Immortal Journey

Chapter 130 Old Monster Stone

Chapter 130 Old Monster Stone

"Old Mu, can you feel the breath of Old Monster Stone?"

Red Baby waited for a long time and couldn't help urging.

"Wait," Aoki hangs in mid-air, and a faint green aura shoots from the wood towards the pile of space stones, "Old Monster Stone's aura is very light, he probably hid in some space and went to sleep. Be careful about the missing essence, it will automatically form a small space stone after years of practice."

"Alas," Hongying sighed, "who survived the Asura Hell ten thousand years ago, who has not been asleep for more than ten thousand years? Since we have all woken up one after another, it must be time for Old Monster Shi to wake up too. Old Mu, take care of yourself. Look for it, see if you can find it?"

"It's not easy to say, but it's not difficult to say." Aoki's voice was deep, as if he was thinking of a solution, "If you follow these small space stones to find the past, it is possible to break through the space and find the old monster stone. You know , that Old Monster Stone loves to hide in an independent space, presumably this time too."

"Cutting through the space?" Hong Ying pondered for a long time after hearing this, and seriously called Lao Mu's real name, "Qing Mu, with the body of a girl like Ren Ling, she can't bear the space tearing at all, so I'm afraid this method won't work."

Aoki cast a sideways glance at Hongying, "Hong'er, after all these years, you are still so kind-hearted. Have you forgotten what His Majesty taught us back then?"

"I..." the red baby froze, and said stiffly, "Although your lord is decisive, he also has a clear distinction between love and hate. Ren Ling is kind to us, if we don't care about her life, aren't we no different from animals?"

"Hong'er," Aoki not only didn't get annoyed, but instead smiled cheerfully, "You, you still have this temper. Don't even think about it, with so many space stones, how could Ren Ling have to endure the pain of space tearing?"

"But she doesn't know the secrets of space, why don't we teach her? Didn't you say that it's not easy to show up for the time being?"

"It's not difficult," Aoki said, "However, you have to do it."

Ren Ling found that there are quite a lot of space stones on the giant tree, jumping along the top of the tree to search, almost every five or six trees can be found, and the characteristic is that the space stones seen in the back are more round and thick, But the number is also decreasing.

"I didn't expect to find the space stone all the way." Ren Ling jumped up and climbed lightly, "I actually reached the top of the mountain. This tree is taller than any of the previous ones. It can be said to be straight through the sky."

"What a big space stone!" Ren Ling stared dumbfounded at the space stone lying quietly in the bird's nest in front of him. It was at least the size of a palm, blooming with soft brilliance, and faintly floating with aura. "It's a pity that I don't know the secret of the space stone. I don’t know if it’s useful to have so many space stones. That’s right!”

Ren Ling summoned Mo Yu in his mind, "Mo Yu, go to the library to find out if there are any jade slips related to the secret method of the space stone?"

Mo Yu quickly responded, "Master, Mo Yu will pass right away, please wait a moment."

Stretching out his hand towards the space stone, he could feel the faint coolness before touching it. Ren Ling picked up the whole space stone, and suddenly a burst of seven-color glare shot out, and there was a seven-colored glare lying under the space stone. Ginseng fruit!

"It's such good luck!" Ren Ling put the space stone into the Moyu stream, and picked up the colorful ginseng fruit at the same time. She had given up hope for the colorful ginseng fruit along the way, thinking about picking up a few more space stones and went down the mountain. I didn't expect to meet him in the end, "It's just that this colorful glare may attract disciples who haven't left the mountain yet."

She hesitated for a moment, grabbed the seven-colored ginseng fruit and dodged into Mo Yujian in an instant.

"Red Baby, are you done?" Seeing that Red Baby opened his eyes, Aoki hurriedly asked.

Hong Ying nodded and let out a sigh of relief, "It's a good thing that girl Ren Ling is going to the library to find the relevant jade slips. I just made the space stone secret method into jade slips and stuffed them in the library. You should see them."

"Time is running out, so I simply mentioned the secret method of dropping space stones from the space, which is just for use in the current situation. As for the many wonderful uses of space stones, I am not as clear as Old Monster Stone, so I didn't record them in detail. "

"That's enough," Aoki nodded, "As long as Ren Ling enters the space of Old Monster Stone according to the secret method, there is hope for us to meet."

"Yes, just wait and see."

It is said that Ren Ling had nowhere to hide on the top of the mountain, so he had no choice but to take advantage of the opportunity and enter the Moyu Stream. When he hurried to the library, he happened to meet Moyu who came out happily.

"Mo Yu, have you found the jade slip of the space stone secret technique?"

"Master!" Mo Yu was overjoyed to see Ren Ling coming, "Mo Yu found a jade slip describing the secret method of the Space Stone, Master quickly follow Mo Yu in to have a look."

An hour later.

Ren Ling pulled out the spiritual consciousness that had penetrated into the jade slip, and grabbed several space stones in front of him to play with, "According to the jade slip, these space stones should be formed by the condensed essence leaked from an independent space, so dense The space stone appeared on the ground, presumably there is a space above Qibao Mountain."

"The secret method of using the space stone generated by the independent space to break open the space does not seem complicated, but this jade slip also mentioned that the space stone is extremely useful, and breaking open the space itself is just the simplest usage."

"Do you want to go to that space to have a look?" Ren Ling rubbed his chin, unconsciously tapped his index finger to ponder, "There is still more than a day before the end of the treasure hunt in Qibao Mountain, but you can go and have a look."

Counting the time, if a disciple came to investigate following the light of the colorful ginseng fruit, he would probably have left because he found nothing. Ren Ling stood up, picked up the space stone and walked away from Moyujian.

Putting all the space stones in the bird's nest, Ren Ling closed his eyes and reviewed the secret method of the space stones. After a while, he opened his eyes and made frequent gestures with both hands. After a while, the space stones gathered a soft milky light and shot somewhere in the air.

"It's now!" Ren Ling knew that these movements could not be hidden from the disciples of the mountain, so he quickly copied the space stone into the palm of his hand, followed the fluctuation of the spiritual power released by the space stone, and disappeared on the top of the tree in the blink of an eye .

"What a big colorful ginseng fruit tree!"

When Ren Ling first entered the space, he was so fascinated by the continuous colorful glare that he couldn't open his eyes. After finally getting used to it, he squinted his eyes and took a closer look, and found a big tree full of colorful ginseng fruits in front of him.

"Could it be that the colorful ginseng fruits that appear every five years in Qibao Mountain are all left behind by this tree?" Ren Ling covered his mouth in wonder, walked around the big tree, and reached out to touch the colorful ginseng fruits hanging from the tree.

"What a villain dares to steal my colorful ginseng fruit!"

An old voice sounded, Ren Ling quickly put away his hands, looked left and right but saw no one, so he asked, "Your junior came here by chance, and you didn't come here to steal ginseng fruit, may I ask you, senior?"

"Don't steal my old man's precious ginseng fruit!"

"Senior, where are you?"

"I am here!"

Ren Ling was taken aback by a stone that suddenly jumped from the ground to his eyes, and asked dumbfounded, "Yes, are you talking to me?"

"Otherwise!" The stone stayed in front of Ren Ling, "Where did the little human girl come from, and could enter the old man's space? Huh?"

The stone was still aggressive at first, but he stopped in the middle of the sentence, as if he was listening attentively or perceiving something. After a while, the stone moved closer to Ren Ling, and he couldn't help but wonder, which gave Ren Ling a strange feeling. As if it was talking to someone.

"Old, old man"

"Shhh, don't make noise first." After Shitou said a word, he moved closer to Ren Ling, clicked his tongue for a moment, and seemed to be in a good mood, "Girl, take the old man out of this space?"

"Ah?" Ren Ling was puzzled, and took two small steps back, "What do you mean by this senior?"

"Just put the old man, together with this colorful ginseng fruit tree, into your space," Shito said, "and then leave this space, understand?"

"What is my space?" Ren Ling suddenly felt a chill behind him, how did this almost ghost-like stone know about Mo Yujian?She didn't even tell her mother about Mo Yujian's secret. It can be said to be one of the biggest secrets in her heart. Now that she is told so easily, it makes her feel as uncomfortable as if she has no clothes on, and she suddenly feels like she is facing an enemy .

"Hey, hey, little girl, don't be nervous!" Shitou saw that Ren Ling's voice was cold, and quickly explained, "I am a space stone spirit, and I have lived in the world for tens of thousands of years. It is normal to be able to perceive that you have an independent space. I don't have the slightest desire to covet your space at all, I swear to you, Old Shi!"

Ren Ling looked suspiciously at the stone in front of him, doubting what it said.

"My colorful ginseng fruit bears fruit once every five years." Seeing that Ren Ling was unmoved, Shito hurriedly said, "How about sharing ten ginseng fruit with you every time it bears fruit? Also, and, Lao Shi, I will give you the secret method of space stone Is it all right?"

In fact, just now, old monster Shi sensed the call of Aoki and Hongying. Originally, Aoki was teaching him to find a clever way to let Ren Ling enter Mo Yujian, just like how Aoki liked Ren Ling in front of him back then, but it's a pity that old monster Shi is an upright person How could he have so many winding intestines?
It's okay if it doesn't say anything, but the more you talk about it, the more suspicious Ren Ling becomes.How can there be so many good things in the world?And Mo Yujian was her last line of defense to save her life, so of course she didn't let anyone in if she wanted to.

On the one hand, Ren Ling refused to agree to it, and on the other hand, the old monster Shi racked his brains and couldn't think of a good solution. The two sides were at a stalemate. Finally, Ren Ling curled his lips, "Is it the younger generation who disturbed the senior Qingxiu, the younger generation will leave now."

"Hey! Don't go, little girl!"

Old Monster Stone leaped in front of Ren Ling to block left and right, Mo Yujian and Ren Ling recognized each other with a drop of blood, and it was her property. There is nothing you can do.

"Okay, okay! I, Old Shi, will tell the truth! Girl, don't leave yet!"

Ren Ling stopped and looked at the stone in front of him indifferently.

"Hey, in fact, Lao Shi just wants to get together with his old friends. After all, he hasn't seen you for ten thousand years. Why are you so unventilated, little girl? Could it be that I will still hurt you, Lao Shi?"

"A reunion with old friends?" Ren Ling frowned.

"It's Aoki and Hongying!" Old Monster Shi scratched his head, "My original name is Shi Kong, and I am the same as Aoki and Hongying ten thousand years ago. Send it out with the red baby, let's talk face to face?"

 Thank you Boring Grass and Guolu Libra for your pink votes, heidimeme for your tip and Chen Xi for your comment!Showers are so happy, how about a hug?Your support is the biggest motivation for codewords, make a fist!The new moon begins, and the rain will continue to work hard to code, and ask for all kinds of support~~~
(End of this chapter)

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