Immortal Journey

Chapter 113 Master, don't bring such a thing!

Chapter 113 Master, don't bring such a thing!

Ren Ling spent another three days waking up and sleeping. Maybe it was the effect of Qianzhiyu Viper Drops, maybe it was a habit that became natural. After the fourth day, she no longer fainted because of the piercing pain. .

At last he became sober, and became more curious about this immortal-like master.

She found that Bai Feng was a person who didn't like to talk, and when he came here on weekdays, he usually took some pills or condensate for her to take, and then injected spiritual power to help her dredge the condensed liquid in her meridians.If she didn't take the initiative to speak, all this would definitely be done in silence.

Speaking of the broken meridians all over the body, whenever Ren Ling recalled the murderous intent in Ouyang Jiaojiao's eyes at that time, she felt chills in her heart. But now I still can't help laughing at myself for being too confident.However, thinking of this, she still couldn't figure out why Xuan Bingzhen suddenly lost control?She asked her master several times if she had seen her Xuanbing needle, but the master just stared at her with deep eyes and said lightly, "We will talk about it after you recover from your injury."

So she thought it was a topic that could not be discussed for the time being.

However, she still has too many things to know, for example, did Ouyang Jiaojiao worship her father as her teacher?How did the master accept a man who was beaten to death as a disciple?Based on her observations these days, the master is definitely not a person who will accept his apprentice when others put his apprentice in his hands.So, the master accepted her as a disciple voluntarily?All kinds of questions turned back and forth in my mind, but I couldn't figure out why. In the end, I couldn't help but ask.

"Master, did Fang Yu's patriarch take Ouyang Jiaojiao as his apprentice later? Well, it's the woman who fought with me."

Obediently swallowing a pill from Bai Feng, Ren Ling blinked.


"Ah? Could it be that someone won the challenge later?" Ren Ling was surprised. It seemed that Ouyang Jiaojiao would definitely win in the situation at that time, "Then... who did Fang Yu's ancestor take as his apprentice? Master?"

It took a long time for Bai Feng, who closed his eyes to channel his spiritual power for Ren Ling, to throw out two words, "I don't know."

The expectant little face suddenly collapsed, and he pursed his lips, not daring to continue asking.

After another two days, I gathered up enough courage again, "Master, it is rumored that Fang Yu's ancestor is going to retreat soon, so is he retreating now?"

Bai Feng withdrew his hand, and was extremely satisfied with the recovery of the little apprentice. "Fang Yu's ancestor is the master of the teacher, and he can be called the master from now on. Your master was in retreat a month ago."

This is the most patient answer he has had in many days. However, Ren Ling's face is even more broken after hearing this. The meeting between father and daughter, which he has kept in mind, has finally come to naught. Is it God's will?

As if he finally understood the little disciple's grievance, Bai Feng remembered that Ren Ling became what he is now because he worshiped Fang Yu's ancestor as his teacher, so he raised his eyebrows, "Why? Being a teacher has made you ashamed?"

Ren Ling was startled, and quickly understood the violent storm hidden under Master's faint question, and quickly grinned brighter than the spring, "How could it be! Ling'er is very proud of being Master's disciple! Really!"

Black jade stared at Ren Ling indifferently, and after a long time, he nodded slightly, turned and left.

Half a month later, Ren Ling was finally able to sit up. Although Bai Feng told her not to use spiritual power, she found that the meridians in her body had basically been connected through internal inspection, and there were faint golden swimming between the meridians. silk.In addition to the green liquid layer, the spiritual liquid mass in the dantian was also faintly covered with an extremely thin layer of golden liquid, presumably because of the golden threads in the thunder bed.

"Master, what is this?"

On this day, Ren Ling took the book from Bai Feng and read it curiously, ""Feng Xing Bu", is this for me? What book is it?"

Bai Feng nodded, "This is the first layer of exercises, and you can practice it in the foundation building stage."

Ren Ling opened it and looked at it carefully for a while, and couldn't help but remind her of the traceless footwork she had learned. The traceless footwork was very useful when she was still in the Qi training stage, but she always felt that it was a little insufficient after the foundation was built. .For example, she needs to output more spiritual power to reach the required speed, which is completely different from the Qi training period.Maybe it's because the dexterity level after foundation establishment is much higher than that during the Qi training period, so it seems that the useless footwork is much less useful. "It's a very unique footwork, and it looks quite powerful."

"Ling'er," Bai Feng said earnestly, "It doesn't matter if you can't beat it, but if you can't hide it, you will lose face to Master. Practice hard, and when you recover from your injuries, the teacher will see how well you comprehend."

Ren Ling was suddenly embarrassed, knowing that the master was talking about being repaired by Ouyang Jiaojiao, she blushed and said, "Ling'er will definitely study hard."

Compared with Wujing footwork, Fengxing step has a degree of subtlety that really impresses Ren Ling.The traceless footwork pays attention to speed, and if the speed is raised to an extreme, the so-called invisible effect can be achieved.However, Fengxingbu is more than that. It not only pays attention to speed, but also pays more attention to uncertainty.

The so-called indeterminate refers to the sudden appearance of the figure.That is to say, one moment appears in the northeast direction, and the next moment may appear on the southwest side. After the wind walking step is practiced, it can create a ghostly visual sense of a person appearing in multiple places at the same time.

Ren Ling was obsessed with it, and after reading it, he sincerely admired the person who invented this footwork.

"Master," this day, he closed his eyes and drank a bowl of liquid as black as ink, "Then who invented "Fengxingbu"? After reading it, I really admire it."

Bai Feng pursed her lips, "As a teacher."

Ren Ling opened his mouth wide for a moment, unaware of the black droplets dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Bai Feng frowned and looked at the condensate that was about to drip from the corner of Ren Ling's mouth in a daze, and reached out to wipe it off, "Dirty."

"Ah?" Ren Ling blushed, quickly reached out to wipe her mouth clean, and raised her head to ask, "Master, when can that disciple get out of bed and practice Fengxingbu?"

"In a few days."

"Oh." Responded angrily, these days she was reading books on Tianlei's bed, she was really bored, but the master would come and leave within a quarter of an hour at most every day, and there was no one to talk to.

Although there are still many questions in her heart, but with her master's temper that cherishes words like gold, it is really difficult to ask them happily. Alas, it would be great if Lianyan was here.Glittering?Ren Ling's eyes lit up, he looked at Bai Feng with hope, and asked tentatively, "Master, I have a good friend who has also successfully become an inner disciple, can I get in touch with her?"

Bai Feng raised his eyebrows, "Qin Lianyan?"

"Master, how do you know?" Ren Ling was surprised.

"There is a very noisy woman who calls herself Qin Lianyan." Bai Feng said with a calm expression, "Since you fell into a coma, she has been calling outside the teacher's cave every three days to see you."

"Lianyan! It's just Lianyan," Ren Ling was excited, "Master, is it okay to let her come in and meet me? She is my best friend, Master?"

Bai Feng was silent for a long time, "At most fifteen minutes, but not for the next time."



Qin Lianyan rushed over to hug Ren Ling, looked up and down with red eyes, "Ling'er, it's good to see you are fine, these days, I'm almost worried to death!"

Ren Ling thought of Qin Lianyan crying loudly outside the ring enclosure when she was beaten helplessly in the group arena, tears streaming down her face, "I'm fine, Lianyan, I made you worry! "

"Fool, why are you crying?" Qin Lianyan's eyes were blurred with tears, "It's fine if nothing happens, we don't cry!"

"Yeah!" Ren Ling wiped away tears and looked at Qin Lianyan earnestly, "Lianyan, I heard Master said that you have been looking for me outside the cave?"

"Speaking of this," Qin Lianyan smiled wryly, "your master is really the cruelest person I have ever met in my life. Do you know? Since you were carried back to the cave by your master, I came to see you the next day As a result, I waited outside the cave for four days, but no one came out."

"I finally saw your master come out on the fifth day. I hurried over to ask him, but he left without looking aside and didn't answer me. I only got more worried. Whenever I have time, I will come here. , as soon as I saw him, I grabbed him and asked him, but no matter what I said, he just didn't answer me a word!"

"Until a month later, one day I saw him come out of the cave, and continued to move forward with a cheeky face. It was strange that time. Before I could say anything, he threw me three words 'she's fine.', then turned around and went back gone."

"After knowing that you're fine, I feel relieved a lot, but I always feel that I can't really worry if I see it with my own eyes," Qin Lianyan smiled, "So I insisted on coming and waiting. I didn't expect that your master finally let me in today. I'm so happy!"

"Lianyan, it's hard for you." Ren Ling sniffled emotionally, "It's all my fault for going my own way."

"How can I blame you?" Qin Lianyan reached out and pinched Ren Ling's nose, "I admire you very much, Ling'er, you are really brave and have a strong fighting ability. I want to be like you, work hard Make yourself stronger, so that you won't be bullied by people like Ouyang Jiaojiao."

The two had a rough chat about their lives after parting, "Oh no, it's almost time," Qin Lian frowned, "Your master said that you can only come in for a quarter of an hour. Ling'er, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you for a while The day after tomorrow, our foundation-building cultivators of the Seven Peaks will be on a mission, and I'll come back to you when I get back."

He took out a stack of sound transmission talismans and handed them to Ren Ling, "We can communicate with each other through sound transmission."

Seven days later.

"Master, I really don't need to cultivate on Tianlei's bed anymore?" Ren Ling jumped out of bed happily, "And, start practicing Fengxing step from today?"

"Yes," Bai Feng stretched out his hand, and Ren Ling suddenly felt that several big holes on his body were stagnant. He looked up at Bai Feng in confusion, but he heard him say, "You can't use spiritual power when practicing Fengxing step. These are three spirit stones. It has to last for three hours."

Ren Ling took the spirit stone in a daze. The stagnant flow of spiritual fluid in her body made her feel heavy. She was about to ask a question, but suddenly her eyes went dark, and when she opened her eyes again, she was in a desert. Bai Feng said calmly, "Remember, make good use of these three spirit stones to provide spirit energy to use the wind walking step."

As soon as the voice fell, the sky and the earth were filled with yellow smoke, and it was difficult to see things half a foot away, but more and more frequent creaking sounds could be heard. Ren Ling was shocked, and found that there were sharp iron spikes about half a foot away from the ground, and they quickly moved towards her. Sweeping and coming!

 Thank you Boring Grass for sending powder ^——^
(End of this chapter)

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