Immortal Journey

Chapter 118 Practicing Hard to Develop the God Art

Chapter 118 Practicing Hard to Develop the God Art
The Yanshen Jue is divided into two parts: refining the gods and controlling the gods.
Refining God, as the name suggests, is to forge spiritual knowledge. During the process of cultivating and advancing, a monk's own spiritual knowledge will grow with the growth of his cultivation base.
In the understanding of ordinary monks, the main function of spiritual consciousness is to replace the eyes to see everything in a larger and farther range that cannot be touched by the eyes. It also has the function of investigation. The cultivation base of his low-level monks and so on.
However, spiritual consciousness also has many special functions, which ordinary monks would not dabble in.For example, Ren Ling's practice of obfuscation techniques such as Yin Ling Wai Jue is to confuse opponents by controlling spiritual consciousness.And attaching spiritual consciousness to the Xuanbing needle to strengthen the power of the formation is also one of them.Of course, when a monk has reached a certain level of cultivation, he can directly use his powerful spiritual consciousness to attack the spiritual consciousness of a low-level monk to seriously injure or even kill the low-level monk.
Spiritual knowledge is different from spiritual power. After the spiritual power is released or even emptied, it can be recovered by absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy through meditation practice, supplementing with pills, and even replenishing the spiritual energy of spiritual stones.But the spiritual consciousness is different. Usually, after the monk uses the spiritual consciousness, he will take it back as soon as possible. It is not as easy to repair as the spiritual power. Once the spiritual consciousness is damaged, it is more difficult to restore it to its original state.Most importantly, spiritual consciousness is actually very fragile.To divide the spiritual consciousness into two is like dividing the human body into two, it is extremely difficult to do.Even a monk with a major cultivation base can only control a small part of his spiritual knowledge at most, and the main body of his spiritual knowledge still needs to maintain relative integrity.
The main purpose of the mind-refining method in Yanshen Jue is to strengthen the spiritual consciousness. The stronger the spiritual consciousness, the stronger the part that can be divided and dispatched, and the greater the power it will exert.
The mind control method is to pay attention to how to divide the spiritual consciousness into dozens or even hundreds of equal parts, and at the same time control them proficiently and so on.
Ren Ling had already been exposed to the two parts of refining the gods and controlling the gods when he was learning the distraction tactic, so he quickly understood the essentials of the yanshen tactic.
After careful study, she found that the ideas of distraction and Yanshen are the same, but there are differences in the specific practice methods.If the distraction formula was written by non-staff personnel, then the Yanshen formula was written by genuine staff, it is more complete, more systematic, and more powerful.
Half a month later, Ren Ling opened his eyes from meditation, "Finally, I have barely met the minimum requirements for spiritual consciousness in the Xuanyan Formation. The strength and controllability of spiritual consciousness requires a long period of warming and training to slowly develop." Added, judging from the current situation, it should be possible to start practicing the Xuan Yan Formation."
For the next two months, Ren Ling has been practicing in Mo Yujian. In addition to refining and controlling spiritual knowledge, he usually practices the arrangement and display of the Xuan Yan Formation.
Time passed quickly, and when she was two days away from the three months agreed with Bai Feng, she finally ended the nearly three-month retreat.
Just as he was about to go out for a walk, he found a sound transmission talisman at the door. For a while, Ren Ling wondered who would have looked for her, but after listening to it, he realized that it was Yiyi who had met once, "Ren Ling, I am Yiyi! Come and find her." I haven’t seen you go out a few times, so I guess you’re practicing in seclusion! Contact me after you leave the seclusion!”
Ren Ling had a good impression of this rabbit-like Yiyi, but he didn't know why the other party was looking for her, so he sent a sound transmission talisman to ask.Within half a stick of incense time, there was a reply, "Ren Ling, wait, I'll be right in front of your cave!"
Yiyi came in a hurry, and when she saw Ren Ling, she smiled as if seeing an old friend, "Finally I'm looking forward to you! Ren Ling, you've been practicing diligently since you first started. I really admire you. Unlike me, who spends all day tinkering with magic circles." , ruined cultivation base, always made no progress in the early stage of foundation establishment."
"Don't say that, Yiyi," Ren Ling said with a smile, "I'm also in the early stage of foundation establishment. Cultivation is a matter of gradual progress, and there is no rush. Am I not going to come out now? By the way, what do you want from me?"
"Take you around!" Yiyi stretched out her hand to hold Ren Ling, and walked out along the mountain road, "I don't think you have been to the 'Examination Hall' yet, have you?"
"'Examination Hall?'" Ren Ling focused his eyes and thought, "Is it the place for various master qualification examinations?"
"Exactly!" Yiyi nodded her head vigorously, "I just got ready to go to the Hall of Masters, and I received your sound transmission amulet, why don't we go together? Let me introduce you by the way. We are all cultivators in the early stage of foundation establishment. Because, if you want to get along well in the sect, the best way is to take a qualification level test."
"That's good," Ren Ling thought for a while, and he would report to his master two days later, just in time to familiarize himself with the situation of the sect, "Then I would like to trouble you, Yiyi, to take me there."
"You're welcome!" Yiyi smiled sweetly, "I came a few years earlier than you, and I really can't stand the atmosphere of everyone in the sect cultivating crazily. It feels so kind to see you, and finally someone can accompany me."
The two looked at each other and smiled, took out the flying spirit weapon and chatted while flying, and soon arrived at the test teacher hall.
There are six main halls in the test hall, which are used for the alchemy master, the weapon refiner, the spell master, the talisman master, the array master and the secret master.
"The place where most people go is the alchemist's and weapon refining master's test hall." Yiyi took Ren Ling into the alchemist's test hall, and there were indeed many disciples shuttled inside, "Ren Ling, look at this examination list, You can know how many disciples have the qualifications of alchemy masters just from the dense names of people floating back and forth on it."
The grade examination list is a large rectangular stone tablet, which is divided into ten horizontal stripes, from the bottom to the top, representing grade one to grade ten respectively.The names of disciples with this qualification will be displayed on the horizontal bar area of ​​each level. Due to the large number of disciples, the above names will change every five seconds.
After roughly looking at it, Yiyi pulled Ren Ling out of the alchemist's test hall. When passing by the alchemist's test hall, she said, "The difference between the weapon refiner's test hall and the alchemist's test hall is not big. There are also a lot of disciples. Come on, let's go to the Dharma Formation Master Examination Hall to have a look!"
The Magic Array Teacher Examination Hall is exactly as Yiyi said, because there are not many disciples with this kind of talent, and the response in it is quite deserted, "Look! My name is on the fifth level!"
Ren Ling looked up and saw Yiyi's name was displayed at the fifth level on the examination list, and because there were few students who succeeded in the examination, the time for the name to be displayed was much longer than before, "there are fewer and fewer people above the sixth level. Isn't it particularly difficult?"
"Of course," Yiyi smiled, "Usually you have to reach the alchemy stage to make magic circles above level six, and there are naturally few disciples who pass the level. However, I will work hard, Ren Ling, do you know? My The goal is to successfully pass the sixth grade during the foundation building period! I am studying hard for this, and when I pass the exam, let's celebrate together."
"Okay," Ren Ling nodded with a smile, "I wish you a smooth promotion."
"By the way, are you interested in magic circles?" Yiyi blinked, "If you know how to make magic circles, you can take the exam now. The process of the exam is very simple, and you can take it at any time."
Ren Ling shook his head, "Yiyi, I don't know anything about making magic circles, and I can't pass the first-level exam."
"Ah," Yiyi frowned, "What about the others? Alchemy? Artifact? Talisman?"
Ren Ling thought for a while, "I want to go to the Hall of Examination of Talisman Masters. I have tried to make some simple talismans to see if I am qualified to go."
"The Fulu Master's Examination Hall is next door." Yiyi's eyes lit up, as if she was very happy that Ren Ling had her own expertise, "You go over and have a look? I have to deal with some things here, how about we meet later? "
Ren Ling and Yiyi nodded their goodbyes, and came to the Fulu Teacher Examination Hall alone.
"As long as you can successfully make lower-level talismans, you can obtain the first two qualification levels," Ren Ling stood before the level introduction and stared carefully, "The third to fifth levels are for the production of intermediate-level talismans, and the sixth to ninth levels are The upper-level talisman, the tenth level is the top-level talisman."
For the different level requirements of intermediate-level talismans, making ordinary intermediate-level talismans can reach level three, while the completion of higher-level intermediate-level talismans counts as level four. If you can make advanced and complex talismans into powerful intermediate-level talismans It is possible to gain accreditation at five qualification levels.

Ren Ling pondered for a moment, then turned and walked to the examination counter.

"This senior brother," released a friendly smile, "may I ask if the grade test can be done now?"

"Of course." A tall and thin male cultivator stood behind the counter, looking at Ren Ling expressionlessly, "What is the current level of Junior Sister?"

"Hmm..." Ren Ling grinned, "Brother, Ren Ling hasn't passed the grade test yet, and he is a student who just started this year."

The tall and thin male cultivator nodded slightly, "You can start the test from the first level, or you can directly test the relevant levels according to your personal strength. May I ask what level the junior sister should take?"

"Level five. Can you?"

The tall and thin male cultivator showed a strange look on his granite-like face, which made Ren Ling feel guilty, so he asked again, "Brother, can't you?"

"Yes, yes," the tall and thin male Xiu returned to his expressionless expression, "Give me your jade token."


After taking Ren Ling's jade card, the tall and thin man took out a storage bag and a token, "There are ten materials in it, as well as the spells and spells used in the fifth-level qualification test. As long as one can successfully make a high-level Intermediate-level talisman, the test is considered to be passed. Take this token to room 53, and I will come to check the result in an hour."

Ren Ling took the storage bag, thought for a while, and hesitated, "Brother, how much spirit stone do I need to pay for these materials?"

The materials for making high-level intermediate-level talismans are not cheap, and there are so many disciples in the sect, wouldn't it be necessary to provide a lot of materials?That's why Ren Ling took it for granted that he had to pay for it himself.

However, her question caused her granite-like face to twitch unconsciously several times, "Junior Sister, the sect is rich in resources, and these are provided for free. However, unless they really have the corresponding ability, ordinary disciples will not directly follow the Jump from level [-] to level [-] for the test. If you haven’t passed the test, then you won’t be able to test for levels lower than level [-] in the future, should you know this rule?”

Ren Ling nodded. This rule was clearly marked on the headline of the level introduction, so she naturally knew it.

"So, I wish my junior sister good luck."

 Thank you Luo Sixi for your comments and rewards^——^
(End of this chapter)

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