Immortal Journey

Chapter 125 What Is Master Doing?

Chapter 125 What Is Master Doing?
Ren Ling had to concentrate all his energy on the fight, and could only deal with Mo Yu in his spiritual thoughts, "Mo Yu, what's the matter?"
"Xiao Hei wants to go out, master, it has a way to deal with that dark mass." Mo Yu spoke quickly and anxiously, knowing that it would be very dangerous for him to distract Ren Ling.
Xiao Hei?Demented beast?
Ren Ling frowned, remembering that Xiaobao also took the initiative to ask for Ying before devouring the sky fire, thinking that the intuition of the spirit beasts when they encountered natural enemies was very accurate, so he said, "Okay, Mo Yu, I will let Xiao Hei come out."
Xiao Hei was only the size of a palm, and after being released by Ren Ling, he rushed towards the black shadow with a whoosh, and only heard the sound of "Awow", Xiao Hei swallowed the black mist into his belly one mouthful !
As the pitch-black mist gradually decreased, the true appearance of the pitch-black shadow gradually appeared, and it turned out to be a pitch-black flying claw.
The flying claw is extremely strange, it can automatically release the pitch-black mist, and the erosive power of the pitch-black mist is so powerful that the Xuanbing needle cannot touch it at all.Now that Xiao Hei is swallowing the mist in big mouthfuls, the flying claws have become sluggish. Ouyang Jiaojiao saw that the magic weapon was damaged, and opened her eyes wide. The claws cut Xiao Hei's belly when he opened his mouth!
"Little black!"
Ren Ling was shocked, shouted loudly, turned around and rushed towards Xiao Hei, trying to rescue it from the flying claws.However, the distance between Flying Claw and Xiao Hei is very close, and it is a magic weapon in itself, its speed is hard to describe!
At the moment when Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled arrogantly and Ren Ling was startled, Xiao Hei opened his mouth wide and swallowed the flying claw together with the pitch-black mist!
"Who hurt my magic weapon!"
A shriek sounded, and the purple shadow came in a flash. The two people in the battle were shocked by the powerful coercion and nodded at the same time, only to hear Ouyang Jiaojiao shout in surprise, "Master!"
The beautiful purple shadow flew to Ouyang Jiaojiao's side, and stretched out its palm to grab Xiao Hei. Unexpectedly, Xiao Hei dodged from her palm extremely quickly, and flashed to Ren Ling's side in the blink of an eye. Send it into Mo Yujian, put away the Xue Po Dual Knife and Xuan Bing Needle, and calmly and tensely look at the purple-clothed woman who suddenly appeared.
The purple-clothed woman was about 27 or eight years old, and when she saw that she couldn't catch her, her face was full of anger, "You ignorant child, how dare you destroy my magic weapon? Look at the trick!"
The purple-clothed woman clearly didn't intend to give Ren Ling a chance to distinguish, and with a flick of her long sleeves, she shot Ren Ling several feet away with a terrifying murderous aura.
"Master, is she... dead?"
Ouyang Jiaojiao's heart trembled because of the viciousness of the monk's all-out attack at the alchemy stage, and the woman in purple gave her a sideways look, "It's worthless, what a big deal it is to die alone."
Ren Ling felt that her viscera seemed to be shifted, and the pain made her eyes glow with gold, and she couldn't breathe. If she wasn't wearing the purple golden cicada clothes bestowed by the ancestor of Hongye, this blow would have killed her !After a short period of dizziness, he reluctantly stood up on Tayun's fear, and what fell into his eyes was the unbelievably deep gaze of the woman in purple.
"It's a tough one."
The purple-clothed woman looked at Ren Ling coldly. She had used almost [-]% of her strength to hit her just now. It stands to reason that it would be no problem to crush a little foundation-builder monk. Although the girl in front of her was pale, she was obviously not seriously frustrated.
"Master, she must be carrying some kind of defense treasure! It must have been given by her master Bai Feng, otherwise with master's ability, how could this bitch be safe and sound?" Seeing that Ren Ling was intact, Ouyang Jiaojiao hurriedly fanned the flames.
Although she didn't know why the master had inexplicable hostility towards Ren Ling, but since getting along with her, she found that whenever Bai Feng or Ren Ling was mentioned, the master would always get angry easily.Now that there are few people, it is a good time to eliminate Ren Ling in one fell swoop to relieve the anger in his heart.
What Ouyang Jiaojiao didn't know was that the reason why Chen Meigui was willing to accept her as an apprentice was to take advantage of the hatred between her and Ren Ling to find an opportunity to get rid of Ren Ling's thorn in his heart.
It's not unusual for Chen Meigui to love Bai Feng. There are many female disciples in the sect who love Bai Feng. Even if she doesn't take action against Ren Ling, there must be many female disciples watching.
She doesn't mind being this ugly person herself, as long as she can remove the obstacles around Bai Feng, she thinks it's worth paying some price.
Of course, she is not stupid, and when the sect's other peaks dare not accept Ouyang Jiaojiao's limelight, she will naturally not show up.After the turmoil passed for a long time and everyone began to forget about it, she appeared and accepted this apprentice in a way of kindness, so today's play came about.
"Oh?" How could the purple-clothed woman not have thought of this, her cold red lips slanted upwards, "So what if she is pregnant with a treasure? If I, Chen Meigui, want her to die, she won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!"
"Senior," Ren Ling got up staggeringly, "Ren Ling asked himself that he had never offended senior, why did he want to kill them all?"
"Why?" The purple-clothed woman trembled with laughter, staring at Ren Ling's delicate face with hatred, "You, a little ant, are worthy of asking this question? Well, my aunt is in a good mood today and I will tell you how much you have hurt me." My disciple, why not let me kill you for my disciple? In addition, you stole my magic weapon, and the crime is even worse!"
"Senior misunderstood something," Ren Ling said, "Ren Ling has never harmed Ouyang Jiaojiao, should senior find out the facts before making a decision? As for the magic weapon, it is inevitable that it will be damaged during the battle. If Ouyang Jiaojiao does not ..."
"What? You mean that my aunt has wronged you!" The purple-clothed woman's eyes showed a fierce look, and her five fingers formed claws and grabbed Ren Ling's face. !"
Ren Ling didn't expect that this fellow master in the alchemy stage would be so crazy, he used Fengxing steps to dodge to the side in embarrassment, and at the same time asked Mo Yu in his mind, "Mo Yu, look at the black black that Xiao Hei just swallowed. Can Flying Claw spit it out?"
Chen Meigui saw that the grasp was unsuccessful, and she slapped several palms in succession. The palms were filled with black air, and the black air condensed into the shape of five fingers, and grabbed Ren Ling.
"Master, Xiao Hei said, said, said that flying claw," Mo Yu's faltering voice sounded, Ren Ling dodged left and right, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter! Mo Yu!"
Mo Yu was startled by Ren Ling's rarely angry tone, "Xiao Hei said that the flying claws were delicious, so I ate them all! It's gone!"
Gone?Ren Ling frowned, she didn't expect Xiao Hei to be able to eat all the magic weapons, and the two people in front of her clearly didn't intend to make her feel better, how could this be a good thing?
Distraction is a taboo in fighting people, let alone fighting monks who are much higher than yourself?Ren Ling was disturbed by the news of Flying Claw, although it only took half a moment, it was enough for Chen Meigui to put her to death!
Opening his eyes wide to see the inescapable and inescapable huge black claws covering his head, Ren Ling put his head in his hands and rolled to the side with the last sliver of escape instinct. He felt a burning pain on his face and ears. There was a hallucination.
Is it Master's voice?Before the question mark in my mind was over, I felt my body being hugged into a cold embrace, and the familiar elegant fragrance came out. Ren Ling raised her eyes in surprise, "Master!"
"Brother Bai!"
Chen Meigui took a few steps back when Bai Feng waved her hands casually, ignoring Ouyang Jiaojiao flying out, staring at Bai Feng with eyes full of water, "...Long time no see."
Bai Feng looked at Chen Meigui coldly, without any reminiscence, "Why did you hurt my apprentice?"
Chen Meigui's tenderness seemed to be quenched by ice water in an instant, and a trace of hatred flashed in Ren Ling's eyes, who glanced at Bai Feng's arms, and then quickly changed to warm affection when he looked back at Bai Feng, "Senior brother misunderstood No, Rose didn’t know that she was the apprentice of the senior brother. I saw that she had a dispute with my apprentice, so I just came to take a look.”
"Is this just for you to look at?" Bai Feng gritted his teeth, the trembling body of his disciple in his arms made him extremely uncomfortable, "Use the five poisonous palms on my beloved disciple?"
Chen Meigui's face turned pale and green after Bai Feng said that the Five Poison Palm is an advanced technique she practiced after forming alchemy, and it is not an exaggeration to use it to deal with monks in the alchemy stage, and now she is doing her best on the juniors It is really unreasonable to use it, "She, she destroyed my magic weapon, the Wujin Claw, so I can't blame me for being angry for a while!"
"Wu Jinclaw?" Bai Feng's voice became even colder, "Very well, the uncles in the sect can use weapons to hurt their nephews at will."
"She, she killed my apprentice Ouyang Jiaojiao first!" Chen Meigui was shocked by Bai Feng's powerful pressure, "Besides, Wu Jinclaw was also made by my apprentice. Their juniors fought, and our elders..."
"Shut up." Bai Feng was impatient and interrupted in a cold voice, "Chen Meigui, provide a magic weapon to Ouyang Jiaojiao, instructing her to fight my beloved apprentice first, and go to battle in person if she is worried that she won't be able to fight my beloved apprentice. Very good, since You treat me, Bai Feng, as nothing, so don't blame me, Bai Feng, for being rude to you! Get lost!"
With a flick of Bai Feng's finger, a circular arc of light flew out. The whole world seemed to be shaken by the huge light and shadow.
Ren Ling only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he landed on the master's flying magic weapon.
"Master...Father." She sat on the ground, opened her round eyes and watched Bai Feng, who was exuding a cold aura, gradually approaching, her voice trembling with nervousness, "On the way back, that-that Ouyang Jiaojiao suddenly appeared ... It's not a disciple who picks things up."
"I know it as a teacher." Bai Feng paused, fixed his eyes on Ren Ling, and took out a jade bottle from his bosom.
"Then, that magic weapon was eaten by the disciple's spirit beast..." Ren Ling thought that Bai Feng was angry, and quickly explained.
"very good."
Master's face, which was already unparalleled in the world, magnified inch by inch in front of him. Ren Ling felt his heart fluttered, and he didn't know why he felt this way, and he didn't know how to stop this indescribable and uncontrollable emotion. He closed his eyes abruptly and made a calm and righteous expression, "I, I, Master, you punish me!"
Ren Ling closed her eyes tightly. She could clearly see the act of master seriously injuring Chen Meigui just now with a flick of his hand. Although she didn't know why Master was so angry, she felt that at least Xiao Hei had eaten Chen Meigui's magic weapon. It's her fault, I just hope that Master will not punish her too hard, otherwise she will die an ugly death with her cultivation base.After waiting for a long time, there seemed to be no movement from the master. The long and narrow eyelashes were gently lifted, and before they opened a slit, they were suddenly so frightened by the strange feeling on his face that they dared not even take a breath.
Master, what is Master doing?
 Don't be entangled with Nanzhu Shenma for the time being... Everything is unknown, at least, even for the time being, Shower doesn't know which young master is our good match for Ren Ling.Let's go and see.Continue to ask for recommendations, pink, rewards, all kinds of requests~

(End of this chapter)

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