Immortal Journey

Chapter 112 Immortal Master

Chapter 112 Immortal Master
The heart-wrenching pain spread all over her body. The sharp pain penetrating from the skin texture to the meridians made Ren Ling struggle hard, but the exhaustion and weakness in her internal organs made her feel the pain. Can't get rid of the boundless darkness.
Whenever it hurts so much that she wants to give up completely, there will always be a trickle of warmth flowing into her body, allowing her to take a breather, and once again inspire her will to survive and persevere.
Has she fallen into hell?
Ren Ling thought for a while, the pain caused by the legendary mountain of knives and oil pan in the underworld might not be so much!Could it be that she has arrived in a place more terrifying than the underworld?But where did the warm current that supported her through the unbearable pain come from?Where the hell is she?Why are those pains like lightning strikes endless?
I don't know how long the time has passed, Ren Ling only knows that every time he becomes conscious, he will feel boundless pain, and every time he can't bear to faint, he will feel the familiar warmth, but how can he repeat the cycle like this? She couldn't really wake up, because she was too tired.
Until one day, she finally overcome the piercing pain and slowly opened her eyes.
The first sight is a piece of snow-white, snow-white walls, snow-white tables and chairs, and snow-white ground, as if built of pure ice crystals, the layout is simple and elegant.Ren Ling frowned, and found that her body didn't seem to be her own, and even lifting her fingers felt a sharp pain.
'what? 'As her eyes shifted, she found that the only thing in the entire snow-white room that was not white was the bed she was lying on.
I don't know what kind of jade it is made of, the bed is jet-black, and there are traces of golden filaments in between, and the golden filaments appear and disappear, like flashes.Ren Ling's eyes widened suddenly, she saw a golden filament appearing under her wrist, piercing straight into her wrist and then disappearing, the familiar piercing pain suddenly appeared again!
Could it be that these golden filaments are the culprit that caused her pain for so long?
"woke up?"
Ren Ling was still guessing, when suddenly a light but pleasant voice came from her ear, she turned her face away, and there was a fairy-like man standing in front of the bed.
He has long hair flowing like silk, with a few slender strands hanging from his forehead, but it is hard to stop his breath-taking facial features, especially those beautiful black eyes, which are as pure as the most brilliant gems. He was also reluctant to look away, but it was a pity that his eyes were light and cold, like a nine-day fairy living in the sky isolated from the world, out of reach.
Who is he?
"Excuse me, are you...?" Ren Ling spoke with difficulty, and found that his voice was extremely dry and hoarse.
"Your master." The man was obviously not a talkative person, he put his fingertips against Ren Ling's wrist, and suddenly a familiar warm current flowed into her body, and Ren Ling suddenly understood again and again. The person in front of me who encouraged me in the dark was the person in front of me, and I immediately fell in love with him.
But, why did he say it was her master?
Could it be... suddenly remembered the thing about the master's group arena competition, Ren Ling moved to sit up, but was stopped by a white light popped out by the man's hand, "Don't move rashly."
"I..." Ren Ling swallowed her saliva, "This disciple has not performed the ceremony of worshiping a teacher, and I don't know the name of the master, so I really pretend to be a disciple."
"It doesn't matter if you don't follow the red tape." After Bai Feng checked Ren Ling's meridians, he withdrew his hand in satisfaction, "I am Bai Feng, my teacher."
Bai...Maple?Ren Ling stared dumbfounded at the man in front of him. Is this the rumored rare cultivation prodigy who never accepted apprentices?How could I be so lucky to be recruited?For a while, thoughts were chaotic in my head, and I wanted to ask countless questions one by one, but I didn't know where to ask them.
At this moment, suddenly there was a violent fluctuation outside the door, Bai Feng turned around abruptly, and saw Shimen being slapped open with a palm, and a man and a woman about forty years old walked in with a smile.
"Hahaha! Boy Bai! I haven't seen you come out to open the door after waiting outside for three days," the burly and cheerful man laughed loudly, "I have no choice but to try your 'Tiangang Thunder and Fire Formation'!"
"Husband," the woman with a sweet smile looked at the man softly, "You really are, you broke through the 'Tiangang Thunder and Fire Formation' that Bai Xiaozi is proud of, and you are not afraid of others saying that we bully you with big bullying!" small."
Bai Feng looked at the two people who were singing together, his face was livid, "Uncle Chu, Aunt Chu, why are you so courteous?"
The cheerful man──Chu Hong Patriarch smiled and stroked his palms, "Your master said that I can't break your 'Tiangang Thunder and Fire Formation' within three days. I just have a try. This is enough to prove that your large formation still needs more power." Study it carefully, there are many loopholes! Uncle Chu is just helping out, don't be polite, don't be polite!"
Bai Feng gritted his teeth, "Feng'er is only at the level of the alchemy stage, and the formation that can be set up can stop Uncle Chu, who is cultivated by Nascent Soul, for three days! It's just that Feng'er really doesn't know that Uncle and Aunt insist on coming to see what is going on with this disciple. Why? This disciple was severely injured, all the meridians in his body were shattered, and he is not fit to see guests."
"Auntie pulled your Uncle Chu to come." Lan Lianhua, Chu Hong's wife, smiled and looked at Ren Ling who was lying on the bed, and praised, "What a beautiful girl!"
"Feng'er, don't rush to repair your big formation," Chu Hong looked at Bai Feng with joy, "It will be completely destroyed if it is too late!"
"You..." Bai Feng was extremely angry, and turned his head away, "You can only stay for a quarter of an hour at most, and it's best to disappear before I come back!"
"What was the last time Boy Bai was angry like this?" Chu Hongle asked his wife in his arms irresistibly, "Ma'am, do you still remember?"
Lan Lianhua rolled her eyes at him tenderly, and said with a smile, "If I remember correctly, it should have happened before he established his foundation period. At that time, he was at most ten years old, right? Husband, we are also elders, we have to restrain ourselves .”
"Madam, it's a once-in-a-lifetime happy event to make Boy Bai angry," Chu Hong laughed straight, without hiding the slightest bit of joy, "I have to brag to those old bad guys!"
"You!" Lan Lianhua shook her head helplessly, "Go and see our girl first!"
Ren Ling looked at the two kind and curious smiling faces infinitely enlarged in front of him, and felt awkward for a while, "Two, two seniors..."
"It's really pretty and touching, our son has a good eye!"
"That's right, look at those round and bright eyes, it looks like a smart baby!"
"A round and round face is a blessing!"
"This baby, I like it!"
"Husband, I really like it too!"
Feeling flustered after being treated as fat meat on the chopping board, Ren Ling had to interrupt the two who were engaged in a discussion as if no one else was there, "Please, may I ask who you two are...?"
"Oh!" Lan Lianhua slapped Chu Hong belatedly, covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Look at the girl being scared by us, my husband, don't do this!"
Chu Hong chuckled, hugged Lan Lianhua and said, "Baby, just call us Uncle Chu and Aunt Chu, we are all one family, one family!"
family?Who is with whose family?A strange sense of familiarity came to mind, but soon disappeared. Ren Ling suddenly felt a little funny, and opened his small mouth to reveal two dimples, "Uncle Chu, Aunt Chu, my name is Ren Ling, you call me Linger will do."
"What a well-behaved baby!" Chu Hong sighed with comfort, and looked at Lan Lianhua, "Madam, your wish for many years has finally come true this time."
"Husband, our son has been fighting for decades, and his progress really makes a mother proud!" Lan Lianhua was so moved that she put her hand on Ren Ling's, "Ling'er, it's really hard for you. If Auntie Go to the Aspirations Terrace, and I will definitely fix the guy who beat you up! Look at such a small and lovely person whose meridians have been interrupted! It's really hateful! But don't worry, Aunt Chu is here, that guy Absolutely can't get along in the Xuan Dao Sect! Don't look at anyone, bully if you say bully?!"
"Digital in the late stage of foundation establishment, Dayuan bullied our baby who just established the foundation," Chu Hong nodded repeatedly, "And he shot fiercely, Uncle Chu will clean her up for you when he has time! Tell her to come in vertically and go out horizontally!"
"You still say!" Lan Lianhua lightly punched Chu Hong on the shoulder, "At that time, I should have given that guy a good look!"
"Hey," Chu Hong regretted endlessly, "I didn't expect Boy Bai to strike so quickly, and he taught that guy a lesson at that time. I guess it will take at least three to five months for him to do that swing!"
Ren Ling stared at the two of them in a daze, and found that he didn't understand what they meant at all. Why did he seem to know her very well and protect her shortcomings?They're just strangers to each other.The world seemed to be very different after waking up. She felt a little at a loss, but she didn't know how to ask.

"Ling'er," Lan Lianhua caressed the hair on Ren Ling's forehead pitifully, "Is it hard to bear? This Tianlei Bed is your master's most precious treasure. Seeing that he is so good to you, my aunt will give you peace of mind. him."

"Aunt Chu," Ren Ling blinked, "What's the purpose of the Tianlei bed? The gold threads on it hurt me very much."

Lan Lianhua comforted her warmly, "Naturally it hurts, and it's a pain that ordinary people can't bear. Ling'er, you can persist for a month until you wake up, which also proves that you have great endurance."

"When your uncle and I first heard from Boy Bai that we would use this thunder bed to help you reshape your meridians," Lan Lianhua glanced at Chu Hong, "we strongly disagreed, because although the sky thunder bed is powerful, it can If you can't bear it, it will have the opposite effect. But Bai Xiaozi has been stubborn since he was a child, and no one can change the things he has settled for. He swore to us that there would be no problems, so we reluctantly agreed to go. "

"Ling'er, it's not that we just believed your master at will," Chu Hong chimed in, "There's nothing inaccurate about what Boy Bai said in his life, so we believed it."

"That's right," Lan Lianhua smiled, "That's the best thing about that unpleasant guy. Ling'er, your meridians all over your body were broken by that Ouyang. It took effect, so Boy Bai took the risk and used this thunder bed."

"The Heavenly Thunder Bed can generate tiny lightning, and the lightning will travel with the meridians after piercing the body through the skin, and can repair the broken meridians bit by bit. However, how can the thunder and lightning be easily tolerated? Presumably, Boy Bai dare not leave you for a moment these days, if you don't pay attention to your situation all the time, and use spiritual power to relieve the excessive thunder and lightning gathered in time, it is almost impossible to carry on."

Ren Ling nodded, finally understanding why he was here.

"This is Qianzhi Jade Viper Drop." Lan Lianhua took out a white jade bottle and put it on the table next to her, "When your master comes, ask him to feed you a drop, one drop a day, it can speed up your recovery from injuries. "

Chu Hong patted Lan Lianhua, "Madam, it's time for us to go back, don't disturb Ling'er's rest."

"Ling'er, we'll see you again in a few days."

"Thank you Uncle Chu and Aunt Chu, goodbye."

Ren Ling stared blankly at the jade bottle left behind by the two of them, and was very moved in his heart, but he didn't understand why Uncle Chu and Aunt Chu were so kind to him. To repay their kindness.

Thinking about it, all kinds of stinging pains on her body tormented her until she began to fall into a coma.

"Thousand Zhiyu Viper Drops?"

Not long after entering the room, Bai Feng saw the jade bottle beside the bed, raised his eyebrows slightly, "These two elders are really kind to Ling'er."

Gently feeding Ren Ling a drop, Bai Feng stretched out his hand to convey the spiritual power to help clear the excessive accumulation of lightning in Ren Ling's meridians, and whispered, "No matter how painful it is, you must wake yourself up."

(End of this chapter)

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