Chapter 110
"Ling'er, are you sure you want to go up and challenge?"
Qin Lianyan didn't even bother to pay attention to the wonderful competitions of the three major arenas on the field. She frowned and looked at Ren Ling, who was staring at the third arena with bright eyes, always feeling uneasy, "Why do you have to worship the ancestor Fang Yu?" To be a master? It really doesn’t matter who the master is. The so-called guidance can be understood by oneself.
"Liangyan," after making up his mind, Ren Ling no longer felt uneasy, showing two prickly smiles, "Don't worry, I must go to this competition, why don't you encourage me and cheer for me?"
"You!" Qin Lianyan pursed her lips angrily, turned her head and stopped responding, and focused on Ouyang Jiaojiao who was fighting with her opponent in the third ring, uneasiness gripped her nerves like a shadow.
On the arena, Ouyang Jiaojiao was fighting against an old man in the late stage of foundation establishment. As soon as the two met each other, they unceremoniously used each other's most powerful tricks, fighting each other without leaving room, all kinds of fierce bursts of light protected the arena Interlaced flashes appeared inside the cover, and the strong and violent airflow shook the protective cover faintly, which shows how huge the momentum inside the ring is!
Ouyang Jiaojiao has changed from her soft and watery daughter's demeanor before, her face is condensed and determined, her beautiful eyes are gleaming with coldness and viciousness, and every time she makes a move, she carries a fatal move.And the old man also had a fierce look in his eyes, and fought back fiercely without any fear.The two of you came and went for at least an hour, and the outcome was still hard to decide.
The game was inseparable on the court, and the off-court was full of interest.Watching masters fight is very helpful to improve one's fighting ability. All the disciples are staring and don't want to miss a second, except Qin Lianyan who is worried.
After getting angry with Ren Ling, she no longer tried to persuade her, but she still disagreed with Ren Ling's actions in her heart. Looking at Ouyang Jiaojiao's fiery and violent attack skills on the field, she became even more worried.She lowered her eyes and thought for a long time, and finally pulled Ren Ling's sleeve, "Ling'er, if you really want to challenge that woman Ouyang Jiaojiao, you might as well start with her hair."
"Hair?" Ren Ling was puzzled.
"That woman is most proud of and cares about her long hair," Qin Lianyan said, "how can ordinary female cultivators make up their hair so deliberately? Her moon-reflecting silver ring bun alone costs half an hour." It can only be combed at a certain time. I once saw a male cultivator walking side by side with her in the market with a smile. I agreed to insert her hair, and guess what happened afterwards?"
Ren Ling shook his head, "The male cultivator probably wanted to buy it as a gift for her, so he plugged it in to see if it looks good?"
Qin Lianyan nodded, "Of course that's right. However, you can't expect the result. Ouyang Jiaojiao's flowery smiling face suddenly turned into a dominatrix. She turned around and threw the hairpin aside, and at the same time slapped her Knock that male cultivator over, step on that male cultivator and say, 'Auntie hates people touching my hair the most in her life!'."
"..." Ren Ling was tongue-tied for a moment.
"Understood?" Qin Lian shook her head and sighed, "That's why I don't want you to go up. That woman's madness is beyond the reach of ordinary people. If you insist on going, you might as well start from her hair, maybe you can get a chance to attack Next. But, Ling'er, if you lose, retreat quickly, I really don't want to see you get hurt."
"Liangyan," Ren Ling looked at Qin Lianyan movedly. She didn't ask her why she insisted on going up to challenge her, but was only worried about whether she would get hurt because of this. This kind of sincerity flowed like a warm current in her heart, "I I'll try not to hurt myself."
Three or two people sat on each of the ten pavilions surrounded by clouds and mist, drinking tea, playing chess, whispering, or sitting quietly, not at all moved by the life-and-death struggle below.
Inside the third pavilion.
Sitting cross-legged in the middle is a middle-aged man, dressed in a light-colored gilded brocade robe with dark patterns, his facial features are as resolute as a knife, his eyebrows are slightly raised, his eyes are deep and hard to conceal, and his whole body exudes righteousness. People are unconsciously respectful.
Standing behind the middle-aged man on the right is a young man, that... is a man that cannot be described in words.
He is only dressed in a plain white robe, but it makes you feel that there is nothing like the attire of the gods in the sky;
He is just a head of black hair lightly tied up, but it makes you feel that the black hair is as elegant as the finest satin in the world;
He just has an indifferent and indifferent face, but it makes you feel that there is no more outstanding handsomeness in the world.
He was standing alone behind the middle-aged man, but the condensed coercion emanating from the inside out was not inferior to that middle-aged man at all.
"Feng'er," the middle-aged man with his eyes closed suddenly said, "How is the situation at Juyou Valley?"
Bai Feng, that is, the young man standing on the side, replied, "Everything is under control."
The middle-aged man nodded in approval, "How long will it take for Yi'er to come back?"
"I'm afraid it will be three months later."
"En." The middle-aged man responded, and after a long time, he asked again, "Master, I know that you have never been willing to accept apprentices, but why do you have to come with me this time?"
"I don't know."
"Yesterday, old man Tianji came to find me as a teacher," the middle-aged man seemed to be accustomed to the young man's succinct words for a long time, and said to himself, "Master, let me definitely take you to attend this year's competition. "
Bai Feng with a calm face raised his eyebrows slightly, and after a moment of silence, he responded with an 'oh' lightly.
"Feng'er, don't you wonder what kind of medicine the old man sells in his gourd?" The middle-aged man seemed to be interested, he opened his eyes to look at Bai Feng, and pointed to the stone chair next to him to sit down.
Bai Feng nodded, walked forward at a leisurely pace, raised his robe and sat firmly, "What's the use of being curious?"
"Haha! What a good phrase 'what's the use of being curious'!"
Accompanied by hearty laughter, a blue shadow appeared in the pavilion, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the old man who had fortune-telling for Ren Ling in the market that day.However, the master and the apprentice were not surprised, as if they had expected him to appear for a long time.
"I say boy Fang," the old man Tianji sat down, picked up the spiritual fruit on the stone table and threw it into his mouth, "Why are you still so calm and indifferent as an apprentice! It's been so many years, and you haven't been trained It's normal! You see, boy Chu is much more fun!"
The middle-aged man - Fang Yu, shook his head with a smile, and there was a flash of respect for the old man Tianji in his eyes, "If there are more boys like Yi'er in Sanfeng, will they still be overturned? it is good."
"What the hell!" Old Man Tianji shook his head, judging as if no one else was around, "So what if he is the most handsome in the world? What a waste of good time with his indifferent personality like him! I see the female disciples in this sect. Our hearts are broken and mended, mended and broken again, all because of Kid Feng!"
"How can a cultivator be greedy for the love of his children?" Fang Yu shook his head disapprovingly, "Feng'er is able to cultivate quickly and become such a great talent precisely because of his relentless devotion."
"Wrong, wrong, wrong!" Old man Tianji shook his hands casually, took a sip of spirit tea, "Boy Feng is a genius from heaven! It has nothing to do with Jueqing Junian! My old man dares to bet you that this Even if the boy is in love with someone to death, he is still very powerful!"
Fang Yu frowned, seemingly displeased, and changed the subject and asked, "Old Man Tianji, why did you insist on letting Feng'er come over?"
"What's the matter?" Old Man Tianji smiled mysteriously, "I, Old Man Tianji, never do unnecessary things. Since I called Boy Feng to come over, there must be my intentions."
Fang Yu and Bai Feng frowned slightly at the same time.
Speaking of the old man Tianji, he can be described as an extremely weird existence in the Xuandao Sect.
He doesn't belong to any peak, but all the peak masters are respectful and courteous when they see him, and none of the disciples below the peak master can see through his cultivation, and no one knows his true identity.
Of course, there are very few disciples who can meet the old man Tianji, so most of them don't even know that such a person exists.However, there are quite a lot of rumors about the old man Tianji among the core disciples. Some people say that he is as naughty as a child, and if he targets him, he will be punished miserably; For three to five hours; but some people said that he had a weird temper, turned his face like a book, and could strangle a monk at the alchemy stage with one finger...There are too many rumors, but I don’t know which ones are true and which ones are false .It's just that all the core disciples will be able to dodge when they meet the old man Tianji, and those who can't dodge can only blame their bad luck.
Seeing that Fang Yu's master and apprentice were silent, Tianji shook his head, "Oh, you master and apprentice are still equally boring! Next time Chu boy comes back, I will play with him again!"
After he finished speaking, he pretended to leave, but after a few steps forward, he found that Fang Yu's master and apprentice still had no intention of keeping customers, so he blew his beard in anger, turned around and sat down again, "Okay! The old man just said it straight! "
"The old man made a divination as usual a few days ago for this year's Inner Sect Disciple Selection Competition. A red star flashed in the hexagram. So, boy Feng, you must come to the Aspirations Stage today."
After finishing speaking, without waiting for Fang Yu's master and apprentice to answer, the old man Tianji flashed his figure and disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a teasing sentence, "Since you don't welcome the old man, you can think about the remaining perplexing questions yourself!"
"Master, have you ever heard of Chilanxing?"
Fang Yu frowned and murmured, "Since the turmoil in Juyou Valley, old man Tianji has been divining divinations for the inner disciple selection contest every year. Although I don't understand the theory of hexagrams as a teacher, old man Tianji's ability is to respect three points for a teacher. Yes. When Chi Lanxing said it, as a teacher, I thought it was just..." At this point in his words, his voice suddenly fell silent. Bai Feng stared at him, but saw Fang Yu looking at him with complicated eyes, and shook his head and sighed, "In that case Feng'er, you will come to the end of the group arena at this time. We can also see why Old Man Tianji made you come this time."

(End of this chapter)

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