles fell to the ground, completely devoid of aura.And the big shield showed its huge bloody teeth again, turned around and swooped towards another group of Xuanbing needles!

 Did you guys have a good Valentine's Day yesterday?Be happy! ^^
(End of this chapter)

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