Immortal Journey

Chapter 109 Best Master Competition

Chapter 109 Best Master Competition
Xuan Daozong aspires to the top.
"It is said that this place was built by the seniors of the sect's transformation stage." Qin Lianyan tugged at Ren Ling's sleeves, looked up and couldn't help but sigh, "it's a miracle! A half-immortal possesses the power to move mountains and seas, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, it would be unimaginable!”
Ren Ling nodded in agreement, "Liangyan, I heard that there are two ancestors in the sect who are in the stage of becoming gods, but they are looking for great opportunities outside all the year round, and we ordinary disciples may hardly see them once in a lifetime."
"Of course," Qin Lianyan said, "Those ancestors lived for hundreds or thousands of years when they went out. When they come back, how many of them will have been turned into ashes."
"Don't be so discouraged." Ren Ling was amused by Qin Lianyan's exaggerated expression, "As long as we practice hard, maybe we will have a great success one day."
The Aspirations Platform is the place where disciples of Xuandao Sect's inner disciples compete for competitions.
It is located on a flat land in the Danyue Mountains, covering an area of ​​nearly ten feet.The entire Aspirations Platform is paved and carved with gray silk jade. The smooth and smooth jade floor is circular, surrounded by ten giant columns, reaching straight into the sky.The column was at least the size of five people hugging each other, and the surface of the column was carved with flying dragon patterns, which was magnificent and mighty.On the top of the column there is an exquisite and meticulous pavilion. On the edge of the pavilion is the most unique Yuanyu flower of Xuandao Sect. The white jade-like petals are winding and winding, adding a three-point fairy spirit.There are stone tables and chairs inside the pavilions, all of which are carved in a simple and round manner, with a special artistic conception.
"This column is so tall, I can't see who is sitting on it," Qin Lianyan raised her head and looked into the distance, "Although there will be representatives from the top ten peaks coming later, and the five Yuanying ancestors who are going to take disciples He will even personally sit in town, but it’s so far away and so vague, who knows if it’s really Yuanying Patriarch himself? Right?”
Ren Ling looked at the third giant column thoughtfully, squinted her eyes and looked up. With her eyesight, she could roughly see that the inside of the pavilion was still empty.If daddy really comes over later, she...she should be able to see it, she should be able to.
"Besides, although today's euphemistically called the Master Selection Competition, in fact, I think," Qin Lianyan didn't notice Ren Ling's strange look, and said to himself, "It's basically to choose the master for the three best disciples. Yes, it has nothing to do with us! Among our group of inner disciples, there are exactly three disciples who are at the Dzogchen stage in the late foundation establishment stage, who can beat them? Most importantly, who is willing to go up and challenge them?"
Ren Ling suddenly recovered and asked, "Why can't you go up and challenge?"
"Because you're not stupid!" Qin Lianyan said quickly, "After working so hard to get into the inner sect, does it really make a big difference which master leads you? Without a good master, how many people still rely on themselves? One step forward? The point is, if you lose in the competition, how embarrassing will it be in the eyes of those senior peak masters? Maybe it will also affect the impression points of the elders of the sect! Also, if the ring master wants to show off No matter how strong I am, I will beat you to death, let alone get seriously injured, and no one will sympathize with you if you meet a black-hearted person! So, who will go up and challenge without anything? Unless you are crazy!"
The rules of the Optimal Master Competition are that the inner disciples who are just getting started can voluntarily sign up to be the ring master, and there can be three ring masters at the same time.The ring master who has successfully registered will first announce the name of his favorite master. If anyone wants to worship under the name of that master, they will challenge on the stage.After winning, he will become the new ring master until the final victory.
According to the experience of previous years, there are not many disciples participating in the preferred master group arena, unless the challenger is confident that his strength can match the ring master, he will go forward to try.Every year, there are about three or five Dzogchen monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, and it is usually the final competition between disciples of this level of cultivation.And this year, there happened to be three disciples with such a cultivation level, and they also signed up to be the ring masters last night, so everyone basically thought that they were the only ones to be selected as the three masters.
"But, since it's a group arena, someone will always go up and challenge." Ren Ling lowered his eyes silently, feeling uneasy.
"Of course there will be," Qin Lian shrugged, "There will always be monks in the late stage of Qi training who want to try their luck, we just watch the show."
Ren Ling hesitated, reached out to hold Qin Lianyan and said, "Lianyan, I want to challenge."
Qin Lianyan suddenly widened her round eyes, pulled Ren Ling, and whispered into her ear, "Are you crazy! Have you forgotten that the monk in your group who was in the late stage of foundation establishment last time How badly did you fight! He is on par with the other two ring masters! At that time, you were defeated after struggling for an hour. You are still full of anger now, he doesn't care about your life or death like that attack, and in the end you have already fallen to the ground, he still hits you hard in the air! What if you meet that person again, what will you do? No, you can't go!"
Just as Ren Ling was about to defend himself, the uncle who presided over the Master Selection Competition had arrived at the scene to announce that the competition was about to begin, and asked the disciples present to keep quiet, so their original conversation had to come to an end.
Qin Lianyan tugged at Ren Ling's sleeve and grabbed her hand, gave her a hard look as a warning, and said with her lips, 'Don't even think about it! '
Ren Ling sighed, remained silent, and fell into deep thought alone.
She was still thinking, when she suddenly felt a pain in her arm, and looked up at Qin Lianyan, only to see that her cheeks were slightly red, and she blinked desperately to aim at the sky.
The venue was exceptionally quiet, but one could clearly feel the excitement among all the disciples. Ren Ling opened his mouth and asked with lips, "What's wrong?"
"Here we come!" Qin Lianyan opened her mouth wide and said two words, but kept her eyes on the air to signal.
Ren Ling understood immediately, and suddenly raised his head to look at the top terrace of the third giant column. There seemed to be two figures amidst the mist, one was sitting in the center, and the other was standing at the side.The person who stands upright has an absolutely outstanding temperament, as if he is independent from the world, clear and indifferent, as if everything in the world is in his eyes, but he doesn't take it to heart.The person sitting upright had an awe-inspiring demeanor, majestic and majestic, exuding supreme pressure like a god, tightly wrapping around her nerves, making it difficult for her to look directly at him for a second.But, how could she be willing to let go of this opportunity?Maybe this is her first and last time... Ren Ling shook her head in her heart, even if she couldn't become Daddy's disciple, she would definitely find a chance to meet her in the future!
The senior peak masters in the sect are not as used to making thunderous appearances like other powerful monks. They come silently, exuding natural dignity and majesty, and just a simple glance can make people fall willingly The aura of worship made the disciples even more awe-inspiring.
"At the beginning of this year, the competition for the selection of masters for beginner inner disciples is now officially started," said the host uncle Lingkong standing in the center of the circular jade platform square, "First of all, please come out and show the masters you have chosen."
The three of them filed out from the line and walked to stand side by side in front of the host uncle.
The one on the far left is a middle-aged male cultivator with an ordinary appearance. He is the Dzogchen monk in the late stage of foundation establishment that Ren Ling once fought against. My master is Yutang Patriarch. If anyone wants to worship Yutang Patriarch as a teacher, please come and challenge."
"That's the guy!" Qin Lianyan lowered her voice, "The one who hurt you! When I saw him, I felt disgusting! By the way, Ling'er, what if the masters chosen by the three ring masters are the same? If so, what should we do? Fight each other first?" She said happily while trying to suppress her laughter, "It's best if they fight to the death! They deserve it!"
"Lianyan," Ren Ling hurriedly stopped Qin Lianyan from making too much movement, and replied in a low voice, "No, they have already selected masters in order after drawing lots yesterday."
"Ah..." Qin Lianyan looked disappointed, "It's boring."
The master of the second arena is the male cultivator in the middle, he looked quite young, with a handsome face, he bowed his hands to everyone, "Under Fengwu, the master I chose is Patriarch Hongye."
"Ouyang Jiaojiao! It's this woman again!" Qin Lianyan gritted her teeth and looked at Ouyang Jiaojiao who was standing on the right, who was about to speak, and unceremoniously rolled her eyes, "Seeing her like that makes me angry!"

"Liangyan," Ren Ling shook her head with a smile, and looked up at Ouyang Jiaojiao. That woman is indeed very beautiful, and she knows how to dress up well. She is wearing a green silk skirt with a waist and bud pattern, which undoubtedly reveals her beautiful figure, " Keep your voice down."

"I'm Ouyang Jiaojiao," Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled pretty, and was satisfied to see the admiration coming from the group of disciples. She looked forward to the top of the third column with her beautiful eyes, and said with a confident smile, "I would like to pay homage to Mr. Fang Yu." Ancestors are teachers!"

Ren Ling's eyes widened suddenly, and the nails of his clenched fists almost sank into his palms.She stared blankly at Ouyang Jiaojiao, that charming smiling face suddenly became dazzling.

"Ling'er, what's wrong with you?" Qin Lianyan complained a few words, but found that Ren Ling was not listening at all, her eyes were abnormally empty, "Why are you staring at Ouyang Jiaojiao? Maybe you want to Do you want to worship Fang Yu's ancestor? Are you serious about what you just said?"

Ren Ling nodded very slowly, her voice was so thin that she could barely hear, "Yes, I'm going to challenge her."

"Don't be stupid!" Qin Lianyan was shaken by Ren Ling's resolute expression, and hurriedly shouted, "That Ouyang Jiaojiao is not a good guy! It's even worse than that Ruan Ruxiu! I heard that during the five hundred strong competition, She killed a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, and seriously injured three monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment! She is an absolutely ruthless person!"

"She comes from ten big families, and she has been held in the palm of her hand since she was a child. She is the kind of person who is impossible to admit defeat. For her, the stumbling block standing in front of her should be wiped out! I know this woman too well , She is really scary. Ling'er, even if your cultivation base is already very good among the disciples of the same school, even if you can beat the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, but this Ouyang Jiaojiao, you must not go up to challenge .”


Qin Lianyan spoke earnestly for a long time, but Ren Ling seemed to have no response, and suddenly became anxious, "Say something!"

"I've made up my mind, Lianyan. Don't try to persuade me anymore, I understand everything you say. But this time, I must fight."

(End of this chapter)

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