Immortal Journey

Chapter 126 Misunderstood Master??

Chapter 126 Misunderstood Master
Ren Ling closed his eyes nervously, the sense of touch on his face was much sharper than usual, he only felt a certain kind of warmth accompanied by coolness, slowly sliding across his cheeks, the warmth gently pressed and penetrated the coolness, and As for the original burning pain, it seemed to disappear.
Burning pain?As soon as this idea invaded his mind, Ren Ling suddenly opened his round eyes, "Master!"
Bai Feng put his hands away, watched with satisfaction that the bloodstain on his disciple's face gradually disappeared and closed, and said in a low voice, "A woman still pays attention to her face, don't hurt it so easily."
"Yes... yes." Ren Ling blinked, belatedly remembering that her cheek was scratched by the palm of the five poisonous palms. Just now, Master applied medicine for her, and she thought that Master was going to punish her.His face slowly turned red, and he looked at Bai Feng with big black eyes, "Master, how do you know that this apprentice is here?"
Bai Feng pursed her lips, remembering the gloating expression and words of old man Tianji, and didn't answer.
Ren Ling didn't find it strange either, since she spent more than two years with Master, most of the time she was the one who asked questions, and in her opinion, whether Master answered or not was a matter of mood.However, no matter whether the master is in a good mood or not, he never seems to be angry when he answers the questions, so she is happy to ask.
Asked, from the bottom of my heart, I was as close and natural to Bai Feng as a relative.
"Ah, that's right!" Ren Ling thought of Chu Yi's sound transmission talisman, "Master, brother, he has broken through to the middle of the alchemy stage, and he said he wants to entertain guests, shall we go there together?"
Bai Feng raised his eyebrows, his thin lips curled slightly, and a quick smile flashed in his eyes, "Okay."
Wufeng Chu Mansion.
Chu Yi, who was looking forward to it, couldn't help frowning when he saw Bai Feng, "Fengfeng, what are you doing here?"
Ever since Ren Ling worshiped Bai Feng as his teacher, Chu Yi unconsciously regarded Bai Feng as his number one rival for robbing his sister.
It's hard to retreat and advance, and naturally I want to be happy with my sister's parents. I didn't expect Bai Feng to appear so unreasonably at this time, with a mocking look in his eyes, and he was even more upset, "The Chu family has no guests today. , nothing please come back."
"Brother!" Ren Ling poked his head out from behind Bai Feng, "I invited Master to come with me."
"Ling'er!" Chu Yi hadn't seen Ren Ling for several months, his eyes lit up first, and when he saw the shallow scar on Ren Ling's face that hadn't healed, his expression changed, and he rushed to hold her, "Why are you hurt? Which bastard hurt her?" about you?!"
"Ah?" Ren Ling hurriedly covered his face, raised his eyes to see Chu Hong and Lan Lianhua coming, and hurriedly said, "Brother, I accidentally got it by myself, it's okay. Godfather, godmother, Ling'er greets you all." gone."
"Ling'er is good," Lan Lianhua helped Ren Ling up, her eyes were full of joy, "Come on, let mother see if she lost weight again this month? Huh? Linger, your face...?"
"Mother, why don't you take Ling'er in to get some medicine?" Chu Yi winked at Lan Lianhua, who nodded when she saw this, and pulled Ren Ling to the back room, muttering, "The girl's home is the most important thing." It's that face, how could you be so careless? Come in with your mother and apply the medicine."
Seeing Lan Lianhua and Ren Ling walking away, Chu Yicai asked Bai Feng seriously, "What's going on?"
Bai Feng stared and said softly, "Ouyang Jiaojiao."
"That woman is still hanging on?" Chu Yi frowned, and looked up at Chu Hong, "Father, we miscalculated that woman's patience."
"It's just, Fengfeng, logically speaking, Ling'er's cultivation wouldn't cause her to be injured like this by Ouyang Jiaojiao, could it be...?"
The Chu family knew the real reason why Ren Ling lost to Ouyang Jiaojiao back then. They also knew about Ren Ling's improvement and Bai Feng's careful training over the years. Impossible to really hurt her.
"Chen Meigui." Bai Feng spoke again, looking at Chu Yi with deep meaning.
Chu Yi nodded, "That's no wonder, Chen Meigui, very good."
Chu Hong patted his son, knowing that he was furious, "It won't happen again, son, just leave it to dad."
"No, dad, the boy will take care of it." Chu Yi shook his head, "By the way, Fengfeng, how's the situation these days?"
"It seems to be calm for the time being, but," Bai Feng paused for a moment, looked at Chu Hong and asked, "Uncle Chu, have you ever heard of the Chilan Star?"
"Chilanxing?" Chu Hong's eyes flashed sharply, "Feng'er, where did you hear about this?"
"Old Man Tianji," Bai Feng knew from Chu Hong's expression that he definitely knew a thing or two, so he no longer concealed it, "He said that Ling'er is Chilanxing."
"Chilanxing? Fengfeng, what kind of charades are you and dad playing? Is the old man Tianji looking for you?" Chu Yi didn't understand, so, "I haven't seen him for so long since I've been back, do you want me to ask him?"
"No need, dad knows something." Chu Hong sighed. Although the old man Tianji liked Chu Yi since he was a child, it was useless to ask what he shouldn't say. "Old man Tianji once calculated that only Chilanxing and Baizhuo Only by doing so can we save my Xuan Dao Sect from a catastrophe."
"This matter is a secret of the sect," Chu Hong patted Chu Yi and Bai Feng, "It's not time for a real discussion, you just need to know, don't worry too much for the time being. Ling'er will be fine, with us exist."
Ren Ling really didn't think that a small wound should cause everyone to pay too much attention. Looking at the various talisman treasures as high as a hill in front of him, apart from a wry smile, he couldn't squeeze out the cheerful smile that everyone expected.
"Godfather, godmother, too, too many... Ling'er can't use it."
You must know that talisman treasures are not like talisman talismans, you can easily make a lot of them by spending some time and effort, but to make part of the power of magic treasures into talisman treasures will consume a lot of spiritual power of the monk himself.To give a simple example, the disciples of the general cultivator family are those who are favored, and they only have three or five talisman treasures on them.And in front of him, there were at least dozens of talisman treasures!How much effort did it take to make it?How could Ren Ling dare to accept such a heavy gift?
She knew that the Chu family cherished her as if they were her own, and she also found the long-lost warmth here, but... this doesn't mean that she can accept the endless love with peace of mind, and she even has nothing to give in return.
"Not much, not much!" Lan Lianhua smiled and stuffed the talisman into Ren Ling's arms, "Ling'er, these talismans are just waiting to get moldy at home, so it's just right for you to be close to."
"I actually..."
Chu Yi chimed in, "Girl, put it away quickly. These talismans have been kept at home for decades, and if you don't need to remove them, they might be eaten by mice. In the future, if someone bullies you, no matter who she is, directly Throw it away! Brother will make it for you after throwing it away."
"Big brother..."
"There are also parents, it's easy to do a few things when you have nothing to do." Lan Lianhua saw Ren Ling's hesitation in her eyes, and naturally knew her thoughts, "These talismans were originally made by your elder brother during the foundation building period. I did it with your father. You said that it’s very majestic to throw it out in a battle, so you must bring more. As a result, guess what?”
"Oh?" Ren Ling was puzzled by Lan Lianhua's words. If Chu Yi really loves to use treasures so much, how could there be so many treasures left?Is it done but useless?Seeing the master coughing from the side, with a rare faint smile on his face, he turned his mind and said with a smile, "Could it be that you were laughed at by the master?"
"Haha, I knew Ling'er was smart!" Chu Hong laughed loudly, "Yi'er used to take these talismans to show off to Boy Bai, but in the end he ran back in disgrace and said that he would never use these embarrassing things. "
"Hey, dad, I don't want you to expose the old man like this," Chu Yi blushed when everyone laughed, "Ling'er, put it away quickly, you can see that the big brother's face is almost gone."
"Put it away," Bai Feng said, "It's up to you whether you need it or not."
Ren Ling saw that everyone insisted, so he could only nod, "Thank you, father and mother, brother, master, Ling'er will take care of it."
Early the next morning, Ren Ling went to the Tianji Master Examination Hall.
Old man Tianji saw her coming as scheduled, grinning from ear to ear, enthusiastically dragged her to the back room, and put a round and flat piece of wood in front of her like offering a treasure, "Girl, take a look at what this is!" !"
The round and flat piece of wood in front of me doesn't look strange, as if a section of a tree was sawed off from it. Judging from the newness of the wood, it seems to be old.Ren Ling watched silently for a while, then raised his head and glanced at the mysterious old man Tianji, knowing that he would definitely not just take a piece of wood as a treasure, so he moved his eyes to the wood again, and looked at it calmly.
" an ancient tree of ten thousand years, but," although there are not many ancient trees of ten thousand years, it is not uncommon to see. Ren Ling looked at it for a while, but still couldn't see the mystery, so he had to say, "Grandpa Yin, Ling'er really can't see...huh?"
Only halfway through the words, Ren Ling stopped suddenly, staring at the log with doubts in his eyes, this log seemed to be really different.The annual rings inside the log body were actually changing at an extremely slow, extremely slow speed. If Ren Ling hadn't looked at it carefully for a long time, it would be impossible to distinguish the subtle differences.
Annual rings that change?Could it be...!The black and white eyes were wide open, and Ren Ling blurted out, "Grandpa Yin, this can't be the god of peeping the sky, right?!"
"Haha, it's the Peeping Sky Tree!"
The old man Tianji introduced happily, "This piece of sacred tree is not easy to come by, the only one in the world is Grandpa, who can see it, Ling girl, you are the second person in the world!"
Ren Ling stared curiously at the Godly Wood, as far as she knew, the Godly Wood was conceived by the aura of heaven and earth, able to see the secrets of the sky, counting ancient and modern times, determining success or failure, it can almost be regarded as a thing in the upper world.So what the old man Tianji said is not an exaggeration, Ren Ling is really lucky to be able to meet him.
"Grandpa Yin, have you ever used this Godly Peeping Tree? Is it really so magical?"
The old man Tianji stroked his beard and chuckled, "Except for grandpa, I am afraid that no one in the world would use this tree to peek into the sky! Even grandpa can at most get a glimpse of it. It is difficult to penetrate."
"Girl," seeing Ren Ling's rare respectful expression, the old man Tianji became more and more happy, "Come and try, and see if you can get a glimpse of the major events that will happen in the Xuandao Sect within ten years from this tree of peeking into the sky?"

(End of this chapter)

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