Chapter 111
The Master Selection Competition really went as everyone expected, not many disciples participated in the challenge.Both the first stage and the second stage had only two disciples of the late foundation establishment stage to compete, and they both withdrew with disastrous defeats.As a result, the ring masters of the two arenas have successfully entered the name of the master they chose.

However, there are more disciples who challenged Ouyang Jiaojiao than the first two arenas. Seeing that the masters of the first two arenas have completed the apprenticeship ceremony, Ouyang Jiaojiao looked anxiously at the third disciple who came to challenge , said coldly, "If you admit defeat at this point, I, Ouyang Jiaojiao, will show mercy and let you step down easily!"

The disciple who challenged on the field froze. He didn't expect to be looked down upon so much before the fight started. He smiled coldly, "Let's see how fellow Daoist Ouyang is merciless!"

When the two disagreed, they immediately fought. After an hour of hard fighting, the disciple surnamed Yang gradually lost the upper hand.Ouyang Jiaojiao, who was chasing after the victory, was red-eyed, and her moves were vicious and fatal, "What? You were quite stubborn just now, and now you are lying on the ground and pretending to be dead?"

Ling Kong kicked the disciple surnamed Yang over, stepped on his chest and smiled fiercely, "Get up if you are a man! Auntie is not having a good time yet!"

The disciple surnamed Yang opened his eyes hard, opened his mouth, tilted his head and passed out.


Ouyang Jiaojiao clapped her hands disdainfully, looked up at the disciples who were watching the group arena, and was eager to learn from her teacher, so she knocked the monk surnamed Yang out of the barrier with one palm, and said coldly, "Is there anyone else who wants to come up to challenge? "

A pair of beautiful eyes slid past the crowd outside the arena, quite satisfied with her intimidating power, she raised her head and looked at the third column, "If not, I, Ouyang Jiaojiao, will do it"

"I want to challenge."

Ren Ling stood up and interrupted Ouyang Jiaojiao.She knew that Ouyang Jiaojiao's extremely ruthless treatment of the student surnamed Yang was to stop everyone from wanting to continue to challenge, so Qin Lianyan kept hugging her tightly in the audience to prevent her from coming forward.However, since you are determined to fight, how can you back down?
Ouyang Jiaojiao squinted her eyes and looked at Ren Ling, "It's up to you? The little girl in the early stage of foundation establishment also wants to challenge this girl? Didn't you see the tragic situation of that disciple just now? You don't have to worry about today if you want to die."

Ren Ling smiled calmly and jumped into the ring, "I also ask Senior Sister Ouyang to give me some advice."

"Since I didn't listen to Senior Sister's dissuasion, I insisted on coming here to die," Ouyang Jiaojiao squinted her eyes at Ren Ling's calm and pretty face, feeling impatient, "Don't blame Senior Sister for being cruel!"

Ouyang Jiaojiao was already impatient to learn from her teacher, she was extremely annoyed at Ren Ling's ignorant obstruction, she only wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible, a shot would be fatal.

Ren Ling didn't dare to neglect at all, as soon as he came up, he summoned the moyu group of butterflies to lay down the Lingling Lost Formation, and at the same time directly deployed the third offensive formation of the Xuanbing Formation, and killed them head-on.

The two sides fought and collided for the first time in mid-air, sparking countless electric sparks, and the momentum was not inferior to any previous competition.Ouyang Jiaojiao frowned, and found that the girl in front of her, who was only at the early stage of foundation establishment, was quite strong, and it was not easy to clean her up in a short time.It's just that she who is used to the wind and waves, how could she be irritable because of this?Even though she wanted to quickly worship Fang Yu's ancestor as her teacher, it didn't affect her ability to deal with Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway.

Increased the spiritual power in her hands again, Ouyang Jiaojiao lost her contempt for Ren Ling, and started slashing wildly with all her strength.

From the audition to the present, Ren Ling has experienced many times of fighting with higher-level monks than himself, and has long been accustomed to the kind of terrifying and powerful attacks that make it hard to breathe.She has a low level of cultivation, but she has never given up lightly. She knows that persistence and patience are what she needs to win against high-ranking monks.

Maybe her endurance index is different from ordinary people?Every time Ren Ling was attacked so hard that it was difficult to fight back, she would secretly laugh at herself, not afraid of pain or pain, as if those waves of attacks that could easily hit monks with the same level of cultivation as her into serious injuries were difficult for her. has the same effect.

In fact, she also suffers from pain, but she has super endurance.

Coupled with the fact that the meridians have been carved by the Wannian Lingrui and the "toughness" space in many ways, the endurance is indeed much higher than that of monks of the same level, but Ren Ling himself does not know this.

Staring at the battle between the Xuanbing Formation and the three attacking spirit weapons released by the opponent at the same time, Ren Ling pondered for a moment, and waved his palms to mobilize the moyu group of butterflies to intensify the attack of the Lingling Lost Formation. At the same time, quietly withdrew the two black ice needles and turned them into fine hairs, and flew towards Ouyang Jiaojiao's defensive cover at high speed!
With two barely audible soft 'poofs', the Xuanbing Needle pierced into Ouyang Jiaojiao's defensive shield as she wished, Ren Ling quickly restrained her mind, and controlled two of the Xuanbing Needles to perform the spell of Confusion!
The spell of sudden confusion is a spell that slows down one's mental response. It does not suddenly control the opponent, but intrudes shallowly, pulling the opponent to become dull without knowing it.This is most likely to have a miraculous effect when attacking a monk whose cultivation level is much higher than his own.

Sure enough, after a while, the offensive of Ouyang Jiaojiao's subordinates gradually slowed down. Ren Ling knew that the technique of sudden confusion had begun to take effect, and was overjoyed. The weapon is retreating steadily, and victory is almost in sight!
At this moment, Bai Feng who was above the cloud pavilion suddenly felt his heart move. He opened his eyes and stood up, walking towards the edge of the pavilion.

Staring at the arena where the final battle took place off the court, his expression turned serious, "Xuanbingzhen?"

At the moment when the three words were spoken, the talisman in his body was about to move, as if it wanted to break out of his body, Bai Feng frowned, opened his palm and placed it on his chest, and a black magic weapon that changed from small to large came out of his mouth. Fly out and land firmly on the palm of your hand.

This is the talisman he personally forged with the Black Ice Essence——Zhentian Chui, as if sensing the existence of the Xuanbing Needle, the Zhentian Chui kept shaking in his hand, becoming more and more active.

Bai Feng curled his lips into a slight smile, and when he raised his eyes to look at the ring, he immediately screamed inwardly!
Ren Ling looked at his body that was thrown out and hit the barrier violently and then quickly slipped down, nothing but confusion!
Obviously, he has successfully used the Yin Ling Wai Jue, and he has firmly controlled Ouyang Jiaojiao, and the mysterious ice attack under him has suppressed the opponent's spirit weapon to death. Mo Yuqundie also Vigorously launched the same offensive, wanting to win this competition is no problem at all.

But, why did the Xuanbing needle suddenly lose control?
There has never been such a situation after using the Xuanbing Needle for many years!Since the Xuanbing Needle was promoted to a low-grade spiritual weapon, the interaction with Ren Ling's mind has become even more subtle, but this time it was so out of control that no matter how hard she exerted it, it was difficult to control it!
That caused the mysterious ice attack array to slow down its attack power instantly, and the technique of sudden confusion was suddenly shattered because of this!

Ouyang Jiaojiao, who was suddenly sober, only felt that she had just been controlled by the other party ignorantly just now, and she thought that Ren Ling must have used some kind of obscene and obscene tricks to confuse her. The fighting move!

Losing the control of the Xuanbing Needle, Ren Ling was in a hurry, and the attack spirit weapon he took out temporarily was not Ouyang Jiaojiao's opponent at all, but the whole situation became extremely bad within a quarter of an hour.

Feeling humiliated, Ouyang Jiaojiao was even more unceremonious towards Ren Ling, and the attack spirit weapon in her hand hit her fiercely, one blow, two blows, three blows, four blows...every blow would destroy Ren Ling's entire body. It flew into the sky, and then slammed into the barrier!
"Tell me, what demon technique did you use just now!" Ouyang Jiaojiao was furious that she was played by a girl in the early stage of foundation establishment, "If you don't tell me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Ren Ling watched helplessly as the pearl shell armor slipped to the ground due to the lack of aura support, bit her red lips and looked at Ouyang Jiaojiao coldly, "I admit defeat!"

"Admit defeat?" As if hearing the funniest joke in the world, Ouyang Jiaojiao raised one hand and slapped Ren Ling, "You think you're the one to admit defeat now? If you don't want to die miserable, hurry up and slap Ren Ling." Tell your aunt clearly about your witchcraft!"

Seeing that Ren Ling was fearless, Ouyang Jiaojiao became even more angry, "Grandma will cut off the meridians of your limbs first! Let's see how hard your mouth is!"

As soon as the words fell, both palms slapped Ren Ling vigorously, because without the defense of the pearl shell, this palm directly hit Ren Ling's body, Ren Ling felt severe pain all over his body as if struck by lightning, both arms The pain in both legs was as if they were shattered inch by inch, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from the mouth in an instant.

"Not yet? Huh?!"

Ren Ling opened his mouth, the corners of his mouth stained red were dazzlingly gorgeous, "I have nothing to say."

"In that case, let me break your pulse directly!"

Ouyang Jiaojiao's eyes were red with hatred, and she gathered all her spiritual power in her palm, and slashed towards Ren Ling's head!
Ren Ling looked at the ferocious airflow of spiritual power that swept over like a tsunami, and suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his body, and fainted as soon as his eyes went dark.

But she didn't see that when the spiritual energy flow hit her chest, countless green lights burst out from her chest, not only blocking the remaining offensive of the spiritual energy flow, but also knocking back all its strength!


Ouyang Jiaojiao was in embarrassment trying to avoid the turbulent rebounding force of her all-out attack, but found that she was suddenly unable to move. After being subjected to the rebounding force, a violent blow made her spurt a mouthful of blood.She raised her head angrily, and was surprised to see a white figure standing in midair like a banished fairy, she was momentarily stunned by the absolute aura and peerless handsomeness.

On the top of the fifth giant column, the ancestor Chu Hong, the lord of the five peaks who had been sitting quietly with his eyes closed, suddenly stood up, squinted his eyes and looked at the ring in confusion, and whispered, "How could the divine light of the phoenix jade shine from the injured woman?"

With a wave of his long sleeves, Bai Feng took the lifeless black ice needles on the ground into his sleeves, stretched out his hands and wrapped Ren Ling's whole body into his arms, and looked at Ouyang Jiaojiao calmly, "Since she has surrendered, why not?" Do you have to put her to death?"

Ouyang Jiaojiao reacted suddenly, seeing that fairy-like man actually protected Ren Ling, she said bitterly, "She uses sorcery, of course I can't spare her!"

"It's one of the rules of the Best Masters competition," Bai Feng said, "The competition is over when one side admits defeat, do you know?"

Ouyang Jiaojiao snorted and turned her head, "So what?"

"So what?" Bai Feng flew up a few feet expressionlessly, "Since the ring master of the third ring didn't abide by the rules, then revoke her right to choose the master!"

"What brother said is true," the host uncle gestured respectfully and politely to Bai Feng, "The third ring leader, Ouyang Jiaojiao, is out!"

Bai Feng waved his long sleeves and flew several feet higher again, and said in a deep voice, "I, Bai Feng, accepted this girl as my personal disciple today."

(End of this chapter)

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