Chapter 115
Sanfeng Deacon Hall.

"Junior Sister," after taking Ren Ling's identity jade token for registration, the deacon disciple smiled and handed it back to her, "Put away your identity jade token first. These are qualification level jade tokens, please count them."

Looking at the small pile of jade cards in front of the table, Ren Ling didn't understand, so, "Brother Deacon, what is the qualification level jade card?"

The deacon disciple smiled suddenly, "I guess no one has introduced it to my junior sister yet? Come on, look."

Arranging the level jade cards on the table one by one, he pointed and explained, "This is the alchemist level jade card, this is the weapon refiner level jade card, this is for the magic circle master, this is for the talisman master, and this is for the talisman master. Yes, this is the array master level jade card, and the last one is the Tianji master level jade card. Now all these jade cards have registered your name, and the level is zero. After you obtain the corresponding qualifications, the level jade card The level will change accordingly."

Nodding speciously, Ren Ling was still confused, "Brother Deacon, does every student have to take so many grades?"

"Of course not," the disciple deacon shook his head. "Choose what you are good at or what you are interested in. If everything is not to your liking, it doesn't matter if you don't get it."

Take out another jade tablet that looks like a key and put it on the table, "This is the jade tablet of the Qiankun List. If you don't pass any level qualifications, you must enter the Qiankun Hall for a trial. You must advance to at least ten levels every year, otherwise you will have to participate in the end-of-year test." The inner sect disciples compete, and after the competition, the top ten will be expelled from the sect."

Seeing that Ren Ling finally understood, the deacon disciple handed her another jade slip, "Junior Sister, these are the rules and regulations in the sect, just take a look. I will choose to live in the cave later."

Ren Ling nodded, picked up the jade slip and put it between his eyebrows, poked out a ray of spiritual consciousness to go inside and read the various rules and regulations, and then returned it to the deacon disciple, "Thank you, Ren Ling has already written it down."

"Okay," the deacon disciple took out a three-dimensional model of the three peaks while she was reading the jade slips, "Please look, junior sister, the red light spot here indicates that there are disciples who have already moved in, and the white light spot is still vacant. Junior sister can choose one as a own cave."

Ren Ling didn't expect that a monk in the Foundation Establishment Period would have his own cave, and his heart was full of joy. Now that she is temporarily staying at Master's place, it has already caused inconvenience to Master.If I can have my own residence, then Master should also be able to restore peace.

She took a closer look and found that the caves of the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage were roughly located in the mid-mountain of the entire mountain, so she chose a remote and calm place, and soon the deacon disciple changed the light spot from white to red, and handed it to her at the same time A spirit card, "This is the forbidden spirit card of the cave, junior sister, take it away. In addition to the spirit stones and elixirs in this storage bag, the distribution of the supply in the door is complete."

Ren Ling put away everything, nodded politely, and asked, "Thank you, brother."

"You're welcome," the deacon brother grinned, "Next, junior sisters can go to the Tianxia list on the right hand side of the door. There are memorial archways for various qualification levels, as well as the Qiankun list."

"Okay, Junior Sister farewell."

Ren Ling left the Hall of Deacons and walked to the right in front of the Tianxia Ranking.

"It turns out that each type of qualified teacher is divided into ten levels. Judging from the above figures, most of them are around level five, and the number of people becomes scarce after level five. It must be difficult to upgrade after level five. It's gone." Ren Ling looked up, "No wonder the deacon brother just said that at least one must obtain a fifth-level qualification in order to keep his ranking from being eliminated. And this Qiankun ranking..." Ren Ling widened as he watched mouth, "There are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine floors! Oh my god, if you advance to ten floors a year, how many years will it take to complete?" Shaking his head and sighing slightly, "It's better to go and decorate the cave first, and report back to the master. Down."

Driving Tayunpa to the direction of the cave, about two cups of tea time, Ren Ling suddenly stopped the speed, turned and looked at the four female cultivators who were chasing after him.

"Are you Ren Ling?"

A few people forced Ren Ling to fall to a certain mountainside in a semi-coercive manner, and the leading female cultivator looked at her, "Senior sister asked you something, why didn't you answer?"

Ren Ling was calm and polite, "I am Ren Ling, and I have met several senior sisters."

"It's pretty honest," the round-faced female nun on the right shrugged and smiled, "I thought it was a great role, right? Sisters?"

The rest of the people suddenly laughed coquettishly, looking at Ren Ling made her feel quite uncomfortable, "I don't know why the senior sisters are looking for Ren Ling? If there is nothing wrong, please forgive Ren Ling for resigning first."

"What's the hurry!" The round-faced female cultivator reached out her hand to grab Ren Ling's arm, but when she saw that Ren Ling moved away slightly unconsciously, she shook her hand angrily, "Why? I won't pay attention to the senior sisters after worshiping a good master inside?"

"To stop you is to let you abide by your duty as a junior sister," the leading woman said again, "Since junior sister is a busy person, it's a good gesture and the senior sisters will naturally let you go."

salute?Ren Ling raised his eyebrows, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, senior sisters, Ren Ling has met senior sisters here." Then he said, "The ceremony is over, Ren Ling will leave now and say goodbye."

"Hey, hey, wait!" The two female cultivators standing behind surrounded Ren Ling, and they surrounded Ren Ling, "What kind of salute is this?"

"It's no wonder that the little girl is ignorant at the beginning," the leading woman said with a smile, "Senior sisters should teach more, are you right?"

"Senior sister's words are extremely true," all the girls said in unison, and one of them took a step forward, "Junior sister, junior sisters who have just started will bow down when they see a senior sister, do you understand?"

A kneeling ceremony?

Ren Ling's face turned cold for a moment, although she didn't know how she offended this group of ill-intentioned senior sisters, she was not the one to let others rub her away.

"Sorry, Ren Ling just read the rules and regulations in the sect, and didn't see such a rule. It is mentioned in Article 320 that disciples in the sect are not allowed to fight without authorization, otherwise they will be severely punished. I think, senior sisters Ren Ling is senior, so he should know better."

"Hey! I'm scaring the senior sister," the round-faced female cultivator sneered, "This is a rare place among people, so what if the senior sisters have educated you? Do you really think you can walk sideways with the support of the master?"

Ren Ling arrived here for the first time and didn't want to make enemies easily, but now the situation seems to be getting better, so he asked straightforwardly, "It is absolutely impossible to kneel and worship, how can all senior sisters let Ling go?"

"Okay! Since you don't want to salute," the leading woman narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "As long as you stick to the sister's hand for a stick of incense, I will let you go."

"Which senior sister?"


Ren Ling laughed back angrily, "Senior sisters are just bullying the urinating, and want to attack in groups? Aren't you afraid of losing face if you say it?"

"Who doesn't know that our four golden flowers never walk alone?" The round-faced female cultivator smiled, "Why? Don't dare? Have no guts? It's really embarrassing to your master."

"So, let Ren Ling experience the power of the 'four senior sisters' attacking together!" Ren Ling gritted her teeth, knowing that the other party had no intention of letting her go, and it would be even more difficult if she didn't agree, "Determine the time for a stick of incense ?”

Seeing Ren Ling taking the bait, the four of them looked at each other and smiled, "Just a stick of incense, the world will prove it!"

As soon as the words fell, the four of them quickly changed their formation, took out their attack spirit weapons, and greeted Ren Ling directly.

"Seven injury array?"

The four planned to trap Ren Ling with a formation, but they didn't expect that Ren Ling's attainment in formation was far superior to them, and she could easily see through the formation before it was fully formed.

The Seven Injuries Formation is not a very powerful offensive formation, presumably the senior sisters just want to fix Ren Ling, and besides, there are indeed regulations on fighting among disciples in the sect, and they will be held accountable if things get serious.

But this mere seven-injury formation is too childish in front of Ren Ling. If she doesn't want to practice the popular walking step she has learned recently, she can break all the formations in five rounds at most.

Ren Ling smiled faintly, took out Yu Ruyi and attacked one of the formations. At the same time, his figure flashed, cleverly dodging between the bursts of light from various spiritual weapons.

Seeing that Ren Ling attacked the formation as soon as he made a move, everyone looked at each other and hurriedly increased their attack power. There was a violent roar and deafening sound in the air, and one after another fierce air flow directly hit Ren Ling.

Ren Ling was not in a hurry, not even in a hurry to destroy the situation, because she found that the beauty of Fengxingbu was much better than she had imagined!
A few days ago, under Bai Feng's request, she practiced Fengxing steps crazily. Later, the land of iron thorns became more complicated and difficult because of her mastery of Fengxing steps.

For example, an iron thorn would change in two moments, but it would change once in half a moment.Moreover, the distance between each iron thorn is getting farther and farther. In order to be able to last for three hours, Ren Ling has suffered a lot on it.

However, these few days of practice have achieved remarkable results, because Ren Ling found that under the joint attack of the four mid-stage foundation-building monks, she had the strength to dodge easily!

Ren Ling responded in a semi-playful way, but the expressions of the four female cultivators on the other side became more and more serious!They didn't understand at all that this was just how the junior sisters in the early stage of foundation establishment could easily walk in the seven wound formations they were always proud of?

Seeing that the time for a stick of incense was about to pass, the leading female cultivator gave a clear drink and slapped a small magic circle in her palm on the ground, and instantly a yellow light mask enveloped the five of them inside.

Seeing this, Ren Ling quickly put Yu Ruyi in her hands, and quickly attacked the magic circle. She was not familiar with the magic circle, and if the magic circle was fully activated, it might be at her disadvantage.

I saw that Yu Ruyi cut straight down, and suddenly two lights and shadows of the spiritual weapon flew over to block it, and the three of them clashed fiercely in the magic circle, and with a bang, the magic circle underneath suddenly exploded, and everyone quickly scattered and retreated. The Seven Injury Formation is also self-defeating.

"One stick of incense has passed, and I hope the senior sisters will keep their promises."

Ren Ling cupped his hands, his gaze condensed.

"Hmph!" The leading woman stomped the ground, "Let's go!"

Seeing the four people walking far away, Ren Ling walked up the mountain side at a leisurely pace. Before he had gone far, he suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder, "Who?"

"It's me!" A girl who looked like a rabbit jumped down from the tree, picked up the fruit that hit Ren Ling's shoulder just now, and grinned, "My name is Yiyi, and you are Ren Ling?"

(End of this chapter)

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