Immortal Journey

Chapter 121 Is it here to snatch the apprentice?

Chapter 121 Is it here to snatch the apprentice?
Chu Yi was beaming with joy and spit, while Chu Hong nodded his head, "Father said that Ling'er looks pleasing to the eye! It really has the style of our Chu family! But ah," looking at his son's happy face, he remembered The meaningful glance of my wife before leaving, "I said Yier, Linger is so good, why do you only want to recognize her as a girl?"
"My sister is very good!" Chu Yi said quickly, "If you recognize her as a girl, you will enter our Chu family? Mother likes it too, the best of both worlds!"
Chu Hong slapped it with one palm, causing Chu Yi to stagger, and looked at his father who suddenly turned his face without knowing it, "Father, what did I say wrong?"
"Stupid! I'm so stupid!" Chu Hong shook his head, "I said you like Ling'er so much, why don't you want to marry home? What kind of girl? Be a daughter-in-law! Daughter-in-law! How wonderful it is to be a daughter-in-law!" He and his wife can smile at Jiuquan.
"Daughter-in-law?" Chu Yi elongated his voice, "Father, I haven't even reached the age of one hundred. What kind of wife should I marry? Do you mean that mother, she has been talking about it for so many years not to think too much?" A daughter, but to think of multiple daughter-in-laws?"
Seeing Chu Hong's childish expression, Chu Yi shook his head and shouted, "Impossible! Mother, she started nagging me when I was young. How could it be possible that I wanted a wife when I was a kid? That's too exaggerated." ?”
"Is there anything impossible!" Chu Hong knocked on Chu Yi's head, "Your mother and I were thinking about it when you were still in the womb! Now it's all right, the girl is brought in, and the status is messed up again. Wrong, you said what's the use of me having a son like you!"
"Father!" Chu Yi saw that Chu Hong was furious and started chasing him, and hurriedly dodged left and right, "You and mother's playful things, if you don't tell them, how will the child know! Besides, I was not born by you, but by mother." !Wow! Don't slap your face! Dad! Don't slap your face!"
"I'll hit you in the face," Chu Hong shouted loudly, but he also knew his son's death spot, or he would beat his son to the ground with one finger of his cultivation, "Do you admit your mistake?"
"Admit! My child admits his mistake!"
Putting away his hands in satisfaction, Chu Hong said earnestly, "Yi'er, although you are not yet a hundred years old, the difference between you and Ling'er is only 60 years old. When Ling'er is older and forms the alchemy, how good is it for the two of you to be Taoist couples? Now, the older brother and the younger sister are crying, and after a long time, they will directly become the loving brother and the loving sister, then your mother and I will be satisfied!"
"What?" Chu Yi's eyes widened, and he grabbed his father's sleeve, "Father, you said that there is a 60-year age difference between the boy and Ling'er? No way! Could it be that Ling'er is only now?!"
"Ling'er is coming soon," Chu Hong said, squinting at his son, "What? You don't know?"
"How does the child know?" Chu Yi opened his eyes wide. He is not a Nascent Soul cultivation base, so how can he easily see through his age?It's just..., "Then, Ling'er, didn't she build the foundation earlier than the baby?"
Chu Hong nodded, with a heartbroken expression, "If it wasn't for you, who loves to play and neglects cultivation all day long, why don't you build foundations at the age of 20? Boy Bai built the foundation at the age of 15!"
"Fengfeng established the foundation at the age of 15, and Ling'er established the foundation at the age of 17." Chu Yi slumped his shoulders, "They are both earlier than me. It's really embarrassing. It seems that you have to practice hard in the future. Alchemy, I'm still in the early stages of alchemy."
"It's good to know." Chu Hong nodded with a satisfied smile, "It's time to calm down."
"Husband, son," Lan Lianhua lifted the curtain and said with a smile, "Look, who is this?"
Ren Ling was pulled out by Lan Lianhua in embarrassment, and smiled at the two father and son of the Chu family, "Godfather, big brother."
The father and son of the Chu family looked at Ren Ling with different expressions.

Chu Hong still had that regretful expression, but Chu Yi was truly amazed.
In his mind, Ren Ling has always been a pretty, cute, brave, courageous, confident and independent girl. He likes her with pure love and admiration.
But I didn't expect Ren Ling to be so beautiful after putting on make-up, and couldn't help admiring, "Ling'er, this dress is really wonderful, like a fairy! No, in my elder brother's opinion, even a fairy may not be able to match Ling's appearance." My son's appearance!"
Ren Ling blushed, showing two dimples and smiled, "Thank you for the compliment, brother. Ah... Master!"
The three members of the Chu family turned their heads at the same time and followed Ren Ling's line of sight.
"Fengfeng! What are you doing here!"
Bai Feng glanced at Chu Yi lightly, and his black eyes fell on Ren Ling, "Come and pick up my apprentice, why, can't you?"
"No, no, no, no!"

Chu Yi stood in front of Ren Ling, "Fengfeng, this is my Chu family. How can you say that you want someone? Ling'er is my sister! You are protected by my parents, so you are not allowed to mess around."
Bai Feng frowned, "Ling'er is my apprentice."
"She is my sister first, and then your apprentice!" Chu Yi raised his chin. He loved to quarrel with Bai Feng since he was a child, especially the more Bai Feng ignored him, the happier he was. Have you conceded defeat?"
Bai Feng folded his arms around his chest, "Yi, Ling'er is my apprentice, and you are her elder brother. So what is the relationship between us?"
Chu Yi blinked and opened his mouth wide, "Then, haven't I become your apprentice?"
"So, be nice in front of Master." Bai Feng raised his lips slightly, looked at Chu Yi's deflated look with satisfaction, turned around and bowed to the two elders of the Chu family, "Uncle Chu, Aunt Chu, I will Take the apprentice back."
Then he said to Ren Ling, "Ling'er, follow me back as a teacher."

Seeing Ren Ling being taken away by Bai Feng, Chu Yi was speechless for a long time, then turned to look at Chu Hong and his wife, "Father, mother, why don't you stop him!"

Lan Lianhua rolled her eyes angrily, "Stop? How can I stop? Feng'er is Ling'er's master, and it's only natural to come here to take his apprentice back."

"It's you boy," Chu Hong shook his head and sighed, "Why do you always lose your place in front of Boy Bai? Your father, how can I have the face to snatch someone over for you?"

"How did I lose my share?"

"You!" Lan Lianhua stretched out her slender index finger to poke her son's straight nose, "Back then, when Boy Bai entered the sect, you pestered him all day long. After so many decades, when did you Have you ever won? Boy Bai called you senior brother when he entered the door, but he built the foundation earlier than you, formed the alchemy earlier than you, and now he is almost entering the late stage of alchemy! When you advance to Yuanying in the future, you kid Wait until you call him Shishu, are you ashamed or not? Are you ashamed to ask me and your father?"

Chu Yi frowned. Although Lan Lianhua's words didn't sound so pleasant to his ears, they made a lot of sense.With Bai Feng's crazily cultivating temperament, maybe one day he will really be called Master Uncle.


Shaking his head vigorously, he pushed away Bai Feng's playful eyes every time he looked at him, "My child knows, he will practice hard, parents, please stop talking about it. Let's talk about Ling'er first, how about Would you like Ling'er to come over and be your parents' apprentice? That way you don't have to be snatched away by Fengfeng."

Lan Lianhua and Chu Hong looked at each other, "You take the sect's master-student seniority as a joke? Do masters and apprentices recognize what they say, and change what they say? With Feng'er's temperament, you can do whatever you want Change it?"

"Besides," Chu Hong added, "Ling'er can just go home and learn whatever she wants to learn. With Bai Feng teaching her, she will definitely advance quickly, which is not a bad thing."

Chu Yi thought about it again and again, and felt that what his parents said was reasonable, but he was very upset when he thought that the little girl who was finally brought home was taken away by that boy, and was taken away by that boy Bai Feng, thinking about another day Find a reason to bring Ling'er back.

"Master's flying magic weapon is really special." Ren Ling followed Bai Feng and left Wufeng. After getting on the flying magic weapon, he didn't rush back, but slowed down and walked in mid-air. "It's so beautiful like lightning." . '

Bai Feng stood gracefully at the front of the flying magic weapon, as if he was meditating with his eyes closed. The gentle wind blew past, brushing his vertical long hair in strands.

Ren Ling stood not far behind him, not knowing what to say for a while.

The two of them flew slowly, and gradually, Ren Ling noticed that the disciples passing by in mid-air focused on them more and more, and it became more and more strange.

The most strange thing is that the flying magic weapon driven by the master does not fly directly to the third peak, but goes around from the fifth peak to the sixth peak and the seventh peak. It seems that in this posture, it will take at least a long circle to return to the third peak.And I don't know when they started to follow some disciples from a distance. At first they seemed to pass by unintentionally, but gradually they began to follow behind blatantly, and there were more and more people.

Ren Ling felt uncomfortable, so he cleared his throat, "Master, aren't we going back to Sanfeng?"

"Don't want to walk around in the sect?"

The wind blew and Bai Feng's faint voice made Ren Ling suddenly understand that Master was taking her around the Zongmen. She was moved and couldn't help laughing. impression.However, since it was Master's kind intention, she was naturally happy to accept it.

But, looking back at the disciples who were pointing not far behind, Ren Ling muttered, "Master, there are many people following behind."

"Feel annoying?" Bai Feng raised his eyebrows, turned to look at Ren Ling, and felt her discomfort from her expression, so he said softly, "Stand firm."

Ren Ling nodded, suddenly felt a flash in front of his eyes, the flying magic weapon fled away like lightning, and when it stopped, it had already returned to the top of the three peaks.

"Master, the disciples of the Xuanyan Formation have only comprehended about [-]%." Ren Ling followed Bai Feng into the cave, and seriously reported his progress in the past three months. What the master hopes, the disciple is incapable of."

Bai Feng slightly bent the corners of his lips, walked towards his cave, walked to the innermost door, and raised his hand, "Come in with me as a teacher."

Ren Ling nodded, and after stepping through the door, he found that this is not an ordinary living room, but another cave!

(End of this chapter)

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