Chapter 129

Suddenly seeing Qin Lianyan disappear out of nowhere not far in front of her eyes, that feeling was like a nightmare gripping Ren Ling's heart. Back then, Meng Feifei was devoured by the black swamp without warning, and she was still extremely sad every time she thought of Ren Ling.She was no more than seven or eight meters behind Qin Lianyan, but now she had no spiritual power, and in a panic, she even forgot to use the invisible footwork, and just ran forward frantically like this.

Arriving at the place where Lianyan disappeared, she found it was a deep black hole. Ren Ling gritted her teeth and jumped down, shouting, "Lianyan..."

Unexpectedly, before the voice fell, his mouth was covered by a soft and warm hand. Ren Ling raised his eyes, and only when he saw those familiar eyes that were shining like fire did he feel his hanging heart drop to the ground.

Seeing Ren Ling's eyes beckoning, Qin Lianyan moved her hand away and whispered in her ear, "There is a situation ahead, shh..."

Ren Ling understood, nodded at her, and began to observe the cave where they were.

They are now at the corner of the entrance of the cave, just able to cover their bodies, carefully looking around the corner, the two of them startled at the same time, "Seven-colored ginseng fruit?"

In front of it is a long corridor, with colorful glare emitting from a distance, which is no different from the light from the colorful ginseng fruit that Yiyi got.

And the faint sound of fighting made the two of them instantly understand that there might be some disciples fighting over the ginseng fruit.

"Go and see?" Qin Lianyan was ready to move, pulling Ren Ling forward.

Ren Ling frowned, and said in a low voice, "Liangyan, one more thing is worse than one less thing."

"Don't be afraid," Qin Lianyan turned around and replied, "Now everyone has no spiritual power, and they can't detect our existence even if they get close. Go and see what's going on before leaving? Maybe there are a lot of ginseng fruits?"

"Let's be careful."

The two moved forward slowly with light footsteps, and stopped at the same time when they were about ten meters away from the fighting place, "It's him!"

At the spot where the seven-color ginseng fruit's precious light was at its peak, two figures were wrestling and wrestling. One of them was Diao Qing, the eagle-nosed old man who had fought twice with Ren Ling in the inner disciple selection competition.The other was a middle-aged woman, and because they couldn't use their spiritual power, they fought like a fight among mortals, punching and kicking, back and forth, thumping each other in the mud and making their heads look ashamed.

"Shall we go back the same way?" Ren Ling had no intention of snatching other people's colorful ginseng fruit, nor was he interested in watching such a fight.

Qin Lianyan did the same, so she nodded, and the two were ready to leave.

After walking less than a few meters, there was an exclamation from behind, and then it was completely silent.

"Wait a minute, two."

Diao Qing's voice came from behind, the two looked at each other and turned around quickly.

Ren Ling cupped his hands, "Brother Diao."

Diao Qing nodded, looking at Ren Ling with complicated eyes, "Are you going to grab this colorful ginseng fruit?"

Qin Lianyan rolled her eyes, she didn't like anyone who hurt Ren Ling, even if it was in the group arena, "I want to grab it early, and still chatting with you here?"

Diao Qing was so robbed of his words, his old face felt a little upset, and he coughed a few times, "In that case, I will leave."

"Walk slowly without sending."

Diao Qing took out the Lishan magic talisman, and just as he was about to break it, he said again, "There are five forks in it, from left to right. The three forks came out, and as soon as I saw me, I couldn’t help but snatch the ginseng fruit. The remaining three forks have not been crossed by anyone, so you might as well try it. The cave that exits from the fork is dangerous in the northwest direction, so it is recommended to go in the southeast direction .”

After Diao Qing finished speaking, she saw that Ren Ling's expression was flat and unable to tell what he was thinking, but Qin Lianyan's expression was suspicious, and he couldn't help feeling annoyed, and snorted heavily, "The old man is not a person who talks nonsense, believe it or not. !"

Diao Qing pinched the talisman and disappeared out of thin air, Ren Ling looked at Qin Lianyan, "You don't believe what he said?"

Qin Lian shrugged, "No, although the old man is annoying, he is obviously a person with high self-esteem. This kind of person doesn't bother to tell lies, so I believe it."

"Then why do you have that expression?" Ren Ling couldn't help laughing when thinking of Qin Lianyan's appearance just now, "He was so angry that his beard trembled."

"I did it on purpose, haha," Qin Lianyan stuck out her tongue, "just to annoy him."

The two laughed for a while, "What about now, go to the three forks?"

"it is good."

The two turned around and walked back, went to the fighting place and helped the seriously injured senior sister pinch the magic talisman to leave. Then they got into the side road and walked around without finding anything in particular, so they left through the cave at the exit.

Walking up the mountain road in the southeast direction, it has become a habit to chop thorns and thorns all the way, but I don't think it is too tiring.

I met some disciples from the same sect along the way, and they all passed by in a hurry, but I saw the colorful glare flashing from a distance, knowing that another disciple got the colorful ginseng fruit, the two of them got nothing but envy.

"Hey! It's already the fourth day!" Qin Lianyan kicked a stone away in front of him, listlessly, "Why can't I see the colorful ginseng fruit?"

"It's still a matter of luck," Ren Ling smiled lightly, she didn't have much obsession with the colorful ginseng fruit, her original intention was to accompany her sisters for a stroll, "Isn't that what Yiyi is?"

"Envy, envy!" Qin Lianyan sighed, "I still hope to take one back to that guy Mo Zhantian."

"Lianyan, without the colorful ginseng fruit, it is not difficult for Mo Zhantian to advance to the next level," Ren Ling patted Qin Lianyan. She has been persistently chasing Mo Zhantian all these years, and her persistence is touching, "Besides, There are still three days left, maybe we will meet colorful ginseng fruit in a while."

"It would be great if that's the case," Qin Lianyan casually picked up a handful of small stones, squinted her eyes and flicked the small fruit on the tree in front of her, "Ling'er, that guy won't turn a blind eye to me now. Actually, I'm looking for The colorful ginseng fruit is not only thinking of helping him advance, the most important thing is, doesn't the colorful ginseng fruit have the saying of fulfilling his wish?"

Seeing Ren Ling nodding, Qin Lianyan blushed slightly, but said calmly, "I hope he can always remember me forever. If he gets the colorful ginseng fruit, that's my wish."

"I will definitely get it."

Ren Ling smiled encouragingly, "Lianyan, you will definitely get what you want."

"I hope so!" Qin Lianyan knocked down a few fruits from the tree in front of him, "Ling'er, how did you say that the colorful ginseng fruit came from? It seems that it was buried in the soil for a while, and the fruit was buried for a while. Hanging in the cave, or along the side of the stream, there seems to be some hanging in the air, why is it so irregular?"

Ren Ling shook her head, she was also puzzled by this point.

"It would be great if it was hung on a tree!" Qin Lianyan threw the small stone in her palm, "I'll knock it down with a stone! Nuo, look, it's like the gourd on the tree in front, watch me shake it Hit it!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Lianyan applied force with her fingertips, and three small stones suddenly shot out, breaking a shriveled gourd root on a tree not far away.

The gourd is strange. When it falls down, it automatically peels off its skin, gradually revealing colorful glare, "Colorful ginseng fruit!"

The two exclaimed at the same time, Qin Lian flew over with a flying body, reached out and took the colorful ginseng fruit that was about to fall to the ground, blushing with excitement, "Ling'er! Colorful ginseng fruit!"

"Liangyan, congratulations!"

Ren Ling frowned happily, and grabbed Qin Lianyan's hand, "Squeeze the talisman and go back, Lianyan!"

"Ah?" Qin Lianyan looked at the colorful glare scattered in the palm of her hand, and asked hesitantly, "Ling'er, what do you do if I leave you alone?"

"I'll turn around again," Ren Ling smiled sweetly, "If you go back without finding anything, you are guilty of committing crimes, so go away quickly. It will save trouble if someone comes to snatch it."

"Okay," Qin Lianyan took out the talisman, and told Ren Ling with concern, "You must be careful, if there is anything wrong, come back quickly, I will wait for you at the foot of the mountain."

"Understood," Ren Ling pushed her to urge, "Let's go, this brilliance is too bright, someone will come here soon. I have to change the direction too, Lianyan, goodbye."

"Ling'er, take care."

After Qin Lianyan left, Ren Ling turned around and went to a small path slanting upwards. Sure enough, after a while, several groups of disciples came to check. At this time, Ren Ling had already left the place and climbed towards the top of the mountain.

After climbing for half a day, she found a place to sit and rest under a tree. Ren Ling squinted her eyes and looked up at the blue sky. Although her body was tired, she was in a good mood.

After half a stick of incense, Ren Ling's eyes flashed, and he used the traceless footwork to climb up the tree trunk deftly, and landed on the high branch silently, watching the way he came from calmly.

Sure enough, after a while, four disciples appeared while beating and running.In fact, Ren Ling didn't hear the sound just now, but the inexplicable tension in her heart made her involuntarily choose to dodge and observe. After climbing the tree, her vision opened up a lot, and it was easy to see the glare of the colorful ginseng fruit again.

These days, I have seen so many scrambles for ginseng fruit among disciples that I lost interest. I thought about going down after the disciples left. Looking around boredly, Ren Ling even began to wonder if he should just break the magic talisman and go down the mountain. Got it.

'what? 'Looking from a high place and then turning back, Ren Ling narrowed his eyes against the light, as if seeing a faint milky light on the branches near the top of the tree.

Glancing lightly at the lively crowd under the tree, Ren Ling climbed up the tree trunk lightly. Although he lost his aura, the lightness kung fu contained in the Wu Ting footwork was very ingenious, until he reached the breast. The branch where the colored light was located, the people fighting under the tree did not realize that there was someone on the tree.

"This seems to be..." Ren Ling stretched out his hand and weighed a small stone in the bird's nest, "During the Wanhua Cave, the space stone that Xiao Baoxun had seemed to be very similar to this one, could it also be a space stone? A sort of? '

'Little Treasure said that you need to unlock the secret method of the Space Stone to bring out its effect,' Ren Ling frowned and thought, "Since you have encountered it, put it away first, and ask Little Treasure when he wakes up."

Putting the space stone in the bird's nest into the Moyu stream, Ren Ling looked down at the bottom of the tree and found that the building had been empty at some point, and was about to go down the tree. He vaguely glimpsed a faint light on the top of the giant tree not far away. .

"Could it be that there are babies on the top of the tree?"

Ren Ling said to himself, the disciples who entered the mountain have lost their spiritual power, so naturally they can only search for treasure along the mountain road, even if they climbed a tree to rest, they might not climb as high as she did, so they would not be able to find the top of the tree. What's so special about it.

And in Mo Yujian's wooden house, there was a quiet discussion, "Red Baby, are these small stones the descendants of Old Monster Shi?"

"It looks a bit like it, Old Mu, try to see if you can sense the breath of Old Monster Stone?"

 A new month has begun. Dear friends, if you have fans, votes, votes, thank you in advance for the shower~~
(End of this chapter)

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