Immortal Journey

Chapter 128 When luck strikes, you can't stop it!

Chapter 128 When luck strikes, you can't stop it!

From the outside, Qibao Mountain is just a big mountain, and there is nothing special about it.
When Ren Ling and the others arrived at the bottom of the mountain, except for two alchemy stage monks who were about to pack up and leave, there were no disciples in the Qi training stage and foundation building stage who signed up to enter the mountain.
Although it is said that disciples of any cultivation level can enter Qibao Mountain to hunt for treasures, but basically only disciples below the alchemy stage will participate. The mountain spirit talisman went up the mountain on foot.
"Basically, I can't use my spiritual power," Qin Lianyan said, shaking his arms and kicking his legs, "I'm really not used to this feeling, and my body is much heavier."
"Yes," Yiyi also participated in the Qibaoshan treasure hunt for the first time. She jumped around for a while, frowning, "God, I can't jump two feet! I will die if I meet a monster or something." Already!"
Ren Ling looked at the two sisters with a smile and complained that their bodies would only become lighter and lighter since they cultivated, and it is really hard to get used to such a reverse change for a while, "Master Shoushan said just now, all the monsters in Qibao Mountain The beasts have been cleaned up, so there is no need to worry. It's just that our physical condition is no different from that of ordinary people, so it must be more difficult to hunt for treasure in this mountain."
"It's okay, it's okay!" Qin Lianyan snorted carelessly, "Look at my skills!" After she finished speaking, she rushed towards a giant tree hugged by two people, stepping on the trunk nimbly with both feet Leaped up a circle, then turned back and landed firmly on the ground, raising bright and beautiful eyes, "How? Not bad!"
"Wow! Wow!" Yiyi shouted in amazement, grabbed Qin Lianyan and stared round, "Lianyan, how did you do it? Could it be that your spiritual power can be used?"
Qin Lianyan raised her chin, with a cute look of pride in her eyes, "If anyone in this mountain dares to bully us, let me repair them!"
"Liangyan, your mundane kung fu is really well practiced," Ren Ling smiled. Qin Lianyan's hand just now is called lightness kung fu in the mundane world. In fact, the traceless footwork she practiced during the Qi training period is also a fusion of the mundane world The ingenious footwork designed by Qinggong.Even without the support of spiritual power, Ren Ling can still display the three successes of Wuzong Footwork, "Yiyi, this is lightness kung fu, which can be performed even if there is no spiritual power in the mortal world."
"Ling'er is still sharp-eyed," Qin Lianyan smiled cheerfully, "I have been caught by my mother since I was a child to practice some simple mundane skills such as horse riding and light work, so my skills are still passable."
"That's great!" Yiyi smiled, "This way we will have nothing to worry about! Be sure to get three colorful ginseng fruits, and then sacrifice them gorgeously at the lighting ceremony!"
"Lighting ceremony?" Qin Lianyan and Ren Ling said in unison, "Yiyi, what is that?"
"Didn't I tell you?" Yiyi covered her mouth belatedly. Basically, she knew the most about treasure hunting in Qibaoshan. Qin Lianyan had heard about it before, and the details were all from Yiyi. heard.Not to mention Ren Ling, if she hadn't met them in the test hall today, she probably wouldn't have known the end of the matter, "The treasure hunt in Qibao Mountain will last for seven days, and at the end of the night, there will be a very lively lighting ceremony."
Seeing that Ren Ling and the other two were still staring at her with big question marks, Yiyi burst out laughing, "We talked as we walked, we need to find a place to stay before dark."
The lighting ceremony is a grand event held every five years after the treasure hunt in Qibao Mountain. In terms of its reputation and power, it can be regarded as one of the most grand events of the Xuandao Sect.
"The lighting ceremony is the night after the treasure hunt." Yiyi tilted her head and walked step by step. "No, it should be said that it was the early morning of the next day, and it officially started at midnight."
"From the first peak of the Xuandao to the ten peaks of the Xuandao, the sky lanterns will be lit in order at the top of each peak." As if the scene was in front of her eyes, Yiyi's eyes shone brightly, "After the sky lantern is launched from the first peak, it will be connected to the second peak , Lighting up one by one like this, it is really dazzling. When the daylight is connected to the five peaks, it will form a five-pointed star shape, which is ten or a hundred times more beautiful than the stars in the sky."
"What about those after the six peaks?"
"After Wufeng lights up the sky lantern," Yiyi smiled sweetly, "Six summits launch sky lanterns to connect Qifeng, and this is another cycle, forming another big and bright star around the periphery! It can illuminate the entire sky, Even Danyue Town can see it clearly!"
"Of course," Yiyi sticks out her tongue contentedly, "Do you know? The finale is at the end..."
Qin Lianyan urged, "Yiyi, hurry up, what's the finale?"
"When all the sky lanterns from the first to the tenth peaks are lit, the soaring divine flame will be ignited on the most central Shengxiantai. That is the most beautiful. It is like a blooming flower, spreading across the sky. Open it, and illuminate the entire Xuan Dao Sect brilliantly."
"If you can successfully get the colorful ginseng fruit, you can participate in the final lighting ceremony at Shengxiantai," Yiyi held Ren Ling and said with a mysterious smile, "Ling'er, you must not know who will light the lanterns at Shengxiantai this year who is it."
"Who?" Ren Lingyu was curious.
"You—Master!" Yiyi blinked, "It's Sanfeng's turn to light the lamps at Shengxiantai this year, and it must be Master Fang Yu's chief disciple Bai Feng who participated in the lighting ceremony, so let's hurry to get the colorful ginseng fruit , Linger, you can also give your master a surprise!"
Ren Ling pulled his braids. In the two years since he got along with Master, he has never seen an expression called surprise, even if he laughed heartily. just laugh.
Throwing his thoughts aside, Ren Ling took the hands of the two of them, "We are already too far behind others, and the business is to go up the mountain as soon as possible."
It was almost evening when the three of them entered the mountain, and with the loss of spiritual power, it was not easy to climb the mountain road like ordinary people. It was not until dark that they found a dry cave to live in, and woke up early the next morning. keep going.
This Qibao Mountain seemed ordinary, but all kinds of vines grew wildly on the mountain, and obstacles had to be cut down to move forward during the climbing process. However, in just one day, the three of them were exhausted and out of breath.
"It seems that my old lady was justified in forcing me to practice life and death." After finally finding a big rock, Qin Lianyan sat down and wiped the sweat from her forehead indiscriminately. After passing this mountain, I am as tired as an old dog now, and I still can't see where the mountainside is far away."
"You, both of you look fine," Yiyi put her hands on her knees, and slumped to the side, "I feel like my legs are going to break off, and they don't listen to my orders at all!"
"Are you okay?" Ren Ling was also tired, but not as embarrassed as the two of them, "Yiyi, take a rest quickly, rubbing your legs should feel better."
"Yiyi, come and sit by the rock." Qin Lianyan moved her buttocks, "Don't just lean on the bushes, be careful of being stabbed by vine thorns."
"No, it's okay..." Yiyi shook her head, she can't use any strength now, even if it's a hedgehog nest, she's lucky to be able to lie down, "I'll take a breath first."
Ren Ling walked over with concern, pulled away the vines around Yiyi and threw them aside, "Yiyi, there is a vine under you, why don't you pull it away and rest?"
"Tree vines? Is there?" Yiyi's five senses are now dull, her body is sore and painful, and she is still slightly numb. Lie down!"
"Huh?" Qin Lianyan, who was resting on the rock, suddenly bounced up, "Yiyi, what's under you? It seems to be glowing?"
"What will shine?" Yiyi lazily didn't even raise her eyebrows, "Liangyan, I'll just sleep for a cup of tea, and wake me up when the time comes."
"Don't sleep, don't sleep," Qin Lianyan rubbed her eyes, stood up and pulled Ren Ling beside her, "Ling'er, look, is there light?"
Ren Ling nodded, "It seems to be true."
"Could it be some treasure?" The two of them worked together to pull up Yiyi, who was as soft as a shrimp, "Yiyi, see for yourself!"
Yiyi frowned and pouted half-sat up, turned around and looked at the place where she had been lying, and suddenly her body shook, "Let go of me."
"This, this is the colorful ginseng fruit!"
I saw Yiyi buried her head in digging behind her back, holding up a palm-sized doll-like fruit with both hands in surprise. The fruit was blooming with colorful streamers, instantly illuminating the entire small forest.
"So beautiful!"
Qin Lianyan admired, knelt down and looked at the baby-like fruit, "Why, why did it come across so easily? I thought it would take thirty or fifty rounds of fighting or torture to the death. Got it!"
Yiyi treasured the colorful ginseng fruit into her arms, but the colorful brilliance still dazzled the entire forest, "Liangyan, Linger, it is said that where and how the colorful ginseng fruit will appear is not fixed. Some disciples may You can meet them by chance as soon as you enter the mountain, even if you are like me, but some disciples can only snatch them after fighting for their heads."
"Yiyi," Ren Ling frowned and looked at Yiyi, who had become gorgeous under the light of the colorful ginseng fruit, "You are so dangerous, what if other disciples follow the light to come and snatch it? Or, you still Come down the mountain quickly?"
Yiyi nodded, "Linger is right, Lianyan, Linger, Yiyi is not unjust, but if Yiyi continues to follow you, the ginseng fruit on her body may bring disaster to the three of us. I have to go back first, I hope you The two can get the ginseng fruit as soon as possible, and we will go up to Sendai together!"
"it is good!"
Both Qin Lianyan and Ren Ling are straightforward, and they didn't feel that something was wrong because of Yiyi's reality, but thought it was the most correct way to do so, "Yiyi, hurry up, don't attract the attention of others. "
Yiyi broke the magic talisman and left Qibao Mountain in the blink of an eye.
Ren Ling and Qin Lianyan didn't dare to stay where they were, so they changed directions and continued on for nearly an hour. Seeing that there was no movement around them, they decided to find a place to rest.
"Ling'er, there seems to be a cave ahead."
Qin Lianyan trotted forward a few steps, leaned over and looked, "Ling'er, hurry up, this cave looks good, it's good for resting!"
"Okay, Lianyan, you wait for me."
Ren Ling followed up with a smile, the smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly stopped and exclaimed, "Liangyan! Be careful! It's dangerous!"

(End of this chapter)

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