Immortal Journey

Chapter 117 Fate with Master

Chapter 117 Fate with Master
"Master, this Xuanbing Needle...?"
Ren Ling couldn't hide his surprise as he looked at the Xuanbing needle on the black velvet cloth. The glare of the spiritual energy fluctuations and the faint whistling buzzing seemed to be stronger and more aggressive than before.
Bai Feng frowned, and smiled faintly, "Master, I have re-hardened and carved your pair of Xuanbing needles these days, adding the newly acquired blue-chip powder and tong liquid, and now it is a top-grade spiritual weapon. "
"Speaking of this Xuanbing Needle, it has a long history with being a teacher. Presumably Ling'er, you should know about it?"
Ren Ling nodded, "After I bought the Xuanbing needle, I read it from the notes. It must be the information related to it and the Xuanbing formation that the master wrote down."
Bai Feng stared directly at Ren Ling, with a faint smile in his eyes, "The relationship between you and me as a master and apprentice can also be regarded as the beginning of the Xuanbing Formation. I saw you using the Xuanbing Needle to perform the third offensive formation of the Xuanbing Formation. It is not bad to be able to release [-]% to [-]% of its power."
Ren Ling secretly stuck out her tongue. She didn't expect the master's requirements to be so strict. From her point of view, she has already mastered the Xuanbing Formation, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she has used it 100%.It seems that she still has a lot to learn, "It's just that Xuan Bingzhen suddenly lost control during the competition for some reason, otherwise the disciple would not have lost."
"There are two reasons," Bai Feng explained, "one is because of the Master's Sky-Shaking Hammer, and the other is that Ling'er, you don't have enough control over the Xuanbing Needle."
Back then, when Bai Feng formed a golden elixir, he worked hard to obtain a piece of the mysterious ice essence. After forging the magic weapon of his own life, the Sky-shattering Hammer, he saw that there was still a little bit of the mysterious ice essence left. He couldn't bear to waste the rare treasure, so he refined it into a mysterious ice needle.It's a pity that Chu Yi, who had finished training his talisman in the refining room next door, broke in and disturbed him, which made the Xuanbing Needle a middle-grade magic weapon.
So Bai Feng invented a set of Xuanbing Formation for Xuanbingzhen, and entrusted it to the deacon disciples to resell it, hoping to find someone who is destined.Chu Yi knew that he had ruined something good, so he scratched his head and thought of incorporating three miscellaneous formations into the Xuanbing formation, which could be regarded as a small compensation for the Xuanbing needle.
Unexpectedly, the Xuanbing Needle was finally passed down to the Yinling sect and was bought by Ren Ling.
In the future, after going through the pulse of Longqu, Ren Ling suddenly realized, "It turned out that it was because of the spiritual traction between the Sky Hammer and the Xuanbing Needle that I lost control of the Xuanbing Needle at that time, but how can I strengthen my control over the Xuanbing Needle?" Woolen cloth?"
"The Xuanbing Formation was invented when the Xuanbing Needle was set as a medium-grade magic weapon," Bai Feng said slowly, "Now the Xuanbing Needle is already a spiritual weapon, and there is an inherent existence between the two. The gap. If the spirit weapon and the formation cannot be fully coordinated, the ability to display each other will be limited, and the control of the giver will be deviated. I have learned a new set of formations for my teacher these days, called the Xuanyan formation. Ling'er, go back and study hard. If you can display [-]% to [-]% of the power of this formation, even a late-stage foundation cultivator can easily defeat him."

"In addition, as a teacher, there is a set of Yanshen Jue here, which is a mental method for training spiritual consciousness. You can take it and practice it together."
"Yes," a white light flashed, and Ren Ling's mind came up with Xuanyan Formation and Yanshen Jue. She quickly bowed her head and said, "I will definitely practice hard and live up to my master's expectations."
"Very good, I will come back here three months later, and then I will see how well you master the Profound Formation."

Mo Yujian.

Colorful butterflies danced joyfully around Ren Ling, some stayed at the tip of her hair, some stood on her shoulders, and some moved forward with her skirts.

"Master, what is this black mass?" Mo Yu stood beside Ren Ling's wrist, looking curiously at the round animal in the center of his palm.

"It's an idiot beast," Ren Ling said with a smile. This idiot beast looks like a cub, but it's the size of a palm. Its body is pitch black but soft. The shiny black skin is covered with a thin layer of down. , the pointed nose shuffled and breathed.Ever since Immortal Hongye gave it to her, this idiotic beast has been sleeping, very quiet, "It will be a member of Mo Yujian from now on, Mo Yu, you have to take good care of it, you know?"

"Okay," Mo Yu replied, "Why don't you build a nest for it next to the Wannian Lingru Pool?"

Ren Ling smiled heartily, "Okay, then I will leave this idiotic beast to you for the time being."

Watching a group of spirit butterflies pick up the Chihun Beast, Ren Ling hurried back to the wooden house.

"Zijin Chanyi is a rare treasure." Looking down at the close-fitting Chanyi like a second layer of skin, "it's very suitable for wearing all the time. The Xuepo double sword is a magic weapon, although the magic weapon top is used in the foundation building period. At most, it can exert [-]% of its power, but in the recent competition, only using the Xuanbing Needle is really not enough, and other spiritual weapons are not particularly smooth, but we can study the Xuepo Dao to see if it is suitable."

"As for the Xuanbing Needle," Ren Ling smiled sweetly as he stroked the reborn Xuanbing Needle, "I didn't expect that it was made by Master's hands, and it was made from the same material as Master's natal magic weapon. Feels great."

"The Xuanbing Formation is already very powerful in my opinion," Ren Ling sat cross-legged on the ground, thinking that he had almost relied on the Xuanbing Formation to pass the test all the way, and he was full of expectations for the Xuanyan Formation. "Master said that as long as you can unleash [-]% to [-]% of the power of the Xuanyan Formation, you can be equally as good as the monks in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. This formation must be profound and unpredictable, so you need to calm down and study it carefully."

Ren Ling sat quietly with his eyes closed, and when he opened his eyes again, seven days had passed.
He reached out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and there was a wry smile on his tender white face, "Master's Xuanyan Formation is really profound and complicated. At first glance, it seems easy to understand, but after careful study, I found that its mysteries are everywhere. , Repeatedly deliberate every detail and hide the machine front. No wonder the master asked me to go to him in three months, and three months may not be enough to penetrate the entire formation."
Although there is only one word difference between the Xuanyan Formation and the Xuanbing Formation, and they were also designed by Bai Feng, the difference between the two is almost as far apart as heaven and earth.The mysterious ice formation method was originally used by disciples in the Qi training period. It was designed to attack with magnificent strength and unpredictable formations, so the offensive created during the battle was ferocious and frightening.But Bai Feng believes that this is just a performance of being strong outside but capable in the middle. If the opponent is strong enough, it is not difficult to break the formation after insisting on the match.
Of course, different times have different perspectives on things. In Bai Feng's view, the Xuanbing Formation, which is basically useless, is the biggest weapon that can really help Ren Ling pass three trials and enter the inner sect.Although there are disadvantages, its advantages are still considerable.
And Bai Feng believes that the Xuanbing Formation has two fatal flaws. One is that it does not cooperate well with the advanced Xuanbing Needle. Once there is a lack of control during the operation, the entire formation will be scrapped in an instant.For example, in the Best Master Group Arena, Ren Ling's lack of control over the Xuanbing Needle caused the Xuanbing Needle to lose control under the pull of the Sky-shaking Hammer, so that the competition that was supposed to win suddenly reversed.
The second biggest shortcoming is that the design of the three major offensive formations and the three major defensive formations is cumbersome and wordy (in his opinion, the three miscellaneous formations are just crooked ways, which are difficult to be elegant, and the reason why they are recorded in the Xuanbing formation method is because At that time, I was so entangled by Chu Yi that there was nothing I could do about it), changing formations was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it must be known that in a battle, the victory or defeat of the entire match can often be decided in a matter of seconds, and even life-threatening.
Summing up the above two fatal flaws, Bai Feng created a new set of Xuan Yan Formation.
To master and use the Xuanyan Formation, one must first improve the control over the Xuanbing Needles. Bai Feng emphasized this point, if the 49 Xuanbing Needles cannot be manipulated perfectly as one wishes, then the Xuanyan Formation will not matter.
Ren Ling practiced excessively during the qi training period, so compared to the ordinary monks in the qi training period who can only divide their spiritual knowledge into a few parts at most, her ability to control spiritual knowledge can be said to be much better than that of monks of the same level. Part of the spiritual consciousness can be divided into 49, which are respectively rolled on the needle body of the Xuanbing needle to control them.Of course, after the foundation was established, she could easily divide 49 strands of spiritual consciousness to operate the Xuanbing Needle without distraction, she thought this was enough.
But she was wrong!
At least Master told her that this is not only not enough, but also too far away.
Without a thick enough entanglement of spiritual consciousness, it is impossible to exert the power of the Xuan Yan Formation.
In the Xuanyan Formation, the control of the Xuanbing needle by the spiritual sense is not only to move the direction and trigger the attack and defense, but also requires a close cooperation and interaction between the needles.That is to say, a certain needle in the Xuanbing Formation can be enlarged into a sword for a strong attack under the requirements of the formation, while the Xuanyan Formation can turn 49 Xuanbing needles into sharp swords, which can be superimposed with each other to multiply the power. Attacks are launched in increments of ten times and hundreds of times.How can such a powerful offensive be accomplished without enough spiritual knowledge to control it?
This is just the difference between the Xuanyan Formation and the Xuanbing Formation. When it comes to the differences between the old and new formations, there are many.
For example, the Xuanyan formation has only one formation, and it has strong offensive and defensive capabilities at the same time. All Xuanbing needles can be combined and dispersed in real time according to needs, and the number is determined by the strength of offense and defense and the evolution of the formation.
Another example is that the Xuanyan formation contains a lore formation, which can arouse the power in a short period of time no less than the full attack power of a monk in the alchemy stage, but the cost is quite high, not only requires the caster to lose nearly half The essence and blood of the heart promote the formation of the formation, and it takes a bit of spiritual consciousness to achieve the goal.Generally speaking, this kind of lore-killing formation tends to be crooked, but Bai Feng is not a so-called righteous person with a high-spirited appearance. He invented this formation because he was afraid that he would not be able to take care of himself when he met a capable person in the future, but he earnestly told Ren Ling not to In case you can't make good use of this formation.
"Alas..." Ren Ling couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this, he had great admiration for Master in his heart, but he was worried that he would not be able to meet the requirements.
It is not easy to have a talented master.
However, having such an extremely intelligent master can motivate her to work harder and move forward!
The little fists were clenched tightly, and the blushing face under the sun was full of high-spirited fighting spirit, "Look at the Yanshen Jue given by the master first, and train your spiritual awareness before starting to practice formation."

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(End of this chapter)

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