Immortal Journey

Chapter 108 Romance

Chapter 108 Romance
Two of the Xuanbing needles were destroyed, and the second offensive formation of the Xuanbing formation that had been put on with great difficulty broke down in an instant, and the evil energy of the big shield soared, and in a blink of an eye it was coming to devour the Xuanbing needles again!
Ren Ling frowned, smashed several dense fog flame talismans in an instant and threw them towards the big shield, and at the same time tried to retract the Xuanbing needle. She did not switch from attack to defense because of a momentary disadvantage, but let out a clear whistle, and the aura in her hand flourished , use the remaining 47 black ice needles to lay down the most powerful and mighty third offensive formation!
Ren Ling knew that his cultivation was not as good as the opponent's. If he dodged due to the situation, it would be very difficult to regain the upper hand in the attack.So, instead of ordinary people's practice of defending first and then attacking in such a situation, she put all her strength into it, stronger when she met the strong, and went forward with the most courageous momentum!
With the blasting attack of the dense fog rocket talisman to resist, the Xuanbing needle quickly formed a new attack formation, and the air flow on the field suddenly roared and churned, shining brilliantly.Ren Ling bit her red lip fiercely, and used her divine sense to command Moyu Qundie to launch the strongest attack at the same time. Moyu Qundie was already familiar with the Xuanbing Formation, and immediately cooperated with the third attacking formation like a tsunami-like attack to upgrade the Winding Formation The force of the strong attack, wave after wave, rushed towards the eagle-nosed old man!
The eagle-nosed old man just released the 'Yin Spirit Shield' with the art of defying fate, which has already consumed a lot of his heart and blood. He wanted to suspend the whole situation for a while so that he could attack again, but he didn't expect Ren Ling to do the opposite. And Xingzhi's strong attack from a disadvantage made him slightly confused for a while, but when he came back to his senses, the thunderous offensive that shook the sky and the earth forced him to retreat steadily.He tried his best to take out the spiritual weapon to resist it, but was struck down by a dazzling light!How can this be the powerful combat power that monks in the early stage of foundation establishment can possess?Even monks in the late stage of Foundation Establishment may find it difficult to do so!The moment this thought crossed his mind, he watched helplessly as the stern light blasted him out of the competition arena.
Two hours later.
"...Ren Ling, Diao Qing..."
Now there are only [-] monks who have successfully advanced to become the inner disciples of Xuandao Sect in the huge competition square. A monk in the alchemy stage is checking his name, and every person who goes up will be awarded a jade plaque that symbolizes the identity of the inner disciples of Xuandao Sect .
Ren Ling received the jade badge, and when he turned around and walked into the team, he happened to meet the eagle-nosed old man Diao Qing who was coming towards him. The eyes of the two hurriedly passed by. Diao Qing's expression was complicated and difficult to understand. He coughed indifferently and walked forward to get the identity jade badge.
After losing the match with Ren Ling, the eagle-nosed old man fought hard for an hour with another group of defeated monks, and finally won the place of inner disciple with a narrow victory.
Mo Zhantian and Qin Lianyan also managed to enter the inner sect after many struggles, but Mo Zhanyan and Mo Zhanyu had no choice but to leave with hatred as predicted by Tianjiguo.
The selection contest for inner disciples, which took nearly half a month, seemed to have come to an end. The monks who successfully obtained the places were full of inexplicable excitement and great fighting spirit for a new life.
"Ling'er!" Qin Lianyan happily walked up to Ren Ling and stood up with a smile on her face, "That's great, from now on we are fellow teachers and sisters! From now on, we will share our difficulties and share our blessings!"
Ren Ling smiled and stretched out her hand to pat Qin Lianyan's raised palm, "Lianyan, it's really hard to believe I just came in like this! It feels like a dream!"
"It's true, it's true!" Qin Lianyan squeezed Ren Ling's soft face, "Does it hurt? I pinched myself hard just now, and it hurts! So it's not a dream!"
The two of them were laughing together, when suddenly there was a low voice, and the disciples who were whispering and laughing in the field all fell silent in unison.
"First of all, congratulations to all of you who have become the inner disciples of my Xuan Dao Sect," a monk in the late stage of alchemy flew towards them from a distance, "My Xuan Dao Sect is the number one sect in the world, and those who are not the top elite are not allowed to enter my inner sect. You are all the best, Xuan Dao Sect will provide the most abundant resources to help you advance in cultivation."
"The purpose of Xuan Dao is to cultivate the most powerful team of monks. Therefore, the assessment for everyone is the most stringent every year. If you fail to meet the assessment standards, you will be expelled from the inner sect. I advise you not to waste your cultivation."
"Tomorrow there will be a competition for the selection of masters. Based on the format of the ring, the top three winners can choose to become their disciples from among the masters who have accepted apprentices this year."
As soon as this sentence came out, there was a whisper in the field.
The monk in the late stage of alchemy coughed, "I think everyone already knows that this year there are five ancestors of Yuanying, including ancestor Yutang, ancestor Hongye, ancestor Fang Yu, ancestor Yuan Gaosheng, and ancestor Chu Hong. , if you don’t want to miss out on the famous teacher, you can show your best skills in the group arena tomorrow!”
As soon as the names of the five Nascent Soul Patriarchs were read out, the chaos and clamor in the arena could no longer be restrained, and the crowd was agitated.
The word 'Fang Yu' hit Ren Ling's eardrums like thunder, and she suddenly felt all kinds of roaring noises in her head, and she couldn't calm down for a long time!
If she can win the group arena, she can choose her father as her master!God!How exciting would that be?
"Ahem," the monks in the late stage of alchemy made everyone fuss for a while, and continued, "Everyone seize the opportunity to perform well, the ancestor Fang Yu of the five ancestors will be in retreat in January, and he can get some guidance from the ancestor Yuanying , the speed of advancement must be immeasurable!"
The inner school of Xuan Dao Sect has always encouraged fierce competition among disciples to improve their overall cultivation ability, so various opportunities and conditions will be clearly stated, as long as you have the ability, you must fight for it, as long as you have the ability, you must grab it. No one will sympathize with others.Maybe this kind of ruthless style is difficult to accept at first, but the Dao is ruthless, and countless ascetics are scrambling to be the first to succeed on the road of cultivation. How many of them really cultivated the Dao?Taking ruthlessness as the gist of the sect is instead a kind of training and testing of the disciple's psychological endurance.
If she couldn't become a disciple under her father's name, she would have no chance to ask her mother about her father's retreat after that month!The retreat practice of monks in the Nascent Soul stage can range from decades to hundreds of years. How can she afford such time?Ren Ling's crystal-clear black eyes shone with an obscure luster, like the dark blue ocean on the eve of a storm. How easy is it to win out among this group of outstanding disciples?But with her cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment, she was able to overcome obstacles all the way to today, how can she be worthy of her mother and herself if she doesn't try hard?She clenched her teeth tightly, and the obscure luster in her eyes was suddenly like the rising sun, gradually brightening, and finally so bright that even the stars in the sky could hardly match it.

"Come back to the topic," said the monk in the late stage of alchemy, "in order to reward you for your excellent results in the trials, the sect has specially prepared a generous prize. Everyone, let's step on this volley leaf."

In the late stage of alchemy, the monk waved his long sleeves, and a roll of long green leaves automatically unfolded on the ground.

Fifty disciples climbed onto the volley leaf one by one, and saw the edge of the leaf curl slightly, and then flew into the air.

Ling Kongye flew steadily towards Danyue Mountain, flying through the clouds and fog all the way, the scenery was so beautiful.When approaching the enchantment of the Xuandao sect, the monk in the late stage of alchemy flicked his index finger, and the enchantment split instantly, and the rich spiritual energy rushed to his face. Compared with the previous one, the scenery in front of him was like a fairyland, lush and beautiful No words to describe.

Ling Kongye flew obliquely to the northwest, and slowly leaned towards the top of the valley between the two cliffs.

"The prize is here, everyone do it for yourself!" The monk in the late stage of alchemy suddenly smiled, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, he raised his palm, and everyone suddenly felt that their feet were empty, and the volley leaf suddenly disappeared without a trace!
All kinds of exclamations sounded all of a sudden, and the monk who reacted quickly took out his flying spirit weapon, but found that no matter how he urged the spirit weapon, there was no response at all. With a violent slash, everyone couldn't cope and fell straight from mid-air!
"Spiritual artifacts are not allowed in this valley, and prizes are readily available. What prizes you can get depends on your chances!"

The strong wind slashed down violently, Ren Ling reacted like all the disciples, and hurriedly dodged down. This dodge was even more empty, and he fell weightlessly in an instant!
"Since Uncle Jiedanqi said it was a reward from the sect, it is absolutely impossible to harm us," Ren Ling tried his best to use the flying technique in the strong wind to slow down his falling speed, and squinted his eyes to observe the bottomless depths. The abyss of two cliffs. 'I'm afraid that the uncle was responsible for this strong wind, and now all my fellow disciples have been blown away, it seems that I have to rely on myself. '

Even though she tried her best to control the speed of the fall, her cheeks were still painfully scratched, and suddenly she heard someone not far away screaming "A lot of stones!"


Ren Ling tried his best to look down, and sure enough, when he went down ten feet, there were all kinds of strange stones floating in the abyss between the two cliffs. Could this be the prize that the uncle said?

Not long after, someone shouted again, "I know! This is Miaoshiya! The stones here are all extraordinary. If you are lucky, you might meet a thousand-year-old stone spirit!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's spirits froze immediately, and they sank down one after another to search for stones.

From the cliff came the voice of a monk in the late stage of alchemy, "Remember, each person can only take one stone. Whether you can get the top-grade wonderful stone depends on everyone's luck! You can only stay here for half an hour. Everyone, take your time!"

Lingshi Cliff is really magical. In the middle of the mid-air, where you can't see the top and the bottom is hard to see, there are many stones of different shapes floating in the space about a foot away.There is a faint aura floating on most of the stones, and you can tell that it is extraordinary at a glance.

Ren Ling carefully looked at the slowly moving stones in front of him, not knowing how to choose for a while.Drifting and floating aimlessly, she slightly reversed the direction so that she would not get too close to her fellow disciples, and as she was flying, suddenly a cylindrical black shadow jumped and flew in front of her.

'what is this? Ren Ling stretched out her finger and nodded the thing that was motionless after jumping in front of her, frowning, "It looks more like wood?" '

As if responding to her question, the unremarkable piece of wood swayed and jumped into the middle of Ren Ling's palm.

'Wood, wood, you don't want me to take you away, do you? '

The wood rolled slightly in her hand and rubbed up and down.

'However, the uncle said just now that he could only take away a stone, not a piece of wood!Wood, if I take you away, will I not be able to take stones anymore? '

The wood shook again to show that Ren Ling was right.

Ren Ling couldn't help hesitating, looking around, the disciples had chosen their favorite stones, and would he just take this piece of lifeless wood away?

As if knowing Ren Ling's anxiety, the wood suddenly jumped out of Ren Ling's hand into the air, swayed left and right, turned back and forth, swayed up and down for a while, and then flew to Ren Ling's shoulder and rubbed it, which seemed to be a coincidence And depend on.

Ren Ling was amused, stretched out his hand to hold the piece of wood, and said cheerfully, "Okay, I'll take you away!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lingkong Ye suddenly descended from the sky, caught everyone and flew up again.

After getting their respective stones, the disciples didn't show and communicate with each other. Ren Ling put the wood in the wooden house of Mo Yujian and didn't have time to pay too much attention.

And at this moment, the piece of wood in the wooden house flew in the air excitedly, knocking on a wooden box next to it.

The wooden box seemed to respond, and after shaking it, it slowly opened the lid, and a bright red flower with five petals flew out of it, "Old Mu, I finally saw you!"

"Red baby! I knew it was you," Mu Mu flew around the red baby, "Old Mu, I have been sleeping for nearly ten thousand years this time. If you hadn't been able to summon me, I don't know how long I would have slept."

"Hehe," Hongying laughed crisply, "I also suddenly felt your aura. I mean, we haven't seen each other in ten thousand years, so it's time to get together!"

(End of this chapter)

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