Immortal Journey

Chapter 123 The Secret Career of Being Chased

Chapter 123 The Secret Career of Being Chased
Two years later.

Ren Ling flew from the stepping cloud handkerchief to the foot of a deserted mountain, looked up and whispered, "It seems that the enchantment here in the sect's great formation is very stable, and it should not need to be repaired. However, since I came to inspect , let’s test it first.”

After careful inspection for a while, Ren Ling turned and flew in mid-air, making complex formulas with his hands in front of his chest, and several blue lights shot out in different directions.

The blue light seemed to be hitting the air, but it stopped abruptly. Ren Ling curled his lips slightly, knowing that the node he had chosen was not wrong. He only needed to continue to output spiritual power, and it was estimated that the barrier would appear in half an hour.



An hour later, Ren Ling had just confirmed that the barrier was intact, and was about to leave with satisfaction, when he was startled by the sudden old man Tianji, "Grandpa Yin, why are you here?"

The old man Tianji blew his beard vigorously, and glared at Ren Ling, "Girl, do you think the old man can't find you if you escape here? Hehe, did you understand the "Talk of God" that I gave you last time? Let the old man Isn't it against filial piety for my son to run after you like this?"

"Uh," Ren Ling coughed twice, and smiled sweetly with his dimples on his face, "No way, Grandpa Yin, Ling'er just came here to visit with a mission from the sect."

"Interview?" Old man Tianji stared at his small eyes. "Last time when grandpa saw you, he smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away in a blink of an eye. Do you think grandpa is really blind and can't understand? Don't think that grandpa won't be able to see you when he ran to boy Bai." Dare to catch you out, hum!"

"Grandpa Yin," Ren Ling scratched his head, stuck out his tongue and smiled, "Don't be angry, Ling'er is really busy, so, that's why..."

"So you take the homework given by your master seriously and achieve full marks, and the old man just ignores the homework given by the old man?" Looking at Ren Ling's smiling face, the old man Tianji lost most of his anger, "How do you like "Tianji Shenshuo"? Go back with grandpa and try to test the qualification level of the third-level celestial master?"

"Grandpa Yin, Ling'er still has a mission in this line of defense, why don't you go to the Hall of Examiners to find you after you go back?"

The old man Tianji looked at Ren Ling suspiciously, as if evaluating the authenticity of her words, and finally hummed heavily, "Girl, if you lie to grandpa..."

"Absolutely not!" Ren Ling held up three fingers, "Grandpa Yin, Ling'er hasn't fully understood the "Talk of Heaven's Mysteries" yet, and he should be able to understand it when he returns, so he happened to pass the third-level Tianji master exam by the way. I promise not to release your pigeons, Grandpa, really."

"Really?" Continuing to be suspicious.

"Really!" Nodding sincerely.

"Okay, then Grandpa will trust you once." Tianji old man stroked his beard, "Girl, remember to go back to the sect as soon as possible."

"Yes, Grandpa Yin is ready to go, and Ling'er will see him off soon."

The old man Tianji disappeared instantly. Before Ren Ling could breathe a sigh of relief, the old man Tianji suddenly appeared again, "Girl, use the method in "Tianji Shenshuo" to calculate your luck on the return journey."

"Ah?" There were question marks in his eyes, but seeing the serious expression of the old man Tianji, Ren Ling could only concentrate, stretched out his fingers and closed his eyes to count, and after a while, he suddenly opened his pretty eyes, "Grandpa Yin, Ling'er counts on the way back. There is a bloodbath, but, isn’t it the saying that one cannot calculate one’s own fortune in the matter of reckoning?”

"No." The old man Tianji shook his head, "Those who can only see other people's fate but not their own are all incompetent magic sticks, the old man taught you the Tianji algorithm, and you will know how powerful it is in the future .Remember to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, go back to the sect to find grandpa as soon as possible."

The old man Tianji is Yin Shangchen, the most mysterious cultivator in Xuandao Sect.

Since Ren Ling unintentionally passed the first-level Tianji Master qualification level in the Tianji Master Examination Hall two years ago, his fate with the old man Tianji began.

The old man in the test master hall that day was Yin Shangchen himself after he changed his appearance. He gave Ren Ling a jade slip, and once said that as long as Ren Ling could understand the jade slip, he would be able to reach the qualification level of a second-level celestial master.

This matter was put on hold by Ren Ling for more than half a year, until one day when he was tidying up the library in Moyujian, he picked up the jade slips that had fallen in the corner of the wall. The technique of 'peeping into the sky'.

At a rough look, I thought it was the same way as the Celestial Eye technique I had learned, but after careful consideration, I found that this Peeping Sky Eye is not one or two levels higher than the Celestial Eye technique.Ren Ling, who was interested, spent two days studying it carefully, and the more he read it, the more interesting he found it.

The so-called peeping eye is the ability to see things that ordinary monks cannot see, such as the cultivation level of monks who are higher than themselves, the attributes of monks' spiritual roots, and so on.It is said that these celestial eye techniques can also glimpse a little bit, but the celestial eye technique needs to gather spiritual power in both eyes to perform it. Peeping into the sky is different. After comprehension, the eyes will naturally have the ability to peep and can be used at any time.The point is, what it can see is far more, deeper, and more thorough than the Celestial Eye.

In addition to practicing diligently, Ren Ling also spent some time practicing the sky-peeping eye from time to time. After a month or so, he had a thorough comprehension of the sky-peeping eye.

One day, she went to the Examination Hall to hand in the talismans she had made. When she inadvertently glanced at the Examination Hall of Tianji Master, she found that the dusty hall door was opened again for her. Who is the old man who is watching her to tell a fortune?
Thus, Ren Ling became a second-level celestial master in such a muddled way.

The reason is that the sky-peeping eye she practiced out of curiosity happened to be the content recorded in the Fang Yujian that she received as a gift after being admitted to the first-level celestial master.

The old man called himself the old man of Tianji, and he was the "Yin Shangchen" written on the highest level of the Tianji teacher's examination list.

The old man Tianji said that Ren Ling was the only one in the sect who could see the contents of the Jade Slip, but Ren Ling didn't believe it;
The old man Tianji said that there is no one in the sect who is more suitable to inherit his mantle except Ren Ling, Ren Ling shook his head;
The old man Tianji said that from the half-darkness and half-day Jiguo could see that the two of them were truly destined to be masters and apprentices, Ren Ling backed away with a smirk;

In the end, what did old man Tianji say? Ren Ling didn't hear clearly, all he knew was that before he ran away, another jade slip was stuffed in his hand without anyone noticing, and old man Tianji's lingering voice came from his ear, "This "" "Tianji Shenshuo" is your grandpa Yin's masterpiece in my early years, study hard, and grandpa will ask you to check and accept it later!"

Since then, I can no longer get rid of the old man Tianji who will suddenly appear anytime and anywhere, except when he is in the master's cave.

To be honest, despite being dubbed the Master of Tianji (this honor is probably only known to Ren Ling and the old man Tianji in the sect), Ren Ling still doesn't believe in Tianji's calculations.

Cultivators are pragmatic and stick to their beliefs. What they are determined to do is to go against the sky, and man will conquer the sky.What hexagram calculations and inferences are, in the eyes of cultivators, are impractical things. If you have the time to study when you can advance, it is more useful to practice honestly.

If it is estimated that I will be able to form the alchemy in ten years, should I start chatting with my legs up and eating melon seeds every day and wait for the alchemy to form automatically?Three-year-olds know this is foolish behavior.

With Ren Ling's indifferent, self-sufficient and strict self-discipline, how could he like to waste time on these cloudy things?

So, she threw the second piece of jade slip into the Moyu Stream again, and she did whatever she was supposed to do every day, except that when she heard the appearance of the old man Tianji, she would put oil on her feet and run away.

But did the old man of Tianji just avoid it if he wanted to?Even if it is Bai Feng's master, Ren Ling's 'possible' father, Fang Yu's patriarch, has to pay respects.

The reason why Ren Ling was able to escape seven times out of ten times was also because the old man Tianji knew that it would be difficult for this child to learn Tianji calculations, so he chased the child when he was excited, and only caught her when he was serious. Learn a few words.

Under the occasional harassment from the old man Tianji, Ren Ling still occasionally took out the jade slips that should have been dusty and read, and sometimes calmed down to study the rather complicated and profound calculation methods in it.

Almost two years have passed in such a flash, and Ren Ling's cultivation has advanced from the initial stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage of foundation establishment.

However, Fang Yu's patriarch has not left the closed door since she started, and her plan to recognize her father has never had a chance to be realized.

However, Ren Ling is not lonely at all. In Xuan Dao Sect, she found a sense of belonging that Yin Ling Sect could not give her.

There is a strict and powerful master, a Chu family who loves her like a daughter, Qin Lianyan who has relatives and sisters, and Yiyi who chats with her from time to time. Her life is fulfilling and full of joy. hapiness.

"Junior Sister Ren, have you finished patrolling the foot of the West Mountain?"

Ren Ling jumped off the cloud-walking handkerchief, smiled and nodded to Tuo Kang, the captain of the third team, who was on the way, "Brother Tuo, I have checked and everything is as usual. Are you going out to patrol now?"

Tuo Kang smiled and said, "Exactly, to replace Junior Sister He, she has been out for three hours."

"Okay," Ren Ling waved Tuo Kang farewell, "I'll go back to the camp first, brother, go slowly."

Ren Ling's task this time is to participate in the defense of the western barrier of the Danyue Mountains. The task lasts for one month, and what he has to do every day is to obey the captain's arrangement of four patrols.This task is very easy, half a month has passed in a blink of an eye, and it is almost time to return to the sect for handover.

Returning to the cave where he temporarily lived, Ren Ling took down the two sound-transmitting symbols hanging in front of the cave, and set up an isolation circle while crushing the sound-transmitting symbols.

"Sister! When will you come back?" One of the sound transmission symbols belonged to Chu Yi, and his voice was still so hearty, "Brother is out of customs! It's already the middle of the majestic alchemy period! Come back soon, my parents and I are waiting The whole family gathered together and slaughtered pigs and sheep to celebrate!"

Ren Ling smiled heartily after hearing this, and took out a sound transmission talisman, "Brother, congratulations to the middle stage of the advanced alchemy stage, and my younger sister will be back soon."

After ejecting the sound-transmitting talisman forcefully out of the cave, he pinched another sound-transmitting talisman curiously. After the white light passed, a light and pleasant voice floated in the cave, "Ling'er, after returning to the sect, hurry up and come to the teacher's cave."

"It's Master," Ren Ling unconsciously whirled the sound transmission talisman in his hand, "Master seldom sends me sound transmission talismans, is there something urgent?"

"Master, Ling'er will return in three days. After returning, I will go to Master's cave." After sending out the sound transmission talisman in a hurry, I realized that I didn't ask Master why the sound was transmitted to her. I'm afraid I won't explain it in detail in the sound transmission talisman, so I have to wait three days before I go back and ask.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Ren Ling handed over the task to a senior sister who came to report, jumped on the cloud pagoda and rushed towards the Zongmen.

At noon in the sun, Ren Ling had already stepped into the Zongmen's territory, and Ren Ling, who was in a small mood, suddenly felt a movement, and suddenly found a fast light galloping towards him!

 Chapter 3 to. Huhu
(End of this chapter)

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