Immortal Journey

Chapter 124 Bloody Disaster

Chapter 124 Bloody Disaster

That Xunguang was very cold, and its speed was almost unprecedented for Ren Ling. In a hurry, she closed the Tayun handkerchief to a size of one foot, and made Feng Xingbu cleverly avoid Xunguang to face the killing Li hit.

Before he breathed a sigh of relief, the Xunguang who had missed the shot suddenly stopped in the air, turned around and rushed towards Ren Ling with lightning speed!

Ren Ling frowned slightly, and used Fengxing Step to dodge again, but the Xunguang seemed to be spiritual, no matter how she dodged, she could quickly find her direction, and attacked again and again.

What the hell is it?

Although now she can do whatever she wants with Fengxingbu, but Xunguang seems to be getting faster after she dodges many times, spinning and chasing in the air like a whirlpool. At this speed, it may be impossible to continue dodging. not easy.

Ren Ling took out three Xuanbing needles and pinched them on his fingertips. With the right timing, he used force to shoot the Xuanbing needles towards the fast light when he passed by!

Just hearing the sound of 'clang', Xunguang and Xuanbing Needle confronted each other in the air, emitting several rays of light. After the Xuanbing Needle was hit, Ren Ling quickly took it back in his hand, and the Xunguang also appeared in a pause. Born in the shape of a four-cornered dart with a radius of one foot!Judging from the vigorous aura of the four-cornered dart, it turned out to be a first-class magic weapon!

And the four-cornered dart just paused for a while, and launched an offensive again in an instant, rushing straight at Ren Ling's face with sharp glare and violent murderous aura!
This time Ren Ling not only dodges, but after flying back a distance of nearly ten feet, he takes out the Xue Po Dual Knife, stares straight at the oncoming four-cornered dart, screams lightly, and uses both hands to slash the Xue Po Dual Knife head-on kill and go!

The Xue Po Sword is a magic weapon given by the real Hongye. It is stronger than the four-cornered dart. In addition, Ren Ling has been practicing diligently for the past two years. Whenever he has time, he will concentrate on comprehending Xue Po Sword .Even though it was just a cultivation base in the foundation building stage, and could only release about [-]% of the power of Xue Po's twin knives, but he had already gained the upper hand after fighting with the four-cornered darts in one round!
"Ren Ling! You bitch!"

Under the full force of Ren Ling, the Xue Po Dual Swords had already forced the four-cornered dart back every inch in half a cup of tea time. After he had enough energy left, Ren Ling finally saw the driver of the four-cornered dart appear angrily—it wasn't that But who is the murderous Ouyang Jiaojiao?

Speaking of Ouyang Jiaojiao, since Ren Ling was injured by her, he has never seen her again.

I just heard from Chu Yi that because of Bai Feng's anger at that time, Ouyang Jiaojiao didn't have the chance to worship Fang Yu's ancestor as a teacher. Later, because of the pressure from the two elders of the Chu family, the peak masters of all peaks were also unwilling to accept this. so that Ouyang Jiaojiao became the only one among the inner disciples who did not have a master and a mountain to belong to.

Chu Yi once jokingly said, if it wasn't for Ouyang Jiaojiao being from a famous family, and the sect didn't want to take the initiative to offend, they would have been expelled from the sect already.Even if she didn't voluntarily drive away, given her awkward position, she would have asked to leave before long.

The above is the information that Ren Ling knew, she never pleaded for Ouyang Jiaojiao, but just put the matter indifferently behind her.

From her point of view, the master and godfather and godmother took the blame for her, and she didn't want to magnify the hatred of hurting the meridians of the whole body.One is that it was a group arena at that time, even though she had admitted defeat many times and the opponent stalked and stalked her, it was really abominable, but if she won the group arena, she would have to bear the result; the other was that she had these powerful people in the sect backing her, to be honest, she also I felt quite ashamed; therefore, I gradually forgot about Ouyang Jiaojiao.

Unexpectedly, today we meet on a narrow road, I'm afraid it's not easy to think about it.

What Ren Ling didn't know was that Ouyang Jiaojiao was humiliated by Bai Feng that day, and later oppressed by the two elders of the Chu family and couldn't formally become a teacher. To her, who has been a girl of heaven since she was a child, these hatreds are so deep-rooted. A word can cover the past?
Knowing that her family's status made the sect unwilling to let her leave, she endured the humiliation and pleaded back and forth between the mountains, hoping that a master would accept her as a disciple.She won't go, she won't run away with her tail between her legs like a drowning dog, who is she?She is Ouyang Jiaojiao!Ouyang Jiaojiao who has never been deflated in this life!
Just one year after everyone almost forgot about her, she finally found a master who was willing to accept her——Chen Meigui.Chen Meigui is a female cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy in Shifeng, and Ouyang Jiaojiao is her first apprentice.

"Ren Ling! Either you die today! Or I die!"

Ouyang Jiaojiao put away the four-cornered dart, her eyes were red, and she glared at Ren Ling furiously. This pure face was almost never cut off in her nightmares, and it was difficult to swallow the injustice after tearing her apart countless times in her dreams. Qi!

Ren Ling frowned. The Ouyang Jiaojiao in front of her was the same as the Ouyang Jiaojiao in the group arena. Although her face and figure had not changed, her temperament was completely different.She used to be proud and conceited, but now the person in front of her is violent and dark.

"Ouyang Jiaojiao," she opened her lips indifferently. Ren Ling knew that her existence might have had a great impact on Ouyang Jiaojiao's life, but all of this was beyond her control. Ouyang was really responsible for the changes. Jiaojiao herself, "Maybe I am sorry for what happened back then, but I never thought it would make you like this."

"Sorry?" Ouyang Jiaojiao bit her lips so that blood was faintly visible, "I, Ouyang Jiaojiao, owed all of this to you! Do you think the word sorry can erase the crimes I have suffered? If it weren't for you, a bitch How could I wander among the peaks without finding a master to rely on?! It's all your fault! Today, you will die for me!"

As soon as Ouyang Jiaojiao's words fell, she stopped talking, and drove the four-cornered darts to kill Ren Ling again. At the same time, she sacrificed her best spirit whip, and the turbulent attack swept out. The violent murderous intent in those burning eyes can penetrate almost everything!
Ren Ling was ready when Ouyang Jiaojiao was gnashing her teeth and speaking, and the moment she launched an offensive, she also quickly shot out the Xue Po Dual Knife and Xuanbing Needle with all her strength, her condensed eyes did not dare to be careless.

Xue Po's double knives and the four-cornered dart collided again in the air. Under the strong control of Ouyang Jiaojiao, the four-cornered dart attacked more fiercely. crackling sound.Ren Ling's Xue Po saber technique is also not weak, the cold light on the saber body collided with the piercing cold light of the four-cornered dart, and a huge and violent air burst burst out, shaking in all directions.

And the Xuanbing Needle quickly formed a Xuanyan formation, and headed towards the spirit whip neatly and vigorously.

This was the first time that Ren Ling used the Xuan Yan Formation to confront the enemy. The Xuan Yan Formation and the Xuan Ice Formation looked very different on the surface.It is silent, as steady as a mountain, as sharp as a leopard, and it wraps the opponent within it silently, no matter how the spirit whip strikes and kills, it cannot escape the control of the Xuanbing Needle that follows it like a shadow.

The spirit whip is like a trapped beast, no matter how hard you whip and turn it, it is impossible to escape the suppression of the Xuanbing needle. Seeing this, Ouyang Jiaojiao became very angry, and sprayed a bunch of blood into the root of the spirit whip, and saw the blood on the whip instantly In a flash, it screamed violently like a dragon going out to sea, and slammed the tip of the whip at several Xuanbing needles.

However, the Xuanyan Formation has only just started, and its power has not yet been fully aroused. Even if this Spirit Whip is powerful, how can it win against the formation carefully designed by Bai Feng?

Ren Ling made a formula with both hands, and the light in her beautiful eyes flowed. She only heard a low shout, and the silent Xuanyan formation exuded a simple and melodious majestic aura. And pressing it to a corner, countless sharp lights shot out from the tip of the needle, completely melting away the murderous aura on the whip!
Ouyang Jiaojiao was shocked, she didn't expect Ren Ling's attack power to be so strong in just over two years!She had seen the Xuanbing Needle as early as in the group arena. It was indeed extraordinary, but it was absolutely impossible to have such irresistible power as it is today. In a second thought, she deduced that it must be the result of the guidance of a famous teacher, and the hatred in her heart was even greater. Continuously.

Quickly put away the spirit whip, Ouyang Jiaojiao stood up in the air, and made complicated hand gestures, and within a moment, a dark shadow shot out from her palm.

I don't know what that pitch-black shadow is, with a ghostly aura, everywhere there are layers of black waves, and in a blink of an eye, the Xuanbing needles are eroded and shrouded one by one.Ren Ling only felt a pain in his spiritual consciousness, and the spiritual consciousness wrapped around the Xuanbing needle seemed to be contracted by the attack of the black waves, and the Xuanyan formation also became sluggish.

It turned out to be another magic weapon!
Ren Ling's heart shuddered, he never thought that Ouyang Jiaojiao would use two magic weapons at the same time. It should be known that monks in the foundation building period can use magic weapons to exert at most [-]% to [-]% of their power, and they must pay a huge amount of spiritual power as the price.If you manipulate more than two magic weapons without authorization, you will be shocked by the magic weapons in addition to the attack and cause internal injuries.

The black shadow is more powerful than the four-cornered dart. Ren Ling knew that the Xuanbing Needle was hard to resist, but there was no treasure that could fight it for a while, so he smashed a talisman and threw it at the black shadow. The needle is retracted, intending to strike freely, not to face the attack for now.

The strike of the talisman was evenly matched with the pitch-black shadow, which just gave Ren Ling some time to re-arrange. After the attack of the talisman was recovered, Ren Ling drove the Xuanbing needle to step down the Xuanyan formation again.

But this time Xuanbingzhen did not take the initiative to attack as before, but walked around the edge following Ren Ling's fashion, waiting for the opportunity to move.

After Ren Ling modified his tactics, although he had the upper hand instead of a stable one, Ouyang Jiaojiao had exhausted his two magic weapons at the same time, and it was hard to say which side would win or lose when they faced each other.

"Master! Master!" Ren Ling dexterously dispatched Feng Xingbu, coped with the dark shadow chasing and killing with ease, and was thinking about how to break through the deadlock, when suddenly Mo Yu's urgent call came from his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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