Chapter 116
The sweet-looking woman in front of me is at the early stage of foundation establishment, showing two small dies and looking as cute as a bunny, "My name is Yiyi, but your name is Ren Ling?"

Ren Ling nodded, thinking to himself that although this woman is only in the early stage of foundation establishment, the few people who fought just now didn't realize her existence. For a while, they couldn't guess the purpose of the other party's coming, and said calmly, "I am Ren Ling."

Yiyi grinned, "I only knew your name was Ren Ling when I heard those women chanting your name, but you are really famous recently, almost all the disciples in the sect have heard of you! But most of them are It’s just as bad as me!”

"...Really?" Ren Ling had no way of knowing the phenomenon Yiyi described, and it was hard to imagine, "But because of my master?"

"Exactly!" Yiyi smiled and walked forward, "Uncle Bai Feng is the most admired object of all the disciples in the sect! No matter male or female! So, you also became famous with a hit. Just now I was in the hall of deacons. Seeing the group of women stalking you sneakily, so I followed you, you won’t blame me for not helping you just now, right? The leader is Zhen Qin, her father is an elder of Shifeng, so she has always been there The Zongmen is rampant and domineering. When I first came, I was also stopped by them to fix it."

Speaking of this, Yiyi stuck out her tongue, "I'm not as good as you, and I was beaten like a pig's head by them that time, but I'm not afraid of them anymore. Because I have already obtained the qualification of a fifth-level magic circle master, they naturally don't want to fight you." If you dare to trouble me, even if you come to me, I can fight back! I broke her killing circle just now, and I also secretly helped you!"

Ren Ling suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the magic circle just broke down without attacking. It turned out that it was the woman in front of him who helped, so he thanked with a smile, "Thank you for your help."

"That's nothing," Yiyi stuck out her tongue, "I really don't want to face them face to face, because being entangled by them is very troublesome, you won't blame me for being timid?"

Ren Ling shook her head. Originally, anyone would stay out of this kind of thing, even she herself would do the same. She was grateful for Yiyi's willingness to help secretly.What's more, Ren Ling admired her frank attitude, "How can I blame you? Thank you very much."

Hearing this, Yiyi giggled and said, "They are a group of bullies. Bullying me is nothing more than a joke that I am low in cultivation and slow in advancing. But I am very talented in magic circles, and I easily got five. Level qualification level, so they have nothing to say!"

"Yiyi, can you tell me what those qualification levels are? I'm just getting started, so I don't know much about it."

"Of course!" Yiyi turned her head to look at Ren Ling, blinked and said, "I was confused before I knew the mechanism of the door, but it is actually very simple as long as it is explained clearly."

Xuan Dao Sect has a very strict assessment system for inner disciples. In order to encourage the disciples to practice diligently and advance, a group of disciples will be eliminated every year as an example.

However, not all disciples need to participate in the knockout competition for inner disciples at the end of the year. If they have considerable qualifications, the sect will take special care of them to avoid the fate of participating in the knockout competition.

These include alchemy masters, crafting masters, spell masters, talisman masters, array masters, and secret masters.You must know that as the cultivation level increases, there will be fewer and fewer people with special talents, and such a huge sect of the Xuandao Sect needs a lot of pills, magic weapons, magic weapons, magic circles, and talismans, etc. Very preferential treatment is given to disciples with special skills.In addition to not having to worry about being eliminated, he usually enjoys various rewards higher than ordinary disciples.

If you don't have outstanding talents in all aspects, you can also participate in the trial of Qiankun Hall. As long as you can advance to ten levels every year, that is the level of improvement in cultivation recognized by the sect, and you can also avoid the knockout rounds.

After Yiyi explained, Ren Ling finally understood the reason, "Thank you, Yiyi."

"You're welcome!" Yiyi took Ren Ling's hand, "You can also find someone who is interested to take the exam, maybe you can be like me, and be able to establish a place in the sect by virtue of your specialties."

"The most alchemists in the sect are alchemists, most of whom are disciples of the fire attribute, and they have inherent advantages;" Yiyi pointed her fingers and introduced, "There are also many alchemists, basically male disciples; There are far fewer and talisman masters, because this aspect really requires talent. As for formation masters, there are even fewer, and there are not many people who can understand them, let alone formations, which are even more difficult; As for the secret master, guess how many people there are?"

Ren Ling shook his head, thinking of the numbers on the world rankings, "It seems very few?"

Yiyi laughed straight, "It's not only rare, it can be said that there is no such thing! I never understood why there is such a thing as Tianji Master, but no one has ever succeeded in the level test, not even the advanced level."

Ren Ling smiled back, and the two continued on their way, Yiyi introduced her the affairs of the house like a treasure.

"My cave is not far ahead." Two quarters of an hour later, Yiyi stopped, "Where do you live? How about I go and play with you when I'm free?"

Ren Ling reached out and pointed upwards, "I live over there, you are welcome to come and play."

After bidding farewell to Yiyi, Ren Ling drove Ta Yunpa to quickly fly towards his cave.

The cave she chose was located in front of a cliff, and the surrounding area was quite barren, and the nearest cave would take half a quarter of an hour to reach.

Ren Ling landed before the cave, looked around for a week, took out the jade token, and gently sent it to the barrier in front of the cave.

A white light flashed, revealing a door-sized space, and Ren Ling hurried in.

There is about three acres of land in front of the cave. It seems that no one has taken care of it for a long time, and it is full of unknown wild flowers and weeds.Entering through a long path, there are five caves in total, which are the living room, the spirit beast room, the library, and two utility rooms.

Cultivators never pay much attention to things outside their bodies, so the construction of the cave is quite rough, but Ren Ling is still very happy. After all, this is the first time he has an independent living space since he cultivated, so he thought about decorating it well. Fan.

He stepped into Moyu Stream, moved many beautiful flowers and plants to the land in front of the cave, and poured them with spiritual springs.Going back to the living room, I took care of the decorations. When I took away the things of the ancestor Yinling from the Wanhua Grotto, Xiaobao moved many high-quality wooden furniture into Moyujian because he was so happy to see Bao.Although it is not appropriate to take out a large number of them to arrange, so as not to be suspicious one day after being discovered, it is very good to pick a few or two to decorate the room.

After spending nearly an hour tidying up her dwelling, Ren Ling left contentedly, intending to report to Bai Feng before returning.

As soon as she got out of the cave, suddenly a strong coercion came from the sky, which made her feel flustered and painful, her knees softened and she fell to the ground.

"I am Daoist Hongye," a cold voice cut into his mind, Ren Ling frowned and held his aching head, "Stay where you are for a while."

"Yes, yes." Ren Ling struggled to straighten up, and replied through gritted teeth.

But in the blink of an eye, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, Ren Ling suddenly felt light, bowed his head and bowed down, "Ren Ling has seen the ancestor of Hongye."

"Do you know why this deity came to look for you?"

Ren Ling shook her head. Although she was entrusted by the ancestor of Yin Ling to find the real Hongye, she was seriously injured before she started, so she didn't make it.But I didn't expect that the real Hongye would come to the door. Presumably, the coercion just now was just that the real Hongye sent her to wait in place, and the inadvertent move of the Nascent Soul's late stage cultivation was a big deal for the little foundation-building monk. Unbelievable pressure.

"When the deity went to watch the best master's group arena," Hongye Daoist said indifferently, "I saw you fighting with a spirit butterfly, can you lend me your spirit butterfly to show me?"

Ren Ling suddenly realized that the real Hongye must have come to the door because she saw her use the clear rain butterfly to perform the Enchanted Spirit Formation. Based on her friendship with the ancestor of the Enchanted Spirit, it is normal to be familiar with the Butterfly Formation.

"Don't hide it from the ancestor," Ren Ling took out the black jade and held it in both hands, "The younger generation's spirit butterfly is the Qingyu butterfly."

"Qingyudie!" Daoist Hongye's cold voice couldn't hide his excitement, and he reached out to take Mo Yu for a closer look, "It really is Qingyudie, I saw it right that day! Your name is Ren Ling? Can you tell me what you used that day?" That formation..."

"Yinling Lost Formation." Ren Ling took out the jade pendant given to her by Yunling ancestor that day, and held it high on her head again, "This is what Linger's master, Yinling ancestor asked Ling'er to bring to Hongye ancestor, her old man It is said that you will know when you see this jade pendant."

"Yinling! Luo Yinling! She, she's not dead yet?" Daoist Hongye took the jade pendant and stroked it with a trembling voice, "You said she was your master? What's going on?"

It took Ren Ling about half an hour to finish telling what the ancestor of Yin Ling had told her. Seeing that the real Hongye fell silent after hearing this, she waited quietly.

After a long time, Daoist Hongye sighed, "Your master Luo Yunling and I were like sisters back then. If she is still alive today, she must have already reached the state of transforming gods, but she has no choice but to end up in such a state."

"It's hard work, baby, you come to tell this deity, and you have fulfilled this deity's long-term wish," Hongye Daoist lightly raised his hand to help Ren Ling up, "This deity will give you three things, just as a meeting gift."

"Zijin Chanyi is a first-class defensive magic weapon. After wearing it, it can withstand the full attack of monks in the alchemy stage." Ren Ling suddenly had a purple-gold garment as thin as a cicada's wing, and she quickly bowed her head in thanks.

"Don't worry," Daoist Hongye said, "There are also the Chihun Beast and Xue Po Dual Swords."

"Just close your eyes."

Ren Ling closed his eyes when he heard the words, and suddenly felt a pain in his head, and the information about the Chihun Beast and Xue Po Dual Knife suddenly flooded his mind.

"The Xuepo knife technique was created by the deity. It can be practiced in the foundation building period, and it can only exert three parts of its power. After the alchemy period, Haosheng grinds it to fully understand it."

"Ling'er, I would like to thank Daoist Hongye for the generous gift."

"In the future, if you need help from this deity," Hongye Daoist's figure disappeared instantly, leaving only a lingering sound, "This is the deity's token, and you can use it to find the deity at the second peak."

(End of this chapter)

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