Chapter 131

Ren Ling looked at a flower, a piece of wood, and a stone in front of him, feeling very complicated.
The red baby was obtained in a broken formation. At that time, she only thought that the flower was beautiful and put it in Mo Yujian. She never expected that it would be a ten thousand-year flower that bloomed with wisdom. Space stone essence.
Listening to the three people (actually not human beings) scrambling to describe each other, Ren Ling has a general understanding of their origins, and after this understanding, the whole back is sweating, In the bottom of my heart, I silently told myself not to put unclear things into Mo Yujian in the future.
If she really met a ten-thousand-year old monster with ulterior motives, she would not know how a mere foundation-building monk would die.
But now, whether to accept or not to accept these three thousand-year-old spirits, she is really hesitant.
Mo Yujian is her secret, her unique space, her last shelter in case of danger, there are Xiao Bao and Mo Yu Qundie in it, she has to think it through carefully.
Although these three elves have vowed that they will never harm her, the reason why they hope to be accepted by her in the Mo Yujian is because the aura in the current cultivation world is too thin, not as abundant as the aura in the Mo Yujian, which is almost comparable to that in the ancient cultivation world. .
"Girl, if we intend to harm you," Hong Ying said, "we won't tell you about the secrets of ten thousand years, so you can accept Shi Kong, so that our friends can get together."
"That's right!" Old Monster Stone said quickly, "Just move this colorful ginseng fruit tree in. I don't have any hobbies, but I like to eat this ginseng fruit. You can eat it too, baby. Eat more of this fruit." It is beneficial to practice."
Aoki gave Old Monster Shi a blank look, "Girl Ren Ling, since I said it today, I won't hide it from you, Lao Mu. Lao Mu also wants to stick into the soil like your ten thousand-year spirit tree. I'm not boasting about the old wood. Although the spiritual milk is very useful, I, Lao Mu, will not lose it. In terms of seniority, Wannian Lingmu is at most Lao Mu's grandson."
"Three seniors," Ren Ling saw the three of them talking hard for a long time, but she didn't hide her worries. After all, facing this kind of ten thousand-year-old monster, any of her thoughts could not escape the eyes of the other party, "Excuse me Ling is disrespectful, the small temple cannot accommodate a great god, and it is difficult to bring you into the junior space with peace of mind."
"Girl, Aunt Hong understands," Hong Ying turned to look at Aoki and Shi Kong, the three of them met their eyes, and after a while, said to Ren Ling, "How about this, the three of us sign a contract with you, so that you don't have to worry about us It will be harmful to you. As long as you are alive, the three of us will never do anything to betray you, and we will help you as much as we can, is this possible?"
Ren Ling wanted to get away, but she didn't expect that things would turn into a contract talk. She knew that once the contract was signed, she wouldn't have to worry about the three spirits hurting her, and it could even be considered a chance.
You must know that this kind of ten thousand-year-old spirit would not easily agree with human monks. Even monks at the Nascent Soul level, in their eyes, are just as worthless as children.
"Since the three seniors are willing to do so, it will be Ren Ling's fault if they don't follow orders."
As a result, there was a giant sky-supporting tree taller than the ten-thousand-year spiritual tree, a colorful ginseng fruit tree, a graceful red baby flower, and a gray stubborn stone under the ginseng fruit tree in Moyujian.
After Ren Ling settled all the monsters, she cut through the void and returned to Qibao Mountain according to the secret method of the space stone. When she reached the top of the mountain, she found that something was wrong. She even missed the seven-day delay!
"Oops, I came back an hour late," Ren Ling pinched his fingers and tugged at his long hair in distress, "Now I can't leave in an instant even if I break the magic talisman, and it takes a long time to walk down the mountain, hey, I don't know if it will be Missed the lighting event."
Ren Ling walked down the mountain road, even though he had a traceless footwork to speed up, but the mountain road was bumpy, and it was not easy to go down the mountain quickly.After walking for a while, she vaguely heard a voice calling in the wind, Ren Ling stomped her feet and looked up, could it be that an uncle came to look for her?
In such a dark forest, how can she tell others her location?
Ren Ling jumped up and down on the spot with her neck up. She couldn't see anyone flying by, but if someone came to look for it, it would be a pity to miss it. She also thought about going to see the amazing lighting ceremony.
So he took out the colorful ginseng fruit and held it up high, and the colorful dazzling light illuminated a small half of the mountain forest.
Ren Ling didn't expect that it was Bai Feng who was not the uncle who guarded the mountain. He rubbed his clothes with sweaty palms.
"This... this colorful ginseng fruit is for Master!"
Holding up the ginseng fruit with both hands, Ren Ling lowered his face, and his voice was loud.
Bai Feng frowned slightly, just now the two female disciples cried and yelled at him as if Ren Ling had been taken away by a monster. Er'er's flickering eyes made him feel that things were not that simple.
It's just that this girl's voice would be very clear whenever she was nervous, she must have encountered something in Qibao Mountain that she didn't want to tell others.
Those who practice the Tao, who doesn't have their own secrets?
Bai Feng shook his head gently, and took the seven-colored ginseng fruit, "Ling'er, since you have obtained the ginseng fruit, you can go directly to Shengxiantai as a teacher. It's almost time now."
Seeing that Master didn't ask any more questions, Ren Ling relaxed the tension in his heart, and followed Bai Feng with a pleasant smile on his flying magic weapon Lightning (this name was secretly taken by Ren Ling), and flew away from Qiqi in an instant. Baoshan.
Shengxiantai is located in the middle of the peaks, seemingly unpretentious, just a platform with a radius of about Zhang Xu.
When Ren Ling arrived with the master, there were already thirty disciples waiting. Qin Lianyan and Yiyi saw Ren Ling, and ran over with red eyes and pulled her aside.
"Ling'er, you're worried about us," Qin Lianyan hurriedly grabbed Ren Ling's hands and looked them up and down, "Are you okay? Are you not injured? Why didn't you come back on time? We asked Uncle Shoushan and said that as long as After a certain amount of time, Qibao Mountain's restriction will automatically send people down from the mountain, but it's been a long time, and everyone came down and they didn't see you!"
"That's right! Uncle Shoushan insisted that it was impossible. We were about to quarrel with Uncle Shi. Such a big person disappeared as soon as he said he couldn't see him. Shouldn't they go up the mountain to look for them!" Yiyi, who has always been docile, also had red eyes, " They can't open the ban on Qibao Mountain even if you tell us, and they can't find someone, they are simply fooling us!"
"If you say you want to go into the mountain to find people, you have to report to them. They can't be the master, I am! What kind of mountain are you guarding if you can't be the master? You clearly suspect that Yiyi and I are lying!" Qin Lianyan was still angry when he thought about it, "Just Seeing that Zhang Luo got the ginseng fruit to go to Xiantai, Yiyi and I refused to go, but then Yiyi said..."
"I remembered Ling'er that your master will go to Xiantai," Yiyi answered, "Instead of begging those two uncles, it's better to go to your master directly, so we followed here."
Ren Ling nodded, probably understood the ins and outs, "Liangyan, Yiyi, thank you."
"Thank you!" The two looked at each other and smiled, "It's still your master who found you in a short while. Ling'er, why didn't you go down the mountain on time? But what happened?"
Ren Ling blinked, and giggled, "I was walking up the mountain, and I seemed to have lost my way. When I found the way, I found that I had missed the time to go down the mountain. I don't know why I was not sent out of the mountain according to the time..."
"It's all right," Qin Lianyan patted Ren Ling, "Just be safe."
Yiyi nodded sharply, "It's almost time, we can just watch the lighting ceremony at Shengxiantai together, it's great!"
Shengxiantai is used for the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period in the sect to cross the catastrophe and ascend to the immortal. In the past thousands of years of the Xuandao Sect, there have only been two ancestors who have successfully entered the Huashen, so the biggest use of the Shengxiantai is not It's not a tribulation and immortality, but a lighting ceremony every five years.
The grand lighting ceremony also symbolizes the status of the Xuandao Sect.
The lighting ceremony officially began at Zishi, and Shengxiantai needed to be driven to a height of several tens of feet before that, so that the lighting ceremony could finally ignite the soaring divine flame.
As the Ascension to Immortal Terrace slowly rose, a group of disciples took Bai Feng in the center of the Ascension to Immortal Terrace as the focus, and stood neatly side by side on the periphery, looking up at Bai Feng with admiration, feeling excited and nervous.
"It's started! It's started!"
I don't know which disciple couldn't restrain his excitement and let out a low cry, and everyone immediately looked at the top of Xuandao Yifeng.
Their current position is basically on the same level as the peak, or even higher, and they can clearly see a meteor-like dazzling light shooting from the peak and flying towards the peak of the second Xuandao peak.
That ray of light did not lose its color because of its long tail, on the contrary, it became brighter and more gorgeous, and when it reached the second peak of Xuandao, it burst out with dazzling brilliance, and in an instant, the entire Xuandao Sect realm resounded endlessly. Exclamations of admiration.
Every time Guanghua connects to a peak, there will be a huge roar. Many disciples drive the flying spiritual weapon to float in mid-air to watch, and the air is filled with a cheerful and proud atmosphere.
Ren Ling felt hot in his heart, staring at the successive rays of light without blinking, his ears were filled with excited screams from his fellow disciples, and his breath was filled with a mild but pleasant smell of light nitric acid. For a moment, she was proud of being a disciple of Xuan Dao Sect.She likes here, likes so many fellow disciples who are excited and happy with her, likes the tall figure standing upright in front of her, likes everything.
When the glare from the top of the ten peaks came on, the double five-pointed star-shaped huge light stopped on the ten peaks for a long time, and they could even hear the cheers and shouts of the residents of Danyue Town.
Qin Lianyan pulled Ren Ling's hand tightly, "Look, your master is about to ignite the soaring flame."
Bai Feng frowned slightly, staring at the signal given by the ten peaks, took the soaring flame heart in his palm, and exerted a little spiritual power to activate it. Suddenly, a beam of huge flames shot straight into the sky from the Ascension to Immortal Terrace, and after flying several feet, it flew in all directions. Spread out, covering almost the entire territory of Xuan Dao Sect.
He lightly brushed the ashes off his palms, turned around and looked at the disciples who were alive and kicking on the Ascension to Immortal Platform, the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed.Every lighting ceremony will be equally lively, but he doesn't understand what's so exciting about it?His eyes flicked across the crowd and landed on Ren Ling.
His apprentice was not as excited as others, but his little face was filled with happiness and joy, his cold eyes softened a little, and the corners of his tightly pursed mouth slightly curled up.

 Thank you Yan Zhengchun for the pink ticket~~hug~~why~~

(End of this chapter)

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