Chapter 114
Seeing the sharp iron thorns all over the deserted land in a short while, Ren Ling was so startled that he jumped up. In mid-air, he realized that he couldn't control any spiritual power in his body, and his body froze, and he almost fell to the ground.

Walk in fashion!
Panicked, what Master said came to mind, she quickly pinched the spirit stone, inhaled lightly, and slid in the air according to the tips in the book.

However, Fengxing step is not a light-weight technique. It cannot support long-term floating in the air, and its main function is not for this. When Ren Ling was struggling, he suddenly found that an iron spike suddenly sank a few feet in front of him, revealing that he could Accommodates a foot-width of ground.

Ren Ling was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly used Fengxing footwork to jump away, standing on one foot in the vacant space, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he felt a pain in the sole of his foot, and the sunken iron spike quickly grew out again !

With an exclamation, Ren Ling quickly jumped up again. At the same time, he saw an iron spike a few feet to the right sinking rapidly, and once again used Fengxing steps to move over quickly.

It turned out that the iron spikes all over the place were actually set up for practicing Fengxing step.

Every two seconds, an iron thorn sinks into the ground, and after staying for about two seconds, it will grow again.And there is no rule about which iron thorn will sink next time. After Ren Ling moved upside down for nearly half an hour, the general rule is that the iron thorns retracted into the ground will not exceed a radius of five feet each time.

With the passage of time, she finally understood half of the gist of Fengxingbu, but the spiritual power in her body was blocked, and it was not easy to persevere with only three spirit stones in her palm.

"In just an hour, I have exhausted all the aura of the two spirit stones," Ren Ling jumped left and right in embarrassment, while looking at the two spirit stones in his left palm that had no aura, "there is nothing left. The spirit stone on the right hand, judging from the speed just now, can only last for half an hour at most. If I can't reach the three hours that Master said, I am really useless."

He sighed silently, but in his heart he carefully recalled the narration on the control of spiritual energy in Feng Xingbu Essentials.

With the support of enough aura, Fengxingbu can achieve sudden departure and sudden appearance by virtue of the powerful footwork and formulas designed by the inventor. The mastery of the whole set of footwork and formulas determines the speed of sudden departure and sudden appearance. It takes time and intensive practice to achieve satisfactory results.

However, it is mentioned in the book Fengxingbu that in the early practice, you will find that the more aura you have, the better the effect of Fengxingbu will be. When you practice to a certain extent, you need to do the opposite.That is to say, after you have mastered the wind walking step, if you want to make further breakthroughs, you need to use less aura control to achieve higher and better effects.

"Even if this is the case, shouldn't I first use enough spiritual energy to practice my footwork and then practice how to use less spiritual energy to achieve better results?" Ren Ling pouted, thinking of Bai Feng's bland face , "Master's thoughts are really hard to guess."

After an hour of training, she has become much more proficient at mastering the popular walking step. Because she realized the lack of spirit stones in her hands, she was extremely careful about the use of spirit energy in the subsequent step adjustments and tricks, but even so, in the end The aura of a spirit stone is completely exhausted after an hour.

"Master!" Just as Ren Ling was worrying about how to deal with the next third hour, his vision went dark again and he realized that he had left the place of iron thorns. The happy and angry Bai Feng raised his hands high to reveal three waste rocks, "I haven't completed the task assigned by Master."

"So," Bai Feng flicked his long sleeves, and the three waste stones in Ren Ling's hands disappeared instantly, and three spirit stones appeared in turn, "Let's practice again!"

The cave where Bai Feng lives is located on the west side of the three peaks of Xuandao, and the cave built by the mountain has a circular shape.

There are five rooms in the outer circle, and Ren Ling moved into one of them after he recovered.The living room is entirely made of cryolite. The tables, chairs, bed cabinets are all rounded and delicately carved, and a picture of thin clouds and the moon hanging on the snow-white wall is the only decoration in the living room.

There are also five rooms in the inner circle, one of which is where Bai Feng lives, but Ren Ling has not been there yet, so naturally he does not know what Master's room looks like.

There is a small lake between the inner and outer periphery. There are some longevity lotus planted on the sparkling water surface, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance.There is a jade rockery at the corner of the lake. The top of the rockery is smooth and neat. There is a small eight trigrams stone table on it. There is a pot of spiritual wine on the table.

From the gossip stone table to the top, it is about three feet high, revealing a gap in the mountain body that is one foot wide and one foot long, and the sky can be seen.

The whole cave is originally located in the mountain peak, and it is possible to have such an ingenious line of sky, enjoy the moonlight at night, taste the fine wine, smell the fragrance in the nose, and the breeze blows the face, which has a lot of fun.

That night, Ren Ling, who was meditating in the house, vaguely heard the unusual and unusual sound of wind, so he opened the door out of curiosity.

The round moon is reflected on the calm lake, with one corner hidden under the lotus leaf, revealing half of its face, as if peeping at the light-colored figure swimming in mid-air.

The slender figure holds a long sword in his hand, and dances slowly and lightly under the moonlight. His long hair is raised as the figure moves around, and the long sword's cold light and moonlight reflect each other.Gradually, the footwork began to become complicated, the sword shadow became elusive, and the figures began to overlap. In the end, how could there be any difference between the sword and the person?It is obvious that the sword is a person, and it is obvious that a person is a sword!

Ren Ling stared open-mouthed, even though he concentrated his spiritual power in his eyes, he still found it impossible to tell where the man was and where the sword was.I just feel that my breathing and heartbeat are tense along with the increasingly confusing and invisible people and swords, and in the end I hold my breath and I can't bear to even blink my eyes.

It was so wonderful!
Just as the human sword leaped into the air and landed on the long corridor for a moment, she finally recovered her thoughts and swallowed hard, "Master, master..."

Bai Feng looked up at Ren Ling, a strange look flashed through his black eyes for a moment, but he soon calmed down, he nodded lightly and did not answer.

Ren Ling suddenly felt embarrassed, hurriedly saluted, turned around and went back to the room and closed the door.

Master forgot her existence again!Biting her finger in frustration, although the strange look in Bai Feng's eyes disappeared for a moment just now, she understood it.

Just like the last time she begged Master to let Qin Lian come in for a meeting, she also understood Master's silence. He must be annoyed that he had accepted a troublesome apprentice.And it's the same today, presumably before she came to the cave, the master would often dance swords at moonlit nights, right?But her abruptness made the master suddenly remember that he had accepted his apprentice at that moment. I don't know if she would feel that she is a troublesome guy?
Before participating in the inner disciple selection competition, she knew that the famous master never accepted disciples. According to the experience of getting along with her later, the master is indifferent and should be a person who likes tranquility.Although I don't know why I accepted myself as an apprentice, what should I do if the master regrets it?
Ren Ling tugged at his long hair and walked back and forth in the room, feeling very depressed.

"Huh? What is this?"

A small ball suddenly rolled down from the swaying long sleeves. Ren Ling knelt down to pick it up, looked at it for a while, covered his mouth and said, "Tianjiguo! Is this my Tianjiguo?"

Looking carefully at the completely black Tianji Fruit, Ren Ling wondered, "My Tianji Fruit is half black and half white, how could it become completely black?"

Thinking of the meaning of Tianjiguo's prophecy, my heart was shocked, "Could it be that I have not really entered the sect of Xuandao Sect until now? The Jiguo was half black and half white that day, does it imply that I am very likely to die in the group arena?" Falling and unable to enter the sect? If that’s the case, the prediction of Tianjiguo is so accurate! And the old fortune-teller in the market," Ren Ling looked at Tianjiguo silently, "he said to me at that time, 'Take a step back and the sea and the sky will open up' ’, it must have reminded me not to be obsessed with participating in the Best Masters Competition? And at that time, I,” remembering my confident answer, said with a wry smile, “I said at the time, ‘Going further may not necessarily be the end of the road, and there may be another world if you go further’, even if Do it all over again, I'm afraid I will still participate in the group arena. But if there is no master, I might have already..."

This thought was like boiling lava stirring in his mind, Ren Ling opened the door and rushed out.

"Master!" Quickly running in front of Bai Feng, Ren Ling knelt down on his knees and bowed, "Master, please accept three respects from my disciples!"

"Ling'er, why do you insist on doing this great gift?" Bai Feng looked down at Ren Ling who was out of breath, and said calmly, "Didn't your teacher say that you don't need to care about red tape?"

"Master!" Ren Ling raised his head, his crystal clear eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky, "If Master hadn't saved disciple that day, disciple would have died long ago! It’s really unrewarding.”

He raised the Tianji fruit in his hand high, "Master, please accept it with a smile."

"Tianjiguo?" Bai Feng looked at the Tianjiguo in Ren Ling's hand, "Why?"

"Master," Ren Ling bit his lips, "Ling'er took out the Tianji fruit from the infinite flower that day, it was half black and half white, but now the Tianji fruit has turned completely black, which must mean that Ling'er is already a true inner disciple of Xuan Dao Sect This is very important to Ling'er, so, so I hope to give it to Master... this." Looking at Bai Feng's indifferent face, the impulse in her heart finally eased a little. In fact, she didn't know why she Wanting to give Tianjiguo to Bai Feng, maybe it's a kind of self-affirmation, or maybe it's a kind of identity recognition?In any case, at that moment, she only had this thought in her mind, "Maybe Master thinks this is a joke, but Ke Linger thinks it is very precious, Master..."

"Accepted for the teacher."

With a flick of Bai Feng's long sleeve, the Tianji fruit in Ren Ling's palm disappeared, "Ling'er, go to Sanfeng Deacon's Hall to report tomorrow morning and get the relevant supplies in the peak."

"Ah?" Ren Ling was taken aback, remembering that he had recuperated in the Baifeng Cave Mansion since he started, and had not yet reported to Sanfeng except for the status jade card given by the sect, so he nodded and said, "I obey."

"Go back and rest."

(End of this chapter)

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