Immortal Journey

Chapter 119 Level 1 Celestial Master?

Chapter 119 First-class celestial master?

The incantations of the five-level qualification test are indeed profound and complicated. Ren Ling studied them intently for a while, and he is about [-]% sure of making this incantation into a talisman.
After memorizing the incantations and incantations, she picked up a monster skin, and cast a faint trace of spiritual power on the monster skin to sense the distribution of its monster power.
A quarter of an hour later, he opened his eyes and wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a deep breath, looked indifferently but with spirit, and said in a low voice, "Start."
The production of the first three talismans failed, but Ren Ling did not mess up at all, and his brows and eyes looked more calm and composed.In fact, during the failure process of the first three pieces, she has already understood the most difficult problem in making high-level intermediate-level talismans, the distribution of monster power on the monster skin and the problem of drawing spells, so her confidence in making this kind of talisman has increased. Thirty percent.
Sure enough, everything went well at the beginning of the fourth talisman, until the successful production of the three talismans was completed, and Ren Ling's hand pointing to the next monster skin paused.
"Ten materials only need to produce one talisman to reach the qualification level of level five," Ren Ling thought inwardly, "In this case, the remaining materials should be regarded as not having enough time to complete."
Half an hour later, the tall and thin man opened the door and entered.
"Have you made three?" After receiving three talismans from Ren Ling's hand, a small gap seemed to be cracked on his granite-like face, "Wait a minute."
As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly left the inner room, and came back after about a stick of incense, "These three talismans were very successful. I didn't expect my junior sister to be so skilled in making talismans. I was disrespected by my senior brother before."
Ren Ling smiled, "Where, brother, I'm overwhelmed."
"What is the rest of the material...?"
Seeing the confused face of the tall and thin man Xiu, Ren Ling smiled dully, "I didn't have enough time, so I only practiced three."
The tall and thin male Xiu suddenly realized, and tried with a slightly strange expression, "If there is enough time, can the remaining materials be made?"
"This..." Ren Ling rubbed her head. Judging from her previous experience in making talismans, as long as she mastered a certain method of making talismans, the success rate was over [-]%.However, if you are new to the sect, it is better to keep a low profile, "I don't know too well, there may be success or failure, it's hard to say."
"That's right, that's right," the tall and thin male cultivator pulled a smile on his stiff face, "Please invite your junior sister to come with your senior brother, and this will record your qualification level."
Holding the talisman teacher's qualification level jade card and stepping out of the hall of test masters, Ren Ling was in a good mood. He did not expect to be able to become a fifth-level talisman master of the sect so easily. In the future, he would not have to participate in the annual disciple elimination competition, and he could practice and advance in the Xuandao Sect with peace of mind. step up.
Seeing that Yiyi hadn't come out yet, Ren Ling strolled towards the Array Master's Examination Hall.
Different from the Dharma Master and Talisman Master's Examination Hall, the Array Master's Examination Hall is more deserted and deserted, with only two or three disciples walking back and forth in it, and the name list is even rarer, and there is not even a level that can be filled with names. .
"The seventh, eighth, and ninth grades are all blank," Ren Ling looked up the grade examination list, "It seems that the formation master is really difficult to test, huh? The tenth grade is actually, it is the name of the master!"
There are about ten names in the first level of the examination list. From the second level, there are only about three to four people in each level. From the seventh level onwards, there are no names. However, what surprised Ren Ling is that the top places are bright There are two big characters 'Bai Feng' written on the ground.
"I didn't expect Master to be so accomplished in formations," Ren Ling suddenly felt admiration, "That's true, but you can see Master's level from the Xuanyan Formation. In the future, you must ask Master for advice."
The test method for the qualification level of an array mage is relatively complicated, and it is divided into two parts: breaking the array and setting up the array.
Each part needs to be tested from the first level, unlike the talisman master who can directly jump to the corresponding level.
That is to say, for the part of breaking the formation alone, one needs to start breaking through the formation at the first level, and the qualification level cannot be judged until the formation fails and is eliminated.
And each level of formation has ten to fifteen formations of the same level, not to mention the difficulty level, the time alone is quite considerable.Especially since Yiyi might come out to look for her at any time, Ren Ling decided not to take part in the formation master level test for the time being.
After probably looking at the requirements for the qualification level of the formation master, Ren Ling turned and left. When she walked to the gate of the formation master examination hall, Yiyi still did not come out. She waited for a while, and a disciple came out in a hurry and said that Yiyi needed two For a quarter of an hour, please wait a moment longer.
Ren Ling agreed, looked around, and suddenly saw that the closed door of the Tianji Master's Examination Hall was opened at some point, and walked over out of curiosity.
"Strange, just now Yiyi said when introducing these test master halls, because no disciple has successfully passed the qualification level of Tianji master for thousands of years, so this test master hall is useless, and basically the gates are not even opened. Why? Is the door open now?"
Stepping into the Tianji Master Examination Hall, there is only one dozing old man leaning behind the counter, and there is no one else.
She walked lightly to the wall to look at the requirements for the grade test, and found that Tianji Master was indeed profound and unfathomable. She knew every word in the requirements for the grade test, but after putting them together, she couldn't understand a single sentence.
Shaking his head helplessly, he glanced across the empty examination list, then at the old man who was still dozing off, and was about to turn around and leave.
Suddenly, the half-turned body stopped stiffly, Ren Ling blinked vigorously, and looked up at the highest level of the examination list.
"It must be my eyesight."
Just for a moment, she seemed to see three words flashing across the top level of the examination list, but now her eyes widened, but the top level was empty, how could there be any words?
Although she comforted herself that she was mistaken, as a monk, her five senses were extremely sharp, and another voice in her heart told her that it could not be an illusion just now, so why is there a blank in the examination list now?
According to what Yiyi said, unless the name of the person on the grading list exceeds one page, it will be automatically flipped and displayed, otherwise there will be no change.Just like the name of the master on the highest level of the formation master is always shining there and remains motionless, if there is a name on this highest level, it is impossible to see it from time to time.
Reluctantly staring at the highest level for nearly a cup of tea time, his eyes became sore and swollen, and he sighed in his heart, "Forget it, whether someone is famous or not is not very important, I didn't take the test of Tianji Master I plan, besides, I don't even understand the requirements of the test, so I should hurry out, maybe Yiyi is waiting for me."
Just when she was about to leave, three large and clear characters suddenly appeared on the top level, and Ren Ling read in shock, "Yin Shangchen! Sure enough, there are characters, I read it right just now."
Ren Ling turned her head suddenly, and the sleepy old man stood beside her at some point, with a pair of hale eyes on his wrinkled face.Ren Ling couldn't tell the old man's cultivation for a while, so he could only say, "Old man, what did you call me?"
"What did the girl say to the old man just now?" The old man rubbed his ears, "The old man is too old to hear clearly, can you say it again?"
Ren Ling smiled, rubbed his nose and said, "Old man, you misunderstood. I didn't talk to you just now, but I just said it because it was a little strange."
"What's so strange about the girl?"
"I just saw that there seemed to be words on the highest level," Ren Ling said honestly, "but it disappeared in a blink of an eye, but I saw it again after looking at it for a long time." Gently glanced at the three big characters on the top, since seeing clearly It never disappeared after that, "I once heard from my fellow disciples that no disciple in the sect has ever obtained the qualification level of Tianji Master, and there is no word on the examination list. I felt strange for a while, so..."
"Wait, wait," the old man interrupted Ren Ling, "Girl, tell the old man first, what words did you see?"
Ren Ling pursed her lips and said, "I saw the three characters 'Yin Shangchen'. Old man, can you see it too?"
The old man laughed and shook his head, "The old man can't see anything, can't see anything. Come here, girl."
Leading Ren Ling to the counter, the old man squinted and said with a smile, "Hurry up and give the old man your celestial master qualification level jade card."
"Ah?" Ren Ling was puzzled, took out the jade token from his pocket and handed it over, "Old man, what do you want this for?"
"Of course I'm registering your qualification level!" The old man seemed extremely happy, and brushed his palm over the jade plate, "Girl, from now on, you are a first-class celestial master."
"First-level celestial master?" Ren Ling's eyes widened in surprise, full of confusion, "Old man, I didn't take the exam! How could I be a first-level celestial master? I can't even understand the test criteria, how could I become one? Celestial Master? Could it be..." Pointing to the big characters at the top of the examination list, "Could it be that if you see the three characters above, you are considered a first-class Celestial Master?"
This is too bizarre, right?
The old man smiled and nodded, "That's right, if you can see those three words, you are already a first-level celestial master. As for the test standard, you can look at the first-level standard now to see if you can understand it?"
Ren Ling turned around awkwardly, staring at it, but saw that in the test standard, the first-level celestial master standard was impressively written: Anyone who can see the name on the tenth-level celestial master list is eligible. "This, I obviously couldn't understand it just now, why...?"
The old man smiled cheerfully, "Congratulations, miss, the old man has been in the Tianji Master Examination Hall for many years, and it's the first time I've met someone by chance."
"Let's put away this jade slip." The old man handed a piece of jade slip to Ren Ling. "In the future, if the girl can understand the content of the jade slip, she can come here to be admitted as a second-level celestial master."
In this way, he left the Tianji Master's Examination Hall in a daze. Ren Ling was full of thoughts and thought about the cause and effect as he walked, but he didn't realize that the gate of the Pilot's Examination Hall was closed again that day. There was still a thick layer of dust on the door. It's not like it's ever been opened.
"Ren Ling!" Yiyi trotted out of the magic circle teacher's examination hall with a smile on her face, but she didn't notice that Ren Ling was thinking, "I'm sorry! I kept you waiting for so long, and there were too many things to get rid of just now. By the way, how did you go to the Talisman Master Trial Hall?"
Ren Ling came back to his senses, and replied with a smile, "Yiyi, there's no rush. I'll check it out, and it's not bad."
"Really?" Yiyi's eyes lit up, "Did you take the exam? How was your result?"
"I passed the exam," Ren Ling smiled shyly, "Level five."
"Level five?! So powerful?" Yiyi exclaimed, "I didn't expect Ren Ling to be so talented in talismans. It's really great. In this way, we don't have to worry about being expelled from the sect, and we can practice here. gone."
"Come on, how about I take you around?"
"it is good."
The two of them stepped out of the examination hall, before Ren Ling could ask Yiyi where she was going, she suddenly saw a black shadow roaring towards her, accompanied by a familiar hearty voice, "Little sister! Big brother has found you!"

(End of this chapter)

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