Chapter 120

The five peaks of Xuan Dao Sect.
Ren Ling was almost held hostage by Chu Yi and dragged to Wufeng, and dropped the flying magic weapon halfway up the mountain. Chu Yi continued to mutter happily, "Little sister, you can find big brother! Big brother found out that you entered the mountain during his mission." After entering the sect, I haven't had time to be proud of you, but the news came the next day that your meridian all over your body was interrupted by someone, which made my elder brother startled and angry, and I wish I could fly back immediately and bruise the thief who hurt you Ashes!"
"Big brother..."
Chu Yi kept talking along the way, Ren Ling listened quietly most of the time, Chu Yi's sincere concern moved her eyes slightly moist, she lowered her eyes and sniffed, "Actually Ling'er nothing."
"It's okay? It's nothing to blame!" Chu Yi was venting his hatred for the man who hurt Ren Ling, "If it wasn't for the news that the elder brother knew that you were taken as an apprentice by Fengfeng, you must be safe and sound, the elder brother would have Throw that mission out of the sky and kill it back."
Ren Ling's expression froze, he glanced at Chu Yi strangely, opened and closed his mouth.Would her master who was like a banished fairy allow someone to call him "Fengfeng"?
"Brother managed to finish the task ahead of time," Chu Yi was immersed in his own memories, "I hurried back to the sect, rushed to Fengfeng to look for you, little sister, but that guy actually said that he didn't see you! Ling'er , do you think the elder brother kissed you or that guy kissed you? Of course it's us, right?"
Ren Ling nodded quickly, "Yes, brother is right."
"That guy must be upset that big brother called him Fengfeng, and deliberately tripped big brother, how can I not understand him?" Chu Yi snorted, and snapped the plain fan in his hand, "But big brother has a lot of ways, and finally I know that the real reason is that you have retreated, little sister. So I have to continue to wait."
"Brother," Ren Ling raised his eyes and smiled, "Ling'er didn't know that Brother was back, otherwise he would have come out early."
"Retreat is important," Chu Yi chuckled, "Anyway, big brother wanted to come back early, and the place where birds don't lay eggs is about to get moldy. I just sensed that you left the customs today, little sister, but when I arrived in front of your cave, I found out that you came late. After taking a step, I finally found you in the examination hall after wandering around. Little sister, it’s not easy for big brother to see you!"
"Ling'er is now an inner disciple," Ren Ling smiled sweetly, "There will be many opportunities to meet in the future."
"Of course." Chu Yi stretched out the plain fan in his hand to guide the direction, and the two turned into a side road. They saw flowers of all kinds blooming on both sides of the road, which were very beautiful. "Go up this road and you will arrive at my house. Yes So, little girl, why did you go to the examination hall? Visiting?"
"I originally went to visit," Ren Ling told the truth, "and then I took the fifth-level talisman teacher exam, um." Thinking of the strange things that happened in the Tianji Master's Examination Hall, Ren Ling thought for a while, and decided not to mention it. "I ran into my elder brother just after I left."
"Fifth-level talisman master?" Chu Yi opened his mouth into an 'O' shape, and looked at Ren Ling with great interest, "Little sister, brother finds that you will always make people look at you with admiration. Not to mention, why does the talisman tester sound like eating Chinese cabbage on your side? It is already the limit to be able to pass the fifth level in the foundation building period. Just take the qualification level of the fifth-level talisman teacher? If this continues, will it still break the practice that no one can reach the sixth-level talisman teacher after the alchemy period?"
Ren Ling stuck out her tongue playfully, "It's hard to say, brother, what do you think?"
"Brother, what do you think?" Chu Yi snapped open the fan and shook it lightly, "It doesn't matter what kind of teacher you are, go and meet my parents first, your godfather and godmother are the most important!"
Ren Ling smiled, and looked up to see a mansion that looked like a mortal world. There was a plaque on the vermilion gate, with the words "Chu Mansion" written in big characters, "Brother, I didn't prepare any presents, will I be rude?"
"You are the best gift!" Chu Yi shook his head and laughed, "My mother has been looking forward to me bringing a baby girl home for many years! This time her wish is fulfilled, she must be very happy Incredible."
The architectural style of the Chu family's mansion is simple and grand, and the ground, stone, tile and beams are all made of the best materials, but the carving design is eclectic, with a bright, cheerful, bold and neat style.
Chu Yi pulled Ren Ling and ran directly to the apse, "Father! Mother! Let's see who the child brought you here!"
Ren Ling followed Chu Yi into the hall, looked up, and opened his mouth in surprise, "Uncle Chu, Aunt Chu?"
"Have you met?" Seeing his father and mother greeting Ren Ling with a smile, it was Chu Yi's turn to be surprised, "Father, mother, how do you know Ling'er?"
Lan Lianhua casually patted Chu Yi's face away from her face a few feet away, "If parents don't know Ling'er's situation, who will tell you that you are safe when you are far away? Use your brains!"
"Mom! You hit me again!" Chu Yi caressed the right cheek, "I obviously asked Uncle Zhou to help pass the message!"
"If Mother doesn't tell Uncle Zhou clearly, how will he know about Ling'er's recent situation?" Lan Lianhua rolled her eyes at Chu Yi, "Do you think that if you fool Uncle Zhou with two bottles of wine, you will do anything wrong? My mother hasn't arrived yet The degree of old eyesight, stupid son!"
Simply turned around and pulled Ren Ling up, "Don't pay attention to him, Yi'er is smart when he's smart, but he can kill people when he's stupid. Ling'er, are you all right? I really can't get away from Uncle Chu these days, otherwise we will definitely die." I'll see you a few more times."
"Everything is fine for Ling'er, and my uncle and aunt are worried."
Chu Yi grimaced and got between Ren Ling and Lan Lianhua, "Mother, since you all know each other, I won't introduce you anymore. But the tea must be respected first, parents, you sit down first, go, hurry up go!"
"Present tea?" Lan Lianhua and Chu Hong looked at each other, and smiled at the same time with a tacit understanding, "Good! Good! Good!"
Ren Ling didn't expect that Chu Yi's parents were all powerful seniors of Yuanying, and they each occupied a peak in the Xuandao Sect, namely the master of five peaks and the master of seven peaks.I hesitated for a while, is this considered a high climb?But seeing the kind smiles of the two elders of the Chu family, and remembering their enthusiastic visits when she was injured, not to mention Chu Yi's care for her all the time, I was filled with gratitude in an instant, so I took the two cups of spiritual tea that Chu Yi handed over, He bowed up on his knees, then bowed his head and bowed, "Ling'er has seen godfather and godmother."
The two elders of the Chu family who were content to drink tea suddenly paused after hearing this, and Lan Lianhua coughed violently for a while. The two looked at Chu Yi suspiciously, "Godfather? Godmother?"
"That's right!" Chu Yi laughed loudly, "Mother, before my 20th birthday, you murmured every day that it would be great if my darling was a girl, and after 20 years old, you made it clear that your darling would give you a baby girl." Come back, now the boy obediently brought you Ling'er to start. Look at how excited you are..."
Lan Lianhua's face turned red and then green, green and red again, she gave Chu Hong a hard look, and pulled Ren Ling up with a smile, "Ling'er, quickly follow mother to the inner room, mother will bring you a meeting gift."
Chu Yi watched Lan Lianhua pull Ren Ling away without knowing why, and walked up to Chu Hong and asked in a low voice, "Father, do you think Mother's reaction is a bit weird? My child thought she would jump up happily."
"You stupid boy!" Chu Hong swung his palm on Chu Yi's shoulder and shook his head. Why is his son not enlightened?
"Father, Ling'er likes that girl very much, but she has the style of our Chu family." Chu Yi was not sure what the two elders were thinking, and planned to do ideological work from the father first, so he knew Ren Ling from the beginning. At the beginning, he talked about Ren Ling's past deeds with eloquence.
Over there, Lan Lianhua took Ren Ling's hand and walked towards the back room. Seeing Ren Ling's cute and sweet appearance, she hated Chu Yi even more.
When Ren Ling was hit in the heart by Ouyang Jiaojiao in the Master Selection Competition, the phoenix light suddenly appeared because of the phoenix jade presented by Chu Yi.After Chu Hong told her about this, the two elders unconsciously treated Ren Ling as a daughter-in-law.Who knew that this child was led in, but she turned out to be her god-sister!Do you think you can prevent Blue Lotus, whose hopes have been dashed, from being stunned?
"Ling'er," it's a pity, she still likes the girl Ren Ling very much, even if she can't become a daughter-in-law, it's good to be half a daughter, "The mother of any magic weapon thinks it's vulgar, so she won't give it to her." You have those things. If you like them at home, you can use them. Yier is also like this. The most regrettable thing in my life is that I didn’t have a daughter. Now it’s finally a long-cherished wish. Come here and let my mother dress you up. .”
"Dress up?" Ren Ling was dumbfounded, since she left the house, without her mother by her side, she had never spent much time on dressing up.There was a uniform Taoist robe in the Yin Lingmen, but after leaving, he just changed into a more elegant Taoist robe, not to mention any rouge and gouache. "Godmother, this..."
"What is this!" Lan Lianhua pushed Ren Ling to sit in front of the dressing table, "May I comb you a Baiyun lotus head? It's very popular recently, and it matches your face shape just right. Ling'er, you are free Why don't you tell your mother how you met Yi'er as a sworn brother?"
Although Ren Ling is not keen on external make-up, the feeling of Lan Lianhua's skillful hands moving through her hair is very similar to that of her mother. Chu Yi narrates the process from getting acquainted to worshiping each other.
Lan Lianhua chatted with Ren Ling while listening, and quickly fixed her hair, picked up rouge and gouache, lightly lightened her face, her eyes were full of joy.
"It's really beautiful." Looking at Ren Ling's face after makeup with satisfaction, he pulled her up with a smile, "Follow your mother behind the screen and change into a new dress, it will be as beautiful as a fairy."
A quarter of an hour later.
Ren Ling looked at the strange self in the water mirror, and couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship of Lan Lianhua, which can almost be called ingenious.
The fragrant and fragrant cloud-black hair dish is made into a delicate and lovely bun, and a thin white jade hairpin is inserted shallowly on it, and a few strands of ice crystals hang down from the hairpin, which looks pure and elegant when shaken.
Ren Ling's skin itself is fair and delicate, a bit more crystal clear than makeup, so the blue lotus is just a light touch of makeup, and skillfully embellishes the watery black eyes and pink lips beautifully .
She changed her usual simple Taoist robe and wore a snow-white cloud and feather dress. The cut is simple and generous, which outlines the figure just right. The upper body is decorated with feather satin and satin light, and the skirt is darkly embroidered with petal lotus flowers, crystal thin jade light color The belt gently bundles the slender waist, and two flowing long ribbons hang down, which is so beautiful that it takes one's breath away.
"Our Ling'er is such a beauty!" Lan Lianhua couldn't help admiring her work, took Ren Ling's hand and said, "Go out and show the two of them, they will be so shocked!"

(End of this chapter)

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