Chapter 127
The old man Tianji bowed his ten fingers slightly, ten five-colored glare shot out from his fingertips, enveloping the Heaven Peeping Tree, "Girl Ling, go up quickly and see how much you can see with the Sky Peeping Eyes."
Ren Ling nodded, clenched his fist nervously, took a step forward, took a breath slowly, and fixed his eyes on the Sky Peeping Tree.
Triggered by the spiritual power of the old man Tianji, the growth rings in the God of Peeping Tree seemed to have life and began to rotate and change. Ren Ling felt that the countless growth rings formed a black and huge vortex. Go in!
I feel as if I have walked into an endless dark forest, with eerie chirping of birds and beasts in my ears, the road under my feet is deep and shallow, and I can hear the crunching and breaking of branches every time I step on it.Because the light was too dark, she could only see the shadows of trees in front of her, and the swishing cold wind was blowing from all directions, and the rustling sound among the leaves sounded particularly haunting, as if there were many monsters and beasts ambushing nearby Ready to pounce on her and devour her at any moment!
Looking up, the sky is not visible, the layers of dark clouds are so thick that they seem to have no end, and the black air is lingering in the dark clouds, and the black air spreads at an extremely fast speed, so that the light is getting darker and darker, so dark that it is almost difficult to see.
Ren Ling felt that she was the only one left in the whole world, her whole body was icy cold, that kind of panic seized her heart like a devil, constantly oppressing and tearing her, trying to destroy her completely!
Do not!Not knowing whether it was a scream from her mouth or her soul, she ran forward like crazy, chasing the last ray of light that was about to be swept away by the black air!
There is no day and night, no morning and evening, she knows no pain, runs without fear, the branches scrape her feet bloody, and the flying sand and stones make her clothes shattered, she is completely unaware of these, only knows that the only My belief is to chase the last ray of light!
"Ah!" There was another violent throbbing pain in the spiritual consciousness. When Ren Ling woke up, he found himself sitting on the ground, looking up at old man Tianji's concerned eyes, "Grandpa Yin, I..."
The old man Tianji smiled reassuringly, "Girl Ling, Grandpa saw that you had fallen too deep, so he forced you out, so please adjust your breath first."
"……it is good."
Ren Ling found that his face was covered with sweat, not only that, his back was also drenched, his palms were still trembling uncontrollably, the scene just now was as real as it had happened.She sat cross-legged and adjusted her breathing until after a cup of tea, her violent heartbeat calmed down slightly.
"Grandpa, is what I saw real?"
"Tell grandpa first, what did you see?"
The old man Tianji sat cross-legged opposite Ren Ling, looking at her lovingly.
Ren Ling swallowed, frowned, and counted what he saw and felt one by one, "Grandpa Yin, you said before that you would let Ling'er see 'what major events will happen in the Xuan Dao Sect within ten years', could it be that the scene that is……?"
Impossible, she shook her head unconsciously, she couldn't imagine Xuandaozong would encounter such an accident.
"Maybe, or maybe not." The old man Tianji smiled gently, "Girl, this matter must be kept secret, do you know?"
"Grandpa Yin, Ling'er will know."
"Judging from the results of your peep just now," the old man Tianji returned to his original urchin and said with a smile, "he has been promoted to the third level of Tianji master."
"I want to come to the "Tianji Shenshuo" that grandpa gave you, you have already comprehended it thoroughly," the old man Tianji was in a good mood. You must know that Tianji masters are extremely difficult to find in today's cultivation world, and Ren Ling has a high understanding of Tianji. , completely beyond his expectations. "Next, Grandpa has a request for you."
Although it was not her subjective wish for Tianji Master to go up one level at a time, Ren Ling had an indescribable sense of responsibility in her heart from the calculation to the bloody disaster and what she saw in the Heavenly God Tree just now.
In the past two years, whenever the old man Tianji chased her to let her study hard, she would hide as much as she could, but just now when she looked at Grandpa Yin who looked serious, she suddenly felt that she seemed too selfish.Not to mention whether it is really that difficult to become a master of celestial secrets, just because of Grandpa Yin's care for him these years, maybe he should change his attitude towards this matter.Even if I don't have much interest in it, it doesn't take too much time and energy. Most importantly, I have a wonderful feeling in my heart that the knowledge of heavenly secrets seems to be of great use in the future.
This intuition is quite similar to the premonition when encountering a crisis. Ren Ling thought for a moment, raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, "Grandpa, please tell me."
Seeing the change in Ren Ling's expression, the old man Tianji smiled happily, "Girl, from today onwards, you need to study with grandpa for three days a month, can you do it?"
Ren Ling raised his eyebrows. The old man Tianji usually gave her jade slips for her to learn by herself, "Grandpa, why is this?"
"What I showed you before, Ling girl, was just the introductory learning of Tianji masters. To really learn the theory of Tianji, it takes a lot of thought and energy. If it takes ten and a half months like before to see some, for At your current level, it is far from enough."
Ren Ling's face was slightly embarrassed. It turned out that Grandpa Yin knew his situation well. Thinking about the decision he had just made, he nodded sincerely and said, "Grandpa, Ling'er promised to take three days a month to seriously study the science of secrets. Grandpa will not hesitate to teach you."
"Haha, good!" the old man Tianji smiled, "every first day to third day, girl come here, grandpa will teach you personally."
After Ren Ling left the Tianji Master's Examination Hall, he went to the Fulu Master's Examination Hall, and handed in the three-month talismans at one time before turning around and leaving.
As soon as they walked out of the gate of the test teacher's hall, they saw Qin Lianyan and Yiyi holding down the flying spirit weapon, and waved to her with a smile, "Ling'er, you can find us easily!"
After more than two years of getting along, the three of them have become good friends who talk about everything, and try to get together at least once a month.
"Liangyan, Yiyi," Ren Ling greeted her with a smile, "Liangyan, have you completed this month's mission? It seems that you came back early?"
"I, Qin Lianyan, can catch you easily!" Qin Lianyan smiled brightly and charmingly, "I came back two days ago, I didn't find you when I went to your cave, and then I stayed in Yiyi for one night."
"It's a good thing I found you," Yiyi showed her cute rabbit teeth, "Or I'll miss the treasure hunt in Qibaoshan!"
"Treasure hunting in Qibao Mountain?" Ren Ling was surprised, "What's going on?"
"Ling'er, haven't you heard of it?" Qin Lianyan pulled Ren Ling and Yiyi onto her flying spirit weapon neatly, and said while driving Feikong, "The five-year treasure hunt in Qibao Mountain starts today. For seven days."
Ren Ling shook her head. The only disciples of the same level she met and got close to after entering the sect were Qin Lianyan and Yiyi. Almost all the information was heard from them. If they hadn't said anything, she naturally wouldn't know, "Here What do I say?"
"Okay," Yiyi sat down cross-legged, calling everyone to sit down, "Let's talk as we walk."
"It is rumored that there will be [-] colorful ginseng fruits from the upper world every five years in Qibao Mountain." Yiyi came to the sect earlier than the two of them, and knows the legend of Qibao Mountain very well, "so every five years the sect will organize disciples to go to the sect. Once in Qibao Mountain, each will see if he can meet the colorful ginseng fruit according to his fate."
"The colorful ginseng fruit that landed in the upper realm?" Ren Ling felt that it was very novel, "Real or fake? But like the legend, eating ginseng fruit can make you live forever?"
Yiyi chuckled when she heard the words, "Ling'er, I asked this question before, but it disappointed us. The ginseng fruit cannot achieve immortality. Otherwise, how could it be our disciples' turn to try our luck? The able man took it away."
"Of course," Qin Lianyan nodded in agreement, "Yiyi, tell Ling'er the function of the colorful ginseng fruit."
"Actually, no one can explain exactly what the colorful ginseng fruit does." Yiyi squinted her eyes, "Some people say that after eating it, they can break through to a higher level. Indeed, there were disciples who lingered at a certain stage for decades and were unable to break through. , After eating the ginseng fruit, you will be promoted smoothly. This is one of them, and some people say that the seven-color ginseng fruit is a lucky fruit, and some disciples have fulfilled their wishes for many years after getting it."
"I've also heard that someone who got ginseng fruit directly advanced from the early stage of foundation establishment to the late stage of foundation establishment," Qin said with a smile, "however, I think it seems like an exaggeration."
Ren Ling nodded, "It's more reliable to upgrade the cultivation level steadily. It sounds like there is no real explanation for the use of the colorful ginseng fruit. Are you going to hunt for treasure?"
"Let's go together?" Yiyi tugged on La Renling's sleeve, "Ling'er, I have been in the early stage of foundation establishment for a long time, and recently I want to retreat and make a breakthrough. If I can get colorful ginseng fruit, I feel more hopeful."
"Go, go," Qin Lianyan also joined the lobbying team, "I also want to find one for Mo Zhantian, he is about to advance."
Ren Ling looked at his friend's earnest gaze, so he touched his nose and smiled, "Since the two young girls warmly invite you, I, Ren Ling, have no choice but to risk my life to accompany the gentleman. When will the treasure hunt start?"
"It's too late to go now."
"So fast?"
"Yes," Qin Lianyan laughed, "so it's better to come early than coincidentally. I told Yiyi that if you can't find you in the test teacher hall, we have to go by ourselves. Because there is still an hour to go." The Qibaoshan formation will be closed, and even if you want to go in, you won’t be able to go in.”
"There is a restriction on Qibao Mountain," Yiyi took Ren Ling and Qin Lianyan's hands, and explained in a soft voice, "The spiritual power of all monks will be sealed after they go up the mountain, that is to say, whether they are disciples in the Qi training period or the foundation building period. , There is no difference in cultivation level after going up the mountain. Corresponding talismans will be issued in the sect, and you can leave the mountain at any time as long as you break it. Qibao Mountain is opened every five years for seven days. All disciples will be sent out after the expiration, so No need to worry about safety."

 Thank you SU LING, the cat who likes to steal food, Tingting98, Sanwuxiaofan, Chen Xi, everyone, for the rewards~~ The end of the month is coming soon, continue to ask for all kinds of support~~~

(End of this chapter)

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